An Accident in Broad Daylight

Chapter 8


When answering Xu Tangxi, his tone was calm, but in fact he was far from being so calm. Xu Tangxi suffers from asthma. Once she catches a cold and falls ill, her condition may be much worse than ordinary people. Even when Xu Tangxi was a child, the most serious cold brought her into the intensive care unit. Be extra careful. He looked at the down jacket in the bag and wondered if it was a coincidence, or maybe he was fortunate enough to buy a piece of clothes for Yi Zhe.

No matter the size of the holiday, the school starts on the evening of the last day of the holiday, and students must arrive at the school before the evening self-study. Xu Tangcheng didn't drive back, but Xu Tangxi was very happy. He called his classmates and went out early.

Zhou Hui looked at Xu Tangxi's back and shook her head, and said to Xu Tangcheng, "If you don't give her away, she will act like she's overjoyed. I can't remember how many times I've told you to walk steadily."

Dad Xu, who was on the side, smoothed things out like a good man: "Oh, it's not that exaggerated. She's at this level, and it's okay to jump a little twice."

"Why is it okay, the doctor said..."

"The doctor said that you can't do strenuous exercise, it depends on your physical condition," Xu Yueliang replied, "Then you can't keep her from moving all day long, so the child doesn't panic, and a proper movement is also good for the body. OK."

Zhou Huiyi seems to be careful, and out of the protection of her daughter, she can't wait to hold her in his hands and protect her every day, but Xu Yueliang feels that sometimes she is simply overly worried, which is counterproductive. Although it was all out of kindness towards the child, the two of them would often bicker over Xu Tangxi's body after so many years.

"I'll take care of you, then don't let me take care of you, and don't tell me that your legs hurt."

"Oh, you are being unreasonable, why are you talking about me again..."

Cheng Xu just peeled off an orange and handed it to her hand, not knowing who to give it to. Xu Tangcheng walked over and picked half of it, and shook his head at Cheng Xu, who was looking at him with a serious look, indicating that this is normal, don't worry.

He looked at the watch on the wall. At 6:20, he put on his down jacket and opened the door.

YiZhe was rummaging through boxes and cabinets at home to find the keys. At the juncture of anxiety, he suddenly heard a voice behind him: "Can't find it again?"

Turning back, he saw Xu Tangcheng leaning against the door frame. The light in the corridor was very dim, and half of Xu Tangcheng's body was still covered by darkness.

"Brother Tang Cheng." He called.

Xu Tangcheng nodded: "Can't you keep the key in one place?"

YiZhe moved his lips, not knowing what to say. He didn't have this habit himself, and he didn't mean to litter it, but he just didn't know when and where he left it, like selective amnesia, and completely lost his impression of the key after entering the door.

"Can I go in?"

YiZhe nodded.

The overall appearance of the living room was exactly the same as what Xu Tangcheng saw from outside the door. Women's clothes were scattered on the sofa, and high-heeled shoes were lying on the ground in every corner. There were no green plants to purify the air, no humidifier, or even a wall. The wall clock has long been stopped at that moment for a long time.

Xu Tangcheng's head turned another angle and saw a bucket of instant noodles on the messy dining table.

The sudden arrival of Xu Tangcheng made YiZhe feel a little overwhelmed, and because of this chaotic home, there was some embarrassment mixed with shame. He always exposed his bad side to Xu Tangcheng again and again. He quickly swept all the clothes on a sofa onto his arms, threw it to the toilet in one go, closed the door, and felt that his face suddenly began to heat.

"Brother Tang Cheng," he pointed to the sofa somewhat unnaturally, "sit down."

Xu Tangcheng looked at him with a somewhat dodging expression, smiled, and put the bag in his hand on the ground: "No more sitting, help you find the key."

The smell of instant noodles is still scattered in the air, not completely dispersed. YiZhe watched Xu Tangcheng's actions, and wished he would smash a bottle of air freshener to completely cover the unpleasant smell of instant noodles.

After all, it was someone else's home, so Xu Tangcheng couldn't find the clothes on the sofa and carpet, so he only focused his search on the TV cabinet and coffee table. It stands to reason that a key will not disappear, but the two of them couldn't find it after searching for a long time. Xu Tangcheng finally experienced the difficulty of YiZhe's training before going out every day. He turned the paper box in his hand, confirmed it was empty, and put it back as it was, adjusting it to a comfortable angle by the way. With his arms on his knees for a long time, he turned around and touched Yizu, who was facing away from him, and asked, "Don't you hide the keys first when you enter the door every day?"

Having said that, Xu Tangcheng picked up the teapot that was on the side.

Ben was just an exploration without hope and care, but he didn't expect a glowing key to lie on the small piece of glass that had just been exposed.

Xu Tangcheng was stunned for a while, and turned his wrist to see the shape of the base of the teapot.

"You really..." He lowered his head with a smile, "highly skilled."

The area of the bottom of the teapot is not large, and the concave arc is not large, but if the key is a little bit off, the teapot will not be able to stand stably.

YiZhe was standing beside him, holding a sofa cushion that had been taken apart and looked like it was withering. He saw Xu Tangcheng stand up and stretch out a hand towards him.

When the key fell into his hand, it was icy cold, along with the temperature on Xu Tangcheng's hand when he accidentally touched it. Also cool.

When he grasped the key and regained his senses, Xu Tangcheng had already taken two steps back and bent over to fiddle with the big bag he brought.

Very slightly, YiZhe frowned.

The heating in the home is not good, especially in the living room and the second bedroom, which can only be a little warmer than Yi Zhe's hand at most. Of course, Xiang Xiwe doesn't care about the heating or not, but YiZhe doesn't understand and doesn't care. But now, he suddenly felt that he should fix the heating.

YiZhe threw the cushion in his hand onto the sofa again, the cushion bounced twice, and leaned on it, a little embarrassed.

"My house is a bit cold." He cleared his throat, "Brother Tang Cheng, if you're all right, go back quickly."

"Are you driving me away?" Xu Tangcheng smiled and asked him as he straightened up.

"I'm not." Yi Zhe was clumsy, and even his explanations were limited to this kind of pale subjective negation.

"Accompany Chengxu to buy clothes. When I saw this, I thought it was suitable for you, so I bought it." Xu Tangcheng opened the zipper of the clothes, clasped his shoulders with both hands, and shook twice in the air, "I was pressed for a long time. Now, it's not up yet. Forget it, try the size first, I'm not sure which size you should wear, and then change it if it doesn't fit."

Xu Tangcheng said and stopped in front of YiZhe. He handed the clothes to him, but no one picked it up. Xu Tangcheng saw that there was no expression on his face, he just stared at the dress without moving, and then hesitantly asked: "Don't like the style? It doesn't matter, you can change..."


YiZhe raised his hand, clasped the sleeve of his clothes, gave it a vacuous grip as if he didn't dare to force it, and let go.


The down jacket fits very well, the shoulder line fits well, and the degree of looseness over the school uniform is just right. Like looking at Xu Tangxi's new clothes, Xu Tangcheng grabbed Yi Zhe's arm and turned him around, checking to see if there was anything inappropriate.

"The sleeves of this model seem to be a bit longer, but it's warm. I wanted to buy you a pair of gloves, but the ones I saw today are really ugly. I guess you don't want to wear them if you buy them. ." After seeing everything up and down, he raised his head and asked Yi Zhe, "What do you think? Do you want to look in the mirror?"

"No," YiZhe was silent for a while, then looked down, "I think it's pretty good."

"Then don't change it," Xu Tangcheng decided. "I cut the label for you. You can wear it to go to school later. It will cool down tonight."

Tried to cut the label, but couldn't find the scissors. Wearing a thick down jacket, Yi Zhe tossed around in the living room for a while, but still had no clue, he turned to Xu Tangcheng and said, "I have nail clippers in my room."

Xu Tangcheng nodded, watching him go to the bedroom and push the door open.

For some reason, he followed a few steps to the door.

The layout of items in this bedroom is in the same vein as the living room, except that there are not so many clothes. Xu Tangcheng took a few more steps in and came to YiZhe's desk. What he didn't expect was that there were a lot of test papers and exercises on YiZhe's desk, and most of them had traces of doing them. His eyes swept across the thin corner of the paper, which was marked with a rectangular grid, listing the names and achievements.

YiZhe still lowered his head, Xu Tangcheng made his own decision, stretched out his hand and pulled the piece of paper out.


"So much progress?" Xu Tangcheng was surprised, and tilted his head to look at the person beside him with a smile, "It's amazing."

YiZhe looked at it and said nothing. The transcript with many edges folded was pinched in Xu Tangcheng's hand, and the line of numbers printed on it that belonged to him was also being swept by his eyes.

I don't know if everyone has this kind of experience. With all their strength and strength, they tossed with stars and moons, as if it was an ordinary compliment for another person, such a calm look. Like a concubine riding a red dust, it's just that the billowing dust and the galloping horses are all my own experiences.

"A little bit of a subject, but not great..." Xu Tangcheng said after thinking, "The language is still a little bit worse. I think the top 20 people have the lowest score of 118 and the highest score of 137. You are 102, which is a little bit worse."

"Well, my language was even worse before, and my classmates helped me make up for it."

YiZhe said, his hands were still flipping randomly in the drawer, but his eyes kept paying attention to Xu Tangcheng's expression.

"Which part of the language is low?"

YiZhe lowered his head and pushed the drawer: "Writing, I can't write, and I can't understand reading comprehension."

He shouldn't laugh, but Xu Tangcheng still laughed. Also, looking at YiZhe like this, he is not someone who can write high school composition according to the template, and the deep meaning of those twisted sentences in reading comprehension, I am afraid that he will be disgusted by him.

The nail clipper was still not found, and Yi Zhe patted his head sullenly. He clearly remembered that he put it on the table after using it last time.

"Okay," Xu Tangcheng quickly interrupted when he saw that he was still looking for him, "If I continue to look for it, the evening self-study in No. 1 Middle School will be finished. Hey, what are you doing!"

Seeing that the scissors could not be found, nor the nail clippers, YiZhe decided to pull the tag rope away. As soon as he tried his best, he was stopped by Xu Tangcheng.

"Don't pull it, stretch your hand." Xu Tangcheng pulled his hand away with a frown, and when he saw it, it was already red. "What are you in a hurry, just find a lighter and burn it, you must have it?"

This has.

Yi Zhe used the hand that was not dragged by Xu Tangcheng to reach into his trousers pocket and took out a lighter. Xu Tangcheng took it, swiped the zipper head to the position in front of YiZhe's chest, and with a "da" sound, a cluster of flames burst out.

The flame jumped, got close to the line, and engraved a pair of eyes.

It was obviously just a small flame, but YiZhe seemed to feel its heat from so far away, and it was wave after wave, slapping his breath.

Throughout the evening self-study, in his head, Xu Tangcheng lowered his head and burned the label for him. When Zhao Ruofan came to collect his homework, he saw that he was constantly drawing C2H4 on a physical paper.

After watching YiZhe for a while, he didn't respond, Zhao Ruofan lowered his head abruptly and brought his face to YiZhe.

"Damn it," YiZhe threw the pen and slammed back in fright, "You scared me to death."

"Dude, are you in love?"

As soon as Zhao Ruofan said these words, Yi Zhe's eyes froze. For the next time, he did not respond to Zhao Ruofan's questioning at all, frowned, and kept staring at the back of the head of the person in front of him in a daze. In the end, Zhao Ruofan was so angry that he put away the papers on his desk full of C2H4, and said harshly to him: "Wait for Lao Zheng to clean up you!"

Zhao Ruofan took a few steps forward, still feeling displeased, he walked back with a pile of papers, flung his ponytail, and slapped YiZhe on the back with all his strength: "Natural, you still wear it in the room. Down jacket, it will heat you to death!"

Yi Zhe's reaction was very big this time, he jumped up and said "fuck", and then he grabbed his shoulders and looked back hard, before he could see clearly, he first shouted at Zhao Ruofan's back: " Didn't you just copy the question on the blackboard! Did you wash your hands!"

Zhao Ruofan walked away without turning his head.

YiZhe insisted on wearing the down jacket all night. When it came to the last night of self-study, he was so hot that his whole body was so hot that his face turned red when he saw him at the same table. He turned the corner and asked him, "Are you hot?"

"It's not hot." YiZhe glanced at him and ignored him. After a while, he suddenly leaned back and looked into his desk.

"You stuffed the down jacket into the table cavity?"

"Ah." The tablemate didn't understand what the question meant.

The desks are all made of wood, so there are inevitably some raised thorns somewhere, and Yizhe thought to himself what to do if it was scratched. He looked around and saw a large paper bag with clothes under someone's feet.

"Why don't you get a bag?"

The tablemate glanced at it, pursed her lips, and whispered, "Girls only use bags..."

YiZhe thought a lot about where to put the clothes, and decided to bring that big bag over tomorrow.

He was in a good mood that day, and after his evening self-study, he rode his bike around the town several times. When he went to the slope again, he put on his hat. Even though the weather forecast said that the temperature would drop significantly, he didn't feel the cold at all. He only felt that the winter night was suddenly full of stars and the moon was bright. like a lamp.

There was no one on the way home, YiZhe stopped the car and stepped upstairs in three steps. When I opened the door with the key, I saw a key chain hanging on the doorknob.

She looks like a little girl, with red hair and big round eyes.

YiZhe didn't rush to take it off, but squatted down and took a good look at the keychain.

After thinking about it for a long time, he felt that this style could only be Xu Tangxi. He thought of asking her if he met her tomorrow, but when he took off the keychain, he thought about it and took out his mobile phone.

It's 11:30, so I probably haven't slept yet.

He tiptoed a fingertip and operated the keyboard keys, sending a message with other thoughts.

"I have a keychain on my door, did Tang Xi give it to me?"

Hold the phone and let it roll back and forth between your fingers several times.

The answer to him was not a short message, but a still unfamiliar bell that lit up the voice-activated light that had just dimmed while waiting.

"Go back now?"

When the call was connected, Xu Tangcheng spoke first.

"Well, you haven't slept yet?"

Xu Tangcheng said that he was just about to sleep, and asked him if the keychain looked good.

"Good-looking, did Tang Xi give it to me?"

Xu Tangcheng said, "I gave it."

"You?" Yi Che looked at the thing in his hand in disbelief.

Xu Tangcheng smiled over there: "Why, I can't give it?"

"No," YiZhe touched the little girl's red hair with his hand, "a bit... too girly."

"Yes, I think so too. But I searched at home for a long time and couldn't find the keychain. It seems that Tang Xi bought this before. You can make do with it. At least it's tied to the key, so it's easier to find." Xu Tangcheng probably also I thought it was really funny that Yi Zhe took a keychain like this, and he laughed when he talked, "Actually, it's very cute, how good-looking. If someone asks you, you can say that it was given by your girlfriend."

If Zhao Ruofan's words "love" at night only made him stunned for a while, Xu Tangcheng's words "girlfriend" would completely make him faint.

He tried desperately to pull back his thinking so that he could barely discern what Xu Tangcheng said next.

"Do you know what cartoon character she is?"

YiZhe shook his head, and quickly added to the empty corridor, "I don't know."

"Powerpuff Girls." Xu Tangcheng should be in a very good mood, and gave him a detailed introduction, "You beggar, there is a yellow one called Bubble, and a green one, I forgot what it was called, before. I was dragged by Tang Xi and watched it for a while..."

The earpiece can make people's voices sound better, even after many years, Yi Zhe learned communication and knew that signal transmission must go through a series of processes such as modulation, frequency conversion, filtering, demodulation, etc. He still insisted on the fact that noise was mixed in with the transmission.

Probably because science gives people rational thinking, while emotion gives people irrational obsessions and loneliness.

He clutched the Powerpuff Girl, leaning against the closed door. The light in the corridor was dim, and it came on again while he was talking. Over and over again, he clearly remembered that at the beginning of this call, he didn't call that "Brother Tang Cheng".