An Empire as a Betrothal Gift

Chapter 102: dissociate


Resurrection pills are rare in the world, and Wei Lian only got one from Myerna. The human, material, and financial resources spent on making a Resurrection Pill are absolutely unimaginable.

Liang Guo is a country that believes in witch gods. The divine power is superior to the royal power in Liang Guo, and the status of the saint son and daughter is more noble than that of the prince and princess. If Lin Yaner once gave Xiao Wen the Resurrection Pill, she must have a deeper connection with Liang Guo.

This was a guess that Ye Jiyue and Wei Lian discussed together. It's just that there were still many doubts at that time. For example, there was no complete evidence to prove that Lin Yaner was from Liang. Afterwards, Lin Yaner said that she was the daughter of a spice merchant who once lived in Liang, but it was even less likely that the merchant's daughter had anything to do with the royal family.

Now Wei Lian has pried it out of Rakshasa's mouth - the Yan'er he knew, once admitted that he was from Liang, and had a disgust for Liang Guo.

This is different from what Lin Yan'er said now.

After listening to Wei Lian's remarks, Ji Yue thought thoughtfully: " there really such a miracle as one body and two souls in the world?"

They have never seen another Lin Yaner so far. The only exception was that that night in the mountains, Lin Yan'er suddenly rescued Xiao Wen uncharacteristically, and made people follow her. After that, she looked dazed and didn't remember it at all.

That demeanor doesn't seem to be fake, not to mention that no matter how superb his acting skills are, he will have nothing to hide in front of Ji Yue and Wei Lian.

"I only read it in the book before, but I thought it was absurd at the time, but I didn't expect it to exist in the world." Ji Yue, who has a lot of experience in reading books, began to talk eloquently, "There are often ghosts seeking their lives and foxes repaying their kindness. These strange stories. There is also the theory that the soul is possessed by the undead, and that the original soul of the body has not disappeared, and there will be a situation where two souls compete for the control of a body." The more he said, the more reasonable he felt. After telling the truth himself, he praised Wei Lian, "Am I right?"

Wei Lian didn't give face very much: "Continue bullshitting."

Ji Yue: "..."

very aggrieved.

"Then tell me." Ji Yue leaned back lazily. There is a specialization in the art industry. He is a politician, not a Taoist priest who catches ghosts, nor a mysterious magician. He can't explain this strange phenomenon. To be able to say such a shocking guess has surpassed the imagination of ordinary people.

The argument given by Wei Lian is much more justified: "There is a disease in the world, called the disease of dissociation."

Ji Yue suddenly realized and nodded lightly.

Wei Lian glanced at him: "Do you understand?"

Ji Yue shook his head: "I don't understand."

What is dissociation? He had never heard of this term.

This is the same as when Wei Lian uttered the word "corpse disease" when the group of imperial physicians in the Imperial Hospital were at a loss. is something completely beyond the realm of knowledge.

"I didn't understand what you nodded?"

Ji Yue has no principle: "What you said is right. Although I didn't understand it, it makes sense."

Wei Lian, who was just about to speak seriously, suddenly couldn't help laughing: " really are."

He smiled and continued to give Ji Yue popular science: "This is also a disease, but it is not a physical disease, it is more inclined to psychological and spiritual diseases. Patients usually suffer from huge trauma. If they can't bear the pain themselves, they will Splitting someone else in his head to take on those painful memories instead."

"This kind of split person can be called a personality. The person with the original body is called the main personality, and the split is called a sub-personality." Wei Lian said, "There are also many types of sub-personality. People with dissociative disorder, Dual personalities are very rare, they can often have triple, quadruple or even more than 20. Each personality has a different name, personality, memory, face and even gender, is good at different things, and has a complete past experience. Like Completely different people living in one body."

Ji Yue listened intently.

"Some sub-characters are born to protect the main character, bear the painful memories of the main character, and play the role of guardian. Some are the ideal person of the main character. Wei Lian explained one by one, "Personality does not communicate with each other in memory. Some will have a short-term coexistence of consciousness when they change, some know the existence of other personalities, and some know nothing at all. When they are in the body, other personalities will fall into a deep sleep. When they wake up, they either know that their body has been moved by other personalities, or they just think they have lost their memory, and some even can automatically complete an experience to fill the memory.”

Ji Yuefeng's eyes were slightly empty.

Wei Lian stopped at this point: "I know you don't understand, so stop pretending."

Ji Yue: "..."

Wei Lian said: "Actually, I don't understand either. The medical book that the master gave me, I memorized the whole book and wrote it down. It was the first time I encountered a real case."

No matter how sufficient theoretical knowledge is, practical exploration is also required.

Ji Yue asked, "Since it's a disease, is there a cure?"

"Yes." Wei Lian said calmly, "Guided by hypnosis, fused personalities or..." He paused, "Kill the personality."

kill character. This sounds really scary.

A personality is already regarded as an independent and autonomous spiritual individual. If it is really necessary to merge or eliminate it, it is to erase the existence of an individual, which is no different from murder.

But who of the two present did not kill the real person

So they are still discussing very calmly.

"If Lin Yaner really suffers from dissociative disorder, then this Lin Yaner probably doesn't have the clues we want, or in other words, there are not all clues." Wei Lian thought thoughtfully, "Then we should find out next. What time. Lin Yaner has several personalities, who is the main character, what memories do the different personalities have, what has she experienced... These questions will be hypnotized and asked after I break her defense... "

Ji Yue snapped back to his senses: "You can hypnotize

He has heard of hypnotism, and the powerful can even kill people invisibly through psychological suggestion.

How much did Wei Lian hide from him? ?

Wei Lian said, "I can do anything."

Ji Yue looked at him blankly.

Wei Lian thought for a while, and explained honestly: "I am a doctor. When I first saw this disease, I thought it was very strange, so I also dabbled in some psychological and spiritual fields. I mainly focus on physical therapy, and my hypnotic skills are not high, just a dissociative disorder. Patients are more likely to be hypnotized than ordinary people…”

"So," Ji Yue asked seriously, "Did you ever think about Hypnosis Gu's order to let you out of the palace?"

"No." Wei Lian said.

Ji Yue's expression softened.

Wei Lian added: "If I really had such great ability, when you ordered the punishment to kneel, I should suggest that you draw your sword and kill yourself."

Ji Yue: "..."

Wei Lian mentioned it casually, but this matter instantly hit Ji Yue's weakness, making him lose his temper.

That was definitely the thing he regretted the most in his life, no one.

Wei Lian knew what Ji Yue was thinking when he saw Ji Yue's sullen look, and hooked his lips: "Isn't this story turned over sooner? If you feel bad about it, treat me better in the future. If you want the stars or the moon, you will have it. Take it off for me."

"I won't pick it." Ji Yue said reservedly, "I spoil you, you can pick it yourself."

Wei Lian had an unstoppable smile in his eyes: "It makes you read less scriptures, it's getting more and more sour."

"This sentence is not in the book." Ji Yue held his face, "This is a promise, I gave it to you. It will last for a lifetime, and it will continue in the next life."

Wei Lian raised his head and blinked, and said, "Then I'll believe it."

He didn't believe in anyone's promise before, let alone the saying that there is eternity in the world, everything is solved by himself, and life is like this.

But it turned out to be able to fully believe that a person can be so happy.

At night, Ji Yue and Wei Lian slept on the same bed, and neither of them felt sleepy.

After all, what happened to Lin Yaner was too unbelievable. At this moment, Lin Yan'er didn't know if she was over with that Liang Guo man, and Xiao Wen was drunk and sad at the wall between them. With so many things happening, people can't sleep.

But Ji Yue and Wei Lian are not thinking about this now.

Ji Yueping lay on the bed and looked at the beams of the house, and recalled: "I suddenly remembered that you were so obedient when I first met you, and then you are really two faces." He rolled over and pinched Wei Lian's face, "Wei Lian Xiaolian, are you also a dual personality? How can you act so well?"

Wei Lian blinked his eyes, and was instantly filled with mist, and said pitifully, "Does Your Majesty want to investigate the fault of this minister?"

Ji Yue: Hiss.

That's right, that's the expression, that's the tone.

Poor and innocent, as delicate as a small white flower that is easily broken, he was deceived into believing it.

"Enough is enough." Ji Yue was no longer the naive King of Qin he used to be, and he could be indifferent to Wei Lian's false tears.

Wei Lian was even more sad: "Is there no mercy from Your Majesty?"

Yo, acting is addicting.

Ji Yue raised her eyebrows and smiled in cooperation with him: "The one who is lonely is Wei Lian. The real master of this body, which sub-personality are you? He is not like you."

Wei Lian asked, "What?"

Ji Yue tapped his forehead: "Jiaodidi, with a white lotus-like face. I heard that the sub-personality will have a different name, what is your name? Forget it, it's not important, just call you Weilian." He made a final decision.

Wei Lian: "..."

Harmonics are great.

"I don't like the white lotus flower, I don't want to see you for the time being." Ji Yue said ruthlessly, "In a different personality, I want to see Zhizhi."


Wei Lian smiled and asked, "Don't you love Wei Lian? Why did you ask Zhizhi to come out?"

Ji Yue said in a bright and honest way: "I'm greedy for his body."

Wei Lian asked, "Aren't they all the same body?"

Ji Yue smiled lowly: "You don't know how much Zhizhi is on the couch."

Wei Lian has a very cute little habit. He was very open on the couch, enthusiastic, active and clingy, but after that, he was as shy as a turtle, always wrapping himself in a small quilt so that Ji Yue would not look at him. After putting on his clothes, he returned to his cold and noble son's appearance, as if nothing had happened.

Ji Yue laughed at him: "Wei Xiaolian, have you forgotten what it looked like last night?"

Wei Gongzi always corrected with a serious face: "It was Zhizhi last night, not me."

Anyway, the name Zhizhi is shameful enough, so let's not be ashamed.

When Ji Yue suddenly said this, Wei Lian was annoyed, and snorted coldly: "Love Wei Lian under the bed, love Zhizhi in bed, a man is indeed a virtuous man."

Ji Yue kissed him: "So cute, it looks like it's Zhizhi."

Wei Zhizhi was dissatisfied: "Isn't Wei Lian cute?"

"Zhizhi, don't mention another man's name on the bed." Ji Yue said seriously.

Wei Zhizhi: "..."

Ji Yue really quickly put this personality stalk to use.

Wei Zhizhi immediately switched back to Wei Lian's personality, the cold and noble son sneered, and kicked Ji Yue out of bed: "Go to the next door and join Rakshasa to toast your dead love!"