An Empire as a Betrothal Gift

Chapter 108: grandma



Aslan attacked directly and waved over: "I have nothing to say with you, if you have something to say, go to the sky and talk to the witch god!"

The man had something to say to him alone, and Aslan was impatient. He just didn't want to make a move in front of Myerna and quarrel with her again.

When Wei Lian and Aslan came out, Myerna anxiously wanted to stop her, but Wei Lian shook her head gently to stop her. At that time, the more Myerna cared about the situation, the more angry Aslan became.

Myerna thought for a while and felt that Wei Lian was not a fool either. As long as he takes off the mask, Aslan will naturally not be impulsive when he sees that face, and Wei Lian should not be in danger, so he simply gives up the idea of dissuading him.

So the two moved their positions and came to the Hall of the Holy Child.

In the courtyard of the Hall of Saints, a large number of butterfly orchids are planted, the purple is splashing, and the fragrance is extremely rich. Aslan was afraid of destroying those flowers, so he didn't do anything in the yard. He kept his anger and entered the hall, and immediately drew his sword and attacked.

Out of Myerna's line of sight, Aslan didn't bother to say a word of nonsense. The man who had been forbearing for many years and had a lot of jealousy had no reason. He just wanted to kill the person in front of him. This attack could be described as merciless.

Wei Lian, however, changed his appearance of being weak in the Hall of the Holy Maiden, walking lightly and easily avoiding the attack.

Aslan's eyes narrowed, and he immediately swung the second sword. This time, Wei Lian didn't evade. He stretched out two fingers and lightly clamped the sword.

The internal force was injected into it, and Aslan was like stabbing an iron wall, unable to move forward. With a look of shock in his eyes, he gritted his teeth and said solemnly, "Who are you? What do you want to do when you approach her?"

Before in the Hall of the Holy Virgin, this masked man obviously did not show his true strength. What is his intention to hide his strength and approach Myerna

Aslan can't stand Myerna's sincerity towards others, let alone the sincerity of others who deceive Myerna with a purpose.

He loves the girl who wants to be mad, and wants to protect the girl, how can he let others trample on it.

As soon as Wei Lianwei exerted force, the bronze sword shattered directly.

Aslan holding only one hilt: "..."

If this person's purpose was to kill him, he would have been counter-killed by now.

"Holy Son, why don't you sit down and listen to me slowly." Wei Lian said politely.

Aslan insisted: "...What if I don't want to hear it?"

Wei Lian held a sharp bronze shard in his hand and said with a smile, "You'll want to hear it."

When Wei Lian took off his mask, Aslan was so shocked that he almost fell off his chair.

"Why are you!" Aslan was shocked.

He naturally remembered Wei Lian's face.

At the state banquet of Qin State, Young Master Lian was astonishing and unforgettable.

But how could Young Master Lian, who was supposed to be thousands of miles away, appear here? Will King Qin let him out of the palace

Also, this Young Master Lian clearly knew no martial arts at the beginning... How could he be such a powerful peerless master

Even with a bunch of questions, Aslan didn't have time to ask, when Wei Lian said, "You know, why did Myerna become like this", so shocked that he forgot everything.

"What do you mean?" Aslan didn't care about anything, and focused all his attention on this sentence.

"I'm here for a personal matter, so it's inconvenient to talk about it." Wei Lian said, "coincidentally, on the way, I met a woman who, like the saint, likes to have fun with different men. When I met her, it was like seeing to the second saint."

Aslan said in a low voice, "It's not like there is no such woman, what's so strange."

"But I smell the incense on her body, which is exactly the same as that of the saint."

Aslan frowned, as if thinking of something.

Wei Lian continued, "Then I learned that she didn't do it of her own free will."

Aslan's expression changed, and he blurted out, "How is that possible?!"

Wei Lian was clear: "It seems that you have figured out who that person is."

Lin Yan'er really has something to do with Myerna.

Aslan's face was gloomy and uncertain, and he fixedly looked at Wei Lian: "How do I know that you are not lying to me?"

"What's the benefit to me by lying to you. I'm friends with the Saintess, and I just thought of reminding you that there might be something strange about it." Wei Lian took out a scroll from his arms, "If you don't believe it yet, Then do you recognize this man?"

The picture scroll fell, and the picture was of Lin Yan'er.

Aslan stared stiffly at the dead painting, the last trace of doubt in his eyes disappeared, turning into a kind of despair.

He said hoarsely, "...I recognize her."

Wei Lian did not expect things to go so smoothly. He thought that with Aslan's vigilance, he would have to spend a lot of time to get people to cooperate. It collapsed like the sky was falling.

The desperate man was too fragile to be attacked, but Wei Lian gave a few words of consolation, and he told everything about it as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw.

"... I should have discovered something wrong long ago." Aslan said painfully, "I have already discovered... Why don't I dare to doubt it? Why don't I doubt that person!"

Wei Lian seized the opportunity to ask, "Which one?"

Aslan was silent for a long time, then sneered: "We call her grandma."

"The world calls her, the witch of the country."

Aslan and Myerna can be called childhood sweethearts, and there is no guesswork between them.

Liang Guo paid attention to "the divine authority of the monarch", and the belief in the gods penetrated into all aspects and was rooted in the bones. The kingship is in vain, the status of the altar is much higher than that of the palace, and even the army is more obedient to the instructions of the gods—the instructions are naturally given by the sorcerer who can communicate with the gods.

It can be said that without the royal family, Liang Guo can still operate as usual. Without the national witch, the whole country will be thrown into chaos.

The national witch is mysterious and powerful. The only two opportunities in a year to appear in front of the public are the worship of the witch gods and the festival of the flower gods. Her face is not old, her youth is permanent, and she has been regarded as a goddess by the whole country, from the king of Liang down to the people.

The sorcerer said that the witch god likes young boys and girls, so every few years, a group of four or five-year-old children will be selected from the folks, cultivated for several years, and the best one man and one woman will be selected to serve as the holy son and the holy girl. Known as "The Angel".

The mandate of the angels is seven years. They started to serve from the age of eleven until they were eighteen. When they got older, they would step down and elect a new saint child and saint again.

After leaving office, the former Holy Son and Holy Maiden will be free and leave the royal city with a large amount of gold and silver jewelry. Because the gods didn't like to see their former messengers no longer look young, so they couldn't continue to stay in the royal city.

Who can stay young forever? Except for the sorcerer.

Aslan and Myerna are the "candidate candidates" who were selected. Of course, there are more than two candidates, but they were the ones who succeeded in the end.

They have entered the altar as gods since they were five years old. Among the children, Aslan and Myerna have the best relationship. They used to play the game of family wine. When Aslan was a child, Aslan gave Myerna a bouquet of butterfly orchids, and he said, "I want to marry you when I grow up." cannot be married."

"We're not necessarily selected," Aslan said.

"You are not necessarily selected!" The little girl was unhappy, and the children regarded it as a lifetime honor to be an envoy. Aslan said that was too unpleasant.

Aslan hurriedly changed his words: "That's okay after we leave office, anyway, we were only eighteen years old at that time."

Myerna let him go and hummed, "Okay."

That's how my childhood contract came to an end.

Later, until they were thirteen or fourteen, their relationship was very good. The boys and girls are at the beginning of their love affair. They are childhood sweethearts, and they are in love with each other, which is a matter of course. Aslan thought, when he was fifteen years old, he would give Myerna a butterfly orchid and tell her his heart—Liang Guo became an adult at fifteen.

The accident happened when they were fourteen years old.

At that time, they had become holy sons and holy women. This position was actually very leisurely, just like the mascots, and only needed to practice a book of exercises. The Holy Son is Jiuyang Gong and needs to maintain the body of a boy. Saintess is Jiuyin Gong, also known as seductive art. It needs to supplement the man's yang energy, but one person can only do it once, otherwise it will hurt the other party's life.

When I was a child, I didn’t understand it, I didn’t know what kind of cultivation technique seduction was. If he knew, Aslan would never let Myerna be the saint.

It was too late when he knew. Myerna had a skin-to-skin relationship with a guard at the altar at the age of fourteen.

It was the one that Myerna took the initiative to kiss.

When Aslan saw it, his eyes were split. He thought that he and Myerna had already communicated affectionately. He didn't understand why Myerna betrayed him.

"Did he force you? As long as you say yes, I will kill him immediately." Aslan trembled.

The once innocent girl smiled brightly and enchantingly: "Aslan, I found that I like this kind of thing naturally. What are you so angry about? I don't like you."

"You clearly said when you were a child—"

"Tong Yan Wuji." Myerna said strangely, "Aslan, you won't take it seriously, will you?"

Myerna seems to have changed a person since then, becoming dissolute, promiscuous, and shameless.

It was only later that Aslan realized that the exercises that Myerna practiced required doing that kind of thing with different men.

"Don't practice, okay?" Aslan begged her, "This god made us inappropriate, let's run, okay?"

In a country that believes in gods, and a child who grew up on an altar and was instilled in the idea of obeying God, it is extremely difficult to have this kind of awareness to escape.

Myerna said impatiently: "I am not reluctant, and it is not for the sake of practicing. How many times do I have to say it before I understand that this kind of thing is really comfortable. I am not willing to live alone by nature. I want to taste the taste of men all over the world. Don't persuade me, and next time you'll bully me like this, don't blame me for telling my grandma and asking her to punish you for confinement."

Aslan didn't know what to do, he didn't understand how things had turned out like this.

Butterfly orchids, which had been carefully raised in his yard for many years, filled the entire yard, but in the end he could not send them out.

There are too many men who have gone to Myerna's bed, said love words to her, and gave her butterfly orchids, which means that flowers that symbolize love have long become cheap in her eyes.

Then he would rather not open his mouth to express his intentions, and no longer send it out to waste.

In the eyes of the world, Jiuyanggong and Jiuyingong are divine skills that only the Son and Daughter can practice. No one thinks there's anything wrong with this. This practice method was given to them by the sorcerer, but Aslan never suspected that the sorcerer had ulterior motives.

It was the grandmother who adopted these homeless orphans, giving them a distinguished status above ten thousand people, and changing their original destiny. Grandma treated them very well, and even said to Myerna, "If you don't want to practice this practice, you can stop at any time, but the saint will be replaced. I won't force anyone."

Myerna said quickly: "Grandma, I am voluntary."

In Nanjiang language, grandma means "adopting someone who grew up". The grace was as heavy as a mountain, and they all respected her.

How can you doubt.

"Those who have practiced Jiuyin Gong will have that kind of fragrance on their bodies, which can't be mixed with any spices." Aslan whispered, "The person you met was the former saint... I saw her when I was a child. On the one hand. If she didn't voluntarily... then Myerna probably was too. She was controlled... She was lost by evil arts, she was not like this at all!"

"But I haven't found it for so many years, I dare not doubt that I didn't save her..."

Wei Lian saw Aslan's absent-minded appearance, and understood that the other party must have suffered a great blow at this moment. He and the others calmed down a little before saying, "How are you going to save her?"

"Yeah, how should I save her..." Aslan murmured blankly, "what should I do?"

Wei Lian continued: "The national sorcerer asks you to practice this kind of exercise, there is always her purpose. If you know her purpose, you can turn around and find a way to solve it."

He absolutely does not believe in the so-called service of gods. He's not an atheist, but this state witch of Liang's country is just like a cult cultivator, making everyone play around.

"She is already so powerful, immortal, half-step immortal, what else does she have?" Aslan was puzzled.

Wei Lian immediately grasped the point: "Immortal?"

He pondered for a moment: "Maybe, this is her purpose."

There is no real immortality. People from outside the world who are ageless like his master do not enter the mundane world and do not stick to cause and effect. However, this one was a state witch in Liang State, and he was affected by the world's cause and effect, and he was not taboo at all.

Most are not outsiders.

Not an outsider, but able to go against the sky, it must be some kind of sorcery. Some people practice for the benefit of all beings, while others do evil for their own benefit.

In ancient times, are there still few people who did anything to pursue immortality

Aslan couldn't keep up with Wei Lian's train of thought: "What?"

Wei Lian glanced at Aslan with pity: "I'll help you with this."

Black-bellied and shrewd as Wei Lian, even if the fact is that Aslan is helping them, he should say that he is helping Aslan.

Aslan didn't notice anything wrong at all. He was so shocked by the sudden news that he subconsciously listened to Wei Lian's advice: "What should I do?"

Wei Lian said, "No need to do anything."

While we're killing your grandma, just stay on the sidelines and watch and don't come out and stop it.

Myerna was under control, but she was neither poisoned nor intoxicated, most likely she was cursed like Ji Yue. It's just that what Ji Yue is endangering is her life, and what Myerna is affected is her xinxing.

Lin Yaner's mind was probably too strong, and it was not completely affected. Her body was already sinking, but her reason was still awake, so it was so painful.

That's very simple, kill one person, kill two birds with one stone, and everyone is happy.

It turns out that the so-called cause and effect is such a solution.