An Empire as a Betrothal Gift

Chapter 125: Early years


In the spring of the fourteenth year of King Qin Chang, Qin destroyed six kingdoms and ruled the world, called the Great Qin Dynasty. Ji Yue, the king of Qin, ascended the throne, known in history as Emperor Yongxu, and changed his reign name to Mingri. On the same day, it was announced that Weilian, the former king of Chuxi, was the emperor of Changxi.

The two emperors co-governed and introduced various reform measures. Unified currency and weights and measures, ordered all people in the world to learn the language of the Central Plains, encouraged interracial intermarriage, allowed civil marriages between men and women, improved the imperial examinations and recruited talents, established three provinces and six ministries. .

On the third day of the third month in the first year of the Ming Dynasty, it is auspicious and suitable for marriage.

Wei Liantian was forced to get up before dawn and get ready to change. He sat lazily in front of the mirror, his drooping eyes still filled with a hint of foggy sleepiness.

Today is the day he and Ji Yue get married.

It is also the day when Emperor Yongxu and Emperor Changxi ascended the throne together.

The place where he is staying now is the post house where the envoys live in Yongping. An important process of getting married is to welcome the bride. The groom has to set off from his home to the new wife's natal home, invite the person to the sedan chair, and take him back to his home. The canonization ceremony of the royal family is naturally not exactly the same as a private marriage, it is more complicated and grand, but the general process is not much different.

Wei Lian's real home is in the Liangcheng Palace, which is thousands of miles away from Yongping Mountain. Of course, it is impossible to really start from there. Therefore, this post house temporarily served as this place.

Back then, when he went to Qin as a hostage from the State of Chu, he stayed in this inn for three days, and waited for the King of Qin to make an oral order - "Feng Gongzi Lian as a servant, and accompany him when he enters the palace."

Now, he walked out of this door again, and he became a glorious and supreme emperor.

Changshou combed Wei Lian's silky black hair, and couldn't help but say, "Young Master... No, Your Majesty, today is your big day, so cheer up."

Wei Lian raised his eyes reluctantly: "If I get up before 90 hours, how can I get the spirit..." He could stand everything, except that he was a householder who had difficulty getting out of bed.

It was when he first met Ji Yue, when Ji Yue quickly went down to him before he stood up.

Changshou reminded him: "But when you become an emperor, you will go to court with your majesty in the future, and you will get up every day at the same time."

Wei Lian paused for a while, and was instantly refreshed.

How could he forget about this

To be an emperor, you have to go to court every day, and going to court every day means getting up early every day, and almost all year round...

How terrifying this is!

Wei Lian murmured, "I want to escape from marriage."

Longevity: "… "

The boy is poisonous.

When he entered the palace as a servant, he never thought of running away, but now he has a bright future and even proposed to escape the marriage.

The reason is because I don't want to get up early.

Longevity admiration.

Changshou still used to call Wei Lian his son. After all, in his impression, the son just went to control a plague, and then disappeared for a few months. After that, the war broke out. He heard that the son was king in Qin, and then the king of Qin went to ask for marriage...

The son has become a king.

Things are developing too fast, and his longevity is still unbelievable, but he is sincerely happy for the status of the son.

That's how the son should be, the king of heaven, there is no need to bow down to anyone.

He originally thought that King Qin had no sincerity towards the son, but the fact that he came out of the country to be hired has been known to everyone. If it is not even sincere, then I am afraid that this world is all fake.

He really wished the son and His Majesty the King of Qin a long life and a good relationship for a hundred years.

"Think twice, Your Majesty." Changshou sincerely advised, "This is a big matter, I'm afraid it's not appropriate to escape from the marriage..."

Changsheng knocked Changshou's head again: "Your Majesty said it, you still take it seriously."

Wei Lian: "It's still smart for longevity."

Longevity: "… "

It is he who is stupid.

After finishing the outfit, Wei Lian walked out from behind the screen, and the man in the indoor palace felt weak and almost knelt down and shouted "Long live my emperor".

Today, Wei Lian is wearing a long robe with deep sleeves and wide sleeves, with black hair tied up and a golden crown on his head, which is extremely solemn and noble. The eyes under the tassel are slightly raised, and the implied sternness and majesty are enough to shock everyone.

They have only seen the gentleman's elegant appearance in white clothes, but today they really feel the majesty of the king.

Everyone was sluggish for a moment, but an old lady was the first to come back to her senses and bowed: "Your Majesty, the auspicious time has come, please get on the dragon carriage."

Ordinary people welcome their relatives in sedan chairs, but imperial families are different. Today, the two protagonists are both kings, and they are both men. There is no precedent for such a marriage. It is the first time that the palace people have held such a wedding. They have no experience and do not know what specifications to use.

His Majesty personally participated in the planning, reduced many unnecessary rules, and made other aspects more grand. The finalized specification is just one point higher than the gift of conferring the queen.

Wei Lian stepped out of the inn, and the ornately decorated dragon chariot was already waiting outside. Ji Yue rode on a tall horse with white hoofs and a black dragon robe, which matched Wei Lianshen's attire today.

On the left follows Ah Meng, with a red silk tied around her neck, shaking her head and tail, with a chubby lion head as a mascot. On the right is Xiaohong, a jujube red horse with a beautiful saddle, majestic and majestic.

Wei Lian glanced at him, but did not go to the dragon carriage. He stepped on the stirrups, and got on his horse neatly, keeping pace with Ji Yue.

Seeing that he hadn't boarded the chariot, the ceremonial mother was dumbfounded: "Your Majesty, this is not in line with the rules..." How can a bride not get on the sedan chair and go to ride with the groom? Although this time the bride is a man...

Wei Lian replied to her: "I am the rule."

The ceremonial mama shuddered when she heard the self-proclaimed one.

Yes, this is not a queen, but an emperor who is on an equal footing with His Majesty...

Ji Yue heard the words and laughed softly: "Your Majesty is so powerful."

Wei Lian turned his head: "If Your Majesty doesn't want me to show off my prestige, why would you bring Xiaohong here?"

The two looked at each other, tacit understanding of each other, pulled the reins, and walked towards the palace.

The red tape after arriving at the palace is even more numerous. Civil and military officials have long since stood respectfully on both sides of the imperial road in their fine clothes, leaving a clear avenue for the emperor to pass through.

After Wei Lian dismounted, he walked side by side with Ji Yue on the imperial road, boarded Dan Chi, and stood in front of Chengtian Hall.

After several great ceremonies, the female official of the ceremony handed over the jade seal and the treasure seal, which means that the emperor and the emperor share the glory and authority in this life.

After the handover, Li Fuquan read the oath next to him: "The emperor is on top, he will carry the back soil, and the world will be opened tomorrow. Today is the day when Emperor Yongxu and Emperor Changxi conclude Qin and Jin..."

The oath is eloquent, long and boring. The sun was high, and the heavy clothes made many officials sweat densely on their foreheads, and they did not dare to wipe because of the rules.

Ji Yue and Wei Lian's outfits are the heaviest. Not to mention that the three layers of Chinese clothes used to enthrone the throne are airtight and airtight, and the weight of the Mian on her head alone is unknown. Wei Lianjing stood there with the same expression, Ji Yue was already remorseful, she knew that she would have cut out a few more sentences.

He deliberately simplified, lest Wei Lian be overworked and afraid that it would be too grand. He wanted to give Wei Lian a grand wedding to make up for his grievances.

When the incense was half burned, Li Fuquan finally finished his oath and shouted: "Bye!"

This worship is respect for heaven and earth.


This worship is ancestor worship.

"Three thanks!"

Wei Lian turned around and faced Ji Yue head-on, the eyes under the tassel met for a moment, and he lowered his eyes and bowed.

Ji Yue smiled lightly, and returned the same salute.

This prayer is for each other.


If this were ordinary people, they should be sent to the bridal chamber now, and they still need to accept the worship of hundreds of officials.

After Wei Lian and Ji Yue bowed three times, they turned to face the minister. The ministers who had been waiting for a long time finally knelt down and bowed three times and nine kowtows. Their voices were neat and loud: "My emperor is holy, I wish your majesty and your majesty a long life!"

The guards, eunuchs, and palace maids also knelt down to pay homage.

Wei Lian stood on the high jade steps, overlooking the people below, bowing and bowing.

He didn't look at Ji Yue, but looked down, but the two of them seemed to feel something, and they joined hands with them and said in unison, "Pingshen."

After the great ceremony, the worship of heaven and earth, the officials congratulate each other, and the people celebrate together.

Once you hold this hand, you can't let go.

Changxi Palace.

Ji Yue did not let Wei Lian live in the Jiaofang Palace where the queen lived, but renovated and expanded a palace as a new house for marriage.

After a day of tossing, Wei Lian withdrew from the palace as soon as he entered the room, and took off the heavy Mian.

Wearing this thing for a long time can really crush the neck.

The mattress was bright red, embroidered with the pattern of double dragons playing with beads, and the color looked very festive, but there were no such things as red dates, peanuts, longan, and lotus seeds hidden under the custom.

Those things imply an early birth of a noble son, the emperor is a man, and he can't have an emperor's heir. Of course, no one dares to look for these things.

It was convenient for Wei Lian to lie down directly.

When Ji Yue came in, he saw Wei Lian lying on the quilt with long hair scattered, and he smiled at first: "Are you exhausted today?"

Wei Lian opened his eyes and said lazily, "Yes."

Getting up so early, dressing so heavily, doing so much ceremony, standing in the sun for so long. Who can't be exhausted

Ji Yue shook his head: "But we still have a few procedures."

Wei Lian sat up and looked up at him: "What's the process?"

Ji Yue took the scissors, picked up a strand of blue silk from Wei Lian, cut it, and put it in his purse: "Get hair."

Isn't that simple

"Give me the scissors." Wei Lian took the scissors, "You also took this thing off, it's dead."

Ji Yue sat on the bed and put Mian Hao aside, the black hair also poured down like a waterfall, making her face even more coquettish.

Wei Lian sat down a little bit, and cut a section of Ji Yue's hair with a breath of breath away.

The knot is a husband and wife, and there is no doubt about the love.

After finishing this step, Wei Lian asked, "Is there any more?"

Ending Zao Chaosheng early, he was really tired and panicked today, and his brain didn't even want to think.

"There are two more." Ji Yue pondered, "but I am afraid these two cannot coexist."


"Naturally, it's a combination of wine and a bridal chamber candle." Ji Yue glanced at him with a smile, "As far as the amount of alcohol you've poured in this cup, if you drank the bridal wine, why would you still have a bridal chamber candle tonight?"

Wei Lian: "...You're laughing at me, I heard it."

"No." Ji Yue sternly said, "I thought about it for a long time, and ordered someone to change it. Tonight, this wine is not intoxicating."

Wei Lian: "You really are laughing at me!" Even the wine has already been changed, just laughing at his drinking!

Ji Yue poured two glasses of wine and handed one to Wei Lian: "Be good."

One word made Wei Lian soften.

He pursed his lips and took the wine bottle: "Is it really intoxicating?"

Ji Yue's answer was impeccable: "Do I want to get you drunk tonight?"

It's very reasonable and irrefutable. Wei Lian gleefully drank the wine.

After drinking the wine, Wei Lian was still very sober. This wine is really not intoxicating.

It's really not easy for Ji Yue to find a drink that even he can't get drunk.

While he was thinking wildly, the man's low voice was slightly hoarse: "What are you thinking about?"

Wei Lian returned to his senses, Ji Yue had already taken off his robe, and a deep desire was suppressed under his phoenix eyes.

He understood in an instant, and his face was slightly red.

Although they were very skilled in this matter, tonight was different.

Tonight is... a real bridal chamber candle.

Ji Yue removed his clothes for him, bowed his head and kissed him: "Is that okay? A Lian."

… is it still possible? Didn't you give him everything already

Wei Lian turned his head slightly, and said in a very low voice, "... um."

The candlelight flickered, and the waves were turned red.

"Wait." Wei Lian suddenly thought of something.

"..." Ji Yue gritted his teeth and said, "I won't stop if you stop it at this time."

"Ji Yue, let's discuss it." Wei Lian was thinking of something else entirely, "Can we postpone the morning hours in the future? I... I can't get up."

He couldn't figure out why Zaochao was so early. There are so long in the day, is it necessary to compete with the early morning

"The spring night is short and high, and the king will not go to court early." Ji Yue rubbed the young man's delicate chin, "A Lian is so attractive, it really doesn't look like he can wake up early."

Wei Lian frowned, looking a little pitiful: "Do you agree?"

Ji Yue sighed lightly: "The rules for so many years, you have to change them as soon as you come, it's too willful."

Wei Lian twitched his long eyelashes: "Will you condone me?"

Ji Yue looked down at him: "No."

Wei Lian thought sadly, it's over, Ji Yue has really become a dog emperor.

On the first day of marrying Ji Yue, I wanted to kill the king.

The next day, Emperor Yongxu ordered the early morning time to be postponed to Chenshi.

Emperor Changxi, who was also in charge of government in the hall, was expressionless at the time, but he hugged Emperor Yongxu and kissed him warmly after the court: "Your Majesty is wise, will your Majesty come to Changxi Palace tonight? I will sweep the couch to greet him."

Emperor Yongxu grabbed his hand: "Please, Your Majesty, be more reserved, there are still people watching here."

Li Yushi, who is conscientiously making records: "...cough."

How long can royal love last

One year of freshness, seven years of itchiness, ten years of burnout, twenty years of seeing each other's eyes and boredom

Li Yushi sometimes can't help but wonder if the lovers he wrote will one day lose their feelings and give birth to a rift, just like countless predecessors.

He thought too much. Until his gray temples left office, the two were still the same as before.

When handing over the record of history to the next young descendant, Li Yushi thought that this pair would be able to get along well for a hundred years.

May there be years to look back on, and share the old days with affection. What flows between them is timeless.

The prosperous dynasty can be overturned overnight, beheading many influential figures in a fleeting year, and the great waves wash away the dust of history. However, after thousands of generations, they are still the same as before.

The author has something to say:

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There will be an extra episode tomorrow. The extra episode is a brain hole. There may be all kinds of strange things (bushi) that destroy the world view. Please distinguish it from the main text.

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