An Empire as a Betrothal Gift

Chapter 17: Mastiff


Wei Lian slept back into the cage, and woke up with three poles in the sun. He lazily huddled under the quilt, feeling that the winter quilt was so warm that people didn't want to move.

This is still miserable for the King of Qin, no matter whether it is winter, summer, winter or summer, he has to get up and face him before every hour. Just thinking about this made Wei Lian not interested in being king.

Is it uncomfortable to sleep under the covers? What to do to take a bunch of things to toss yourself.

"Young master is awake." A palace maid came in and put her clothes on the bedside, "Please change your clothes."

Wei Lian glanced at it, and it wasn't Zhucui who came. He had a good memory, remembering that the maid in front of him was in charge of changing the clothes of the King of Qin, and his name was Zhuyue.

The appearance of the woman is acceptable, as beautiful as the autumn moon, as beautiful as peaches and plums. Such a beautiful woman was hanging around in front of King Qin all day long, and King Qin didn't even accept anyone.

She is really an incomprehensible Liuxia Hui.

Wei Lian put on his clothes slowly and deliberately, Zhuyue hung her head from beginning to end and said nothing.

"You seem to have something to tell me." Wei Lian lightly tied his belt and finally looked up at Zhuyue.

Zhu Yue's hand shook, she never imagined that Young Master Lian's insight would be so sharp.

Zhuyue bowed her head and said, "Your Majesty ordered that if you feel bored in the house, you can go out for a walk."

Wei Lian stared at her for a moment: "But I'm not familiar with the Qin Palace, so I don't know where to go."

These words were in Zhuyue's arms. She was happy at first, but then she felt a sense of panic, and she bit her head and said: "The maid can lead the way for the son."

Wei Lian chuckled: "Okay, then there is work. Let's go now."

Zhu Yue was stunned: "Young master doesn't bring attendants?"

Wei Lian should have Changsheng and Changshou by his side.

"No. I'll go back when I go." Wei Lian said.

Zhu Yue didn't expect things to go so smoothly, and her footsteps were a little erratic when she turned around.

No, you can't come back. Zhuyue thought viciously.

She never saw the smile of the young man behind her fade away, and there was a hint of coolness in her eyes.

Wei Lian also wanted to know what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of this ghostly maid.

Acting in front of him is a bit tricky. Zhuyue thought she was hiding her emotions well, but she didn't know that in Wei Lian's eyes, the jealousy and fear were clearly written on her face.

A rabbit wants to send a sheep into the tiger's mouth, but he doesn't know that he is thinking about a lion king.

Great fun. Wei Lian thought.

Zhuyue took Wei Lian out of the palace gate. There has been no snow in the past few days, and the sun is warm and warm, and it is a bit pleasant to shine on the body. The snow on the ground has not yet melted, and it is very beautiful to see a vast expanse of white from a distance.

"At this time, the plum blossoms in Yimei Garden are blooming just right. The maid will take the young master to take a look there." Zhuyue said, leading Wei Lian to the southeast.

The Emei Garden is indeed in that direction. What Zhuyue didn't say is that there are two palace roads leading from Yangxin Hall to Yimei Garden, and the other one that palace people usually take.

... Because the road they are taking now passes through the animal breeding center, where the mastiff raised by His Majesty is there.

That mastiff was a gift from Liang Guo two years ago. His Majesty raised it from a young age, and it is now two years old. Half-human tall, fierce in temperament and incomparably powerful, he has saved His Majesty's life several times, and is very popular with His Majesty.

Many assassins tried to assassinate His Majesty, and their throats were bitten by mastiff dogs before they got close. There is still a stab wound on the mastiff's back, which was blocked for His Majesty.

His Majesty fed it with raw meat, and the mastiff could swallow the man alive by biting the assassin. After eating human flesh, it is even more wild and untamable, and three or five generals cannot be subdued.

It is only affectionate to His Majesty, and is very cruel to the rest. Even the eunuch who raised the beast only dared to put food in the bucket while it was sleeping, and did not dare to approach it during the rest of the time.

Otherwise, being bitten to death and being bitten can't be dealt with. Their lives are not as good as a dog's life in His Majesty's eyes.

That's how it is in the palace, people are not as good as dogs.

Mastiffs are free-range, neither in cages nor on chains. His Majesty would sometimes go to play with him, and most of the time he would sleep lazily in the animal house. It doesn't usually go out, and only circles the animal house as its own territory. Except for seeing the animal raising eunuch turning a blind eye, it regards anyone who breaks into the animal raising house except Your Majesty as an enemy. , do not hesitate to attack culling.

There was once a palace person who entered the animal house by mistake and was bitten to death on the spot by a mastiff dog. Half of the body was swallowed by the mastiff dog, and half was buried in a hastily restrained manner. He died so quietly, and in the end there was no justice.

Zhuyue wanted to use the mastiff's mouth to get rid of Wei Lian.

The Zhuyue abacus is very good. She led Wei Lian to the animal breeding center, and when Wei Lian was swallowed by the mastiff, he would die without proof, and no one knew that she deliberately led people there.

Jealousy can cloud the mind. Zhu Yue didn't have the guts to kill, but once she was a little unwilling, she would have boundless evil thoughts.

Near the boundary of the animal house, Zhuyue did not dare to go forward, for fear that she would also provoke the ferocious mastiff. She pretended to have a stomachache, covered her lower abdomen, and said, "Aiya, maid... The maid is suddenly feeling unwell, and she has to go to the Gongfang. Young master, the Yimei Garden is in front of you. Take two more steps, maid. Go and go back."

After Zhuyue finished speaking, she hurried away without waiting for Wei Lian to answer.

Wei Lian stayed where he was, and when Zhuyue disappeared from sight, he turned around and left without hesitation.

He already knew that there was something wrong with the palace maid, and when he went back, he only needed to ask other people where this place was, and he would know exactly what Zhuyue wanted to do. Then why should he personally take risks to verify this unknown.

He is not stupid.

But the palace maid was stupid. I really thought that when they came out together, if something happened to him, would she survive

"I haven't seen such a fool in eight hundred years." Wei Lian sighed.

As he was about to leave, he suddenly felt a sound of wind coming from behind him, his footsteps paused slightly, a cold light flashed between his fingers, and a few silver needles suddenly appeared.

Wei Lian turned around, and the silver needle immediately plunged into the body of the visitor.

The giant mastiff has smooth fur, majestic and majestic, with a strong golden mane around its head, like a golden lion king.

It was about to pounce on Wei Lian with its claws and claws, when it was restrained by a few small silver needles, fell from mid-air, and froze on the ground.

"Oh?" Wei Lian narrowed his eyes, "I thought it was something, but it turned out to be you."

Giant Mastiff: "… "

small thing? Can you say that again

Its dignity is gone!

The giant dog stuck out its tongue, bared its teeth and grinned, making a vicious look in an attempt to scare off this daring human being: "Wow!"

Wei Lian frowned, disgusting its saliva: "Shut your mouth."

The giant dog barked louder and fiercer: "Wang Wang!!!"

Wei Lian's eyes turned cold: "The dog raised by the Emperor Dog is really not easy to kill..."

The moment the young man's eyes turned cold, the giant dog instinctively felt a hint of danger, and there was a deep fear in the beast's pupils.

It knelt down on its front legs and lay on the ground to show submission.

Animals are the strongest at detecting danger. Intuition tells it that this human being in front of him is not to be provoked. It is the instinct of animals to absolutely surrender to the strong.

Wei Lian put on a gentle smile again, retracted the silver needle and hid it in the bracelet, as if the killing intent just now didn't exist: "That's good."

Seeing that the silver needle that threatened its life was not there, the giant dog scratched its front paws and let out a dangerous low growl, ready to attack again.

Wei Lian gently touched its head, just in time to caress its dead end: "It looks so cute, it must be delicious to make a braised lion head."

Giant Dog: "... woo woo woo."

where are you, master? Why did you put such a dangerous human in there.

Others come in as food, and this young man treats it as food.

Just miserable.

The giant dog was stunned, lying on the ground listlessly.

Master, come and save my dog's life!

Master... eh? Here comes the master!

Seeing the black-clothed man in line of sight, the dog's eyes lit up, he immediately stood up, eagerly wanted to pounce, and threw himself into the owner's arms.

... Then it stared at the young man who was ruthless to it just now, ran over to occupy the owner's arms at a faster speed than it, and lay softly in the owner's arms and whispered: "Your Majesty! I'm so scared!"

Giant Dog: "… "

Is this scene real

Shouldn't it be me who should be afraid

The dog was confused.

Ji Yue looked down at the young man in his arms, and was stunned for a moment.

Considering that there were still a group of followers behind him, he quickly hugged the young man in his arms and asked, "Why are you here?"

After he went to court, because he remembered the embarrassing situation in the morning and the beautiful dream last night, he didn't want to go back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to face the youth for the time being.

... It's not that I'm faceless, it's just that I don't want to see him.

After thinking about it again and again, Ji Yue decided to go to the animal house to see the dog first.

Unexpectedly, it was Wei Lian who rushed towards him.

Wei Lian raised his head and said with red eyes, "I have been in the hall for a long time, I want to come out and have a look... I know that a dog suddenly appears... I am most afraid of dogs!"

Giant Dog: "… "

I'm more afraid of you, thank you.

Ji Yue looked at the young man's red eyes, his body trembling slightly because of the lingering fears, and suddenly remembered the dream last night.

The young man in his arms also had rosy eyes and trembling body...

cough cough cough.

Stop this thought.

This really shouldn't be underestimated. If he came one step later, the young man should have been swallowed alive by the mastiff.

Thinking of this possibility, Ji Yue's heart suddenly shrank, and she was also a little scared after giving birth.

Wei Lian is a very interesting character. If he died, the Qin Palace would be boring again.

The mastiff, who can read the master's mind from his eyes, is desperate: master, if you come one step later, it will be me who will be swallowed alive!

Ji Yue comforted him: "It's okay, Ameng is just playful for a while and can't hurt you. Don't look at its fierce appearance, in fact, the dog is as its name suggests, cute and soft."

Wei grabbed his body for a while.

King Qin called the golden-haired lion king Ameng? ?

The adjective is cute, soft and cute? ?

Yes, this is the King of Qin.