An Empire as a Betrothal Gift

Chapter 38: wish


After the show was over, the tourists dispersed. Several big men are packing their luggage. The leader grabbed a handful of copper coins and licked and smiled at Myerna: "Girl, take this money. If it weren't for you, our brothers wouldn't be able to get so much reward today."

They are acrobatic troupes who travel from south to north. Today, they also want to make a good profit by performing arts in the busy market while taking advantage of the crowds on the festival. I don't know what luck I had, but I met this beautiful girl on the way, and I was willing to join them.

"No need." Myerna had no interest, turned around and left, "I've had enough."

"Eh? Girl—" The big man tried to stop him, but the woman in purple disappeared in a blink of an eye.

He stayed where he was, and the second monk was puzzled: "Strange, what about people?"

Welcome to the inn.

As soon as Myerna stepped into the room, the two maids immediately seemed to have seen the savior.

"Master Saint, you are back!" The maid almost cried with joy, "Master Holy Son is waiting for you next door."

Myerna rolled her eyes: "What does he care about me? I'm not going."

"I don't care about you, you will kill yourself sooner or later." A stern foreign man appeared at the door, and the two maids saluted with their right hands on their left shoulders, tacitly exited the room, and closed the door.

Myerna was upset when he heard his tone, and clapped the table and stood up: "Aslan, you are the holy son and I am the holy girl. Let's sit on an equal footing, you have no right to control me!"

"Grandma ordered me to look at you, and her worries are not unreasonable." Aslan said coldly, "Where do you think this is? This is Qin's territory. I know you are playful, but this is not your place to be arrogant. We are now Liang's envoys, and every move represents Liang. If you slip out today and cause trouble, how will we explain to the king?"

"I know the proportions! I just want to go see their festival!" Myerna said impatiently, "Can you stop treating me like a child? I've slept with more men than you've ever met."

"… "

Aslan clenched his fists silently.

"Oh right." Myerna smiled deliberately, "I met a very interesting man today. Although he wears a mask, I think he is definitely better than you... "

"You slept with him?" Aslan's eyes filled with anger.

In Daliang, as long as he is a young and good-looking man, he can climb on Myerna's bed.

… except him.

"No, he's a broken sleeve." Myerna regretted, "It's a pity, I still want to taste his yang qi. Such a pure breath will definitely increase my skill greatly."

Aslan heard that they didn't have skin-to-skin relationship, his expression softened a little, looked at Myerna a little, and said lightly: "You thought you let him go, but you don't know that someone has plotted against you."

Myerna raised her eyebrows: "What do you mean?"

Aslan said lightly: "You might as well see, what is missing from you."

Myerna touched herself and was shocked: "Where's my revival pill?!"

Voodoo is prevalent in Liang Guo, and as a saint of Liang Guo, she is also a poisonous person, and naturally she will carry a revival pill that can detoxify hundreds of poisons.

That medicine pill is extremely precious, and many medicinal materials are rare in the world. She only practiced one, and kept it close to her as a treasure.

How can you be led by others!

Myerna recalled carefully, and found that when she tried to drive the seductress to confuse the man in blue, the other man was awake from beginning to end... I am afraid it was also at that time that he took away the medicine pill on her body.

She thought she was looking at a piece of fat, but she didn't know that she was the one being targeted.

"Damn! It's a cunning fox, and I was deceived by him!" Myerna stomped her feet angrily, "No, my martial arts are already top-notch, and he wants to take something from me without knowing it. Not a peerless master?"

"That's why there are people outside people, there are heaven outside the sky. The land of the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in Qin country, please be careful." Aslan warned.

Myerna suffered a loss and had no face to refute Aslan, so she sat down angrily and gritted her teeth: "Don't let me meet him again!"

Ji Yue and Wei Lian followed the flow of people on the street. Ji Yue didn't ask what the woman did to him, but Wei Lian asked, "How did you say the woman hid in the box?"

"There is an organ in the box, just hide it in the hidden compartment." Ji Yue replied absentmindedly.

"There's no room for an adult in that box."

"As long as you know jiu-jitsu, it's not uncommon for an adult to fold up and stuff it into the gap." Ji Yue said, "Why make a fuss?"

"Oh." Wei Lianzuo suddenly realized, "You are still smart."

Ji Yue glanced at him: "You are stupid."

This made Wei Lian a little unconvinced.

He is the smartest person in the world.

As for Ji Yue... Let's just reluctantly seal him second.

"We're guessing lantern riddles ahead." Wei Lian looked at the crowded place not far away, "Why don't we compare?"

See who is smarter.

"Compared, are you afraid that you won't succeed?" Ji Yue said arrogantly.

The two came to the front again. An old man sells lanterns. The lanterns used for selling are put aside for people to choose from. There are also exquisite and small lanterns hanging on the poles with lantern riddles written on them. Whoever guesses right can take the lantern for free.

Some talented people have taken a few lanterns and gave them to their beloved girls. The activity was still going on, the old man read a puzzle on a peach lantern: "The joy of Nongzhang, hit a..."

Wei Lian replied, "Nephew."

"Yo." The old man was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "Young master, I haven't finished reading yet, so you know it's a guess. You answered right, this lamp belongs to you."

Wei Lian shook his head: "I don't want a lantern, I just want to compete with the one next to me."

Otherwise, when the two of them compete, they won't be able to tell the winner, and the lanterns on the entire stall are not enough.

When the old man saw that people didn't want lanterns, he only guessed lantern riddles. How could he disagree. He cleared his throat and began to read the next puzzle: "The bird falls down the mountain and can't see its foot, and there is nowhere to look for water everywhere, hit a..."

Ji Yue said lightly, "Island."

The old man choked and silently changed to the next one: "One is dark and one is dark, one is short and one is long, one day and one night, one..."

Wei Lian took the lead: "One hot and one cool is a clear word."

The old man: "The dragon lies in the winter, the branches and leaves open in the summer, the dragon's whiskers grow upward, and the pearls..." go down.

Ji Yue rushes to answer: "It's a plant, and the answer is a grape."

Old man: "..."

Can someone finish talking? !

If it was someone else, he would have to be quiet for a while after finishing the riddle, giving people time to think. What happened to these two? The time to come up with the answer is shorter than the time it takes for him to speak!

If it wasn't for saying no lanterns, he would definitely think that the two of them were here to smash the scene.

The two of them confronted each other, and they were evenly matched, which attracted the attention of many people. Everyone respects scholars, and even admires people with outstanding talents and looks. Although Ji Yue and Wei Lian used masks to cover their faces, they were outstanding in their temperament, not to mention their quick thinking.

There were many people watching the battle between the two. Seeing that more and more people gathered, the old man laughed hard. The more people there are, the more lanterns he can sell.

In order to make the test more exciting and attract more people to watch, the old man chose the most difficult puzzle, intending to beat the two. Nai He doesn't seem to be a problem in front of these two. Usually, the old man speaks half a sentence, and before the onlookers start to think, the two have already said the answer.

The difference is only a millimeter, and sometimes even in unison. No one has the upper hand, and no one is left behind.

Someone in the crowd drank wonderfully.

In the end, the old man shook his head and said, "Two gentlemen, the puzzles are gone."

Wei Lian asked, "Is there a winner?"

Someone with good deeds said loudly on the side: "There is no difference! They all answered nine questions!"

Another draw.

Wei Lian sighed lightly, "It seems that we can't tell the difference today."

Ji Yue picked out a rabbit lamp at random: "Old man, can this one be given to me?"

Of course the old man has no objection. If he really followed the rules, he would have to pay for the entire stall today, and he would be happy if the other party was willing to take only one.

Ji Yue nodded and thanked him, then turned his hand and handed the rabbit lamp to Wei Lian: "Take it."

Wei Lian was surprised: "Give it to me?"

What does he want this bunny lamp for

"It's for you." Ji Yue hooked his lips, "Little fox likes to eat rabbits, and he should also like rabbit lights."

Wei Lian: "..."

Rabbits have nothing to do with bunny lights.

No, he has nothing to do with the little fox!

Wei Lian still took the lantern, looked at it in his hand, and put it down again.

Folk rabbit lamps are of rough workmanship, far less delicate, beautiful and invaluable than the glazed lamps given to him by the King of Qin in the palace.

But Wei Lian actually prefers this rabbit lamp.

The glazed cup was given to Young Master Lian by the King of Qin.

Rabbit Lights…

Ji Xiaoyue gave it to Wei Xiaolian.

Wei Lian picked up the lamp and turned around to get out of the crowd, but was stopped by another person on the way.

"You two stay." A dignified and elegant man stepped forward and bowed, "Zhang Xuwen, whose name is Enbo, is a scholar who is preparing for the scientific examination this year. Watching the two guessing lantern riddles today, they are so talented that I am amazed. I want to make friends. I wonder if the two of you are also candidates for the exam? Can you be fortunate enough to meet the two of you?"

Wei Lian looked at him, and his face under the mask just evoked a polite smile when Ji Yue suddenly grabbed his hand.

"He doesn't want to know you." Ji Yue said coldly, pulling Wei Lian away in front of people.

Zhang Xuwen: "..."

"Who are you, you're so arrogant." His companion stepped forward to scold him, "Brother Zhang, you don't need to pay attention to them. Just guessing a few lantern riddles, what are you really capable of? The title, the court test, you have to introduce me to your brother before Your Majesty."

Zhang Xuwen stopped him: "Zipiao, don't talk nonsense."

On the face, there is also a certain color. As if the high school champion must be him.

"Eh." Wei Lian was pulled far away by Ji Yue before finally pulling back his sleeves, "What are you doing in such a hurry?"

Ji Yue asked angrily, "Why are you smiling at him?"

Do you know that you look so good when you smile, it will make others like you.

Lonely not allowed!

Wei Lian: "?"

Is this what Ji Yue cares about

Wei Lian was helpless: "That's just basic courtesy..."

Ji Yue was even more upset: "I didn't see how polite you were to me."

Wei Lian was extremely presumptuous in front of him.

"… "

Wei Lian couldn't even think that Ji was three years old.

"Then I won't smile at him." Wei Lian curved his lips, his eyes filled with a smile, "I'll just smile at you, okay?"

Ji Yue was blinded by this smile.

After a long time, he said in a low voice, "...Okay."

In the streets where people come and go, the two seem to be frozen in shape, and their various thoughts are all covered by a mask.

There are thousands of lights all over the body, not as bright as the stars in the other party's eyes.

"Lang Jun, just buy a lotus lantern." A girl carried a basket, breaking the delicate atmosphere between the two, "Put it in the river and make a wish, and the river god will be very spiritual when he hears the wish."

Ji Yue turned around, only to realize that he had dragged Wei Lian to the river. Countless men and women squatted by the river with lotus lanterns, closing their eyes and making wishes.

The things of ghosts and gods, if you believe, you have, if you don't, you don't. If it wasn't for his mother, Ji Yue actually didn't believe in ghosts and gods. Of course, even now, he is not a king who places his faith in the gods.

But seeing the little girl selling river lanterns, Ji Yue still asked, "How much is a lantern?"

The little girl stretched out five fingers: "Five pennies."

Ji Yue gave her ten copper plates: "I want two."


The little girl got ten pennies and left happily. Wei Lian looked at the two lotus lamps in Ji Yue's hands, his eyes moving slightly.

He was suddenly amused.

When they wear masks to each other, they are the most real.

Ji Yue gave him one of them: "Let's go and put out the lights."

Wei Lian retracted his thoughts and said, "Well."

The painted boats on the river are brilliant, the sound of oars and lights, and the sound of flute and pipa across the bank. You don't have to know each other, just meeting each other is a bosom friend.

The water was sparkling, reflecting a round moon shadow.

Pink lotus lanterns are placed on the surface of the water and flow down the river, carrying people's wishes to the palace of the legendary River God.

Wei Lian and Ji Yue found a corner with few people, squatted down, and gently put the lotus lamp in their hands into the water.

When making a wish, Wei Lian closed his eyes and hesitated for a moment.

What is his wish

If it was a month ago, I am afraid that the king of Qin would have been killed, and he would be angry.

Now there is no such idea.

Humans are really fickle creatures. Wei Wei's lips curled slightly.


May the mountains and rivers prosper, the people are good, and the world is safe.

Every year has today, every year has today.