An Empire as a Betrothal Gift

Chapter 43: complain


Royal study.

There was only the sound of turning over the memorial in the huge study. Ji Yue didn't like being disturbed when he was handling official business in the daytime, so he was the only one in the room.

The door was suddenly pushed open with a "thump", Ji Yue's hand shook, and the red pen made a long mark on the memorial.

He was about to scold him for being presumptuous, when he looked up and saw the young man closing the door, strode in front of him, with his hands on the desk, his eyes fixed on him: "Your lover was bullied, what should you do?"

… what lover

Ji Yue was stunned for a while, and then he reacted, frowning and said, "Who bullied you?"

Who else in this palace dares to give Wei Lianqi suffering? He, the king, was about to die of anger by Wei Lian.

"My good brother." Wei Lian smiled. "He asked me how I felt on the couch. Could you please make me feel good? After a long time, my butt hurts."

"Cough cough cough!" Ji Yue almost choked to death on his own saliva.

These vulgar words... uttered by Wei Lian's mouth, the lethality is really huge.

After regaining his senses, his expression turned cold.

Ji Yue naturally knew how insulting these words were to Wei Lian, and Wei Yan didn't take Wei Lian seriously at all.

Seeing the big from the small, Wei Yan dared to be so disrespectful to his brother in Qin State, which shows that Wei Lian used to live in the palace of the King of Chu.

How much he should be wronged.

Ji Yue suddenly felt a little bored.

He got up, pushed open the window to let in some air, and the cool breeze from the outside came in to dissipate the heavy feeling.

"So," Ji Yue turned to look at him, "are you here to complain?"

"Yeah." Wei Lian smiled, "I have come to blow the pillow wind for you, and I want you to teach him a lesson."

The corner of Ji Yue's mouth twitched: "It's a bit too straightforward for you to be windy by your pillow."

He suggested: "Can't you be a little more sincere?"

The concubines and concubines have always been blowing the pillow wind to the king. Which one is not after serving the king's satisfaction in the bed, softly whispering, beating around the bush, coaxing people into a comfortable and happy mood, and agreeing to everything.

He had never seen Qingtian Bairi break into the imperial study, and said bluntly, "I'm here to blow the pillow wind for you".

This is too perfunctory! Where is the sincerity!

Wei Lian was surprised: "Do you still want to act?"

"Let me think for a moment." Wei Lian was lost in thought.

After a short while, Wei Lian changed his face in an instant, made a look of sadness, and said sadly: "Your Majesty does not know, the younger brother of the minister has never looked down on the minister. In the Qin state, words are still humiliating, simply, it is too deceiving!"

He threw himself into Ji Yue's arms, wrapped his arms around the man's waist, and buried himself in his arms and wept, "Your Majesty must be the master of this minister!"

The beauty suddenly threw her arms into her arms, Ji Yue stiffened for a moment, then hesitantly embraced the Master's waist, and said in a trance: "Okay... I'll make the call, I'll make the call for you alone."

"Come on!"

The door was opened again, and the guard stood outside the door with his head bowed: "Yes!"

"Go—" Ji Yue paused, "Where does Wei Yan live?"

"Floating Cloud Pavilion." Wei Lian whispered.

"Go to the Floating Cloud Pavilion." Ji Yue continued to order, "Young Master Yan is disrespectful to your lord, and the stick is thirty. Immediate execution."

"No!" The guards immediately executed Ji Yue's order without hesitation.

"Okay, look, Gu will support you." Ji Yue looked down at the person in his arms.

The young man still bowed his head, his forehead resting on his shoulder, and only a brocade-like black hair was exposed.

Ji Yue laughed and said, "Stop pretending, everything is done, and the tricks are put away."

Wei Lian did not move.

Ji Yue felt something different and forced people to look up, only to find that the young man's eyes were red, and he couldn't help but startled.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Wei narrowed his eyes, his long eyelashes trembling slightly.

Ji Yue teased: "I can't stop the show, right? Wei Xiaolian, you're really useless..."

Wei's eyelashes trembled again, and a single tear just fell.

Ji Yue paused: "Did you really cry?"

Wei Lian didn't say a word, but the tears flowed even more fiercely.

Ji Yue panicked in an instant, and hurriedly wiped away the tears of the young man: "What's the matter? It's so good... The person who bullied you has already learned a lesson, and no one will bully you again in the future."

It's okay if Ji Yue doesn't speak, but Wei Lian's urge to cry is unstoppable.

Ji Yue saw tears welling up in his eyelashes, but he didn't make a sound, and his whole person became depressed. Before he could think about it, he leaned over and kissed the young man's eyes.

Lick away the tears little by little with soft lips, leaving dry marks.

From the eyebrows to the corners of the lips, it is infinitely gentle and cherished.

He hugged the man in his arms and comforted in a low voice.

"Alian, don't cry, I'm alone."

Why does he cry

Wei Lian is also thinking about this question.

He clearly didn't feel wronged.

He didn't take Wei Yan's words to heart at all. In the Chu State, Wei Yan said something even more exaggerated, he had long been used to immunity. A beam jumping clown, not worth mentioning at all.

He also knew that Concubine Yan would never be on his side.

Wei Lian knew that he was not born to Concubine Yan, and it was a blessing to be adopted, so what qualifications could he have to blame for all kinds of injustices? Everyone said that he should be grateful to Concubine Yan, and no one felt that he was wronged.

Since he has received this honor, all the suffering he has endured should be justified, otherwise, he will be sold cheaply.

It was Yi Wei Lian who grew up in the Hantan Ice Cave for 19 years. He was stabbed by the ice and got riddled with holes. He never complained of suffering, and never shed a single tear.

He knew that no one would love him, and no one would support him.

Those tears are meaningless and only add to weakness.

He never thought that one day he would be sour because of someone's words "I support you", as if he had suffered a great grievance.

If the Frost Sword and Frost Sword can't make him succumb, then a spring breeze can make him utterly defeated.

He was invincible when surrounded by evil thoughts, but he was defeated when surrounded by gentleness.

After calming down, Wei Lian sat on the chair and fell into a deep autism.

Why did he suddenly become so hypocritical...

Wei Lian didn't cry too much. A young man who is used to restraint and restraint is forbearing even the occasional emotional release. He never made the slightest cry, but quietly leaned against Ji Yue's arms and shed a few tears, and when he raised his eyes, his expression was normal.

But for Wei Lian, who has never shown weakness in front of others for 800 years, this is already the most humiliating day in his life.

Ji Yue pressed his lips: "Just say something, Gu won't laugh at you."

"Isn't it just crying once? Who doesn't have a sad time? I was forced to shoot a beloved eagle to death when I was a child. I cried so much that the sky collapsed that night..."

Wei Lian hurriedly stood up: "I have retired."

Stepping straight out of the door of the imperial study.

He didn't want to see Ji Yue for the time being.

Intuit has no face.

Ji Yue was left to stare at the closed door quietly.

This was the first time in their confrontation that Wei Lianxian fled.

But this kind of scene... Ji Yue didn't want to find more.

Why not let Wei Lian win every time.

As long as he doesn't cry.

Floating Cloud Pavilion.

"Stop! What are you doing! I am the son of Chu! Are you dying?" Wei Yan was taken out by the guards in horror and placed on the execution stool.

Seeing the terrifying torture rod, Wei Yan broke out in cold sweat and shouted loudly, "What did I do wrong? You have no right to deal with me! I will go back and tell my father and see how you explain to my father. My father will chop off your heads!"

The eunuch in charge of the execution sneered and said, "Execution!"

What about the prince of a country? The son of the defeated country, the fight was fought, do you still need to give an explanation

Don't even look at whose territory you are now. Not to mention a son, even if the King of Chu came, he had to be a man with his tail between his legs.

The guard obeyed the order, raised his hand and slammed it down heavily, hitting Wei Yan's buttocks.

Wei Yan's mind went blank for a moment, and then a pig-like howl broke out.

How could the young boy with thin skin and tender flesh ever suffer this kind of pain. As soon as the stick came down, the pain was unbearable.

Wei Yan immediately burst into tears and snot, and cursed, with no image at all.

"You, you must not die!"

"Oh, I don't know how to repent, keep fighting."

"This son asked the father and the king to kill you! I will put you to death!"

"Hit me hard."

"Ah! Stop hitting, I was wrong, it hurts..."

At first, Wei Yan still had the strength to scold people, but then changed to begging for mercy, and finally lost the strength to speak.

There were ghosts in front of them.

He's not going to be killed here is he...

The young man snorted and shed tears, looking embarrassed.

"Wei Yan, this is what you can do."

who? Who is speaking

Wei Yan reluctantly opened his eyes, and saw the young man in white standing in front of him, condescending and cold.

"You, it's you! It's you who sued!" Wei Yan said bitterly.

If it wasn't for the pain that he couldn't get up, he would definitely pounce on Wei Lian now.

When the executioner saw that Wei Lian was coming, he took the stick and bowed, "Young Master." The execution was suspended.

Wei Lian squatted down and looked at Wei Yan with pity: "Does it hurt?"

Does your ass hurt

These words were used by Wei Yan to ridicule Wei Lian before. Now, I don't know if Wei Lian hurts or not, but Wei Yan's ass really hurts anyway.

Wei Yan snorted: "If you have the ability, try it!"

Wei Lian smiled softly: "Anyway, it's not me that hurts."

It's not me that hurts.

This sounded somewhat familiar.

In this situation, Wei Yan suddenly remembered something that he had long forgotten in the corner.

At that time, Wei Yan was six years old and Wei Lian was twelve years old.

Wei Yan was very hostile to this elder brother and opposed him everywhere.

Wei Lian rescued an injured bird and bandaged it. When he saw it, he wanted to grab it, but Wei Lian avoided it.

"It's hurt, so I can't give it to you." Wei Lian said.

"give me!"

"No, you'll play it to death."

After pushing and shoving, Wei Yan suddenly sat down on the ground, rubbing his eyes and crying.

"Yan'er, concubine mother brought it to you—what are you doing?" Concubine Yan suddenly pushed open the door and saw the scene in front of her, her face sank, "Wei Lian, what did you do to your brother?"

Wei Lian defended: "I didn't..."

"Mother, brother pushes me!" Wei Yan cried, "Brother said that if I was here, he would not be the mother's favorite child..."

Wei Lian pursed his lips, his brows slightly cold.

Needless to say, this was taught to him by Wei Yan's friends.

Concubine Yan looked at him disappointedly: "Wei Lian, how could you be jealous of Yan'er? How could you want to harm him!"

Wei Lian was silent, no longer arguing.

Concubine Yan will not believe him even after refuting it, just like countless times before.

"You have disappointed me too much, I have to teach you a lesson this time." Concubine Yan said coldly, "Someone, pull the Seventh Young Master down and take the 30th responsibility!"

As soon as Concubine Yan left, Wei Yan instantly changed his face.

He smiled and looked at the boy who was being blamed with the stick, clapped his hands and said, "You can focus on it again!"

The young man remained silent from beginning to end, except for a thin sweat on his forehead.

When the 30 sticks were finished, blood was splattered on his clothes, and Wei Lian lay dying on the torture bench.

Wei Yan made a face in front of him: "Does it hurt?"

The child smiled innocently and cruelly: "It's not me that hurts anyway."

"And that bird, it's not a rarity. I accidentally killed it."

Wei Lian glanced at him lightly, covered Ling Lie's murderous intent, and closed his eyes tiredly.

"You... you always remember, don't you!" Wei Yan's eyes were split.

"Concubine Yan is kind to me, so I let you go." Wei Lian said lightly, "Wei Yan, you really should know what other people who offend me will end up."

They are all gone.

After Wei Lian said this, he was no longer interested in him and got up and walked away.

Wei Yan watched him walk away, and the guards continued to execute the execution before the thirty sticks were finished.

"Ah! Wei Lian, come back!"

"Brother Wang! I was wrong, Brother Wang! You tell them to stop fighting! I will listen to you!"

It's a pity that the young man in white clothes will never look back.

When the pain added to his body, Wei Yancai finally felt a trace of remorse.

He remembered that his brother Wang was also very fond of him at first. Probably when he was three or four years old... He was ignorant and ignorant, and Brother Wang really regarded him as his own younger brother.

But later he listened to the words of the aristocratic children and decided that the elder brother was the one who separated his mother's love and authority... So he always regarded the elder brother as an enemy.

Then Brother Wang no longer pampered him.

Wei Yan was still crying there, his shouts breaking through the sky.

On the tall evergreen tree, a woman in a bright red dress frowned impatiently, stood up abruptly and said, "Oh, it's annoying me to sleep!"