An Empire as a Betrothal Gift

Chapter 46: tonic


Ji Yue's daily life is very regular. He got up early in the morning to attend the court, and after going down to the court, he dealt with official business for a while in the imperial study, and then went to the animal house to play with Ameng, and then returned to the palace to rest. After the lunch break, I will go to Zhongling Palace to play chess and play the piano with Wei Lian, chat a few words, and spend a leisurely afternoon. After having dinner together, they will make a memorial in the imperial study for a while, and go back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation at night to sleep alone.

Really a good and self-disciplined king.

After self-discipline, Ji Yue accompanies Wei Lian to dinner every day at Zhongling Palace, Wei Lian wants to keep people several times, but Ji Yue firmly refuses.

The same reason is used.

"Gu also has to handle official business."

It's all about business, business, business.

Wei Lian smiled without saying a word, and he took a strong medicine directly.

He is proficient in pharmacology, and also knows how to match the diet. As long as Ji Yue coaxed him to drink a bowl of tonic soup prepared by himself every time he came back to him, and supplemented it with dietary conditioning, he would not worry about not being able to cure him.

Wei Lian takes a warm approach. The so-called tonic soup is no different from the ordinary meal soup, but adding a few herbs and matching with those food supplements can have unexpected effects.

Those who are physically weak will naturally benefit from drinking it, and it is not a problem to revive their prowess. Ordinary people will not hurt the body too much after drinking it, on the contrary, they will be stronger, but... in the short term, the anger will be slightly more vigorous.

Once the anger is prosperous, doing something to get rid of the fire will also disappear.

Therefore, every time Ji Yue came back to Zhongling Palace to have a meal, he would feel a burning sensation in his lower abdomen and dry mouth.

However... he just thought about it.

Ji Yue only thought that he was thinking and dreaming every day, and because he had read too many little yellow books recently, he only thought about that thing when he saw Wei Lian.

This is not good, he has to respect the person he likes, how can sperm get on his head.

So Ji Yue would rather leave with a belly of fire every day and go back to soak in cold water for half an hour.

Wei Lian: "..."

Ji Yue, I have never seen a person so ignorant of style.

Wei Lian has never been a prankster. At first, just to survive, he dared to gamble with his own body. Now Ji Yue is the person he likes, what's wrong with them being together? He didn't plan on being a widow for the rest of his life.

Therefore, today's bowl of tonic soup is extremely heavy.

He doesn't know how to cook raw rice in the kitchen, and he doesn't know how to cook it in bed

At the dining table, Ji Yue had finished her meal and was about to get up and leave when Wei Lian held him down.

"Your Majesty, I haven't had the soup today." Wei Lian reminded in a warm voice.

Ji Yue sat in the same position, a little tangled.

It's not that he didn't realize it these few days, he was unbearable every time, and the problem was mostly the bowl of soup.

But he also asked the imperial doctor in private, and the soup is fine, it strengthens the body, nourishes and nourishes the face, but if you drink too much, you may get angry.

It's just getting angry, how can you give Wei Lian some goodwill because of this.

Seeing the young man's eagerly looking forward eyes, how could he bear to disappoint him.

Ji Yue picked up the bowl again and drank it.

As soon as he drank it, he felt something was wrong.

It was terribly hot.

Ji Yue put down the bowl, propped up his head, and his face was a little rosy.

Wei Lian naturally knew what happened to him, but pretended not to know: "Why is your majesty's face so red, but the indoor dragon is too hot?"

Ji Yue felt that something was wrong, and immediately got up and said, "I should leave alone."

"Don't, Your Majesty." In front of the palace servants, Wei Lian was always gentle and submissive, he took Ji Yue's hand, "I still want to talk to you."

Ji Yueqiang held on: "We'll talk about it tomorrow."

Wei Lian smiled: "We can go to the couch and talk."

Ji Yue, even the head hog, should be enlightened.

Ji Yue fixedly looked at the young man in white in front of him: "..."

Wei Lian's eyes gleamed, giving birth to a little glimmering brilliance. He leaned lightly on the man's chest, whispered in his ear, and exhaled a warm breath: "Aren't you interested in me at all... brother?"

The string in Ji Yue's mind called rationality snapped and snapped.

When the king picked up the graceful young man in white and walked towards the bed tent, the palace servants in the Zhongling Palace quietly retreated with a wink.

The palace gate was closed, and sandalwood curled up.

Under the veil, the shadows swayed, and the spring was boundless.

The black robes and white robes, which symbolize the honor of the Nine-Five, are stacked on the ground. The young king kissed the beauties under him fervently and intensely, from the delicate eyebrows to the snow-white neck, to the rosy soft lips.

Trace it as carefully as you outline a scroll.

Wei Lian hooked the person's neck to kiss back, and the tangled lips and teeth made a blushing sucking sound.

The green onion picks red beans, and the green silk wraps around the ends of the hair. The ten-fingered Acacia buckle, the nine-turn double shadow shakes.

The thick long eyelashes were slightly wet, and they fluttered on the corners of the reddened eyes, like butterfly wings fluttering among gorgeous flowers.

Both of them were breathing much faster than usual. Wei Lian leaned against the person's shoulder, his voice a little tight: "Ji Yue..."

In this charming and infinite occasion.

Ji Yue stopped.

He stopped.

He, really, of course, stopped, stopped.

Wei Lian half opened his misty eyes and whispered, "... Ji Yue?"

Ji Yue: "..."

He looked at the young man in front of him with a complicated expression.

Mottled hickey, scattered blue silk. His eyes were watery, his lips were slightly red, and he was in a mess.

A look of being bullied.

All good things he did.

The words of Imperial Physician Xu immediately exploded in his ears.

"Men are no better than women. The dry road is not used for sex. If you do it hard, it will definitely be like a tearing pain, and the pain is unbearable."

"This matter is extremely hurtful, and it will last for a long time. I am afraid that there will be many unspeakable diseases. Your Majesty listens to the old minister's advice, don't do it lightly."

Damn, how could he forget.

Ji Yue's eyes were filled with infinite annoyance, and a hint of happiness appeared in his eyes.

Fortunately, the last step has not been done yet, and a big mistake has not been made.

Ji Yue moved slowly to the bed without a trace: "I need to deal with it..."

"Do you have to deal with government affairs again?" Wei Lian's tone was calm, and the corners of his lips evoked a faint arc.

Murder in his eyes.

If you dare to handle government affairs, I will handle you first.

Ji Yue was quiet, and changed his words: "Gu is going to review the memorial."

He quickly got out of bed and dressed: "You go to sleep!"

"..." Wei Liantong was shrouded in clouds.

"Ji Yue, if you leave this door today, you'll be fine with the memorial in your life." Wei Lian said coldly.

Ji Yue paused, hesitated for a moment, and walked quickly.

Wei Lian watched him walk away in disbelief, and thumped the bed board hard.

"Ji Yue!" There was grievance in the young man's voice.

He was about to cry at this popularity.

How could he be left alone at a time like this... in the middle of this kind of thing!

Too much, really too much.

pissed him off!

"Young Master..." The palace servant walked in cautiously, "You—"


The palace man was startled.

The son is always good-tempered, but this is the first time he has seen him get so angry.

What the hell has your majesty done

The palace servant bowed: "... promise."

"Wait." The young man in the tent suddenly said.

He said very lightly: "There is no need to prepare that soup in the future."

Where is Ji Yue not good

He just didn't want to touch him.

Good thing, go out of this door today, don't even think about going to his bed in the future.

Wei Lian lowered his eyes, extremely irritable.

He felt that he was finished, that he had lost even the composure of the past by this person.

Knowing that something is wrong.

But there is nowhere to escape.

The feeling is alien, uncontrollable, and scary.

Wei Lian suddenly understood that Ji Yue wanted to draw a clear line with him in order to cut off this affection.

Love brings not only joy, but also ups and downs. He has never tasted all the flavors in the world before, but he has to taste them one by one since then.

so troublesome.

Wei Lian hates trouble the most.

But what to do, he likes Ji Yue.

Ji Yue almost escaped to the imperial study.

Of course, even a single word of the memorial cannot be read.

Holding a bamboo slip in his hand, his mind was stunned.

Leaving Wei Lian alone there... Isn't it too kind

Ji Yue thought for a while, and suddenly realized that what he was doing was not very human.

But if they turn back at this time, I am afraid that the two of them will be even more embarrassed.

Under the circumstances at that time, if he continued to stay, he would definitely be unable to restrain himself from asking Wei Lian.

Wei Lian will be in pain.

These four words are the root of Ji Yue's patience.

Forget it, make amends to Wei Xiaolian another day.

Ji Yue put away those wild thoughts, picked up the jade carving and continued to work.

They are all first time liking people, inexperienced, clumsy and careful in love. If others see it, they will definitely laugh at them.

How can two smart people become stupid when they meet.

Be stupid.

In the imperial study, Ji Yue raised his head, studied the shape of the jade under the candlelight, and when he noticed the roughness of the polishing, he put it down and revised it, his brows and eyes were serious.

In the Zhongling Palace, Wei Lian put on his clothes expressionlessly, and was so angry that he made three plates of rabbit-shaped cakes, took the rabbit heads as Ji Yue, and ate them one by one to vent his anger.

- They just love each other so purely and stupidly.

The next day, Ji Yue came to Zhongling Palace as before.

He was stopped by Longevity and Longevity outside the Zhongling Palace.

"Young Master can't tell you." Even in the face of King Qin, Changsheng's attitude was neither humble nor arrogant.

Changshou also added a sentence: "Yes, yes, the son said that if you want to go with the memorial, don't disturb him."

Even though he was a little afraid of King Qin at first, after seeing more of these days, King Qin was always eating in Zhongling Palace, and Changshou felt that King Qin was not so scary anymore.

Besides, he has a son to support him!

Ji Yue: "..."


Li Fuquan was about to scold him for being presumptuous, but Ji Yue raised his hand to signal to shut up: "That Gu is waiting for him here."

Last night, it was because he acted too much, and it was right for Wei to calm down.

Changsheng said: "You please."

This wait is half an hour.

In the early spring, it was warm and cold, and when I stood for a while, I didn't realize it. Ji Yue's martial skills were still able to resist, but the palace servants who followed him stood shivering in the cold wind.

Ji Yue looked at the new flowers on the branches, but remembered the first time he and Wei Lian met.

... Wei Lian was punished by him kneeling in the snow for two hours.

It was still winter and it was snowing, and the snow on the ground was two feet deep, and the wind was blowing as hard as a knife.

He had just returned from the Qin Chu battlefield not long ago. The two countries were at war, and each suffered damage. A general who had fought with him for many years was in that battle, which made him have no good feelings for the people of Chu.

Thus angered an innocent proton.

Because of his words, the young man knelt down with frostbite on his knees. If it wasn't for the best medicine, the legs would suffer from hidden diseases that were difficult to cure.

Ji Yue suddenly felt a little sad.

If I had known that Gu liked him so much, Gu should have treated him well at the first sight of him.