An Empire as a Betrothal Gift

Chapter 53: framed


Wei Lian returned to the Zhongling Palace in the end at night, but Ji Yue tried every means and failed to keep anyone.

In the middle of the night, Ji Yue sullenly stood alone in the empty room, like a grievous woman who was abandoned by her husband.

How did things get like this.

Concubines have always tried every means to make the king stay overnight in their own palaces, but he was good, and he was the one who wanted Wei Lian to stay in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

No success yet.

Lose the face of the king.

But the face is a thing, and you get used to it when you throw it away.

The next day, the racetrack.

Wei Lian put on a strong suit that was convenient for horseback riding, and his ink hair was lightly tied up by a jade-white hairband.

The cold and immortal son showed a youthful air of fresh clothes and angry horses.

"Young master, your Majesty will come right away." The palace servant said respectfully.

Wei Lian nodded and looked into the distance.

Not long after he waited, he heard the sound of hooves. Wei Lian looked back and saw a young man in a riding suit coming on a horse, handsome and valiant.

Riding on a tall and sturdy black horse, he was extremely arrogant.

It's another look from the calm and reserved in front of the minister.

"Yo!" Before he approached Wei Lian, Ji Yue reined in the reins to prevent Wei Lian from choking on the dust raised by the horse's hooves.

Ji Yue didn't dismount, but slowly rode his horse to Wei Lian's side and held out a hand to him: "Come up."

Wei Lian glanced at him and reached out to put his hand on it. As soon as Ji Yue exerted his strength, he pulled the young man onto the horse's back.

Wei Lian sat in front of Ji Yue, who happened to be wrapped in his arms.

"Has your body recovered? Is there anything strange about sitting?" Ji Yue asked in a low voice.

Wei Lian replied softly, "No problem."

When Ji Yue got the answer, he felt relieved, shouted "Drive!", and galloped out.

The sound of the wind blowing past his ears.

It was a little cold in the face, but the embrace behind him was thick and warm. Ji Yue held the reins in one hand, and clasped Wei Lian's waist in the other, letting people grab the rope in front of him.

Wei Lian sat on the horse, feeling the rapid reversal of the scenery on both sides, and for a moment thought that he and Ji Yue were on the endless prairie. There, the sky flies over the geese, as blue as a wash, and flocks of cattle and sheep. They swung their horses and galloped freely, breathing the air of freedom.

That's what Wei Lian has always wanted.

It's just that the racecourse of the palace is not as big as the grassland, and this imagination has not yet been extended, and it has already finished running in one lap. Ji Yue got off his horse and reached out to him again to lead him down.

Wei Lian retracted his thoughts in time and jumped off the horse while stepping on the stirrup.

"Are you afraid?" Ji Yue asked.

Wei Lian shook his head: "I'm not afraid. Very..." He thought for a while, "I'm very happy."

In that moment, he was very happy.

"It's fine if you're not afraid. If you're afraid, then you have to overcome your fear. I'm afraid it will be difficult in two days." Ji Yue ordered someone to bring Xiaohong, and of course, he also brought Amen along.

When Xiaohong came, she was still arrogant, and when she saw Ah Meng, she instantly became languid, listless, and very melancholy.

In contrast, the dark horse Ji Yue had just rode had no fear of A Meng, and even bowed his head to say hello to A Meng very familiarly.

A Meng licked the black horse's nose with her tongue, and her attitude was unexpectedly intimate and gentle.

Wei Lian looked strange: "Ameng and Xiaohei seem to have a good relationship."

Ji Yue: "...It's not called Xiao Hei."

Wei Lian: "Oh?"

Ji Yue said, "It's called Xiaobai."

Wei Lian: "..."

"But it's a dark horse?" Wei Lian doubted Ji Yue's ability to name names.

Although he named Xiaohong a bit vulgar, Xiaohong is indeed a jujube red horse, and it lives up to its name.

And what about Ji Yue? He called a fierce dog Ameng and a dark horse Xiaobai.

It is simply the highest level of open-eyed and nonsense.

Ji Yue said, "Its four hooves are white."

Xiaobai's whole body is black, except for his four hoofs, he is an uncompromising snow-treading black horse.

Wei Liandao: "You might as well call it treading snow."

"Treading snow is too common. Nine out of ten horses treading snow are called treading snow." Ji Yue didn't agree. "Lone horses must have unique names."

Wei Lian's face was expressionless.

So, what is so unique about the name Xiaobai

This is just like every village must have a dog named Rhubarb.

If it's unique, it's not false, at least for a dark horse called Xiaobai, Wei Lian can't find a second one in the world.

"It's better to call it a dark cloud." Wei Lian said.

It is also very good to call the dark clouds when the dark clouds step on the snow.

Ji Yue pointed at Xiaohong: "Then why don't you call it Huo Huoyun?"

"… "

Wei Lian gave up the issue of fighting for the name with Ji Yue.

"Xiaobai is a war horse and has accompanied Gu on the battlefield for many years." Ji Yue patted Xiaobai's head, "He and Ameng are very close partners."

Amen nodded immediately.

"But from now on, Xiaohong will also be your partner." Ji Yue said again.

He had already made up his mind that when Wei Lian learned to ride a horse, he would give the tamed Xiaohong to Wei Lian as a mount.

Ameng looked at Xiaohong in disgust, and gave a fierce "wang".

Xiaohong was so angry, but she had no choice but to dig soil on the ground depressed.

Xiaobai walked to Xiaohong gently, rubbed its head, and told it not to be afraid, Ameng was all to scare it.

Subduing a horse requires both hard and soft. Simply relying on violence cannot really make a fierce horse willing.

Since it was decided to let Xiaohong be Wei Lian's mount, of course Ji Yue would not leave this hidden danger for Wei Lian.

The first step is to start by arranging a small partner for Xiaohong.

Xiaohong was comforted by her peers and moved to tears.

The two horses initially established a good friendship.

Ji Yue was very satisfied.

Next, he can teach Wei Lian how to ride a horse.

Wei Lian originally wanted to let Ji Yue see what a genius who can read it once.

But then thought it was not necessary.

Ji Yue's insight is really keen, and his mind is meticulous. If he reveals flaws, it will be bad if he finds out that he is actually very skilled.

If you follow the clues again and find out his hidden skills...

The risk is too great, so it is better to continue to keep a low profile.

At the critical moment, Wei Lian chose to hide it.

Ji Yue's antidote has never been given to him, and he will not take the initiative to ask. And if he didn't give him the antidote for a day, Wei Lian couldn't be completely unreserved for a day.

This seems to be an unsolved problem between the two.

Right now, Wei Lian can only pretend to be unskilled.

But it is also very difficult to ask someone to make a mistake in an accident that has already been handy.

If you're not careful, you'll push too hard.

So in the next half a day, Ji Yue realized what a fool is.

The specific manifestations are: as soon as Ji Yue let go of his hand, he stopped stepping on the stirrup and did not dare to mount the horse, forcing Ji Yue to carry the person up; when he got on the horse, he did not dare to pull the reins, but chose to hug the horse's neck, and fell off the horse and was caught by Ji Yue. At least three times; finally pulled the reins but didn't dare to swing the whip. The reason was that the horse would hurt too cruelly. Ji Yue did psychological counseling for a long time; Roaring and trying hard, like a midwife...

To sum it up in four words, it is exhausting.

In the end, Wei Lian finally "learned" to pull the reins and let the horse walk a few steps slowly, and when he dismounted, he asked proudly, "I'm amazing!"

Ji Yue said against his heart: "...Awesome, Wei Lang is really a genius."

Wei Lian was shocked by Ji Yue's standard.

Is this all genius

Is he not pretending to be stupid enough

In fact, this level is really great. A person who can't ride a horse at all can ride a horse alone in half a day, and the progress is already rapid.

But how did Ji Yue learn it in the first place

He is self-taught.

Therefore, after looking at it for a long time, Ji Yue felt very desperate.

But he couldn't say something like "Why are you so stupid" to Wei Lian anyway.

Compliment is over.

At this moment, Li Fuquan hurried over suddenly, and Fu Er whispered to Ji Yue.

Ji Yue's expression didn't change, but he raised his head and said to Wei Lian, "Go back to the imperial study if you have something important to do, and then come to see Wei Lang after you've dealt with it."

Wei Lian's smile faded, and he bent down and bowed.

Ji Yue hurried away with a group of palace servants.

When Ji got further away, Wei Lian straightened up, his eyes narrowed lightly.

What Li Fuquan said was a whisper, but he had deep inner strength and could hear it clearly.

What he said was - General Xie was back.

Ji Yue's ability to swept across the six countries was naturally not just by his own power. Since the eradication of foreign relatives and one party, Ji Yue abolished the hereditary system, created the imperial examination, and recruited wise men from all over the world. There are many capable people in the Qin Dynasty, all of them were promoted by Ji Yue, and he was the only confidant.

Xie Chen is a fierce general of the Qin state. At the age of fifteen, he was the champion in the martial arts. Now he is worthy of the crown.

This time Qinlian broke the three protection barriers of Chu, and it was Ji Yue's order and Xie Chen's troops.

Although the state of Chu sent the protons to stop the war, the three lost cities could not be recovered. Xie Chen has been guarding the newly conquered city these days, arranging fortifications, eliminating future troubles, and now he has stabilized, and finally the class teacher returns to the court.

No wonder Ji Yue went to meet him immediately.

Wei Lian is not someone who doesn't know the general situation. It's important to understand Ji Yue's business. It's just a matter of selfishness. It's not a happy thing to be left behind halfway. The ease and pleasure that had lasted for half a day faded, and it became dull in an instant.

Wei Lian was bored, so he left his horse and left.

On the way to Qinyuan Lake, everything recovered in early spring, the ice on the lake has melted, the lake water is flowing, and the blue waves are rippling.

Wei Lian stood by the lake for a while, remembering that in winter, he teased Ji Yue to lie on the ice to ask for carp, but Ji Yue grabbed his hand and pulled him to catch fish on the ice.

The thick layer of ice was shaken away by the internal force, he almost fell into the water, and was taken into his arms by Ji Yue.

At that time, the cold winter wind slashed his face, but his heart was beating fiercely.

Not the wind, but the heart.

"Master Wei is also admiring the lake?" Princess Chonghua said in surprise.

Today, she changed into a light yellow dress again, and she was beautiful.

Wei frowned.

How is she everywhere.

Wei Lian, who had just been abandoned by Ji Yue, was not in a good mood, so he was not so polite in his speech.

He said gently: "Just passing by. It's the princess who enjoyed the flowers yesterday and the lake today, are you..."

Princess Chonghua thought that what the young man wanted to say was "Are you too elegant?" After all, Wei Lian seemed to be knowledgeable and polite.

However, what Wei Lian said was: "Have you never seen the world?"

Reward this and that every day, what is there to see

Princess Chonghua: "..."

She originally had a slight affection for Wei Lian. When Wei Lian appeared on the stage, Young Master Pian Pian was astonished, with such a stunning appearance, it was rare for a woman not to be moved.

But Wei Lian didn't have the monstrous power of King Qin. As soon as he appeared on the stage, he refuted her face. After several times, she couldn't get down from the stage, and he was still her rival in love.

Princess Chonghua now only hates Wei Lian.

No matter how immortal and beautiful, as long as she thinks that she is just a pamperer on the Qin King's couch, she feels sick for a while.

Of course, Wei Lian didn't like Princess Chonghua either.

He has a keen mind and can perceive the kindness and malice that others radiate towards him. Chonghua didn't feel good about him, so he naturally wouldn't retaliate with virtue.

"How could Young Master Wei be so mean to Chonghua?" Princess Chonghua said aggrieved, "It's a bit of a loss of the gentleman's style."

Wei Lian wanted to say that he could be even more mean, just because she couldn't stand the humiliation and jumped into the lake to commit suicide.

However, before the words could be said, Princess Chonghua didn't know what she saw, and suddenly took a big step forward. Wei Lian was about to step back and say "stay away from me", when Princess Chonghua plunged into the lake.

Wei Lian: "...?"

He didn't say anything yet, why did she jump into the lake to kill herself

When he turned around and saw Ji Yue and another young man standing behind him, he immediately understood.

Framed him as a low-level frame for pushing people into the water.

Wei Lian has seen this method at least eight hundred times in the palace of the King of Chu.

Can the palace fighting methods under the sky be a little new

"Help!" Princess Chonghua fluttered in the water.

The young man beside Ji Yue frowned and ordered "Save people". Immediately, a guard jumped into the water and rescued Princess Chonghua.

Princess Chonghua was rescued and lingered on the shore. She was born beautiful, and the way she cried was even more pear blossoms and rain, I still felt pity.

When she saw Ji Yue, she changed her kneeling posture and cried, "Your Majesty! You have to decide for Chonghua! Young Master Wei, Chonghua knows that he is wrong and shouldn't be arguing with you, but how could you be jealous because of your jealousy? Chonghua was pushed into the water, killing Chonghua!"

Wei Lian watched her perform with great interest.

Well, a wicked person will report first.

"If it wasn't for His Majesty's order to save me, Chonghua would have drowned at the bottom of the lake today!" Princess Chonghua cried more and more sadly, she walked on her knees in front of Ji Yue, and kowtowed, "Chonghua is a princess of a country anyway, Yan Although the country is small, it will never be bullied by anyone! Your Majesty, please call the shots."

She is not completely brainless, knowing that Wei Lian is favored, she did not directly let the King of Qin deal with Wei Lian. But moving out of the country of Yan and rising to the level of the two countries, between the lines, it means to defend the unlucky.

She was sure that she grasped the angle very accurately. In the eyes of King Qin, it must be Wei Lian who pushed her into the lake. Wei Lian was absolutely speechless.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, the envoys of the Yan Kingdom have not left, can the King of Qin still cover up

Besides, the King of Qin only likes Wei Lian's weak and innocent appearance. If he knew that Wei Lian was a ferocious, jealous, cruel and life-threatening person, would he still dote on him like that

This tactic is cliché, but it works.

At such a critical juncture, Wei Lian was not in a hurry to defend himself. Instead, he corrected her: "Your Majesty did not order to save you, but the general who ordered to save you."

If it was Ji Yue, Wei Lian felt that he might watch Princess Chonghua sink with him.

And the one next to Ji Yue, whose armor has not been removed, is young and handsome, with a strong arrogance, it should be the General Xie.

Xie Chen didn't know what happened, but when he saw someone fell into the water and let him rescue him, he couldn't let a life happen in front of His Majesty.

His Majesty didn't speak, and he wouldn't say anything.

Ji Yue lowered her eyes to look at the embarrassed woman kneeling at her feet. Princess Chonghua wanted to reach out and tug at the hem of his clothes, causing him to frown.

One-handed water, don't stain the upper of his shoes.

Before he could step back, a cloud shoe kicked her hand away.

Wei Lian squatted down and asked, "You said, I pushed you?"

Princess Chonghua raised her head and looked at him with hatred: "Isn't it?"

Wei Lian looked at her for a moment, then chuckled, "Yes."

Then he got up and unceremoniously dragged Princess Chonghua's hand to the shore.

No matter how "weak" he is, he is still a big man, and it is more than enough to drag a weak woman.

Princess Chonghua said in horror: "What are you doing? How dare you be presumptuous in front of His Majesty, you—ah!"

Princess Chonghua screamed.


She was actually pushed back into the lake by Wei Lian.

Xie Chen watched from the sidelines until now, and finally couldn't help: "Your Majesty, this—"

This person is so rebellious in front of His Majesty, he should be punished.

Unexpectedly, Ji Yue chuckled and said, "Don't worry about it."

Xie Chen: "… No."

The general was shocked.

He hasn't come back for a few months, what happened to your majesty? How could someone be so presumptuous in front of him.

Princess Chonghua choked on the water and was still struggling, her voice was extremely shrill. A few guards on the shore showed unbearable faces and were about to move. Wei Lian said coldly, "Don't save me."

He never pleaded guilty to trumped-up charges.

If he dared to frame him, why would he sit still

The guard held back.

Xie Chen had just asked someone about Princess Chonghua's identity, and now he was slightly solemn: "Your Majesty, if Princess Yan is allowed to die in Qin, I'm afraid..."

"Don't worry, she won't die." Wei Lian turned his head and nodded politely at him, "Does the general think that a princess from an island country can't drink water?"

Born in the grasslands, even a seven-year-old Huyantuya can ride a horse.

Born in Haiguo, seventeen-year-old Princess Chonghua, could she still drown