An Empire as a Betrothal Gift

Chapter 66: Spring hunt


March 3, Shangsi Festival. At this time, the girls in the boudoir all step out of the house and go out to the water for an outing. In the folks, this is also considered to be a more solemn festival of the year.

However, for princes and ministers, the most important event in March is not the spring outing, but the annual spring hunting.

Every year in the first ten days of March, His Majesty will lead the civil and military officials to hunt in the suburban paddocks dozens of miles away. The six arts of the gentleman are placed there, the literati can also ride and shoot, and the generals are even more courageous, and they have to make a lot of money every year to distinguish themselves. The one who catches the most prey will be rewarded by His Majesty.

If he is fortunate enough to be in the eyes of His Majesty, his career in the future can be described as smooth progress.

Therefore, countless young talents in Yongping began to prepare half a year in advance, and practiced kung fu in horseback and archery, just to seize this opportunity.

Spring hunting is a tradition handed down by the ancestors of Qin. In the past, when every king traveled, he would bring one or two concubines and concubines who would serve in the tent at night.

In the past, Ji Yue would not bring anyone with him, but today is different from the past, he has a Wei Lian.

The convoy started to set off from March 3rd, and along the way, there were many young girls outing in groups of threes and fives. They cast their eyes here curiously, and were blocked by the forbidden army who cleared the way.

They gathered together and whispered.

"Look, it's the convoy from the palace!"

"Why don't you see His Majesty? Last year, I saw His Majesty riding a snow-treading horse. He was handsome and handsome. I still want to see you again this year."

"Who is sitting in the carriage? It looks so imposing, surrounded by a group of guards."

"Should it be the legendary son Lian? My brother saw him once when he was at a banquet in the palace, and after he came back, he talked to me for a long time, saying that he had never seen such an immortal figure in his life."

"How come I haven't seen General Xie this year..."

"You are stupid, General Xie has been sent by His Majesty to attack Chen State!"

Inside the spacious and comfortable carriage, Wei Lian leaned against Ji Yue and nibbled on melon seeds, very comfortable.

Going to the paddock, it is reasonable to say that all the people should ride horses. Based on Wei Lian's "wonderful" performance when he went back to learning how to ride horses, he decisively made a move that was in line with his personality.

"It's very tiring to ride, I'm afraid of falling," said Wei Lian, a master horse trainer.

Ji Yue thought that you were a ghost, and waved his orders to prepare a luxury carriage.

Anyway, the concubines of Xianchao also traveled in carriages, and Wei Lian would not object to taking a carriage.

Before leaving, Ji Yue picked up the curtains, got into the carriage, and wanted to ride with Wei Lian all the way.

Wei Lian said in surprise, "What are you doing here without riding a horse?"

Ji Yue said, "accompany you."

Wei Lian's eyes lit up: "Then you came just in time."

The corners of Ji Yue's lips twitched, thinking it was Wei Lian who missed each other as much as he did, and couldn't tell them apart for a moment.

Wei Lian continued, "Help me peel melon seeds."

Ji Yue: "..."

Do you use loneliness as a servant

Ji Yue said with a stern face: "Do it yourself, and have enough food and clothing."

Wei Lian blinked: "Just help."

Ji Yue worked hard to maintain the majesty of the king: "I just jumped out of the carriage, I won't let you send me, don't think about it—"

Two soft lips pressed against his lips.

Ji Yue's words disappeared immediately.

The young man leaned forward, lowered his eyelids, and his long and delicate eyelashes brushed lightly on Ji Yue's face, itching to the heart.

Ji Yue's eyes darkened, his Adam's apple rolled.

Outside the carriage, the scenery along the road changes, the crowd is bustling, there is a lot of discussion, and the heat is in full swing.

Inside the carriage, the young man in Xuanyi turned against the guests, clasping the back of his head and kissing him breathlessly.

Ji Yue didn't let him go until Wei Lian's face turned red from the kiss and leaned weakly into his arms.

The contented Ji Yue was in a good mood and started helping Wei to peel the sunflower seeds.

Wei Lian rested his pillow on Ji Yue's shoulder, nibbling on and off, and from time to time he took the melon seeds that Ji Yue handed to his mouth.

In the whole world, there is probably no second person who dares to lean on King Qin's shoulder and swallow the melon seeds that King Qin has peeled.

No other person has this honor.

The journey is long and exhausting. The excitement at the beginning faded, and it was boring to sit in the carriage all the time. Gradually, Wei Lianzi also stopped eating, and felt dry mouth for a while.

He lowered his head, sleepiness in his eyes.

In order to leave in time, I got up very early today, and now I am a little tired.

Ji Yue poured him a glass of water: "I'll sleep in the car when I'm sleepy, and I'll call you when I get there."

Wei Lian responded in a low voice, drank the tea, leaned on Ji Yue's shoulder, closed his eyes, and fell asleep after a while.

Ji Yue saw that he was sound asleep, and even the sound of breathing was a little lighter.

The road was bumpy, the wheels would be bumped by stones from time to time, and even the people in the car were also shaken. Wei Lian almost fell off Ji Yue's shoulder several times, but fortunately, Ji Yue saw that he was firmly supported, so that no one bumped into the small case with melons and fruits in front of him.

Carefully guarded all the way, just didn't let people wake up.

Another time when Wei Lian's whole body slid down, Ji Yue reluctantly pulled the man back. His shoulders were also a little sore from the pillow, and he simply let people sleep on their laps. At this time, the convoy had left Yongping, the road was much quieter on both sides, and there was some coolness under the shade of the trees.

Ji Yue pulled out the tiger-skin blanket on the side and put it on Wei Lian to prevent anyone from catching a cold.

Wei Lian was lying on his lap, with red marks on one cheek, as if he had been bullied. His complexion was as white as snow, and when he suddenly got a little red, it was like peach blossoms falling on his cheeks, which was unbelievably beautiful.

Ji Yue looked at it for a long while, but couldn't hold back, leaned down and kissed the man's forehead.

It's too cute to kiss.

Who would have thought that just after leaving, there was a sudden commotion outside, Wei Lian's ear tip moved, and he immediately woke up.

Those beautiful and beautiful eyes opened, and when he woke up, he saw Ji Yue who was close at hand.

Wei Lian: "..."

Ji Yue: "..."

Wei Lian straightened up, looked at the blanket he was covering, and asked, "You just..."

Ji Yue immediately said, "Gu didn't kiss you."

Wei Lian: "..."

Very good, once again there is no silver 300 taels here.

"What are you doing?" Wei Lian kissed his cheek without any hesitation, "I'm awake, is it dawn?"

Ji Yue has a black line.

Wei Xiaolian slept so much that he didn't know what day it was.

"No." Ji Yue said, "it's night."

Outside the curtain, Li Fuquan said, "Your Majesty, the paddock is here."

"We're here." Ji Yue took his hand, "get off."

As soon as they got off the carriage, the splendid king stood side by side with the unparalleled son, and it suddenly became a stunning scenery.

A few ministers accidentally swept across the red seal on Wei Lian's face, and they didn't dare to take a closer look, and quickly turned their eyes away.

His Majesty Xindao has always traveled on horseback in previous years, but this year he stayed with Young Master Lian... Could it be that they were hanging out in a carriage

It's quite exciting to think about it... No, it's indecent!

Of course no one dared to say it.

Wei Lian surrendered the red-maned horse and slapped Chen Guo in the face, which made him a wave of goodwill in Qin country.

It's just that he is the son of Chu country, and he is the favorite in the eyes of everyone. The former makes people hostile, and the latter makes life frivolous. Prejudice cannot be eliminated in a short time.

Wei Lian also didn't care how others viewed him.

All he cares about is Ji Yue.

On the first day, it was already late, and the main thing was to set up camp and eat some dry food. When the hunting officially starts tomorrow, you can eat the fire-roasted prey.

The trivial matter of setting up a tent does not need Ji Yue to do it himself.

Ah Meng followed the team all the way, and is now excitedly running from east to west on a field, and then from west to east.

The whole dog was so happy it was about to fly.

Ji Yue will bring it every spring hunting. Compared with being carefully fed in the palace, mastiffs prefer to run freely in the vast mountains and forests and accompany their masters to hunt.

People still value freedom, not to mention wild beasts.

Xiaobai and Xiaohong also came. Xiaobai is Ji Yue's war horse, not to mention Xiaohong's first participation.

However, there is little chance that Xiaohong will come in handy. Wei Lian can only say that he "just learned to ride a horse". Archery is a blind spot, and riding and shooting is even more impossible.

As the mount of Wei · Waste Dim Sum · Lian, Xiaohong can only be forced to be useless.

In Ji Yue's words, it is to bring it to see the world.

The guards worked very efficiently, and the tents for the rest of the kings and grandsons were quickly set up. As a noble prince, Wei Lian can naturally have an independent tent.

However, Ji Yue said he didn't need it, saying that they lived together.

Everyone showed a tacit look.

Your Majesty... You have to sleep at night, they all understand.

Even Li Fuquan thought so, and secretly stuffed Wei Lian with a tube of ointment, asking him to remove the marks on his face. He also said that the ointment should be used sparingly. It is inconvenient to be outside for half a month.

As soon as Wei Lian heard it, he knew that the chief executive had misunderstood, and explained, "I slept on His Majesty's body."

He didn't do that with Ji Yue on the carriage!

He does think so!

The surname Ji does not cooperate!!!

Li Fuquan nodded, with a look of "you don't need to say, we all understand": "Yes, I know that you and His Majesty slept out."

Wei Lian: "...?"

"You can save it!" Li Fuquan left a sentence and was called away.

Liu Weilian was messy in the wind alone.

He looked down at the strange ointment and fell into thought.

"What are you looking at?" Ji Yue came over, glanced at Li Fuquan's hurried back, and then looked at the blushing young man.

Wei Lian wasn't shy, the sleep marks on his face hadn't disappeared.

But it's a lot lighter than when I was in the carriage.

Otherwise, everyone's guess would not be "Young Master Lian was favored in the carriage", but "Young Master Lian was domestically abused in the carriage".

Wei Lian said, "Injuring medicine."

Ji Yue looked solemn: "Where is the injury?"

Wei Lian said, "Spare."

Ji Yue must find out: "Where did you use it?"

Medicine can't be used indiscriminately, Wei Lian must use the best one.

Wei Lian glanced at him: "You don't need to know." Then he turned around and left.

Ji Yue: "???"

Ji Yue was confused.

It's night, inside the tent.

The external conditions are not rich, and it is impossible to create a pool as big as Tangquan Palace, but the king of a country will obviously not be neglected. There is no soup pool, and there is still hot water that has been boiled.

After taking a bath, Wei Lian put on an obscene garment, her long hair was loose, and her facial features were impeccably perfect. The clear moonlight poured into the tent, reflecting people like jade.

With such a beautiful woman by his side, no matter which king it is, it should be a night of spring night.


Ji Yue had already slept very peacefully on the couch.

Wei Lian was very resentful, 100% annoyed, and utterly speechless and fell asleep beside Ji Yue.

He naively thought that Ji Yue had another meaning when he said that he slept in the same tent as him.

He was wrong, Ji Yue really just wanted to sleep.

This person suddenly entered a period of frigidity for some unknown reason. Wei Lian pondered.

He has to figure out why.

I slept in the carriage for so long during the day that I lost sleep at night.

After tossing and turning several times, Wei Lian finally couldn't take it anymore, and sat up and pulled Ji Yue.

Ji Yue opened his eyes vigilantly, and when he saw Wei Lian in front of him, he closed his eyes lazily, and made a vague nasal sound: "Huh?"

"Get up." Wei Lian said seriously, "hurt me."