An Empire as a Betrothal Gift

Chapter 76: Advice


Ji Yue blinked.

Wei Lian raised his eyes and said again, "My medical skills can help."

He said calmly, "I'll go too."

Silence hovered quietly between the two of them, and a dignified breath lingered in the room.

After a long time, Ji Yue said, "...Okay."

He didn't say anything like "you're not allowed to go alone". For every extra day of delay, many more people will die in Jiangzhou, and they have no time to hesitate.

Wei Lian nodded: "I'll leave the edict immediately."

The first team to go to Jiangzhou for rescue had already set off in the afternoon, and it was too late for him to go after him on horseback.

Ji Yue lowered his eyes, moved his fingers, and handed Wei Lian the edict under the fold.

It was written that Gongzi Lian was appointed as a minister of imperial envoy to help solve the epidemic, and everyone in the hospital obeyed his orders. The status is superior to that of another imperial envoy who handles this matter. If there is a disagreement between the two sides in decision-making, it will all be under the command of Gongzi Lian.

It can be said that this task is fully handed over to Wei Lian.

The decree has been covered with a jade seal, and the ink has dried. Obviously, I don't know how long it has been hanging here.

Ji Yue had written this edict earlier.

Before he broke into the imperial study.

Wei Lian glanced at him, smiled, turned around and left.

"Wei Lian." Ji Yue stopped him.

Wei Lian stopped and lowered his eyes: "Well."

After a moment of silence behind him, Ji Yue said, "Just stay for one more night."

"The team only left the city today, and will rest at the out-of-city post in the evening for rectification. Tomorrow, we can catch up with the horses quickly... and we can meet in time."

Wei Lian was light and fast, and he was able to catch up with the large army, not bad for this day.

But between them, it was a very bad day.

Wei Lian said softly, "Okay."

Then push the door out.

That night, Ji Yue rested in Zhongling Palace.

They didn't do anything but simply shared the bed and slept peacefully all night.

The next day, Ji Yue woke up, Xi was slightly white, and the sky was dawning.

Wei Lian hadn't woken up yet, his hands were folded, and he slept well. Ji Yue looked at the young man's sleeping face for a while, and dropped a gentle kiss on Wei Lian's forehead.

Then he changed his clothes silently, and went up to the court quietly.

When Wei Lian woke up, there were birdsong outside, and the spring was bright.

The luggage was packed yesterday and we can leave this afternoon.

Now I can still steal half a day of leisure, and when I arrive in Jiangzhou, it is time to fight a tough battle without stopping.

For half a day, I don't know what to do.

Wei Lian thought for a while, pulled out a bright red dress from the box, and took out the needle and thread to sew the final pattern.

He had promised Ji Yue that he would make him two clothes, a pair of shoes, and a purse.

Everything else is done, only this one is left, and there is one more finishing touch.

Black is the symbol of the king, Ji Yue always wears the black robe very dignifiedly, purses his lips, and sits high on the throne. As if he was born to wear this outfit and take this position.

What Wei Lian remembers the most is the night of the Shangyuan Lantern Festival, when the young man in red smiled and dragged him into the crowd.

The fiery red clothes and the fiery tree and silver flowers are so gorgeous that they provoke people's hearts, and that is the real integration.

After taking the last needle, Wei Lian heard a commotion outside.

He raised his head slightly, and saw Changshou running in hastily.

Wei Lian asked, "What's wrong? It's noisy."

Changshou said with a bitter face: "Young Master, go out and have a look. Somehow, a group of ministers came outside, kneeling directly at the door, asking you to go out."

Wei Lian: "..."

He didn't think he had the face to make Qin's gang of ministers kneel down with respect for him.

Probably asking for something.

Wei Lian put away his clothes, got up and walked out.

There were some young officials kneeling outside. Seeing Wei Lian coming out, the leader immediately said, "Young Master! Please go and persuade Your Majesty!"

"Now Your Majesty will only listen to you!"

Wei Lian frowned: "What happened?"

A well-spoken official explained the matter in a few words.

In the early morning of this day, Ji Yue informed the ministers in the courtroom that Wei Lian was appointed as the imperial envoy to be responsible for the plague in Qingping County.

As soon as this statement was made, half of them opposed it.

Some say that the harem should not be involved in government affairs, some say that Young Master Lian is not of my race, and some say that he has no experience and no medical skills, and that going there is nothing but chaos.

Most of the opponents were civil officials, but the generals were silent.

On that day, after the Assassin was rushed out of the troupe at the birthday banquet for Young Master Lian, all of them saw with their own eyes that Young Master Lian chopped off the assassin's head.

Rescue is effective, and martial arts are not bad. Since then, no one dared to underestimate it.

"Don't understand medical skills?" Ji Yue said lightly, "Isn't it Wei Lang who was assassinated in the paddock that day and saved the lonely one?"

"..." That's right.

"That's not enough to fight the plague. It's just a little bit of knowledge. How can such a big thing be left to the son." A stubborn old minister said, "This is purely a joke!"

Ji Yue was noncommittal and dropped a thunderbolt on the ground.

"Not only is he going." Ji Yue calmly said, "Gu also wants to go together."

This time, the Manchu civil and military were shocked.

They knelt down and shouted, "Think twice, Your Majesty!"

The old minister, who had stubbornly refused to let Wei Lian go, immediately changed his words in horror: "Young Master Lian, just go... Your Majesty, you must not risk yourself! You are the king of Da Qin. ?"

Everyone agreed: "Please take back your order, Your Majesty."

Ji Yue walked away with a flick of his sleeve: "Guyi has decided to retreat."

Ji Yueyue seemed really determined to go to Jiangzhou in person, scaring all the ministers to pieces. Throughout the ages, kings have always sat firmly behind and issued orders. How can they personally go into danger? That's the plague!

His Majesty's personal expedition is to boost morale and make the enemy fearless. If you go to the epidemic area, the plague will not recognize people, and will not run away when you see His Majesty. His Majesty doesn't know how to use medicine, and going there won't do anything. If one were to contract the plague, it would not just be Jiangzhou, but the entire Qin state would be destroyed.

Such measures fell into the eyes of the minister, and the three bright words—send one’s head.

His Majesty has always been a wise man, how could he take such a dazed step, and he was really fascinated by the young master, so he could not live and die together with others

That doesn't work, stop whatever you say.

So the ministers failed to persuade Ji Yue to give up this idea, and then they formed a group to kneel in front of the imperial study, vowing to let Ji Yue take it back.

However, what Ji Yue made up his mind could not be changed by the ministers by kneeling.

Some of the young officials were very excited and could see that His Majesty was very concerned about Young Master Lian. If there is anyone in this world who can persuade His Majesty, it is only the son Lian.

After listening to the official's narration, Wei Lian: "..."

"I'm going to the imperial study."

The door to the imperial study was rarely open.

Several rows of ministers were kneeling neatly on the floor tiles in front of the steps, protesting Ji Yue's decision with action. There were also several ministers kneeling in the house, all wearing first-class court clothes.

They didn't want to rebel. On the contrary, some of them were promoted by Ji Yue, and some were loyal to the court. Because of this, they must not just watch His Majesty jump into the tiger's den.

Wei Lian came to the imperial study, glanced at the kneeling ministers outside, and walked up the steps to enter the house.

Ji Yue didn't lift his head: "It's useless to do a few more, just invite the late king out of the royal tomb, and I won't listen."

Wei Lian said, "... Your Majesty."

Ji Yue shook his hands and raised his head.

The two looked at each other briefly, and Ji Yue lowered his head again, as if to avoid his gaze.

Wei Lian said slowly, "Your Majesty, why is this so hard?"

"The plague in Jiangzhou, the people are displaced." Ji Yue clenched the cinnabar pen in his hand, "How can I stay alone in Yongping?"

"The king has the world in his heart, sits in Yongping, and rules the four directions." Wei Lian walked not far from him, "There is more than one Jiangzhou in Qin. You are the king, and you are the one who protects the entire people of the Qin Kingdom. Yongping needs a backbone to issue orders. This is your responsibility. If you are safe, the world will be at peace. . Your Majesty's body is full of gold, and I hope to take care of myself."

Just that.

Many ministers below secretly agreed.

They said these words eight hundred times, but His Majesty would not listen. Piss off a person.

Ji Yue hesitated: "Lonely..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard the sound of his knees hitting the ground.

Ji Yue was startled and looked sideways. The young man actually knelt down, put his hands on his forehead, lowered his eyes and said, "Please take back your order."

After speaking, he bowed down.

It was very similar to the scene of the first sight, the young man kneeling in the snow, bowing upright and upright, and he missed his life when he raised his eyes.

Ji Yue's heart trembled, he got up hastily, walked to Wei Lian in three or two steps, leaned over and stretched out his hand to pull him: "Get up."

Wei Lian straightened up and looked at him tenderly, with a firmness that could not be rejected.

One of them knelt on the ground, the other half-squatted in front of them, and they were silent for a moment.

Ji Yue whispered: "Why do you even force me..."

Gu did not say that you were not allowed to go.

I just want to go with you.

Wei Lian struggled for a moment, then said softly, "Your Majesty, if you are safe, the minister will be at ease."

It has nothing to do with the world.

I just want to keep you safe.

Ji Yue was stunned, and nodded lightly: "I know."

He slowly got up, faced the ministers, and said word by word, "I... take my life back."

You have no jokes, and I took my life back because of you.

The ministers said excitedly: "Your Majesty is wise!"

When they got up, their gazes towards Wei Lian were full of admiration and excitement.

As expected of the son Lian, he has the ability!

Originally, Wei Lian earned a face for Qin and rescued him twice, which has eliminated a lot of hostility from everyone. Now he persuaded Ji Yue to give up his trip to Jiangzhou in front of the civil and military people of the dynasty, which made everyone feel that the son Lian was really sensible and righteous.

Not even that much resistance to Wei Lian's appointment as an imperial commissioner.

As long as His Majesty doesn't go there in person, why not let the young master go away!

The farce ended here, and the ministers solved a serious problem and went back to the house happily, leaving only the imperial study, and the two looked at each other.

Ji Yue was helpless: "Why do you fight so hard?"

He really knelt down and scared him to death.

Wei Lian smiled: "Otherwise, I'm sorry for your trouble."

Ji Yue never discussed this play with him, but Wei Lian understood it as soon as he heard it.

Ji Yue is such a smart person, how could Ji Yue not understand the truths he said.

It's just that Ji Yueruo didn't explain anything and directly appointed Wei Lian as the imperial commissioner.

How could Ji Yue endure being questioned and slandered when his beloved is fighting for his life.

Now it's different. Ji Yue has made such a farce. The ministers not only have no objection to Wei Lian's appointment of the imperial emissary, but are also grateful to him for successfully persuading Ji Yue. Wei Lian's performance in front of the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty today has boosted his goodwill and increased his prestige.

It's a quiet bargain.

If people can't accept one thing, mention another thing that makes them even more unacceptable. After weighing the two, they felt that the previous one was not so difficult to accept.

"It's so real." Wei Lian teased him, "I believe it."

Ji Yue laughed: "It's not for acting."

Gu is really want to go with you.

Crazy thinking.

Wei Lian paused and said, "It's time for me to go."

Ji Yue's smile faded a little: "Well."

Wei Lian added, "I've made your clothes for you. They're in the closet by the bed. Remember to put them on."


Wei Lian turned around, walked to the door, and turned around suddenly.

He said, "Ji Yue, just kiss me again."