An Empire as a Betrothal Gift

Chapter 79: plague


Liu Rengui was quickly put in prison, waiting for his release, from being greeted to being sacked, it was just a meal.

Zhou Mingli's mouth twitched, admiring Wei Lian's resolute work efficiency.

According to the rules and procedures, after they detained Liu Rengui, they had to interrogate him to find evidence, have him sign and detain him, count the items one by one, and finally report it to Yongping.

It takes a lot of time to toss and toss for a while. That's exactly what's missing right now.

Wei Lian holds a golden decree and has the right to kill first and then file. Rao is so, it takes courage to be able to solve a problem so quickly.

Zhou Mingli took some contempt and admitted that Young Master Lian was not without merit in politics.

At least it's not the same as his imagination.

Wei Lian asked, "Where is the verdict?"

The general sentence is Zhizhou's deputy. They came from Yongping and were unfamiliar with Jiangzhou, so it would take a lot of time to investigate from scratch. If you want to grasp the situation in Jiangzhou as quickly as possible, you still need a local official.

The two guards quickly escorted an official, looking at his disheveled appearance, I am afraid that he has just been pulled up from the gentle village.

"Young Master Qi, someone brought it."

Cao Wuliang was hanging out with his concubine in the daytime when he was pulled by a group of fierce officers and soldiers. He didn't even have time to wear a shoe.

Thinking that in Jiangzhou, he is under one person and more than ten thousand people, who dares to arrest him

As soon as he was pulled in and thrown on the ground, he looked up and saw a handsome young man in white with a folding fan pinned to his waist, his eyebrows drooping slightly, and he was very picturesque.

Cao Wuliang was immediately stunned.

Knowing that the state loves money, and passing judgment on lust, he was secretly scolded by the local people as "the two major scourges of Jiangzhou". Cao Wuliang is not taboo for men and women. As long as they are beautiful, they like to grab them and play. On weekdays, he did a lot of bullying men and women, and the skinny horses and children who were played to death by him were even more ignorant.

And Wei Lian is undoubtedly the most beautiful person Cao Wuliang has ever seen. The most lovable prostitutes in his house were not as pretty in this life.

Cao Wuliang forgot his current situation and murmured in despair, "Beauty..."

The guard was about to draw his sword immediately. How could His Majesty's people allow this thing to be coveted!

Zhou Mingli showed disgust. Looking at the appearance of this Tongju's brain full of fat, I know that the surnamed Liu is the same as the raccoon dog, and it is directly imprisoned. What is the need for interrogation

Wei Lian walked over slowly, squatted down in front of Cao Wuliang, the folding fan lightly lifted the man's chin, and stared into the man's cloudy old eyes.

Cao Wuliang laughed covetously: "Beauty, are you also interested in me—" He paused.

Several sharp thorns extended from the fan bone, pressed against his neck, scratched the skin, and oozes a little blood.

Cold sweat dripped from Cao Wuliang's forehead.

"Liu Rengui is dead." Wei Lian said a lie without changing his face, "Are you going to atone for your sins, or do you want to go down and accompany him?"

Cao Wuliang: "..."

After a stick of incense, all the information about the recent epidemic situation in Jiangzhou was put in front of Wei Lian.

About a month and a half ago, the first strange disease occurred in Qingping County, Jiangzhou. A widower who lived alone died in his own home. When he died, his whole body festered and his face was beyond recognition. If it wasn't for the clothes he often wore, he couldn't recognize it as a person at all.

The widower used to go up the mountain every day to chop firewood and sell it in the county. He hadn't gone out for several days, and there was a faint smell in the house, which finally attracted the attention of the neighbors.

At first, no one reported it to the officials, and it was only assumed that the widower had some disease. Neighbors buried him out of camaraderie. Who would have guessed that a few days later, all three of the neighbor's family died violently.

At the same time, people in the county who had been in contact with the family of three had abnormal symptoms.

The patient first started to bruise and itchy on the arm, kept scratching the arm, and then it became more and more itchy. The next day, the whole arm started to rot, and he could even grab a piece of meat. On the third day, the rot spread to the face, and the appearance was ruined. On the fourth day, it spread to the whole body. By this time, people are already unconscious. Even if they are not confused, they will be scared crazy when they see their appearance. On the fifth day, most of the people could no longer hold it, and the dead were like a corpse. Crows were already hovering in the sky, waiting to peck at the carrion. On the sixth day at the latest, the patient died.

No one made it to the seventh day.

The disease first spread in a small area in Qingping County, causing panic among people. When reporting to the yamen, the yamen did not pay attention to it, and shied away, "If you are ill, you will find the Langzhong, and you will find the yamen to do what." Qingping County is barren, and there is only one old man in the county.

In those days, the hospital was overcrowded, and those who were not sick were worried that they might get sick, so they had to go to see Lang Zhong before they could feel relieved. But once there was a symptomatic one, the crowd quickly dispersed, as if seeing the god of plague.

Only Lao Langzhong was not afraid and treated people as usual. It's just that this strange disease is unheard of, and it is difficult for him to see the name. It is convenient to prescribe a few doses of medicine.

A few days later, a patient's son dragged the old father's body to the door, saying that the old man prescribed medicine, but his old father died of a strange illness. The man was sitting on the ground, spitting, and spitting, saying that the medicine prescribed by the old man killed the person, and that he earned black money and wanted people to lose their lives.

The old man replied helplessly: "I hope that people in this world will be free from diseases, even if the medicine is dusted on the shelf. The old man practiced medicine all his life, and he was robbing people from the Lord of Yan. He would be happy if he won, but he couldn't... but he couldn't change his life against the sky."

But the ignorant county residents in the backcountry couldn't understand it. They only knew that his father died and he had to find someone responsible. The man wanted to beat Lao Langzhong, but was stopped by other people, who accused him of being unreasonable.

Some of them are really fighting for the old man, and some are selfish - something happened to the old man, who will treat them

The man was accused by everyone, blushed, and fled in despair. A few days later, news came that the man was also sick and died.

To make matters worse, Lao Langzhong also developed symptoms, and it is unknown which patient contracted it during the consultation process.

And the people who had been watching the lively in the hospital before, also fell ill after returning.

Now people are out of anger.

They have been very careful these few days, and they stayed behind closed doors. The only place they went was the medical center, which must have been passed on to them by the old man!

And the news of Lao Langzhong's illness further confirmed this speculation.

Wow, they were talking about the old thing in vain, but the old thing passed the disease to them! The angry people kicked open the door of the hospital, only to find that the old man had died of illness at home for many days.

The anger could not be quelled, and people smashed the hospital and set it on fire. In the past, he praised his skillful hands and benevolence, but once he touched his own interests, he reviled him for being extremely vicious.

Fear is the plague, and the fear is the human heart.

The poor old man lived his life without any humiliation, but after his death he was so infamous.

People smashed and burned down the hospital, thinking that the plague god was burned to death, and they could rest easy from then on. But no, the strange disease is still spreading. Families of people who were previously infected are also being recruited. When disaster strikes, they fly away, some people abandon their wives and children, and some people cut off their kindness and righteousness.

Then, a county resident who went to and from the restaurant in Qingning County next door every day to deliver wine fell ill on a certain day. Subsequently, a plague broke out in a restaurant in Qingning County, and the entire kitchen was wiped out, and the diners who ate that day were not spared.

When the disease spread to the neighboring county, the plague in Qingping County could not be concealed. The magistrate of Qingping County finally planned to report it to the state, but Liu Rengui was at the juncture of promotion at the time, and he must not make the slightest mistake. Together with the general sentence, he decided to conceal the matter.

It has been passed on from 10 to 10. So far, the plague has occurred in six of the seven counties in Jiangzhou. Among them, Qingping County was the most serious, Qingning County was almost occupied, and the remaining four counties were relatively light.

The farthest Qingqiu County has not had a single case. It is said that the local magistrate ordered the county to be closed as soon as he heard the news. In the near future, all out-of-home purchases will be stopped, and they will live on inventory. The magistrate of Qingqiu County once sent a letter to the top to wait for support. Unexpectedly, the letter asking for help was backlogged by Liu Rengui. Later, he planned to bypass Zhizhou and send someone directly to Yongping to report it, but the letter was intercepted halfway, and people were also warned. Wearing small shoes, now I am running out of ammunition.

Zhou Mingli read the sealed letter with tearful eyes, slapped the case hard, grabbed Cao Wuliang's collar, his eyes were scarlet, and he gritted his teeth: "... that's how you do things for the people?"

"That's how you are an official?!"

Cao Wuliang shivered tremblingly: "Qin, the emperor has sent you to spare your life! Xiao has already sent all the letters, but can you atone for the merits..."

Wei Lian raised his eyes, lightly patted his shoulder with a fan, and said gently, "Good job."

Just as Cao Wuliang was about to laugh, the next moment his eyes were wide open, and he fell down dead.

Red blood flowed from his neck, staining the ground red.

Wei Lian took the fan back, it was still a clean white fan, and it was clearly stained with blood.

"Unfortunately, the sin is unforgivable."

Zhou Mingli released his hands, looked down at the corpse, and then looked back at the young man Guangfeng Jiyue's back.

The son grabs this man...

He actually saw the invisible shadow of His Majesty's murder in chatting and laughing.

If you understand what happened recently in Jiangzhou, you will also understand how serious the situation in Jiangzhou is now.

Wei Lian went to see Zhou Yushan. The man had already been taken down and changed into clean clothes. He was still quite young and strong.

Seeing Wei Lian, Zhou Yushan stammered, "Master, Master."

He heard others call Wei Lian this way.

"How many days has your sister been sick?" Wei Lian asked.

When he mentioned his sister, Zhou Yushan's eyes turned red, and he choked up, "...It's been two days."

This strange disease is going to die within seven days, and his sister doesn't have much time left.

Wei Lian asked again, "Who has your sister been in contact with these days?"

Zhou Yushan shook his head: "My little sister has a leg problem and has been unable to go out to see people. It was Caomin and her mother who took care of her. When her mother died eight days ago... Caomin took care of her alone, and she never had contact with anyone. Since I was in danger, I didn’t go out much.”

Wei Lian was thoughtful.

Judging from the previous data, the person who contracted the strange disease must have had contact with the patient. As for the first one who contracted the disease, he died, and no one knew what he had come into contact with.

Zhou Yushan's mother fell ill half a month ago and died eight days ago, but her sister fell ill two days ago, with a six-day difference.

In the past six days, his sister has only had contact with Zhou Yushan.

But Zhou Yushan is a healthy person.

If you come into contact with him, you will get sick. Zhou Yushan once carried his seriously ill mother to seek medical treatment. Why is Zhou Yushan okay

Wei Lian re-arranged all the clues, and once again looked at the number of patients who had been presented in various counties but had been backlogged, and found a problem.

Not everyone who has been in contact with someone who is sick gets sick. Among the patients, children and the elderly are the majority, followed by women, and the least among young adults.

Zhou Yushan is a young adult.

In the medical book Wei Lian has read, the concept is put forward: there will be some kind of toxin in the disease, some people have strong resistance, the virus cannot invade him, and some people have weak resistance, they will get sick.

Young men are in good health and can resist the virus and do not contract the disease, but it does not mean that they have not carried the virus on their bodies. They can also infect others.

So it is impossible to prevent.

Of course, there is another possibility that his sister was not infected by Zhou Yushan, but by his mother. This shows that the disease has an incubation period that lasts for six days or even longer.

Whether it's asymptomatic infection or a long incubation period, it's a pretty bad thing.

To make matters worse, both can happen at the same time.

The author has something to say:

The concept of virus was proposed by foreign scholars after 1890. The explanation in the text is not standardized and correct, but the ancient background cannot understand the virus so correctly←

The worldview setting in the article is that ordinary people, including imperial physicians, do not know the concept of isolation, nor the principle of contagion. They stay out of doors purely because of fear rather than understanding self-isolation. Otherwise, I wouldn't think that Lao Langzhong was the culprit who harmed them. A careful little friend should see that the people watching the lively were completely infected by the spitting doctor's troubled son, and Lao Langzhong was seeing a doctor. Contagion is terrible.

Don't worry so much, just remember that Wei Lian is a genius doctor! He knows everything!