An Empire as a Betrothal Gift

Chapter 81: Corpse disease


Suspension wire diagnosis

The imperial physicians were stunned, with a look of "I don't read too much, don't asshole me".

"How can there really be a thread-diagnosing pulse in the world?" an imperial physician couldn't help but said, "Medicine is not a fairy technique, and the outside world spreads it so magically. In fact, the thread-diagnosing pulse can't diagnose anything at all!"

The so-called hanging wire diagnosis is to place one end of the silk thread on the patient's wrist, the doctor holds the other end, and diagnoses based on the pulse signal transmitted by the silk thread, without physical contact.

Sounds really good.

But experts know that this is a ridiculous legend. On weekdays, they have to be careful to diagnose the pulse with their hands directly to ensure that there is no mistake. What can you feel with a line

They prefer that the son Lian is a real layman. Banmen got an axe on a group of imperial doctors and finally overturned.

If it weren't for Wei Lian's noble status, they might have pointed out "you stop talking nonsense" on the spot.

This is a major event where human life is at stake. How can people pretend to be ghosts and talk nonsense.

Wei Lian sighed softly.

Then he raised his eyes and said lightly, "You."

The body of the imperial doctor who spoke just now was shocked.

He... what is he

He almost forgot that the person in front of him was not only the imperial envoy, the prince of Chu, but also your majesty.

He questioned, has been regarded as the following offense.

If he is really going to be punished, he can only accept his fate, but as a doctor, he will never allow Young Master Lian to take people's lives!

The imperial doctor showed a look of unyielding expression.

Wei Lian: "..."

"Have you had hot flashes and night sweats recently, dry mouth, and five hearts?" Wei Lian didn't deal with him.

The doctor was stunned.

He has been really upset recently... But how does Young Master Lian know

"Yin deficiency and fire are prosperous." Wei Lian continued, "It is suggested that nourishing blood and promoting body fluids should be adjusted, and do not arbitrarily use bitter cold and heat clearing products."

Imperial Physician: "..."

Another imperial physician surnamed Liu whispered to the fat imperial physician beside him: "Lao Zhang has been a little angry recently..."

Getting angry is not a difficult disease, and any imperial doctor in the imperial hospital can see it. But this is also enough to prove that Wei Lian does have two brushes, and it is not nonsense.

The fat doctor still didn't believe in evil, and said dismissively: "It's just a coincidence. There are only a few common diseases. As long as you have read a few medical books and the symptoms are correct, you can be correct."

"You." Wei Lian turned his attention to Imperial Physician Liu again.

Imperial Physician Liu shivered and straightened up.

Wei Lian glanced at him: "Recently, I often feel loss of appetite, abdominal distension, diarrhea, dizziness and vomiting?"

Imperial Physician Liu was slightly startled and asked cautiously, "What medicine does the minister want to take?"

He naturally knew what his situation was, and this question was to test Wei Lian.

"It's just unacceptable." Wei Lian said, "It will be fine after a while."

The fat doctor's eyes changed, and Old Liu had indeed suffered from acclimatization yesterday, and he went to the thatched hut several times, but it was no longer a serious problem.

Just when he questioned it was a coincidence, he was slapped in the face by the speed of light, and his face flushed instantly. Wei Lian skipped over him, and said one after another about the illnesses of several people present, all of which were minor problems, but they were all accurate.

Everyone is an imperial physician, and as colleagues, they also know what faults everyone has, so they naturally know that what Wei Lian said is true.

But the more so, the more shocked.

Young Master Lian just glanced at him casually, Wang Wen Wen Qi Qi only barely used the word "wang", how could he tell them all about their old diseases

The eyes of everyone looking at Wei Lian changed.

It turned from slight contempt to solemnity and amazement, mixed with a hint of disbelief.

"And you." After sweeping around, Wei Lian finally turned his attention to the fat doctor.

The fat doctor was startled.

He is not sick, what do you mean by him

Could it be that there is something hidden in him that he has never discovered

People have subconsciously began to believe that Wei Lian's medical skills are brilliant. Because of these faults in them, other imperial physicians can also see them, but they can't see them so casually and quickly.

Wei Lian stared at him for a long time, seeing the fat imperial doctor's heart shudder, for fear that the young man would say that his life was not long.

Otherwise, why did everyone else just glance at him and stare at him for so long

Wei Lian withdrew his gaze lightly: "Eat less, obesity is not good for your health."

The fat doctor: "..."

This is definitely in revenge for his questioning just now!

It is undeniable that after revealing such a hand, Wei Lian's words have greatly increased their confidence in their hearts.

Suspension wire diagnosis is not so unbelievable...

"Master, the thread is ready." The guard handed Wei Lian a thread.

Wei Lian lowered his eyes and picked up the silk thread, then turned to face Zhou Xiaoshan.

Looking at Wei Lian, who was sitting at the other end, with his fingers wrapped around a few bottom threads, he quietly diagnosed the pulse.

Amazing. If it weren't for the outstanding performance of the son Lianfangcai, they would not believe that this mysterious diagnosis method really worked.

Everyone held their breaths and waited for a moment, until Wei Lian let go of his hand, and Imperial Physician Xu couldn't help asking, "What did you find out, Young Master?"

Wei Lian untied the silk thread and said only three words.

The clouds are light and the wind is light, and it is like thunder on the ground.

"I can cure it."

This sound immediately stunned everyone.

What did the son-in-law say

Can he cure

They are all ready to fight a protracted war or even wipe out the entire army. How did Young Master Lian get it done

This is the first day!

Except I can't believe it, I still can't believe it.

Wei Lian didn't have time to explain anything, so he prepared a pen and paper and hurriedly wrote down the prescription: "According to the prescription I wrote, go to prescribe the medicine, boil it slowly for half an hour, then come back and feed her to drink. If it is a critically ill patient, follow this prescription as well. For the treatment, add 2 money to each, and add Coptis chinensis."

Physicians: "..."

It's too fast, sorry they didn't react.

How can it be cured!

Xu Wenqing took the prescription and glanced at it. He was ignorant and ignorant, so he couldn't see that there was anything special about this prescription.

Imperial Physician Xu snatched the recipe, his expression also very confused.

This prescription was passed on to each other among the imperial physicians.

"Master, what is this plague?"

Wei Lian said, "The corpse is sick."

The doctors were stunned.

What is corpse disease? They had never heard the term.

Disease of the corpse

Wei Lian said in a low voice: "The body is rotting, the maggots stink, which is exactly the appearance of the decay of the body after death. The living person is like this, the body is rotten before the breath is cut off, just like a walking corpse. After a few days, there is a white bone left, which is a corpse disease."

The literal meaning is not difficult to understand. When people are still alive, but they have symptoms of decay that only occurs after death, it is called corpse disease.

But this is a whole new concept.

"How did the son learn about this disease?" Imperial Doctor Liu was puzzled, "I have read medical books all over the world, but I have never heard of this strange disease."

"The world is big, and there are all kinds of wonders." Wei Lian asked back, "How do you know that you have read all the medical books in the world?"

Even if you really read the world, there is still the world.

When Wei Lian heard about the disease, he remembered that the symptoms were very similar to a strange disease he had read about in books, and he was even more certain after the consultation.

The helplessness of people against the plague stems from the unknown. And when the unknown becomes known, it becomes a simple thing to conquer.

The prophecy of the monk at Ganquan Temple was right, only he could solve the plague.

But this didn't make Wei Lian relax.

If this prophecy is correct, then another prophecy... the coming of doom...

Probably not wrong.

Wei's eyebrows narrowed slightly.

The doctors were speechless.

They don't have a better way. Today's plan, only the dead horse as a living horse doctor.

After leaving Zhou Yushan's house, the imperial physicians went to prepare decoctions, Wei Lian went to the local yamen, and Zhou Mingli went with him.

At present, Qingping County is a purgatory on earth. The gate of the county government is closed, and there is not a single guard at the gate, leaving only a drum standing in silence.

Wei Lian instructed a guard beside him, "Play the drum."

The guard received the order, went up to pick up the drumstick, and began to beat the drum "dong dong dong".

The drumstick beat the drum head hard, and the sound was duller than the sound, spreading all over the place.

After dozens of knocks, the door didn't move.

The guard hesitated: "Young Master, do you want to knock again?"

Wei Lian: "Continue."

The guard received the order and continued to knock down hard.

Wei Lian counted in his heart.





Ten times later, the yamen still showed no sign of opening.

"Enough." Wei Lian said.

The guard stopped: "Sir, there is no one inside."

"How could there be no one?" Wei Lian gently drew his sword and whispered, "It's just... the people outside are waiting to die, and the mediocre officials are pretending to be dead inside."

The sword light swept past, and the whole door was split open, split in two, and fell down.

Zhou Mingli: "..."

soldiers:"… "

If you can't open the door by drumming, then break in.

Yes, strong.

Above the court, a four-character plaque with "The Mirror Hanging High" is inscribed above the head, which makes the parents kneeling on the ground especially ironic.

When it comes to interrogating prisoners and judging cases impartially, Zhou Mingli is an expert in this area. Gavel took a shot, but in just three words, the magistrate made all the moves.

The magistrate of Qingping County is Zhang Xuwen, who once had a relationship with Wei Lian. The first time was in Shangyuan Lantern Night, but at that time Wei Lian was wearing a fox mask, which Zhang Xuwen has long forgotten. The second time was in the imperial study room. He tremblingly met His Majesty and did not dare to breathe, but the young man in white pushed the door recklessly and entered, calling His Majesty's name.

How not impressive.

He prides himself on being underappreciated, and being assigned to this small place in Qingping County is really overkill. Before the official, he thought about the title of the golden list, the glory and wealth, and he was involved in all the affairs of the country; after he became the official, he came to this corner to be a seven-rank sesame official, and the daily management was just trivial. The imagination was too good, but the reality hit him hard.

Zhang Xuwen couldn't stand it for three days. He didn't want to build this place, but wanted to get rid of it all the time, let alone love the people here.

Unexpectedly, it has only been a month since I came to Qingping County to take office, and there is something wrong here, some strange disease. Zhang Xuwen didn't take it to heart at first. After he reacted, the first thought was - will it affect his career

After worrying again and again, he failed to report it as soon as possible. Under the plague, the sage books he read in the past were all read back into the dog's stomach, and he couldn't find a solution at all.

He chose to escape. If he doesn't listen, see, or think, the hell outside has nothing to do with him.

Then it intensified until it was out of control.

He knelt down here.

Zhou Mingli was so angry that Jiangzhou was literally rotten from top to bottom. He gave an order to put Zhang Xuwen in jail.

Wei Lian: "Hold on."

The guard moved.

Zhang Xuwen suddenly had a glimmer of hope in his heart.

He recognized the young man in white. Even with a face towel, few people in the world have such beautiful eyes. Zhang Xuwen immediately remembered that he had seen this person in His Majesty's study, and it seemed that His Majesty favored him.

And looking at how these people are obedient to the youth, it is not difficult to guess that the youth is the one with the highest voice.

If that one speaks to the rescue...

You can't blame him for his self-confidence. He has been instructed by experts, and he is sure that he will be able to turn auspiciousness into good luck, and get the help of noble people, and he will achieve prosperity.

Right now, Zhang Xuwen obviously regards Wei Lian as the noble person who helped him out of danger.

Wei Lian just asked, "What else are you hiding?"

From the moment he stepped into this yamen, he felt a trace of ominous ominous.

The entire lifeless Qingping County did not feel as bad as this yamen gave him.

Zhang Xuwen's expression changed.

But it was bitten to death and didn't plan to say it.

He can't say that, it's the only way to really never turn around.

Wei Lian's expression was slightly cold, and just as he was about to ask, a young man hurried into the yamen with a look of ecstasy on his face.

It was Xu Wenqing.

"Young Master's medicine is ready!" Xu Wenqing said with joy, "It really works! After Zhou Xiaoshan took the medicine, the degree of decay on his arm became lighter, and there is a tendency to recover!"

Everyone was shocked, and then there was joy from the bottom of their hearts.

This is really great news.

With the right medicine, the power of the plague will not be so terrible.

"Young master is really a genius doctor!" Xu Wenqing's eyes lit up, "Can you accept me as a disciple? I am very diligent, and I can do anything in errands and errands! As long as my son can give me some fur, I will benefit for a lifetime!"

He has been a genius since he was a child, and his lifelong pursuit is the avenue of medicine. Wei Lian has now become the object of his and even the entire Taiyuan Hospital's fervent respect.

This group of them is very simple. They question and crack down on counterfeiters, and they can immediately hold the altar to those who have real skills. It's not like some people in the officialdom are intriguing, looking ahead and looking back, confounding black and white.

Wei Lian couldn't resist his enthusiasm: "... Let's talk about it."

Zhou Mingli's eyes changed, and he became more respectful to Wei Lian. In front of everyone, he knelt down on one knee and said earnestly, "Young master is very skilled in medicine. It's because the minister was disrespectful."

Although he wasn't disrespectful on the face, he was indeed disdainful of Young Master Lian in his heart. He was ashamed and apologetic for the contempt.

In any case, as long as he can save the people from water and fire, Young Master Lian can afford to kneel.

Wei Lian gave a hand: "Lord Tingwei, please get up."

Weird. When he was questioned and ostracized by the crowd, he was not angry about it. It is very unreasonable to force others to believe in him unconditionally because he knows that he has not revealed his true abilities beforehand.

Wei Lian has accepted too much malice, so he is calm about it.

And when everyone thanked him so sincerely, Wei Lian felt a hint of joy from the bottom of his heart. It's not the sense of superiority that is respected and loved, nor the sense of accomplishment to pull back a game... but... being able to use one's own abilities to help others, and thus get kind feedback, is a very gratifying thing.

He used to think that the world was not good, but after meeting Ji Yue, he felt that the world was not that bad, at least Ji Yue was very good.

Now he feels that the world is not so bad.

Many people are fine.