An Empire as a Betrothal Gift

Chapter 82: gold


Wei Lian's prescription is effective, which is undoubtedly the most gratifying thing at the moment. Wei Lian immediately ordered that all patients in several nearby counties be sent to Qingping County for isolation to avoid the spread of the epidemic and facilitate centralized treatment.

As for Zhang Xuwen, he was thrown into prison. The most important thing now is to treat the plague, and I have no time to care about him for the time being.

With the right prescription, everyone thought that the plague could be easily dealt with in the past, but they never thought that there would be a problem in the first step.

- Patients from several other counties are reluctant to come to Qingping County.

Qingping County is the birthplace of the plague, and it is the hardest hit area that everyone can't avoid. Even the local people want to flee to other counties regardless, how can people from other counties be willing to jump into the fire pit.

Those patients from other counties expressed strong resistance to this, and they all believed that the imperial court was going to send people to gather them together and exterminate them.

The previous dynasty was not without precedent. When the plague spreads, and there is no medicine and stone, the imperial court will dispatch the army to seal the city, and all the people in the epidemic area will be sealed in the city and wait to die. Sacrificing a small number to save a large number is a last resort in the history books. Everyone in the world is justifiable, but for the people in the city, it is the deepest despair and resentment.

With such a foreshadowing, who would believe that the policy of bringing them together is to save them, not abandon them

A sharp conflict broke out between the people and the soldiers.

At the gate of Qingning County, some mildly ill patients and their families are fighting fiercely, while severely ill patients are being carried on stretchers. Those who still have the strength to speak are all patients who have just developed symptoms. After three days of illness, they basically have no vitality.

Wei Lian ordered the patients to be concentrated, and the soldiers naturally followed the order. However, the people refused to cooperate, and they could only enforce it. As a result, the crowd was even more excited.

Those people are all sick, the barefooted are not afraid of those who wear shoes, and they refuse to leave after saying anything. The soldiers were also afraid of infection and did not dare to approach. The two sides were deadlocked for a long time.

"We're here to treat you all together!" a young soldier explained helplessly, "We're here to deal with the plague, not you."

"Don't believe them, big guy!" A triangular-eyed man with slightly rotten arms said angrily, "How long have you guys been here, how can you deal with the plague so quickly?! I think you just want to drive us to Qingping together. County, burn to death after a fire, you will be free from illness and disaster!"

Other people echoed: "That's it! Don't take us for fools!"

"You officials don't have a good thing, and you don't take the lives of our people seriously at all!"

"I bother!"

In view of the good deeds done by most of the dog officials in Jiangzhou, the people here have absolutely no trust in the people of the court, even if they move out of Zhou Mingli's name, it will not work.

No matter how famous Zhou Mingli is, he is far away in Yongping, and he is a legendary figure. Rumors are false, and his own life is the real thing.

Most of them have never studied, their horizons are limited, and they have no basic ability to judge right and wrong. Whenever there is a leader in the crowd, it is easy to follow along.

The triangular eyes are loud and imposing, and they are very effective in inciting people. If it wasn't for the rotten leaves and rotten eggs in their hands, they would probably have thrown things at the soldiers.

Many people were insulting and venting their grievances for the past few days. Some even came forward and tore the soldiers' face towel directly, scratching with their nails, punching and kicking, with the attitude of perishing: "We can't live anyway, it's a big deal to pull you all to death!"

The soldiers held on hard, but did not dare to fight back. They are fighters who defend their families and the country, and they cannot turn their butcher knives at the people of their own country.

Even in the face of a mob.

Seeing that the soldiers he brought out were all wronged, the soldiers slammed into the tree with a long punch, and their eyes were red: "It's really poor mountains and bad waters to make troublesome people, why! What about Your Majesty? Sending people to rescue them, send water and food, and try to save them. What are they complaining about! Why do they say that the imperial court abandoned them... Are we here to save these ungrateful and ignorant people!"

When Wei Lian heard the report coming, he saw this scene.

He paused in his footsteps, just as he saw Triangle Eyes grabbing a soldier's collar and trying to spit in his face. Wei Lian picked up a stone on the ground and flicked it out.

"Ah!" Triangle Eyes screamed, covering his fingers and letting go of the soldier's collar.

The captain of the soldier was startled, then clasped his fists and saluted, "Young Master."

Wei Lian looked at him: "A man doesn't cry easily."

The captain of the soldier was stunned for a moment, hurriedly wiped the corners of his eyes, and said in a low voice, "This subordinate is disrespectful."

"But a good general will feel sorry for his soldiers." Wei Lian said again.

The chief soldier paused.

He is only a small centenarian, how can he be a general

On the other hand, another soldier whispered: "Boss... Is your son going to promote you?"

Soldier Commander: "...Stop talking nonsense."

Wei Lian turned his attention to the people of Qingning County. The triangle eye was so painful that he held his hands and blew his breath, but when he touched Wei Lian's indifferent gaze, he shuddered in shock, and said in a stern voice: "Dog, the dog officer is killing! Everyone, hurry up—"


A sword pierced the side of his neck, severing a strand of hair and driving it straight into the tree trunk behind him.

The triangular eyes froze.

Wei Lian smiled but not smiled: "If you talk more, it will really kill you."

The tree behind him snapped and split in half.

Triangle Eyes: "… "

The crowd in Qingning County: "..."

The soldier twitched the corners of his mouth and found that this young man seemed to like to use violence to solve problems.

However, dealing with the mob is really the most effective way to suppress violence with violence. At least the crowd was silent for a while, the triangular eyes were trembling, and they were so scared that they urinated their pants.

When I meet a real ruthless character, I instantly become a paper tiger.

Seeing that the audience was shocked, Wei Lian drew his sword back with satisfaction: "Can you be obedient now?"

Everyone nodded slowly.

"Everyone obeys the order." Wei Lian glanced around and said indifferently, "Anyone who sends a patient to Qingping County will receive a gold for their family members."

A gold? !

Everyone was shocked.

What is the concept of one gold

One tael of gold is equal to ten taels of silver, one tael of silver is equal to one tael of copper, and one tael of silver is equal to one thousand copper plates.

In a poor and remote place like Qingning County, a family of three spends only 22 taels a year.

One gold can make a family spend five years.

This is a total windfall!

The people who were still firm just now were shaken immediately.

A husband hesitantly said to his wife, "Juan'er, I have this disease, and I won't live long anyway. I'll go. I'll give you and the baby some gold. I'll save some flowers. I can support you for a long time. I can rest assured."

The wife was crying and crying, even with the child.

The other pair is also a family of three, but in completely different situations.

The vicious man shoved his wife and daughter to drive them out: "You two, hurry in! You can't work if you have a money-losing money, you will be disgusting, don't stay at Lao Tzu's house to eat Lao Tzu and drink Lao Tzu. Yes, I even infected Lao Tzu when I turned around! Hey, sir, I sent two people in here, can I get two gold?"

His wife screamed and fought him more fiercely: "You are a conscience! I wish my mother and two died, so you can use gold to beg your wife!"

The people who were "united as one" and "united as one" to fight against the officers and soldiers were instantly divided into two factions. Some voluntarily went there for the sake of a better life for their families in the future, and some pushed their sick relatives out for their own good life. But no matter which faction it was, the result was the same, that is, the patients went to Qingping County, either forced or voluntarily.

All manner of human beings are staged over and over in an instant, making people stunned.

This is really… utterly ironic.

Gongzi Lian really understands people's hearts. The soldiers thought silently.

Triangle Eyes was unwilling that the situation was suddenly reversed, and shouted loudly: "Be careful with your fate! Do you really believe that they will give gold? They all lied to you to die!"

He was a well-known idle slob in the county, lest the world be in chaos. His father and mother were starved to death by his unfilial son, and because the family members were too old to marry a wife, they are all alone. He couldn't get the gold, and naturally he didn't want others to get it.

Wei Lian casually tossed the gold in Huang Chengcheng's hand, and said calmly, "You don't have to believe it."

Others saw the gold and their eyes were straight. Those who want to be healthy for their families rushed to Qingping County. The rest were pushed out by their own family members.

Who cares about the triangular eyes

Triangle Eyes: "… "

He was too weak to fight against the officers and soldiers, and was scolded and sent away.

After the crowd dispersed, Wei Lian noticed that there were two children under the tree, hugging each other tightly, not moving a step.

He walked over.

It was a brother and sister, the boy was about nine years old, and the younger sister was at most five years old. Seeing Wei Lian approaching, the brothers and sisters became more frightened. The boy held his sister in his arms and raised his eyes timidly.

Their clothes were very old, showing their arms. Wei Lian noticed that the boy was currently healthy, and there was a bruise on the arm of the little girl in his arms.

That's a sign of decay.

Seeing Wei Lian staring at the girl's arm, the boy hurriedly covered the girl's arm.

Wei Lian squatted down and quietly stated the truth: "She is ill."

The boy whispered, "Are you going to take her away?"

Wei Lian didn't answer.

The boy said, "Then take me too. I don't want to be separated from my sister."

"My father is dead, and my mother is dead." The boy lowered his head and said softly, "I don't want gold, I want my sister to be safe. But I know that this disease will not be cured... Anyone with this disease will die."

He choked out: "I don't want to be separated from her."

With both parents dead, such a young child will not know how to survive in the future even if he gets through this difficult time.

And there are undoubtedly many such children in this disaster.

Those cold numbers are living human lives.

Wei Lian said warmly, "Your sister will not die, we will cure her, and she will be safe."

The boy asked, "Really?"

Wei Lian nodded and gave him the piece of gold in his hand: "Go to a bank in the city, save the gold, and exchange it for copper to live out."

"We will protect her this time, and we will rely on you to protect my sister in the future."

Xu Shiwei's eyes were too gentle, the boy hesitated for a moment, then nodded firmly: "Well... I will."

Wei Lian handed the little girl over to the soldiers to take away, and the boy stood under the tree and watched for a long time.

"Part of the disaster relief silver will be used to accommodate homeless orphans and the elderly." Wei Lian instructed.

"Yes, son."

"And..." the captain couldn't help but ask, "Young Master, do you really want to give each of them a gold?"

The money in the treasury did not fall from the sky. It makes no sense to give people free medical treatment and to give them money.

Wei Lian was puzzled: "What kind of gold? I didn't say it."

I believe that for those who really care about their families, the safe return of their loved ones is far more important than gold. And the despicable ones who put money above human life deserve nothing.

Captain: "..."

The son is really a ruthless character!