An Empire as a Betrothal Gift

Chapter 88: Right


Ji Yue's eyes swept across the county, and stopped at the last handsome man with a bushy beard.

He remembered that this person, named Xia Chuanqing, was the new second in the list this year, and he was sent to Qingqiu County in Jiangzhou to be the magistrate.

This person has both ability and political integrity, both civil and military, and is a good seedling. It has always been that Ji Yue wants to cultivate a person, starting from the grassroots level, and honing the character of the heart can be worthy of great use.

Now it seems that Xia Chuanqing did not live up to his expectations.

It is also inappropriate for a group of people to stand at the door. Zhou Mingli welcomed Ji Yue into the main hall, asked him to take the first seat, and then informed Jiangzhou of the current situation one by one.

While listening to Zhou Mingli's report, Ji Yue looked down at Jiangzhou's recent healing and death data.

Wei Lian sat down and listened.

Zhou Mingli has always spoken directly, but he does not understand "reporting good news but not bad news", so every sentence he says is true.

Ji Yue listened expressionlessly to "the prefect of Jiangzhou concealed the epidemic", "the magistrate of Qingping does not stay behind closed doors", "unscrupulous profiteers drive up drug prices", "greedy people gather in crowds to make trouble", "severe shortage of medical staff"... The color is getting colder.

It was freezing in the house.

Seeing that His Majesty's expression was wrong, the magistrate of Qing'an quickly added: "But your son has already sent corrupt officials to prison, punished all troublemakers according to the law, and provided the right prescriptions. Now that the epidemic has been brought under control, there are also a group of medicinal materials dealers. Willing to donate the medicinal materials to us free of charge…”

Several county magistrates talked about everything that happened during these days, and told them all, and of course, they praised Wei Lian.

Ji Yue's expression softened slightly.

"Young master is very important." Zhou Mingli bowed his hands to Wei Lianwei as a show of respect, and then said, "The county magistrate of Qingqiu also responded in a timely manner and did a good job in this epidemic..."

During the outbreak of the plague, among the seven subordinate counties in Jiangzhou, the magistrate of Qingping was unforgivable, and the rest of the magistrates had no faults, but it was the magistrates of Qingqiu who showed decisive courage and outstanding talent.

Qin Lu has always been rewarded and punished clearly. After listening to Ji Yue, he said lightly: "The order goes on, those who maliciously raise the price and resell the medicinal materials will be put in prison, detained for three days, and the medicinal materials will be confiscated as an example. Those who sell at a low price or donate for free will be exempted from tax for three years."

"Xia Chuanqing responded in a timely manner and turned the tide. He should be credited with great merit and be named the Fourth Grade Taichang Shaoqing."

As soon as these words came out, the other five magistrates were envious and jealous.

From the county magistrate in Qingqiu to Taichang Shaoqing, it was a continuous promotion to the third rank, one step to the sky! The most important thing is that Taichang Shaoqing went to work in Yongping. That is under the feet of the emperor and has a bright future. Isn't it more promising than their nest in this small place like Jiangzhou

I just hate that they don't have the power of such a prophet. If I knew this earlier, I should follow Xia Chuanqing's example, block the county seat earlier, and conduct strict investigations, which is also a great contribution.

However, the opportunity must not be lost, and the time will never come. They could only sigh with embarrassment.

Less than above, more than below. Although he can't be promoted, at least he doesn't have to stay in prison like the one from Qingping County, so he should be content...

Just when several magistrates were comforting themselves, Xia Chuanqing said, "Wei Chen petitioned to stay in Jiangzhou."

Crowd: ? ?

Little brother, what's the matter with you

Your Majesty is clearly trying to lift you up, why don't you appreciate it? Do you know how many people want this opportunity

Naive, young, fool.

They just wanted to do it for someone.

Ji Yue raised his eyebrows: "Why?"

Xia Chuanqing saluted and said: "Wei Chen thank your Majesty for your love. Yongping is the capital of the king, with a wealth of talents, and all the dynasties are the pillars of the humerus, which governs our great Qin Dynasty Taiping. However, the Qin state is so big that there is more than one Yongping. Weichen is originally Jiangzhou. People, willing to stay here to build their hometown and benefit the villagers."

Yongping had the King of Qin in charge, and the officials were honest and just, but in places where the King of Qin could not see, there were many dog officials like Liu Rengui who fished the common people. The fact that Jiangzhou is so poor has a lot to do with the incompetent local officials.

If everyone wants to crowd into the prosperous capital, who will develop those backward counties

Ji Yue nodded lightly: "Gu didn't see you wrong."

"That being the case, you will be the governor of Jiangzhou in the future."

"I hope you can build Jiangzhou into what you want."

Xia Chuanqing looked overjoyed and knelt down on one knee: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Ji Yue will reward those who have meritorious deeds and punish those who have done so in accordance with the law, and arrange the whereabouts of everyone in an instant. Finally, he turned his attention to Wei Lian and said with a light smile, "Wei Lang, how should I reward you?"

Wei Lian was the biggest contributor to this trip just by researching the prescription.

Wei Lian sat on the side and listened carefully, not wanting Ji Yue to suddenly shift the topic to himself, he paused, and said, "I want His Majesty's time."

Ji Yue's tone was slightly raised: "Oh?"

"Your Majesty's daily life is full of opportunities, and time is like an inch of gold." Wei Lian smiled lightly, "I don't want a thousand taels of gold. It is often said that long live Your Majesty, and I want Your Majesty to accompany you for ten thousand years."

The seven mascots below: "… "

Are they showing affection? Shouldn't it feel wrong

Ji Yue was quiet for a long time before she whispered, "... That's right."

After asking about the basic situation of Jiangzhou, the next step is to go to Qingping County for field inspection. Regarding this point, Zhou Mingli obstructed it for a long time, and Wei Lian also disapproved.

Originally, when Ji Yue came to Jiangzhou, he was already in danger, how could he continue to go deep into the tiger's den. He is the monarch of the Qin state, and he can move his whole body with one hair, and he must not make any mistakes.

"Don't go." Wei Lian blocked the door and refused without hesitation.

Ji Yue said, "I'll take a look."

"Not even a single glance." Wei Lian's attitude was firm, "What is your identity? I can't bear it if something goes wrong."

"Gu is the king of Qin." Ji Yue's tone sank, "Gu ordered you to move away."

Wei Lian didn't take his set: "Then forgive the minister and disobey the decree."

"Wei Lian, you are arrogant!"

"Kill me if you have the ability." Wei Lian said the vulgar lines in the book, "Otherwise, step on my body."

Ji Yue: "..." Nothing.

Ji Yue looked helpless: "Wei Xiaolian, please do it, let me take a look."

"I just want to know... What is it like where you've stayed for so long." Ji Yue sighed, "I'm very worried about you."

Not just the body.

And mental.

What is the concept of plague? A lot of people die every day, and countless innocent lives are lost forever in the world. What they put on the data is just an understatement of a line of numbers, but it is everyone's magnificent or ordinary life that they are really involved in.

The dead are broken, and the living are desperate.

Ji Yue has not seen the plague, but he has experienced war. When he came down from the battlefield for the first time, he didn't dare to eat meat for half a month, and he would vomit out of disgust when he smelled a little oily smell. Every day, we are fighting between life and death, and the comrades who fought side by side yesterday are dead today. This is war.

Many soldiers did not die on the battlefield, but instead went crazy and suffered huge psychological trauma after their triumph.

As a commander, Ji Yue has to bear far more than ordinary soldiers.

Because he is the one calling the shots, every decision he makes is responsible for thousands of lives.

He knew how painful it was.

And his Alian is doing the same thing as him.

If the world is at peace, it doesn't matter if the general's sword is rusted, but the chaos is rampant, and the general needs to protect his homeland.

If there is no disease in the world, it doesn't matter if doctors can't use their skills, but there are still so many people in this world waiting to save their lives.

Wei Lian pressed his back against the door, his eyes moved slightly: "I'm fine."

"You're fine." Ji Yue said, "but I feel sorry for you."

Just as you used to feel bad for me.

"Thank you." Wei Lian smiled slightly, then said, "I want to go out, but there is no way."

Ji Yue: "..."

"Wei Xiaolian." Ji Yue said angrily, "You just rely on Gu to like you."

If it was someone else, who would dare to disobey Gu's orders.

Ji Yue still gave up the idea of going to Qingping County.

Ji Yue couldn't go to Qingping County, so he began to pester Wei Xiaolian.

The early deployment has been completed enough, and there are not many places where Wei Lian needs to make decisions later. The epidemic situation is slowly improving, and they can also be free.

When this person is free, he can do anything.

Ji Yue was probably going crazy in Yongping, so he finally didn't have to deal with any official business, so he started fiddling with some weird gadgets.

Today, I sent Wei Lian a strange-shaped stone, which is said to be a three-life stone. If the names of the two are engraved, they can be together for three lives and three lives.

Tomorrow, I will send Wei Lian a small bottle, which is said to be Guanyin's Yangzhi nectar bottle, and a drop of water can be used to save lives.

The day after tomorrow, he sent Wei Lian a piece of red rope, saying that it was Yue Lao's marriage thread, wrapped around his fingers, and the marriage thread for thousands of miles was tied.

... Sending strange things every day, and making up some plausible myths and legends, so that the two will never be separated.

Ji Yue also urged seriously: "Be sure to carry it with you, otherwise it will not work."

Wei Lian: "..."

Wei Lian just wanted to roll his eyes.

I know that Ji Yue is naive, but I don't know that Ji Yue can be so naive. It's hard for him to make it up so seriously.

But these little things didn't take up any space anyway, so Wei Lian couldn't bear to brush Ji Yue's intentions, and really took those things with him.

Hanging up, the guard Lian snorted softly, feeling that he was also quite naive, and actually accompanied Ji Yue to make trouble.

Of course, sending things is just a little fun between the two, and Ji Yue is more sticky in other aspects.

Like on the couch.

Another example is on the desk, on the carpet, in the bathtub...

Wei Lian couldn't help but ask: "Did you use your hands in that month...?"

Otherwise, why bother him so hard? What's the matter with the child.

"A Lian wants me to accompany you for ten thousand years, why are you tired of this?" Ji Yue chuckled, her voice hoarse and beautiful, "Good, come again."

Wei Lian: "..."

The days passed by so sticky and sweet.

I don't know if it was the king's presence, the blessings continued, the number of cases dropped sharply, and more and more people recovered.

In early June, the weather was getting hotter, and good news finally came from Jiangzhou.

The last patient in Qingping County recovered.

So far, this battle with the plague has officially come to an end.

In the vast history, mortals have rarely defeated the plague, which can definitely add a rich stroke to the history books.

Wei Lian has also been safe and sound, and the so-called death catastrophe has not come.

Maybe it has been resolved, maybe not yet, but with Ji Yue by his side, Wei Lian is not afraid.

On the day when the news of the end of the plague came, Wei Lian took Ji Yue's arm with joy, and smiled: "Our efforts have not been in vain."

Ji Yue broke free from his arm without a trace, and said with a quiet smile, "Yeah."

Wei lingered.

"I want to eat sweet-scented osmanthus cake today." Ji Yue turned around in a evasive manner and quickened her pace, "I'll go see if the kitchen has it."

Wei Lian pursed his lips, stepped forward suddenly, grabbed Ji Yue's arm, and lifted his sleeve.

His smile faded.

... A bruise appeared on Ji Yue's arm.