An Empire as a Betrothal Gift

Chapter 92: music


Wei Lian said softly, "I see."

Jun Zhu snorted. He can be regarded as watching Wei Lian grow up, watching people grow from a child to a young boy, and then to the present day when he is in full bloom, falling into love, and it is not without embarrassment.

"The child Yuzhi doesn't care about everything, I have never seen him so nervous about a person's life." Jun Zhu sighed, "He even gave you the Resurrection Pill in the past, but now he destroys the antidote in person. , you should understand his intentions. Both of you are deep-minded people, and one is more wary than the other, but since you love each other so much, you don't have to hide each other to death."

Jun Zhu was also heartbroken. If it wasn't for thinking about the master-apprentice relationship with Wei Lian for so many years, and couldn't bear to make the little apprentice feel wronged, why would he say so much.

Ji Yue's eyes narrowed: "Junior understands."

Jingchen also interjected: "That's right. When Lord Ji decided to exchange his life for his life, the poor monk felt that you would regret it, so he asked you not to hand over the antidote for the time being."

If Wei Lian hadn't personally destroyed the antidote at this juncture, Ji Yue probably wouldn't have realized it.

Ji Yue wanted to use his life in exchange for Wei Lian's safety, which was an instinctive reaction after hearing that Wei Lian would die. He thought it would be good for Wei Lian to survive, but when it really happened, he realized that he was completely wrong.

Without him, how could Wei Lian live well.

Seeing Wei Lian lying on his shoulder and sobbing, watching Wei Lian destroy the antidote that he had been thinking about without hesitation, Ji Yue was so heartbroken and understood how cruel her decision was.

If two people love each other but have to part, the one who is left in the world is the one who wants to die.


"I don't regret it." Ji Yue said.

Junzhu and Jingchen were stunned at the same time.

"I regret making him so sad, and maybe I will make him sad for the rest of my life." Ji Yue whispered, "I will never regret saving him."

"If it was me who died today, Ah Lian could replace me with his life..." Ji Yue smiled lightly, "A Lian would also make the same choice, wouldn't he?"

Wei lingered.

… Yes.

He would exchange his life for Ji Yue without hesitation.

Humans are really contradictory creatures. He didn't want Ji Yue to leave him in the world, and he didn't want Ji Yue to exchange his life for his life. But if the two were exchanged, he would do everything to save Ji Yue, including his own life.

Even if he knew that Ji Yue would be sad to live alone, he couldn't protect himself, and watched the other party die.

Junzhu and Jingchen, a foreigner and a monk. They know many great truths and see many things very clearly, but they have never been tainted by emotions and desires, and they do not really understand the taste of it.

There are too many helpless things in the world that cannot be the best of both worlds, and those who stay outside will never be able to empathize with them.

The world won't know—

Those two Qin Wang and Young Master Lian, who were also sober, cool, cherishing their lives, and always leaving a line of leeway for themselves—

They were all crazy, bloody, risking their lives, and giving everything they had for each other.

Junzhu's whereabouts have always been mysterious, but this time he completed his mission, and before he finished speaking, he disappeared in a blink of an eye. Leaving Jingchen in place is very at a loss: "You brought the poor monk back!"

"Master has left." Wei Lian understood Jun Zhu's elusive style. "Master, cross the bridge and go to the prefectural government in the main city, and then go back with the imperial convoy. By the way... take this man back to the prison." He pointed out He pointed to Zhang Xuwen who was like mud on the ground.

Clean Dust: "… "

This pair of masters and apprentices is really in the same line to arouse him.

Jingchen sighed resignedly, and dragged Zhang Xuwen, who was tied into a zongzi, and left.

Night falls.

Wei Lian finally turned around and set his eyes back on Ji Yue.

There was a moment of silence in the room, Ji Yue stood up and hugged him gently.

Wei Lian cried so hard before that it really scared Ji Yue. Even now, the youth's eyes are still red, against the pale complexion, and anyone who sees it will be pitied.

Not to mention Ji Yue, who cherishes him the most.

Wei Lian said nothing, wrapped his arms around his waist and quietly leaned into his arms.

There was a faint moonlight outside, and a slight wind sounded.

"You... bastard." Wei Lian didn't speak for a long while, but he couldn't help crying, "Are you really going to leave me?"

How could he calm down.

Ji Yue was fine for the time being, and he also learned from Jing Chen that Ji Yue had planned to block the robbery for him.

Just now in front of Jun Zhu and Jing Chen, he endured it all the time, calmly listened to what happened, calmly analyzed the person who cast the curse, and was so tenacious as if it was no big deal.

Now in the quiet night, only he and Ji Yue are left, and he finally...

Finally couldn't stand it anymore.

I had already cried a lot before, but now it is not too volatile. Wei Lian never shed tears, but struck Ji Yue's heart with a fearful and trembling tone, which was distressingly quiet.

Ji Yue closed his eyes, covered the wetness in his eyes, and patted his back: "It's alright, Wei Xiaolian."

"The better Ji Xiao is, the better."

Ji Yue meticulously kissed the mist on Wei Lian's slightly wet eyelashes, as gentle as the wind and moon.

Wei's long eyelashes trembled.

He thought, this scene is very familiar.

The last time he seemed to be... in the imperial study, he got angry at Wei Yan... In fact, it wasn't really angry, how could Wei Yan give him anger? He is hypocritical, someone who has not been pampered suddenly feels pity, a little grievance will be magnified, and if he wants to get backing up.

He actually had no hope.

Because he never got it.

Then Ji Yue said, "Okay, look, I will support you."

He wept helplessly.

Ji Yue also kissed his tears so gently, hugged him and said, "Alian, don't cry, I'm alone."

Wei Lian couldn't remember when his heart started, but when he fell in love with Ji Yue and recalled the past, every moment seemed to make his heart move.

The calmness, self-restraint, and perseverance he is proud of are all worthless in front of Ji Yue.

"Ji Yue." Wei Lian raised his eyes, "I don't want to live in the next life, you have to accompany me in this life."

Ji Yue chuckled: "No."

"Wei Lian, I will accompany you in my next life."

The spell on Ji Yue's body could not be delayed. They only rested for one night and planned to set off the next day.

That night, Ji Yue gave another antidote to Wei Lian and tapped his forehead: "Fortunately, I brought two of them for this trip, so don't crush them this time."

Wei Lian took the antidote, snorted softly, and turned his head away.

That's so cute.

Ji Yue couldn't hold back, rubbed Wei Lian's head, and kissed the person's forehead again.

Wei Lian rubbed back his messy hair angrily, and was tickled by Ji Yue on the couch for a long time, smiling until he could only beg for mercy.

The next day, the convoy was ready to go.

The plague in Jiangzhou has passed, and the imperial team will return to Yongping today. But Ji Yue and Wei Lian were not included.

They were ready to go out of Jiangzhou with the convoy and parted ways. When the large army returned to Yongping, they traveled across mountains and rivers to the State of Liang.

This time, only Ji Yue and Wei Lian, and two horses, Xiaobai and Xiaohong, went into battle completely lightly.

The external statement is - private visits in microservices.

Ji Yue had deployed the plan for half a year at one time, but it came in handy now. He was able to operate in an orderly manner even when the DPRK left, and with Xie Chen and several confidants in charge, they could still stabilize the situation after disappearing for three months.

On the contrary, many ministers were puzzled by this—no wonder His Majesty suddenly became a workaholic a few days ago, originally to make time for private interviews. That makes sense.

Once the Jiangzhou plague is over, those officials involved should naturally settle accounts in the autumn. Although Ji Yue has not yet returned to the palace, the edict has been drawn up. Those who have meritorious deeds will be rewarded with a bounty, and those who have derelict their duties, those who are rich in their own pockets, and those who take advantage of the fire will all be sent to prison.

The plot is as serious as Liu Rengui and Zhang Xuwen, who directly asked about beheading.

Ji Yue never condoned raising rape.

Mr. Lin's medical hall was also ordered to be renovated, and a tomb was erected in Qingping County. Ji Yue and Wei Lian said a word to each other and inscribed it themselves.

The topic is still the same old saying: I hope people in the world are free from diseases, even if the medicine is dusty.

The plague was resolved, and many people were grateful to the imperial court, especially the imperial doctor who took care of them for days. After learning about it, Wei Lian declined, and just said: "If you want to make an offering, just offer it to the old man."

"He's the one you should remember the most."

This is also the unanimous wish of all the imperial physicians.

When Ji Yue was getting dressed in the early morning, Wei Lian picked and chose from his luggage and stuffed Ji Yue with a white fox mask: "Put it on."

Ji Yue was startled: "Does A Lian think I'm ugly?"

Ji Yue doesn't look ugly now. He was born too gorgeous, with a red patch at the end of his eyes, which does not hide his beauty, but there is a trace of indescribable charm, which is simply too beautiful.

"Don't you think it's strange that there is so much red suddenly?" Wei Lian glanced at him.

Although it is not ugly, it is inevitable to make others think about it when they see it.

Ji Yue: "..." It's strange to have a mask suddenly, isn't it

He obediently put on a mask and covered the upper half of his face: "Why do you still carry a mask with you?"

"Don't you remember?" Wei shook his head and packed his luggage without looking back. "You gave it to me on the first night of the Yuan Dynasty. I thought I would never see you, so I have to bring something to remember, otherwise it will be too much..."

Before he finished speaking, he was hugged from behind.

"Don't think about me." Ji Yue whispered, "I won't be separated from you."

Wei Lian paused for a moment, then evoked a smile: "Well."

It was a fine day on the day they left. The sun dispelled the haze that had been shrouded in the sky for several months. Xia Chuanqing and a group of local officials bid them farewell.

When the team was about to leave the city, a burst of music suddenly came from behind.

Ji Yue and Wei Lian beat their horses and turned their heads, the soldiers turned around, and the imperial physicians in the carriage lifted the curtain of the sedan chair.

The soldiers were subconsciously vigilant, and were ordered by Ji Yue not to act rashly.

It was the people of the whole Jiangzhou who came to see them off spontaneously.

They all knelt down and kowtowed, and the mountain shouted: "Long live Your Majesty! Young Master!"

Zhou Xiaoshan did not kneel, her current legs were not enough to support her to complete the difficult movement of kneeling.

She is standing.

Zhou Yushan waved at Wei Lian, "Thank you for your kindness and virtue!"

"Young Master is our Jiangzhou savior!"

A folk band was playing joy to them, and the suona was particularly loud.

This band is well-known in several counties, and they are usually invited to play music for joy or mourning when there are affairs at home. A few months ago, they had finished playing the funeral music for more than ten years. At that time, every family held funerals, and everyone's face was not happy, only numbness, despair and heart ashes.

And now finally came the long-lost joy.

Some warm-hearted people came forward with eggs and rice noodles to distribute to the soldiers who had worked hard for months. Some stood by the carriage and stuffed the prepared gifts to the imperial doctor inside through the car window.

Xu Wenqing's carriage was also stuffed into a wreath by a little girl. The little girl stood outside the window and smiled innocently: "Thank you brother for saving my mother."

Xu Wenqing blushed, and after the little girl left, she whispered, "I'm a big man, what flowers do I wear..."

The young imperial doctor on the side stretched out his hand to get it: "If you don't wear it, I will wear it."

Xu Wenqing immediately protected the garland in his arms: "Mine!"

-Who says everyone is not grateful

At this moment, Xu Wenqing felt that what the son said was really reasonable.

How could he deny the whole world just because he saw a little hell.

Wei Lian watched quietly for a while, then turned his head to meet Ji Yue's gaze.

The two smiled at each other.

"It's good," he said.

so good.

When he first came to Qingping County, there were ghosts and wolves everywhere, filled with death, fear, and sadness. The entire sky seemed to have faded to gray and white, and there was endless sadness and joy.

Here he has seen greed, selfishness, ugliness, and all the unspeakable evils in the world, all being staged absurdly and realistically.

Now that they are gone, the sun is shining. The last memory brought to him here is gratitude, kindness, purity, vivid and bright colors, and cheerful and warm music.

Dispel the clouds to see the sun mottled through the broken leaves in the future.

Qingping's music is so sweet.

Volume Four Man Tingfang