An Empire as a Betrothal Gift

Chapter 94: tidy


They rested at the inn for one night, went downstairs to have breakfast the next morning, and then set off to continue their journey.

It was too early, and there were not many people in the hall. The shopkeeper was turning the abacus, the running man was dozing off little by little, and the other guests were still asleep in the room.

When Ji Yue and Wei Lian went downstairs, the shopkeeper looked up and greeted, "The two guests are coming down so early."

Ji Yue sat down at a table: "I want two bowls of porridge and four steamed buns."

"Okay." The shopkeeper tapped the man on the head, "Go and ask the cook to get up to work, two bowls of porridge and four buns."

The guy slept soundly, but was woken up unexpectedly, his expression still a little woody: "Oh... ok."

He rubbed his sullen eyes and went to the kitchen to inform him.

Soon, the steaming porridge and steamed buns were brought up.

Wei Lian picked up the chopsticks and was about to use them. The shopkeeper cracked and peeled off the abacus and sighed: "Yesterday, I couldn't make ends meet. Business is not good these days. Xiao Du, let me know, this month's wages will be delayed for a few more days..."

The man let out an "ah" and said with a frown, "Shopkeeper, our wages have been reduced by two cents last month, and I still have to support my mother. I can't delay it any longer."

Hearing this, Wei Lian couldn't help asking, "Seeing that the business in the lobby was very lively last night, why is the shopkeeper unable to make ends meet?"

The shopkeeper smiled bitterly and said, "Isn't the guest officer a native of Chu?"

Wei Lian snorted.

He was the son of Chu State, and he had only been in Qin for half a year, but when he revisited his old place, he was thought to be not from Chu.

He asked, "How do you see it?"

"A few days ago, our state of Chu and the state of Qin fought a war." The shopkeeper said, "The war was laboring and hurting people's wealth, and the economy was already depressed. If it wasn't for the son's collection... sigh, I don't know when it will be better."

Suddenly hearing his name from someone else's mouth, Wei Lian's expression moved slightly: "Then what?"

"Young Master Lian has gone to Qin, and we have temporarily stopped the war." The shopkeeper was indignant when he said this, "But Your Majesty doesn't want to recuperate, but instead wants to build a crystal palace and a golden lotus platform for Wu Ji. The whole lotus platform is made of pure It is made of gold, built on the water surface, and Wu Ji is asked to dance on it. The treasury is empty just after the war, where can there be extra spare money? This is not the court order to raise the national tax to 50%... 50% tax! We little people have already tightened their belts to live, how can we afford it? In the past few months, a lot of shops have closed down. I am a century-old brand, handed down from my grandfather's generation, and now it is a lot harder... Your Majesty is doing this, alas!"

As soon as the shopkeeper vomited bitter water, he poured out endlessly, so frightened the man winked wildly: "Shopkeeper, stop talking!"

Randomly remarking on Your Majesty, the government knew that he was going to be beheaded!

Wu Ji is also the new love of the King of Chu, a concubine who is very good at dancing. The King of Chu has always been absurd when it comes to beauty, but now that this juncture is so ignorant, it is not absurd but stupid.

Under the heavy taxation, the people complained, but it was useless to protest, and they would be suppressed by the officers and soldiers.

Wei Lian frowned. Qin State's tax is 10%, Chu State is actually 50%, it is... too high.

If the state of Chu continues like this, sooner or later, it will bring about its own demise.

What the hell was his father thinking

"Oops." The delicate female voice was eerily familiar.

Lin Yaner was wearing a purple dress, exposing her fragrant shoulders and lotus-shaped arms, her nails painted with bright red Kodan, and leaning on the handrail, she twisted the water snake's waist and went down the stairs.

She was beautiful, and she was indeed a stunner. Twenty-five years old, she is more charming than the cardamom girl.

Dressed like this, ordinary people will definitely spit it out, and it's also erotic. At least last night, half of the men in the lobby had their eyes glued to her.

Wei Lian only had one idea.

When it was over, she actually changed into a purple dress.

Because of the empress dowager first, Ji Yue hated purple the most. In the face of this color, his patience value will plummet, and his anger value will plummet. At this time, if Lin Yan'er tried to tease at will, saying something that shouldn't be said, he didn't know whether Ji Yue hit a woman or not, and he was afraid that Ji Yue would turn her anger into lust and vent it on him.

Now that there are only two of them in the lobby, it is impossible for Lin Yaner not to provoke them.

Seeing Wei Lian, Lin Yan'er's eyes lit up: "Lang Jun got up so early, so he has a good relationship with the slave family. Do you mind the slave family sitting here?"

With those words in her mouth, Lin Yan'er sat down naturally.

She stopped thinking about Wei Lian. She doesn't want any man, so she can't be bothered to stick a broken sleeve with a master. But for the first time in her life, seeing the broken sleeve alive, Lin Yaner was very curious.

Her eyes were sparkling, and there was an aura called gossip.

The young man in white hadn't spoken yet, and the young man in red wearing a mask said indifferently, "Do you mind."

Lin Yan'er smiled and said, "Don't be angry, little brother, elder sister won't rob you of men."

The young man in red: "You didn't say that yesterday."

Wei Lian gave Ji Yue a strange look.

Did Ji Yue find that he has naturally accepted the identity setting of the little brother

"Did you two have a good time last night?" Lin Yan'er, who is the female version of the flower-picking thief, has always had no morals, and each question became more explicit, "Is little brother comfortable? Is this gentleman good in bed? Can you do it overnight? How many times?"

Ji Yue's patience was quickly disappearing, word by word: "Dan, Qing, what, what?"

"It smells like vinegar." Lin Yan'er fanned her nose, "I'm just curious. I haven't seen a live broken sleeve yet."

Wei Lian asked, "Have you ever seen someone dead?"

Lin Yaner smiled and said, "Lang Jun is really an interesting person. Of course, I have only seen it in books."

Wei Lian really chatted with her: "What is the girl reading that kind of book for?"

Lin Yaner said inscrutable: "You don't understand."

You don't understand the joy of immortal love.

The pair in front of them are very cute, Wen Run Exiled Immortal Attack and Aojiao Fried Hair Suffer or something...

Wei Lian was horrified by Lin Yan'er's gaze, but he continued to ask, "The girl smells so good, I don't know..." What kind of spices were used

However, before asking any further, Ji Yue put down his chopsticks expressionlessly.

There was a terrifying cold air all around him.

Wei Lian had no doubt that Ji Yue was brewing the atmosphere of turning the table and leaving.

Or even more ruthless, brewing an atmosphere of murder.

Wei Lian silently swallowed the question and whispered, "Don't be angry."

Ji Yue sneered: "Oh."

Wei Lian tugged at his sleeve, his ears reddish: "Husband..."

He is thin-skinned, and he has tried his best to call out such a voice.

It's really shameful to shout like that in front of outsiders!

Ji Yue was startled when he heard this, and looked sideways at the young man's face with his head bowed and shy, the depression in his heart was swept away, and he was suddenly refreshed.

"I'll take care of you at night." Ji Yue deliberately let Lin Yaner hear these words as if he had sworn sovereignty.

"Let's go." Ji Yue got up and strode out of the door of the inn.

Wei Lian hurriedly packed up and followed.

Lin Yan'er was left alone, looking dull and confused.

She has been stunned twice in two days.

The first time was shocked that the two were a couple.

The second time was shocked that she actually stood upside down.

... That young man in white, who was exiled from immortality, shyly called his little brother-in-law in red and irritable? ?

Little brother also said to clean him up tonight? ?

God, this turned out to be the next year.

Kind of exciting.

Ji Yue walked very fast, Wei Lian packed his luggage and chased after him: "Wait for me!"

Ji Yue lowered her eyes and stopped.

Wei Lian walked up to him and complained softly, "Why are you walking so fast?"

"I don't go so fast, don't tell me you have a good time talking?" Ji Yue said coolly.

Wei Lian paused and said helplessly: "I just think... She and Myerna have some similarities."

Ji Yue said lightly: "There are countless people who read the same thing?"

"No." Wei Lian shook his head, "It's the fragrance on her body."

Exactly the same as that of Myerna.

And that dress, the Jianghu women in the Central Plains probably couldn't be so bold. On the other hand, the folk customs in Liang Guo are open, and women like to show their skin outside.

When they were looking for the cursed person this time, the only hint was Myerna. Wei Lian's Resurrection Pill was obtained from Myerna, and of course he cares about all clues related to it.

In the final analysis, what he cared about was Ji Yue.

"The country of Liang is rich in spices and has trade relations with other countries." Ji Yue's expression softened a little, "It's not surprising to smoke the same incense."

Wei Lian said: "But when Liang Guo presented thousands of spices, I smelled them one by one, and none of them tasted like this."

Ji Yue stared at him with a strange expression.

Wei Lian raised his eyes: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Ji Yue hesitated, "I just think your sense of smell and memory are terrifying."

In fact, he was still thinking about how boring it would be to smell all a thousand spices one by one.

It seems that when he was busy with government affairs, he still neglected Alian, and he will spend more time with him in the future.

Wei Lian: "…Thank you for the compliment."

"So," Ji Yue lowered her eyes, her tone unhappy, "are we going back to find her?"

Wei Lian asked, "Are you going to be angry?"

Ji Yue looked at him: "I will never be mad at you."

"But you will be sullen alone." Wei Lian had already seen through him.

Ji Yue turned his head: "... Hmph."

Wei Lian smiled and asked, "Are you still cleaning me up at night?"

Ji Yue still turned his head: "I have to clean up."

But in fact, he couldn't do anything to Wei Lian.

Except for the out-of-control days before Wei Lian went to Jiangzhou, Ji Yue was very gentle to Wei Lian no matter if he was in bed or out of bed. Even if he sometimes wants to give some small punishment, Wei Lianhong once squinted or said a coquettish word, and it was Ji Yue who conceded defeat.

This person is always ruthless, and even goes too far when his love is strong. If Wei Lian pesters Ji Yue again, Ji Yue will take a cold bath by himself because he is worried about Wei Lian's body.

Leaving the unbelievable young man there, he was so angry that he wanted to scold others, but also a warm heart, sour and sweet.

Wei Lian had never seen anyone more gentle to him than Ji Yue.

He was always fearless in front of this man.

Then, he is also willing to do anything for Ji Yue.

Wei Lian let out a low laugh, leaned over, and whispered in Ji Yue's ear.

Ji Yue turned around in shock.

The lips under the mask pursed slightly, but they couldn't hide the quickly reddened complexion and earlobes.

Alan is really...

Wei Lian had whispered so many words to him, and there was never one that made his mind explode more than this one.

Wei Lian said-

"How are you going to clean me up?"

"Is kiss Ji Xiaoyue enough?"