An Exile Amid Humanity

Chapter 16


Press his palms to his chest. The little girl's breasts were soft and delicate, and her heart was beating fast under the soft flesh. 329 holds it like holding a jumping pigeon.

Everything happened quickly, enthusiastically and hastily. 329 thought he was going to come soon, but he still didn't come until Asha withdrew. The tiny space is located in a large mall, and clerks wait outside, staring at the door, ears pricked. 329 has worked here, he knows how many people are here, and even knows some people's names. They listen, they look, and they will know what's going on.

"I'm sorry, I did it outside again." Asha said.

Alpha packed up his clothes, moved to 329's ear and apologized gently, and kissed his lips. For this reason 329 is willing to let her fuck him again here. Yasha's expression was sincere and guilty, and her kiss was soft and light, which made 329's heart light and soft. He said "it doesn't matter" and lowered his head to tidy himself up. His legs were still limp, and he seemed to be stepping on clouds at the moment.

Then Yasha opened the door and went out, beckoning, asking someone to wrap up all the clothes 329 tried on. "Gifts for you, you look great in them." She looked back at him with a smile on her face, "And that suit just now, please be sure to show me tonight."

329 finally down to earth.

With the door open, his clothes were still disheveled, and the small room and his body smelled of sex. Some people lowered their heads, while some looked up at him. The contempt and envy in their eyes didn't know which was more eye-catching. 329 saw the colleague who had rescued him, who looked at him with an ugly face, as if he was enduring something disgusting. Behind them, the promotional words of the mall are flashing under the lights, "Try it on the spot, pay after you use it".

329 licked his lower lip, and there were teeth marks on his lips.

Yasha took him back with great fanfare, but didn't let him change into a suit when he arrived. "Send me a picture!" she said, her smiling face disappearing into the aperture of the transmitter.

Belatedly, 329 felt tired.

He didn't exercise that day, he took a shower and went to bed. He felt very tired, but couldn't sleep, probably because he didn't really use up much energy. 329 didn't want to leave the bed, nor did he want to stare at the ceiling. He slipped his hand into his pants, soothing himself, thinking of soft body and milky kisses. After orgasm, falling asleep is much easier.

A few hours later, 329 was woken up by a pair of hands. He opened his eyes and saw Yasha lying on the head of the bed, seeming to want to say something to him. By the way, I forgot to post photos, 329 thought sleepily.

"Do you still love me?" said Asha.

329 woke up.

He tried his best to distinguish the expression of the alpha, wanting to know what answer the other party would like to hear, but unfortunately Yasha didn't turn on the light, and her face could not be seen clearly in the dim light of the night.

"Don't think about what I like to hear." Yasha covered his mouth, her voice was as soft as a baby, and she was even pleading, "Please tell me the truth, no matter what you answer, I will take good care of you."

She's terrible, 329 thought. I'm afraid no one knows him as well as she does.

Having said that, besides this wonderful alpha, who else would want to know him? Ask yourself, 329 is not really sure about the answer to her question. Is it gratitude? Is it the desire for survival and comfort? He is confined in such a small area, and his life and memory have been castrated by surgery. In this case, will he "fall in love" with anyone who is willing to reach out to him? 329 don't know. But to a poor man, a dollar is already all property, and if it is taken away, he will be ruined-there is not much love in the broken soul itself, and he has indeed given all he can give.

"Yes." 329 spat the words into Yasha's palm. She let go, and he said again: "Yes."

After he finished speaking, he closed his eyes, not wanting to see Alpha's expression. But Asha came up to kiss him, and he tasted a smile on the other's lips.

"That's great," Asha said, "That's great!"

Her voice was so happy, 329 opened his eyes and saw the smiling face close at hand. The girl looked very happy, and her beautiful smiling face was shining even in the dark. Some kind... Some unrealistic hopes made 329's heart twitch, and even made him feel pain. Something was running rampant in his mind, like steam in a kettle, and it would come out no matter what.

He blurted out: "Don't give me clothes."

Asha was startled, then quickly nodded with a smile. "Throw them away if you don't like them, they are already yours, so you can dispose of them." She said lightly, "Good night!"

After speaking, she kissed 329, stood up, and left again.

12. Desire to Survive

The day after Asha left, people celebrated the "Crown Prince"'s birthday. This grand celebration lasted all day, and at the same time, it also announced the end of the busiest day of the sanctuary.

It's just that this year is different from previous years, the martial law did not end with the arrival of midsummer. It is said that the Consul has encountered some small troubles, and the suppressed rebels seem to be revived—more people don’t believe this, the rebels have long been beaten into bereaved dogs, and the possibility of their revival is not as great as the gangsters.

Anyway, that has nothing to do with 329.

It was Asha, always Asha, that was involved with him. 329 took pictures of herself wearing those clothes with the new wristwatch sent by Yasha. After a while, Yasha’s reply to the photos appeared on the wristwatch: it was also a picture, some cartoon characters with eyes turned into hearts and her Photo of pouting and blowing kisses. She would say some nasty and empty sweet words, and frequently announced that she was busy. In the third week after she left, 329 began to suspect that he was just having a dream that night, and the alpha in the dream confirmed his love to him.

329 carefully mentioned that night, and after long hesitation and deliberation, he asked Asha if he could dispose of the clothes as he pleased. "Of course!" said Asha's reply, "I told you, it's up to you."

She said nothing else. She still didn't come.

In the sixth week, 329 decided to get rid of the excess clothes. Most of the clothing is too flashy for everyday wear, and it's better to exchange it for credits than to take up space in the dorm. He knew that there was a black market nearby, and as long as the profit was high enough, the merchants there didn't care where the goods in their hands came from, nor who came to trade them.

Of course, the credits obtained from this transaction are illegal and cannot be used for the debts of exiles, but they can be used for other things, such as buying food, paying rent, buying medicine... Currently 329 has no expenses, which means that he can use save money. If you don't stock up on food during the bountiful fall, you'll starve to death when winter comes. No matter how long "fall" lasts, it's always good to be prepared.

It took an afternoon to pack and prepare, and at midnight, 329 left the dormitory and walked into the winding alley with his clothes. He used rough and simple sacks to pack those expensive clothes, and walked to the place with the least people. The first transaction was very successful. The black market dealer was willing to buy it at 1% of the original price, and also claimed that he could increase the price by 20%, as long as 329 sold him all the rest.

The business hours of the black market are very short, and one night is not enough to go back and forth twice. The second transaction was placed on the second day, and it went smoothly, but 329 vaguely felt being spied on. He didn't really see anyone, but his vigilance was enough to dissuade him from continuing to trade the next day. 329 stayed in the dormitory for three days, and only went out on the fourth day.

The transaction went smoothly, and I met no one on the way there. When he set off on his return journey at three in the morning, he found the road blocked.

This is the narrowest section of the road, to be precise, it is just a narrow gap between two abandoned buildings. 329 chose this place because it was narrow enough that there was no place to hide surveillance, and it was this narrowness that made it impossible for him to get around when he was blocked by several wooden boxes. 329 passed by here a few hours ago, and if there was something in the way, he couldn't have missed it. Who would move such heavy things down this trail

329 fought a cold war.

He pushed the wooden box, but it couldn't move. He turned around immediately, took a few steps and stopped suddenly. The artificial moonlight of the shelter fell on the alley without street lights. Under the moonlight, a dark shadow appeared at the entrance of the alley, like a wooden box, firmly blocking the way of 329.

"Hello?" 329 said calmly.

His voice echoed in the empty alley, far enough away that not even a scream could attract anyone.

Sombra didn't answer, let alone leave. The man steps forward, allowing 329 to see the gun in his hand.

329 raised his hands, indicating that he would not resist. He waited for the other person to approach slowly, hoping that it was all just a misunderstanding, and that the collar around his neck would dissuade him from any unwise thoughts. The exiles are government property, you can hurt them, but you can't kill them - and anyone who does will be exiled.

As the shadow got closer, 329's heart began to sink.

The man clearly understood that 329 was an exile, in fact, he knew 329. His name is John, male beta, colleague of 329. A few months ago, John drank away the customers who harassed 329, and then dismissed 329's thanks; a few weeks ago, John watched Asha lead 329 into the store and out of the dressing room, with an ugly face as if he was staring at maggots.

Even that time a few weeks ago, John's face was not as scary as it is now.

They were close enough to see each other's faces clearly. John looked terribly haggard, a very different person from the clerk he had been a few weeks earlier. his head