An Exile Amid Humanity

Chapter 20


, spreading out like a waterfall of red hair, blocking the starry sky above 329. 329 closed his eyes, letting the red curtain block his vision.

He suddenly felt drowsy, like an animal wearing a blindfold, deluding itself to sleep in the dark. He was so tired that even though the hand on his body fell on his neck, even though the tight throat made it difficult for him to breathe, he didn't struggle, and he didn't even open his eyes.


The sound of breaking broke the silence, and for a brief moment, 329 thought it was his cervical spine that was broken. But the pressure on his neck was gone, and he was breathing again. Something... 329 opened his eyes suddenly, and saw the broken metal ring in Asha's hand.

The homeless collar that had been attached to 329 for nearly two years and should have stayed there for more than 30 years was easily taken off. It was supposed to be indestructible, it was supposed to kill the Exile the moment it was destroyed, but nothing happened. Yasha wore the pair of military gloves, her slender fingers were closed, and the metal ring was crumpled into scrap iron, crackling and sparking. She threw the things in her hand aside, like throwing a ball of waste paper.

329 panted rapidly, his neck, which had not been exposed to the air for a long time, felt cold for a while, and then became hot—Asha held his Adam's apple, making him unable to move, like a cat being held by its neck. His mind was in a mess, and countless questions were crowded around his mouth, and he couldn't get any of them out for a while. Yasha kept talking, she whispered "it's all right", "it's over" and "shh" between kisses. She said, "I will be the consul in the next year."

"You killed your brother." 329 said, this is not a question.

"Yes, I killed him." Yasha paused and said, "He died a painful and long death."

The tone of this sentence is the same as when she announced that she modified the motorcycle by herself.

329 felt cold in his heart and completely woke up. What kind of person would make a statement about kinkilling in a ostentatious tone? Are the rich and powerful used to brother-in-law, or is this just Asha? He knew he'd better keep his mouth shut, but his mouth seemed to have other opinions.

He said, "Are you going to kill your father next year?"

"No, he was about to die." Yasha explained, "My eldest sister is a beta, and my elder brother is two years younger. He split into an alpha in the second year after my sister was declared the heir. They have been competing for the successor A few years ago, the elder sister used extreme means. Unfortunately, the elder brother agreed with her and chose the same time... In the end, one of them died and the other was imprisoned for life. Since both of them poisoned their father, it is best Advanced technology can only add a few years to his life."

It seems that this is the custom of the rich and powerful.

"Everything will be fine." Yasha said in a comforting tone, her eyes were shining with excitement, as if she wanted to share the joy with 329, "I will become a consul in two years, give me another year, I will Take care of the other stuff, and then we'll get married. Twenty years from now we can have kids—our blood relatives can be made within ten years with current technology, but I don't think it's a good idea for a successor to be too close to my age. This can be discussed later, we have a lot of time. Our children will have your eyes, and I love your eyes."

She said it so firmly, as if she had already determined the future. It sounds so absurd, and what's even more absurd is that 329 half believes that she can really do what she says. He shook his head, not knowing whether he was rejecting the other party or convincing himself. 329 said: "You are only fifteen years old!"

"Sixteen in one month." Asha pouted.

"You are only fifteen years old." 329 said dreamily.

"So?" Yasha said with burning eyes, "I was fifteen years old, killed my brother, 'convinced' my father, dealt with the rebellion, and will become the youngest consul in two years. When I was seven years old, the first I've loved you for more than half my life the first time I saw you."

"You still have many fifteen years." 329 said desperately.

This can't be true. The young Eden wanted to be a businessman, a teacher, and a scientist. In the end, he joined the rebel army and spent half his life flying up into the sky before falling to the ground. memory. The young Yasha's study, love and coup have been so exciting in just fifteen years. In the next long life, is she just standing still

It won't happen, everyone will change.

"You don't believe me." Yasha sighed, her eyes fluttered, as if recalling something, "Adults are like this, thinking that children's words don't count."

Only children would say that, 329 thought.

"When I was thirteen, I said, I'll kill whoever touches you." Asha said word for word, "My brother didn't believe it."

In fact, Asha's brother doesn't remember what she said at all.

No one remembers what she said, no one takes it seriously, only the little girl herself never forgets. She remembered the screams on the other side of the door, the screams on the other side—her screams. She screamed, begged, howled hysterically, choking herself so hard that she couldn't breathe. That was the first time Yasha cried since she was sensible. She had never shed tears before. If what you want can always be given with both hands, you will naturally remain sweet and elegant forever.

She never thought that she would cry like that, tears almost melted her eyeballs, her throat was already hoarse, her cheeks and head were hot, and the anger of being betrayed was scorching like steam, about to burst out of her eye sockets and throat. "You said it! You promised me!" she cried. "He's mine! Papa! I love him! Give him back!"

The little princess was so well educated that she couldn't even utter a single curse, she could only wail those few words over and over again. The soft seat held her in place so she could neither rush through the door nor accidentally injure herself. The consul's brain ached from the wailing and wailing, and finally he slapped the table unbearably, silencing his little daughter who had never been treated like this.

"That's enough!" He scolded, and patiently said a few words of comfort, "There are so many omegas of this type, but this one won't do. I'll give you ten tomorrow, and you can choose by yourself!"

Mother frowned at "this type of omega", but she just sighed dignifiedly, not intending to intervene at all. Yasha looked at her in disbelief, and her mother reprimanded softly: "You are yelling, what does it look like?"

"He promised me!" Yasha whimpered. "He lied to... Mom! Make them stop! They..."

"Don't talk to your father like that." Mother frowned and patted the back of her hand, "This is a serious matter, let your brother do it."

No one is on her side.

Outside the door are Asha's parents, she is their favorite child. Inside the door is Yasha's only remaining brother, the brother who dotes on her. Everyone doted on her, and Asha had never doubted that until now. Everything became so strange, her most trusted relatives took away the stars she had been chasing for many years, and crushed them to the ground without blinking their eyes.

At this moment, Yasha suddenly realized.

There is no betrayal, that's what love is all about. Father dotes on courtiers, mother dotes on dancers, eldest sister dotes on actors, eldest brother dotes on purebred dogs, second brother dotes on lovers... They dote on her. Playthings and tools are favored by face and tongue, she by blood. She enjoyed all the gifts that fell from the sky, but forgot that all these were just bones left by the master.

It's so easy to be pampered, but it's a pity that you can only wait to be given, and you can only get what they give you.

Little Princess Asha cannot have her Eden, because the beloved has nothing.

16. "I'm not him."

Finally, the door opened.

At this moment, the chair restraining Yasha was released, allowing her to jump up and run to the door. The consul's heir came out from the inside and was staggered by his sister. He shook his head tolerantly and continued to wipe the blood on his hands with a silk scarf. The smell of blood came out from the room, together with other unclean smells, it was quickly cleaned by the purification system without leaving any traces.

It's just that the smell in the room is not so easy to dissipate, after all, they haven't dealt with the source of the smell. The mixed pheromones stimulated Yasha's nerves, and she stopped at the door, her eyes wide open, and her brother's report sounded like a blurred tape in the background: "He will no longer be a threat... too crazy to take care of himself, need to do it again Only when it is processed can it be used as bait... "

Asha came too late, and before she knew it, the adults had already finished their work. Torture was not the only thing that happened. All the prisoners were drugged and locked together. The drugs that could not be used on the stage directed a good show of gang violence against the commander. The best cameras left records, and rumors of traitors circulated throughout the asylum along with the footage. The spies pushed the rest of the high-ranking rebels out of their wits, denying that it was the commander who was captured, and insisting that the eagle was someone else—the omega who had shown up many times in the past and now "shows the limelight" was just taking a lot of merit Propaganda vase.

These people themselves shattered legends, believers and unbelievers parted ways, contempt and mourners mingled together, and the rebels split into several parts, which were bit by bit disintegrated and eaten away. They took pictures of the rebels' vase declaration and the rebels' retreat, and showed them to the commander. They executed every captive who supported him in Iden's presence, and it was done by the recruited converts.

—Father believes that the recently improved brain surgery is enough to destroy anyone, even if the opponent was once the banner of the rebel army. The elder brother believes that the traditional method can make an example and is more interesting. If anyone dares to challenge authority, he deserves to be treated as such. What's more, he is still an omega, "a beautiful and challenging omega." My brother laughed, "The pigs will love this topic, and they will actively spread these videos.