An Exile Amid Humanity

Chapter 7


Four older brothers and sisters, one beta and three alphas, they thought I would always be an omega... It doesn't matter if I'm not an omega, anyway, there are enough heirs. Dad was too lazy to teach another child, maybe he was taking care of his mother, so he let her be in charge of education. I was brought up by my mother, and my father took care of my brothers and sisters very fiercely. He just turned a blind eye to me. I am very lucky. "

329 ate three limbs, and his stomach finally stopped burning. He ate a little too fast and choked. Yasha immediately poured a drink and handed it to him.

"Just a moment, the soup will be here soon," she said.

329 didn't see when she ordered, but one dish after another came up one after another, appearing at the most appropriate timing. She moves very quickly, eating, handling ingredients that 329 has never seen before, and talking non-stop, and she is actually very polite when she completes this series of actions. Yasha kept looking at 329 with fiery eyes, which made him feel nervous. For a while, he suspected that there was something hidden in the food she handed over, and for a while, he felt that she would fuck him here after eating half of it. After eating for more than half an hour without incident, 329 realized that the hot eyes might not be related to lust, it might be like a child throwing bread crumbs on the square, stretching his neck to watch the pigeons eat.

Anyway, the pigeons are well fed.

Most of the dishes were surprisingly delicious, or so to his liking, that he didn't even know he liked them until he ate them. There was a soup that tasted familiar and reassuring. The alcohol in the sweet soup warmed his whole body, his hands and feet warmed up, and his head was fumigated by the heat. Yasha kept talking, and gradually lost the reserved and elegant manner of the host, gradually lost even a topic, and got off topic in a mess, like an ordinary child who twittered—the kind that won't kill you easily.

And sometimes, you just need to talk to people.

"I am... the only child." 329 said softly, "My mother passed away very early, and my father had been a hunter for more than ten years and was very ill. I was too young to go out hunting, so I washed the protection for other hunters. Clothes."

He regretted it almost as soon as he opened his mouth, and felt that it was meaningless and unnecessary to say these things. 329 waited to be interrupted, hoping that the impulsive words would be drowned out by another clear voice, but as soon as he spoke, Asha shut her mouth. She listened intently, leaning forward.

"Sounds dangerous." She said after 329 was silent, "The dust, radiation sickness?"

"It's not as dangerous as real hunters." 329 shook his head, "Most hunters will eventually die in the radiation zone, and those who survive will hardly escape radiation sickness."

"But there are also some people who get stronger, which is amazing," she said.

"Only a very small number of lucky people are immune to radiation sickness." 329 replied.

"And then?" Yasha urged, "You also became a hunter later?"

"Yes." 329 said briefly.

There should have been such a thing, but 329 couldn't remember it clearly, and that memory was blurred with the operation. He became a hunter before his separation, and he was probably about the same age as Yasha now. From this point of view, his life was really connected with evil very early.

"I remember there was a time when there was an official bounty for the heads of mutant creatures, wasn't that the year with the most hunters?" Yasha said, "There's a song among the hunters called 'We Come Back with Heads', isn't it?" 'We bring heads Come back, theirs or ours...'"

Asha sang the song, and her voice was sweet, but the tune was right. The melody touched 329's memory, and he remembered it very clearly. When he was working in the repair station, the old hunters came back singing, they tapped their weapons and beat the tattered modified planes, and people who didn't know each other sang together, like pirates in old stories. / We come back with our heads, theirs or ours... / Yasha sang these two lines repeatedly, it seems that only the first two lines, 329 chorused in her heart, and finally couldn't help continuing.

"...sometimes in the backseat, sometimes on the shoulder," he sings, "if I don't make it, take it back for me, trade them for gold, give mine back home..."

His voice is deep and husky, but it suits the song better than its sweetness. Yasha listened with her chin resting, and softly hummed the tune in response. This feeling is very strange. When he was a child, he also watched the triumphant hunters and hummed a song in response. Many young cleaners hummed enviously, imagining themselves flying out of the shelter, Rush to the dangerous sky outside, and come back singing.

He had looked forward to it, he had sung it, and it was only when he came to himself that it was all over and there was nothing left. The exile is restricted in various areas, and the place where he cannot leave is still a little away from the outermost layer, and there are no hunters to be seen here. His memory of this song stayed many years ago, and he didn't know if hunters still sang it now.

"It's a very old song," 329 said.

"Not that old, can't you sing?" Asha laughed.

"It's older than you." 329 thought for a while, "Maybe older than me."

"The lifespan of songs and legends is longer than that of people." Asha said, "Maybe after we all die, there will still be people who will sing this song."

This surprised 329 a bit, sometimes she sounded like a spoiled urchin, sometimes like a wise man. Maybe she is neither, but only herself, whichever definition is guessed by others. Hearing what she said, he felt a lot more relaxed for some reason.

It was a great meal. They ate for a long time, but Yasha didn't stop, and 329 continued to eat slowly. It was a pity that he didn't have a second stomach bag that could store food. He didn't stop, and Asha didn't stop, and they sat opposite each other, dragging out dinner until late at night. No one rushing, no one bothering, no worrying about the boss throwing a tantrum or anything. Like lying under the paws of a lion, 329 suddenly thought, no need to worry about vultures anymore.

Yasha gradually stopped talking. She looked at 329 with her chin resting on her cheek, stirring the orange juice with a straw. 329 watched her eyes go from round to half-open, and her head bit by bit. It made him kind of... can't say, just wanted to laugh.

"I'm done eating, thank you." 329 said.

"Ah, is that so? You're welcome!" Yasha said, blinking her eyes and sitting up straight, wiping away the drool in secret, "Let's go back!"

She stood up and beckoned the waiter to speak, with a little excessive force, as if she was always in good spirits and never sleepy. After speaking, she walked up to 329 and asked him if she could hold his hand. After getting the consent, she took 329's arm, and the little bird stuck up.

"We don't necessarily have to drive back," she suggested, "Today I have to go back and spend the night, maybe we can walk around... Hey, you don't have shoes on? Isn't it cold?"

She just found out. 329 looked at her dumbfounded, not knowing how to answer.

Yasha paused after asking the question, probably realizing that no one would voluntarily go to work barefoot. "Let me send you a pair of shoes, please," she said. "I'll send them to your house tomorrow!"

329 really doesn't expect too much from her common sense. If she sends a pair of gorgeous shoes, it's a certainty that she will be stolen or even robbed. He declined the offer, telling her no, his own shoes would be fine.

They still went back by locomotive, but Yasha really didn't go into the house with him. 329 tentatively talked about tonight's bill (he will definitely not be able to pay it, and there is no other way to pay it), Yasha shook her head.

"It's my honor to have dinner with you." She said, blushing suddenly, and said in a voice like a mosquito, "And I accidentally ate a little too full today, a little, uh, not suitable for exercise... Good night! Hello dream!"

She gave a quick smile, climbed on the motorcycle, and drove off quickly.

On the morning shift the next day, there were fewer people in the factory. I heard that there was an accident, and I was afraid that I would not be able to keep my legs. 329 opened the cabinet, where his shoes were placed. There is a small card on the shoelace, nothing is written on it, only a pink ? is drawn on it.

a black car that doesn't exist

* Timeline connects to 5, [if 329 is really treated as a consumable] the follow-up black car, passer-by wheel X, dying, black, abuse, meat that absolutely cannot appear in the text, can be seen as 329's nightmare.

Unless she intends to use him as a consumable.

The restaurant was empty, but she didn't stop. Their destination is not in the empty restaurant, not in the winding corridor, but in a deeper and lower place. 329 smelled a sweet smell, the lights gradually became dim and ambiguous, and the alpha walking in front was brisk, almost bouncing, like a rabbit, leading the lost Alice back home.

This is certainly not a fairy tale.

They stopped outside a door that opened to flood them with light, sound, and smell. A door separates the two worlds, the outside is so empty, the inside is so full, and the pheromones of alpha and omega are too thick to make people uncomfortable. 329 subconsciously stopped, like a deer caught in the headlights, but Yasha hugged his arm affectionately and pulled him inside.

"That's what you brought?" said a teenager (alpha, of course an alpha) not much older than Shasha, casting a glance at 329.

"What's wrong? He's fine." Asha smiled nonchalantly.

"The taste is peculiar." A female alpha in her twenties