An Eye for News

Chapter 10: communicate


Nie Cai hid in the ventilation duct, looking around carefully through the gaps in the baffle.

I saw this man who was about forty years old, thin and wearing a dirty gray shirt. At this time, he had already stepped over the railing and stood on the edge of the rooftop. If he took a step back, he would have to fall more than thirty years. layer, very dangerous.

Perhaps in order to stabilize the emotions of those who jumped from the building, there were not many police officers on the rooftop. There were only two police officers, one of whom was the "white shirt" that Nie Cai saw just now.

"Finally caught up. This location is good. From his perspective, he won't notice it at all."

Nie Cai was so happy that he turned on the camera and started recording. At the same time, he raised his ears and listened carefully.

"Wang Dafa, calm down, you have to believe in the law and don't do stupid things!"

The white shirt seemed to be negotiating with the jumper, speaking loudly.

"I don't believe in the police, I don't believe in the law! Where is the law in this world? The rich and powerful are the law!"

A man's emotional voice came, and he rudely interrupted the police: "Isn't this Gao Song very powerful? Isn't the richest man in S County amazing? Drunk driving killed my wife and son, but he is still at large. Now I will Jump off his building and turn into a ghost to take revenge on him!"

When Nie Cai heard this, he finally understood.

It turned out that this man was named Wang Dafa. His wife and children were all killed by Gao Song. Gao Song was the richest man in S County and had many connections. This commercial building was his property. How could a common man like him win? Pass him

With the law unable to help him, there was no other way. This Wang Dafa could only use the most drastic means to go to the roof of the commercial building and try to use his own life to attract attention!

As a reporter, Nie Cai had seen too many joys and sorrows, but Wang Dafa's experience still made him feel sympathy in his heart.

It is difficult to redress a grievance, but I have to say that this is the tragedy of this little man!

"Is Takamatsu here now?"

Another policeman asked into the walkie-talkie, and there was a burst of noise from the walkie-talkie, and then someone answered: "He has arrived on the 32nd floor and is waiting, but considering that it would irritate Wang Dafa, he was not allowed to go up. "

"You did the right thing. I'm here to stabilize Wang Dafa. Firefighters are on the 32nd floor preparing to climb. Seize the opportunity to control him!"

The policeman nodded slightly and whispered, then raised his head and shouted: "I am the executive deputy director of S County Public Security Bureau. My surname is Huang. This is our director Xie Bin, who is also the secretary of the political and legal committee of the county! Gao Song, we are now We have contacted him and he is on his way here. I solemnly promise you here that we will investigate this case to the end. No matter who it is, no one is above the law!"

"Furthermore, even if you want to jump off a building and die, what about your parents and your family? Your wife and children are gone, but who will support her family? Young man, listen to me, you must not do anything stupid! "

Deputy Director Huang was obviously much more experienced than the white-shirted one. He caught the jumper's emphasis on family ties and tried to impress him from this aspect.

Sure enough, his words seemed to move Wang Dafa. He hesitated for a moment, and then said: "You promise? I don't believe it... unless someone from the TV station can film it and broadcast it on TV!"

"Okay, I promise you, the reporter from the provincial TV station of x province happens to be here. You can always believe it!"

Seeing that Wang Dafa was already shaken, Xie Bin immediately agreed.

Wang Dafa's psychological defense seems to have been shaken. In addition, the reporter from the provincial station happens to be here. If he can successfully convince him, filming this case will be a rare political achievement. No wonder Xie Bin agreed so readily.

Nie Cai noticed that Xie Bin agreed readily, but Deputy Director Huang next to him frowned and said quietly: "Director Guan... Isn't this bad? I always feel something is wrong... "

Deputy Director Huang has been in official circles for a long time, and of course he knows that his top leader wants to show his face in front of the provincial media. If he can successfully persuade Wang Dafa to return, it will be a matter of great achievements and face.

However, he felt that this was a bit too rash and he should communicate with Wang Dafa for a while longer.

Xie Bin waved his hand and said in a low voice: "It's nothing. We'll tell you later whether it will be broadcast after filming. He has already begun to waver. So stabilize him first. The reporter from the provincial station is filming behind him. If it goes wrong, right?" It’s no good for you or me!”

Seeing that Xie Bin had already made up his mind, Deputy Director Huang could only sigh helplessly.

The current situation is special. The person who jumped from the building demands that the media come forward to communicate. Nothing else will work.

Even if he still has concerns in his heart, now that even the top leader has agreed, what can he, a deputy director, say

This is the official level that crushes people to death!

"Comrade reporter, I have a situation that I would like to discuss with you. It goes like this..."

Faced with Wang Dafa's request for an interview, Xie Bin readily agreed.

He said a few words on the walkie-talkie, and soon the two provincial and Taiwanese reporters walked out of the exit, came to the corridor, set up the camera and started filming, very quickly.

Nie Cai could see clearly that the equipment carried by the cameraman had a conspicuous column name on it, which was the "Legal Frontline" column of the provincial station of x province.

This "Legal Frontline" column has extremely high ratings. Among the provincial channels, except for "X Province News Network", which firmly dominates prime time, it ranks second in ratings. It can be said that the entire X Province is very famous. big.

In fact, the S County TV station often organizes business seminars for reporters in the column to watch the programs of the provincial station together and demand themselves according to the methods and levels of the provincial station. This "Legal Frontline" column is one of the focuses of study.

"The reporter confronted the person who jumped from the building and communicated with the man sincerely to persuade him to commit suicide... Damn it, I have already thought of this news topic for you!"

Nie Cai smiled bitterly in his heart. If the TV station of x province hadn't happened to come to county s, he would have been the only reporter on the scene. Xie Bin could only let himself come up.

At this time, he should be the one standing in front of the person who jumped from the building. How could he be reduced to hiding in the corner of the rooftop and taking secret photos

The effect of communicating directly with the suicidal person is naturally different from that of hiding behind and filming secretly with a camera, and the news value of it is even greater.

The value of this news is self-evident. After all, the opportunity is so rare that it may be difficult to encounter it again—

Nie Cai believed that even a reporter from a provincial station could win a provincial journalism award based on this news.

As for broadcasting CCTV and so on, it is not a problem.

They have had a good harvest, but as a small county reporter, I have no chance to be a provincial reporter, so I can only hide and take photos secretly. Comparing with their angles, the viewing quality of the two is completely different!

"It's so annoying that people are compared to each other. Why don't I get such good treatment? This Xie Bin is like a dog looking down on people. Isn't a reporter from the county station not a human being?"

Nie Cai couldn't help but curse secretly, feeling furious in his heart!