An Eye for News

Chapter 108: Assassination and counter-assassination


There were flashing lights in front of him, and there were crowds of people everywhere. Even Nie Cai couldn't tell who was among the crowd.

Tang Yin had already left with a puff of his sleeves, and now he was walking out of the banquet hall behind Nie Cai. This malice probably did not come from him.

Nie Cai's heart moved, and he activated the thought reading component almost subconsciously.

Right in front of Nie Cai, a line of golden characters suddenly appeared on the head of a reporter wearing a peaked cap and holding a windproof microphone: "Tang Group has explained that as long as it is fired with this small poisonous needle hidden in the microphone, If you kill Nie Cai with a weapon, give me a reward of one million immediately, but I have to be careful. The poison needle launcher contains cyanide poison needles. If I accidentally hurt myself, I will definitely die if I don't get treatment within half an hour. !”

Nie Cai was shocked when he saw this line of golden characters appearing!

Ke Zhenyu had told himself before that Tang Yin was out for revenge, but Nie Cai didn't take it seriously at all.

Tang Yin didn't have AIDS at all. He was simply scared by himself. What would happen even if he got a prick.

Unexpectedly, Tang Yin was so ruthless that he hired a killer and used a poisonous needle containing cyanide to take revenge on Nie Cai!

Cyanide is one of the most toxic substances in the world. As long as someone is pricked by a poisonous needle containing a small amount of cyanide, depending on the dose, the toxicity can kill a person within ten minutes or as long as a few hours.

At that time, the man dressed as a reporter had already left. Who could doubt him

Before Nie Cai had time to think about it, the killer disguised as a reporter had quietly twisted the microphone in his hand and activated the poisonous needle launcher hidden in the microphone.


There was only an extremely slight sound, and six poisonous needles as thin as cow hair flew out from the microphone, flashing with an inconspicuous cold light in the dazzling flashlight.

"not good!"

Nie Cai's expression changed drastically, and he thought to himself.

About three or four of the poisonous needles in this wave of poisonous needles were aimed at him, but the other poisonous needles were not very accurate. They were shot crookedly, covering everyone around Nie Cai, including Dr. Steven and the host. Got in.

This is a cyanide poisonous needle! This wave of poisonous needles alone can kill at least four or five people!

In order to kill himself, this Tang Yin was really unconscionable, and he actually harmed so many innocent people!

At the critical moment, Nie Cai narrowed his eyes slightly and immediately slowed down the flying poison needle.

But this was not enough. In slow motion, although Nie Cai could dodge one or two of the poisonous needles, he was not sure that he could dodge them all.

Moreover, even if he is lucky and can avoid these poisonous needles, the people behind him will be in misery. They don't know that these are deadly poisonous needles, and they may not even have a chance to be rescued!

"Damn, these people are innocent..."

Nie Cai frowned and suddenly felt something in his heart.

He raised his hand slightly, thinking silently in his mind, and activated the dimensional storage component.

In an instant, those poisonous needles twisted in the air a few times, and were instantly put into the dimensional storage space by Nie Cai.

Without any pause, Nie Cai activated the dimensional storage component again, released half of the poisonous needles, and pierced the killer's body.

At the same time, the other half of the poison needle hidden in Nie Cai's storage space reappeared and shot towards Tang Yin who was about to leave the banquet hall.

Now everyone in the banquet hall gathered around Nie Cai to watch the excitement, while he was the only one over at Tang Yin, making him one of the perfect targets for the poisonous needle.


Tang Yin rubbed the back of his head, still not understanding what happened.

But the killer was much more professional. He felt a slight tingling pain in his body, and when he touched it, he was frightened out of his wits!

Five or six poisonous needles were pierced into his body, and the highly toxic cyanide followed and entered his blood circulation.

"what happened!"

The killer never imagined that his poisonous needle should be fired at Nie Cai, but why would it strangely pierce his body

He stumbled, pushed aside the reporter beside him, and ran outside.

Finally, he still had some professional ethics and knew how to call Tang Yin and ask him if he had been pricked by a poisonous needle.

"Damn, you're so unprofessional... What should I do?"

Tang Yin pulled out a poisonous needle as thin as a cow's hair from the back of his neck. This time his expression finally changed and he cursed angrily.

He felt as if he had an eight-life feud with needles. Last time he was injected with HIV, and this time he was injected with HIV again. He was simply unlucky!

"What should we do? Go to the hospital quickly. Fortunately, the dose is not large. We can still save him if we get to the hospital within half an hour!"

The killer pulled Tang Yin and ran. At this time, if he wanted to survive, he could only race against time.

Although cyanide is highly poisonous, for the sake of concealment, the dose attached to the poisonous needles is not high. Even if five or six of them hit, it should take about half an hour before death occurs.

As for whether this half hour is enough time for them to run to the hospital? Then we can only leave it to fate!

"What's going on with this guy?"

"Which media company is he from? Why did he run away like crazy in the middle of the interview?"

"That's right, don't recommend people if you don't interview them yourself. That's not how you compete for positions!"

"Crazy, just holding a microphone but not a camera. Is this a reporter from that media?"

After being disturbed by the killer pretending to be a reporter, the journalists who had been pushed were cursing and had no idea that they had just escaped a disaster.

Maybe they would never know that if Nie hadn't used the newly upgraded dimensional storage component to collect those poisonous needles through the air, some of them would have died.

"Okay, it's almost done... Our activities are still going on, and more precious auction items will appear. We will conduct interviews later..."

Seeing Nie Cai's eyes suddenly become serious, the host was stunned and quickly said a few words to bring the event back to the topic.

He thought Nie Cai was unhappy because he was surrounded by too many people, but little did he know that he had actually saved his life.

Under the guidance of the host, Professor Steven was led back to the stage to continue the process of the charity gala.

After giving Ke Zhendong a few words and asking him to pay for him, Nie Cai quietly walked out of the banquet hall when no one was paying attention.

He also wanted to catch up with Tang Yin who had just left, but Nie Cai searched around outside and found that there was no trace of Tang Yin at this time.

Thinking about it, Tang Yin was already scared out of his wits by the killer's poisonous needle. If he didn't run away quickly, he might even lose his life!

"Tang Yin, you're lucky... I've written down this account. If you're not dead yet, I'll be sure to find you slowly in the future!"

Nie Cai gritted his teeth and said secretly in his heart.

With nothing else to do at the charity gala, Nie Cai simply left the hotel, took a taxi in front of the hotel, and returned to his apartment.

"I'm finally back. This time it was really too dangerous. I was almost plotted by Tang Yin!"

Nie Cai sat heavily on the sofa and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I had just accumulated enough points and permissions to upgrade the dimensional storage component, which allows me to collect items within one meter of me through the air, otherwise Nie Cai would be in danger this time.

"Forget it, let's ignore Tang Yin for now. Let's take a look first. What's so weird about this camera?"

Putting these things behind for the time being, Nie Cai felt something in his heart and took out the antique Leica 135 camera from the dimensional storage space with great interest.

It has been so long since he got the Super News Eye, and this was the first time he saw the Super News Eye react actively, so he decided to bid for the camera at the charity gala no matter the cost.

According to Dr. Steven, this camera was left behind by his grandfather who was a war reporter. He experienced World War II and recorded countless precious historical moments.

The so-called war reporters refer to reporters who report news during wars, also known as "military reporters."

Nie Cai has always had great respect for the profession of war reporter, because without the courage to face sacrifice, he would not dare to be a war reporter at all.

These war correspondents have been exposed to hail of bullets, smoke and gunfire, and have had close brushes with death all year round. Their job is to write countless records based on what they see and hear before being killed by unpredictable gunfire, bombs, missiles or landmines. Battlefield news captures precious historical information.

It is precisely because they hate war that they use cameras to record war. This is also the motto of those war reporters who sacrificed their lives one after another!

Nie Cai played with this antique Leica 135 camera, turning it over and over in his hand and looking at it carefully.

There is a gunshot mark on the handle of this early camera. It was because this camera blocked the bullet that it saved Steven's grandfather's life. This also proves the danger of war reporters from the side.

"The super news system is responding, but what should I do..."

Nie Cai's brows gradually wrinkled, thinking secretly in his heart.

But just when he was at his wits' end, a voice suddenly rang in Nie Cai's mind. It was an automatic prompt from the super news system.

"Discovered news points... Do you want to extract news points?"

Nie Cai didn't even think about it, just silently recited the confirmation in his heart.

It would be strange for Nie Cai not to want this kind of windfall as he can get news points in vain!

"It turns out that there are news points hidden in this antique Leica 135 camera... No wonder the super news system will prompt!"

Immediately, Nie Cai's right eye flashed, and the golden light from the camera could be seen flowing out like running water and blending into his eyes.

"The extraction of news points is completed... Obtain 855 news points, obtain a D-level authority, and open new redemption options... "

Following the prompt from the super news system, Nie Cai found that his news points had changed instantly.

Including the 175 news points left when upgrading the dimensional storage components, Nie Cai now has 1030 news points. Especially this time, he actually obtained a D-level authority that had never appeared before, which made Nie Cai happy. Raise your eyebrows!

"I thought I had to do some tasks to get high-level permissions, but I didn't expect that this kind of antique camera can actually extract D-level permissions. What a surprise! If I have the chance, I will collect more of these news and historical relics, maybe There will be unexpected gains!”

Nie Cai was excited. He remembered that the Super News System had just prompted him to open the redemption option of his heart. He couldn't help but open the redemption page in the Super News System and began to check it carefully.