An Eye for News

Chapter 109: Follow the old leader


This time, the Super News System has opened a new redemption option called a time-shift camera component, which can see the scene within five minutes before and after the shooting scene in the camera.

Nie Cai couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he saw the description of this time-shifting camera component.

He thought that by absorbing this camera and gaining D-level permissions, he would be able to unlock some awesome redemption options. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be such a seemingly useless skill.

First of all, looking at the instructions, this component must be used by holding a camera, which imposes a very harsh condition. Who would normally hold a camera without any trouble

Secondly, the practicality of this component is also very worrying. Skills without upgrades can only be shot within five minutes.

What can you do in five minutes? Even if Nie Cai could see the lottery numbers in five minutes, they would have stopped selling them long ago!

"Forget it, it's better to redeem it than not to redeem it. Anyway, these news points can't be exchanged for anything."

Nie Cai thought for a while and decided to exchange the time-shifting camera component.

Upgrading the mind-reading skill requires 1,200 news points, plus two D-level permissions, but it simply increases the number of mind-reading skills to 10 times, and there is no essential change, so Nie Cai's desire to upgrade is not very urgent.

"What a pity. The phase cloaking component I most want to redeem requires a C-level permission and 2,000 news points. I don't know when I can get so many points."

Sighing, Nie Cai reluctantly chose the time-lapse camera component.

Immediately, the powerful voice of the Super News System prompted: "The time-shifting camera component was successfully redeemed, consuming 1,000 news points, and one D-level authority.

There was no camera around him, so Nie Cai simply tried it with his mobile phone. Unexpectedly, it worked.

Nie Cai tried to take a picture of the TV with his mobile phone. The screen on his mobile phone actually showed different content. When he looked at it after five minutes, it turned out to be the content he had just recorded.

"Finally, this function is not too trivial. It can be implemented with a mobile phone camera. However, even if you don't use a camera, if you use your mobile phone to take pictures of others, people will definitely be suspicious."

Nie Cai thought helplessly and was about to put the phone away when the phone suddenly rang.

It was Li Wei's call. Nie Cai couldn't help but feel nervous. He was afraid that Li Wei would be retaliated by the Tang Group, so he quickly answered the call.

"Nie Cai, where are you now?"

Li Wei seemed to be in a good mood and her tone was relaxed, which made Nie Cai feel relieved.

"In the apartment... What's going on, Sister Wei?"

"Of course it's a good thing. Today we received a notice that a retired old leader will come back to our x provincial TV station tomorrow. He was the director of our x provincial TV station back then."

Li Wei lowered her voice and said mysteriously: "This old leader's surname is Wang. He retired from the position of deputy director of the Central Propaganda Department. He is from City Z. You happen to be from the same hometown as him, so you can talk about it. Fang Yan, I gave you a chance to follow the old leader, and then I said a few words from the side. As long as the old leader speaks, your coming to the province will be settled."

It turned out that it was to take advantage of the situation... Nie Cai was a little moved. Li Wei has not forgotten that she wants to go to Taiwan.

Although Nie Cai's current goal is to go to CCTV, it is easier to transfer from the provincial station to CCTV than from the N city TV station.

What's more, although this woman Sun Ying promised Nie Cai that she would help him with activities and send him to the Central Station, how could it be so easy if she didn't use Commander Wu's connections? I'm afraid I don't know when this promise will be fulfilled.

Thinking of this, Nie Cai agreed: "Okay, Sister Wei, I wonder when the old leader will come?"

"He will be here at nine o'clock in the morning. You should go to the unit half an hour in advance and go to the bureau office, Director Xie, the middle-aged woman you met for the last interview. She will give you relevant information."

It is not difficult to follow and film this kind of thing. The old leader keeps a low profile. He does not make this kind of video for news, but to use it as information for the TV station in X Province.

After all, not every TV station can have a director who is the deputy director of the Propaganda Department. As one of the few department-level provincial stations in the country, X Provincial TV Station has veteran leaders who have contributed a lot.

"Li Wei has really worked hard for herself..."

Nie Cai put down the phone and thought to himself.

Deputy Director Qin is the leader in charge of human affairs. He had offended him through Wang Runfa's incident before, and later offended Deputy Director Qin's son at the basketball game. The hatred was even greater.

It is almost impossible to bypass Deputy Director Qin in the personnel transfer of the provincial station. The only way is to use upper-level means.

If the old leader spoke up, even if Deputy Director Qin disliked Nie Cai, there was nothing he could do to stop him.

The next morning, Nie Cai got up very early and went out at seven o'clock.

He has always been late for this period of time, which has already caused some shadow.

It would be okay if it was normal. Today was such a crucial matter as taking pictures with the old leader, and he didn't dare to neglect it.

However, when Nie Caicai started the car, he found that the center console indicated that the car had low battery power and it was estimated that it could run a few kilometers at most.

"Damn, I came back from the party last night and forgot to charge it!"

Nie Cai slapped his head, quickly got out of the car, and went to take a taxi outside the apartment.

However, Nie Cai still underestimated the time it would take to take a taxi. He stood shivering in the cold wind for a long time before finally getting a taxi and heading straight to the X Province News Center as quickly as possible.

"Sure enough, I'm still late again..."

Nie Cai raised his hand and saw that the hands of his watch were already past eight forty, and there was not much time left for him.

He did not dare to delay and went straight to the bureau office to find Director Xie.

"Nie Cai, you're finally here! It's a shame that Li Wei recommends you to me. It's so unreliable... If you don't come again, I'll arrange for someone else to go!"

Director Xie's face was gloomy, and he said vehemently as soon as they met: "This is an old leader at the deputy ministerial level. If you don't come in advance, do you want the leader to wait for you to get the camera before shooting? Who gives you such a big face!" "

"Yes, yes, I was delayed on something today, but I finally made it in time..."

Nie Cai smiled helplessly, he was really unlucky today!

Director Xie also knew that time was urgent, so he gave Nie Cai a hard look, and then led Nie Cai to the computer room to get a shoulder-mounted camera.

She sounded a little unkind and asked: "Are you from City Z? Can you speak Haise dialect?"

Nie Cai nodded. Haise dialect is the dialect of City Z. It is usually spoken by people who fish on the beach. Nie Cai grew up on the beach with his grandparents when he was a child, so he is very familiar with this dialect.

With the development of the times, dialects have caused a lot of inconveniences to interpersonal communication under regional integration. Fewer and fewer people know many dialects, and young people are too lazy to learn them.

Nie Cai had not spoken the dialect of his hometown for many years and was a little unfamiliar at first. However, after he became a reporter, Nie Cai discovered that dialects are really a powerful tool for interpersonal communication.

Unwilling to cooperate with the interview? Just asking in dialect can bring the relationship between the two parties closer and the conversation will go much more smoothly.

Many times, dialect identification represents the identification of fellow villagers, which is a psychological effect that enhances cultural identity.

"As long as you can speak well, Mr. Wang is a very nostalgic person. Li Wei helped you get a good opportunity. You have to behave well!"

Director Xie explained, handed over a copy of Mr. Wang's information and itinerary, and then rushed Nie Cai downstairs to greet the arrival of the old minister.

The main door of the X Provincial Broadcasting and Press Center.

The heads and heads of the entire X Province News Center formed a team, waiting for the arrival of Mr. Wang.

Standing at the front is Director Zhong, the top leader of the Radio, Film and Television Bureau of Once saw him.

And Deputy Director Qin suddenly took the second one, located in front of Jiang Qingyun, the director of the x provincial TV station. He looked at the door in the distance, ignoring the cold wind that made a few hairs on his head float up, respectfully. The ground is waiting for Mr. Wang’s arrival.

As for the lower-level leaders, they are in the back row, while those small leaders such as deputy directors and directors can only live at the bottom.

However, Li Wei is an exception. She stands in the second row, standing with the deputy director, deputy director and others. This is not because of her high rank, but because Mr. Wang was in this "Legal Frontline" program back then. I worked as a reporter, and then got promoted step by step, reaching the level of deputy minister.

It is said that after Mr. Wang retired at home, he often watched the column "Legal Frontline". He called the leaders of the provincial station to praise him and made some comments and suggestions. This shows how much he pays attention to this column.

It is precisely for this reason that Li Wei was able to get this rare opportunity for Nie Cai to follow him. Otherwise, how could she, a mere deputy director with a soft tongue, be able to speak up on this occasion

"Nie Cai, you are finally here. I have called you several times!"

When Li Wei saw Nie Cai finally appearing, she couldn't help but waved to him and said with concern.

"Something happened to the car... Fortunately, we caught up."

Nie Cai let out a long breath and took out the camera from the equipment box.

But just when Nie Cai took out the camera, Li Wei's expression suddenly changed.

"Nie Cai... why did you bring a shoulder-mounted camera? Didn't I ask Director Metabolism to prepare a small hand-held camera for you?"

Li Wei looked nervous and quickly ran out of the team and came to Nie Cai and said.

"What's going on? Isn't this wrong? Our TV station has regulations for filming department-level leaders. When possible, shoulder-mounted cameras must be used instead of hand-held cameras. Mr. Wang is a deputy ministerial-level leader, so he should Use a big machine like this.”

Nie Cai asked, somewhat confused.

Chinese leaders love face, and when it comes to photography, this is reflected in their preference for big machines, because they appear to be high-end, professional and classy. They insist on using a Canon 5d2 to shoot the leaders. The picture quality is actually not worse than some shoulder-mounted cameras, but the key is the leaders. I don’t understand. It would be strange if I don’t make the leader angry.

"No, Mr. Wang is different. He is a propaganda man. He hates these formalisms the most. When he was the Propaganda Minister of the Provincial Party Committee, he wouldn't even let us take more close-ups... Go back and change the machine quickly, otherwise you will have to make him angry!"

Li Wei couldn't help but show a nervous look on her face, and she quickly said to Nie Cai.

But at this moment, a black Audi A6L sedan drove into the courtyard of the X Province News Center.

It's too late, the old leader is already here!