An Eye for News

Chapter 115: Renhe pig breeding farm


"I just saw a pickup truck with the license plate number xxxxx. It seemed to have a special smell. I was still wondering why at the time. It should be too late for us to chase it now!"

Nie Cai made a random excuse and pointed to a path ahead.

In the time-lapse camera of the mobile phone, the pickup truck disappeared on a remote road ahead. If they catch up now while they haven't run far, they should be able to catch up.

If we can follow the clues and catch the person who abandoned the dead pig, then the news about Li Wei will be considered complete, and the discipline of competing for the Golden Laurel Award will be greatly increased.

"Let's go, let's chase!"

Li Wei almost didn't hesitate and immediately turned around and ran back to get the motorcycle.

At this time, Li Wei showed her resolute character and her dedication to the extreme.

Her current appearance was completely different from when she fell into his arms just now. Instead, she looked clean and neat, without any sloppy feeling.

Nie Cai was slightly absent-minded. Without this workaholic spirit of devoting herself wholeheartedly to work, how could she have reached the position of deputy director at the age of more than 20 years old

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why Li Wei attracted him!

Night falls quietly, and there are no street lights on this kind of small road. Only the bright headlights of motorcycles illuminate, and I can barely see the road ahead.

The big fat cat Tangyuan was carried in front of Li Wei aggrievedly, with only a big head exposed, grinning in the howling wind.

I don’t know how many years ago this path was built as a cement road. It has become rugged and bumpy, making it extremely uncomfortable for motorcycles.

But at this time, Li Wei no longer cared about so much, just like driving a racing car, catching up with lightning speed.

He didn't know how long he had been chasing, but Li Wei seemed to have driven into a very remote place. It was pitch dark in front of him, and there were not even a few lights.

If this road hadn't always had a fork in the road, even Li Wei might have suspected that he was chasing the wrong place.

"Sister Wei, there is a bright light ahead, it seems there is someone!"

Nie Cai's eyesight was much better than Li Wei's, and he could see a light ahead from a distance.

At the same time, there seemed to be a smell of pigs in the air, which smelled very bad.

But after Li Wei smelled the smell, his eyes lit up: "Sure enough, I was right, it's here!"

She slowed down the car and drove past quietly.

Under the illumination of the motorcycle headlight, Nie Cai discovered a sign with red letters on a white background standing crookedly among the haystacks by the roadside, with the words "Renhe Breeding Pig Breeding Farm" written on it.

"Is the name of this pig farm rogue enough?"

Nie Cai read it casually and couldn't help but smile.

"Breeding between humans and pigs... Bah, you are too rogue!"

Li Wei read it doubtfully, then immediately blushed and spat.

Outside the pig farm, a blue pickup truck was parked outside the door, with water still dripping from the truck bed.

The pickup truck seemed to have been washed with water, but there was still a strong rancid smell.

"You can't be wrong, this should be the car that abandoned the dead pig just now!"

Nie Cai nodded. The appearance of this car was exactly the same as what was captured by the time-lapse camera. This pig farm must be the culprit of discarding dead pigs.

There was no movement in the pickup truck, and the door to the pig farm was closed. The two people in the truck must have gone back to the pig farm.

"The direction of our investigation before was those pig farms, but we didn't expect that these dead pigs actually came from this breeding farm. This is where the lights went dark."

Sighing, Li Wei said with some regret.

When she was working in the news, she and the animal health law enforcement department searched for a long time, but could not find the source of the abandoned dead pigs. It was only after she found it this time that she suddenly realized.

"Anyway, I've found it now. No matter what, I'll go in and take a look first, and you can keep a lookout outside."

After saying this, Nie Cai quietly walked to the door and looked inside: "Sister Wei, I remember that you have a camera with you, right? Lend it to me first."

Li Wei nodded, took out a small DVD from her bag, and handed it to Nie Cai.

Since she had the idea of looking for abandoned dead pigs, she must have carried a camera with her. Otherwise, even if she found someone abandoning dead pigs, there would be no way to record it.

"Is that possible? Why don't we call the animal health department tomorrow and let them investigate this pig farm."

Li Wei was a little worried and said with concern.

"Don't worry, this pig farm is not a dragon's pond or a tiger's den. Don't you still believe in my skills?"

Nie Cai heard that there was no movement behind the iron gate, smiled at Li Wei, and climbed up with all his strength.

The iron gate of this pig farm was not high and there was no barbed wire. Nie Cai climbed over it easily.

It was quiet inside the pig farm, with only a few low-rise bungalows with lights on. Using the cover of the pig pen, Nie Cai quickly approached the bungalow.

There were voices in the room, and Nie Cai was moved. He took out a small DVD, placed it flat on the pig pen, then pushed the zoom to the farthest and started shooting.

"Brother, last time I thought all the sick pigs were gone. It has only been a while now, but another batch has become sick. This time we have suffered heavy losses!"

A man with a goatee stood in front of a large pig pen and said with a frown.

Nie Cai looked around and saw that in the pig pen, several dead pigs with festering bodies were lying dying, but more dead pigs were lying on the ground, emitting a rotting stench.

Nie Cai did a rough count and found that there were thirty or forty dead pigs in this big pig pen. Adding in the seven or eight dead pigs that had been discarded before, this number was not small.

Pig breeding is actually a risky industry. As long as an epidemic occurs in one pig, it is easy to spread the disease on a large scale.

Those standardized closed pig farms would be fine, but at a glance, this Renhe pig breeding farm is not a large-scale pig farm, but looks like a small family workshop, dirty and messy.

It doesn’t matter if there is no epidemic at ordinary times. If an epidemic occurs, the consequences will be serious and it will definitely cause huge losses to the pig farm.

A bald man with a thick skin leaned in front of the pig pen, lit a cigarette, frowned and said: "Another fifty-six pigs died in this batch. The loss is too heavy. Damn, I shouldn't have trusted the villagers in the first place." Talking about making money by opening a pig farm... we two brothers will lose money to death!"

He exhaled a puff of smoke, sighed and said: "Forget it, won't someone come to buy it later? The batch that was too rotten has been thrown into the river just now. The remaining ones will be sold for one yuan a pound. It’s a good idea to get some money back!”

The man with the goatee hesitated for a moment, and then said with some fear: "Brother, we are sorry for our conscience by doing this. This pig is dead and rotting. Can we still eat this pork?"

"You don't care about him so much! If it weren't for the report made by a meddlesome reporter before, which frightened us, would we have done such an immoral thing?"

The balding man put out his cigarette and said viciously: "If it's better, make it into braised pork, or stir-fry it, and use strong seasonings to cover up the smell of pork. If it's really smelly, make it into sausage meatballs. It doesn’t taste like anything at all.”

"Brother, can that be eaten?"

the goateeted man asked hesitantly.

The balding man slapped him hard on the back of the head: "You don't care whether he can eat it or not, we just need to recover some losses anyway!"

"I worked hard to raise pigs and earned all my hard-earned money. It's good for these evil dealers. Once the dead pork changes hands and is sold at the price of raw pork, the price can increase more than ten times!"

The goatee man cursed and seemed a little unhappy.

Isn't it? It takes almost half a year of hard work to raise pigs before they can be slaughtered. In the meantime, you have to worry about epidemics, and then you have to worry about the low pork prices in the market... Compared with selling dead pork, the investment and profits are completely incomparable.

"These people are so profit-driven, so wicked!"

Hearing this, Nie Cai couldn't help but curse secretly.

According to the standards of breeding management, dead pigs in pig farms should follow the "four no-one-disposal" regulations, that is, no slaughter, no eating, no selling, no transshipment, and harmless treatment standards.

The owner of this pig farm not only discarded the dead pigs, but also secretly sold the dead pigs to dealers, allowing the dead pork to flow into people's tables. He simply ignored food safety.

Fortunately, he and Li Wei accidentally broke into this matter, otherwise these dead pork would have flowed to the dining tables in N City tomorrow.

Moreover, the most annoying thing is that these people blame Li Wei for selling dead pigs... What a joke, if they don't let you throw dead pigs away, you have to sell dead pigs on the dining table

What's the difference between this and being unable to poop because the earth has no gravity

"Don't be too busy alarming them first. Take a video of them trading dead pigs, and then catch them all and trace the flow of these dead pigs!"

Thinking of this, Nie Cai made up his mind and continued to hide his figure.

The two brothers in the pig farm were talking, and the sound of a rumbling engine came from outside the pig farm, as if a truck was coming.

"The pig buyer is here, why don't you open the door quickly?"

The bald man said to his brother, who immediately ran over and opened the iron gate of the farm.

The dazzling truck lights shone in, and Nie Cai quickly found a place to hide and quietly observe.

A strong man wearing a dirty labor protection suit stepped out of the truck. He yelled at the balding man: "Lao Xie, what's going on? There is a woman sneaking around taking pictures of your pig farm. Who was he who tried to steal my account books just now?"

After saying that, another man got out of the car and pushed a woman out of the car.

"Sneak photo? It can't be a reporter... Oh my god, it's really that reporter!"

The bald man looked over in confusion, and immediately cursed: "It's this **** female reporter who makes me feel uneasy even if I throw away a few dead pigs. It made me so scared a while ago that I couldn't even sleep well!"

Nie Cai's expression changed, this person was none other than Li Wei!

"Damn it, didn't I ask her to wait outside? Why was she discovered?"

Nie Cai's heart sank, and he suddenly screamed that something was wrong!