An Eye for News

Chapter 121: Catch the old guy


Sitting in the car going to the Third Court of City n, Nie Cai took the time to look at the information given to him by Director Ling.

Generally speaking, media interviews and filming are not allowed in court trials, but today Nie Cai went to the court not to photograph the case, but to help the court photograph "Lao Lai".

The so-called Laolai refers to a person who owes money and refuses to repay it. For the court, a "Laolai" refers to a person subject to execution who, although he has the ability to repay due debts, refuses to repay all or part of the debt for some reason.

The problem of difficulty in enforcing court judgments has always existed. People subject to execution use various methods, such as hiding, divorce, and transferring property, which give the court a headache.

It is precisely because of this that the court will take over the media and use the media's help and exposure to deal with these "old villains".

There are more than a dozen "laodai" in this document, some are individuals, some are companies, and the amount of debts ranges from hundreds of thousands to millions.

"They have money to eat, drink and have fun, but they have no money to repay debts to workers. These old people are so hateful!"

Nie Cai gritted his teeth, looked at the information, and soon arrived at the Third Court of City N.

"We welcome reporter Qin from the provincial station to promote our work..."

At the solemn door of the court, a middle-aged police officer wearing a large cap and a bailiff uniform seemed to have been waiting here for a long time.

When he saw Nie Cai getting out of the car with the camera, he greeted him enthusiastically.

"Um, hello, are you Officer Zhang?"

Nie Cai put down the camera in his hand and shook hands with Officer Zhang with a smile on his face: "Let me introduce myself. My surname is Nie. You are older than me, so just call me Xiao Nie."

"Reporter Qin didn't come?"

The middle-aged police officer was startled and asked: "Reporter Qin seems to have mentioned that he will bring an intern named Nie over... could it be you?"

"That's's me. Officer Zhang and Reporter Qin are feeling a little unwell, so I'm the only one here today."

Nie Cai explained with a smile that Qin Dapeng was in the hospital with burns and would definitely not be able to come today.

"Okay...comrade reporter, please wait at the door. The car will be here soon."

After hearing Nie Cai's words, Officer Zhang's enthusiastic attitude suddenly disappeared and became a little perfunctory.

Nie Cai felt helpless when he felt that Officer Zhang's hand suddenly stiffened when he held it.

He didn't even bother to invite himself in to sit and have a drink of water. He just asked himself to wait at the door. As a trainee reporter, he was too despised, wasn't he

Nie Cai was unhappy, but he didn't show it on his face. He just put the equipment bag on the ground and waited patiently.

Not long after, several cars painted with the logo of the court drove out of the compound, and Nie Cai was placed in an old Jinbei van.

Although the outside of this Jinbei van has been repainted, the inside is very shabby. There was a musty smell, and the car was stacked with riot shields, batons and other police equipment, and the space was very narrow.

In the back of the van, there is a woman in her thirties. Although her face is a little haggard, her facial features can still tell that she is a beauty. A little girl about four years old is lying on her lap, sleeping soundly. She should be It's her daughter.

Nie Cai frowned and got into the car without saying anything.

"Reporter Nie, right? Let's wait in the car for a while and set off with the convoy."

The driver was a stern-faced bailiff. After asking Nie Cai, he said nothing again.

"Hello, are you an applicant?"

The bailiff ignored Nie Cai, and Nie Cai simply started chatting with the woman behind him.

Where there is "Laolai", there is also the respondent. "Laolai" is a common name, but the real name should be "the person subject to execution".

After the court makes a judgment, if the responsible party refuses to fulfill the judgment, it can apply for compulsory execution.

The person who applies to the court is called the applicant, those "old people" are the persons subject to execution, and the court is the executor.

This eldest sister came with her daughter. She could not be a reporter or someone from the court. The only possibility was the applicant.

"Yes, you are a reporter, right? You must make the decision for us, mother and daughter..."

The woman seemed to have started talking, crying and said: "My damn ex-husband divorced me a year ago. After I gave birth to a daughter with him, he always looked down on me in various ways. Then one time I went to the hospital for a check-up and was diagnosed with a brain tumor... "

She sobbed, with a look of despair in her eyes: "After I came back from the hospital, I changed all the door locks and started to divorce me! At that time, I felt like the sky was falling..."

"Don't be sad. What's your surname? Say it slowly."

Seeing this woman crying profusely, Nie Cai quickly comforted her.

This woman's experience was too tragic. She suffered from a brain tumor. Instead of comforting her, her husband wanted to divorce her and draw a clear line. It was simply too inhumane.

"My surname is Guo. Comrade reporters, just call me Sister Guo."

After a while, the woman's emotions stabilized, and she said in a hoarse voice: "Later, after the court mediation, I divorced that damn guy, and my daughter became mine. But not only was the divided purchase money not returned, I have been in arrears many times with my monthly support of over a thousand yuan, and I have a brain tumor that prevents me from doing much work. I have no choice but to apply to the court for enforcement several times, and even use the media to expose him... A couple spends a night and a hundred days of grace. , I don’t want to get into trouble like this.”

"Sister, why are you still reminiscing about old friendships at this time? People like this should be brought back by the court!"

Nie Cai said bitterly, looking like he was gritting his teeth.

He knew that he was going to arrest the old man today, but he didn't expect that the old man was so hateful and cruel. He abandoned his seriously ill wife and young daughter without even paying child support. This was too irritating.

When women are at their most vulnerable, they need the comfort of others the most. This "old man" actually added insult to injury and defaulted on alimony and became the "old man". This Sister Guo should have been quite pretty when she was young. Unexpectedly But she was blind and married to such a beast!

"By the way... I see that the applicants are all in the Honda commercial vehicle over there. Why are you here?"

Nie Cai suddenly remembered something and asked suddenly.

"She was added temporarily. Seeing that his condition was so pitiful, our dean added the mother and daughter to the list."

The bailiff driving in front sighed, took out a pack of tissues from the front of the car, and handed it to the woman: "The car is not enough, and the amount of her case is not large, so we arranged for her to take this car." In the car.”

Nie Cai touched his nose and was speechless.

Even though Sister Guo was added temporarily, because the execution amount was not large, she was assigned to this car.

Is this car treated like a second-class citizen? I guess I was temporarily arranged to come to this dilapidated van...

"After waiting for so long, I don't know when we will set off..."

Nie Cai did not dare to mention Sister Guo's ex-husband again, fearing that she would be too sad, so he wisely stopped talking.

Just when Nie Cai was bored, he finally saw a group of people walking out of the court at the gate of the court.

The man with a big belly walking at the front was probably the leader. He was taking long strides and chatting and laughing with a young female reporter next to him.

The female reporter was wearing a white professional attire, with an interview pass on her chest and a camera slung across her back. She should be a reporter from the newspaper.

"Journalists from Korea, your provincial newspaper has great influence. It is up to you to expose these old scoundrels!"

The middle-aged man with a big belly laughed loudly and said to the female reporter, with a hint of compliment in his tone.

"Dean Liu, you are joking. Today you invited so many media, including reporters from the provincial station. How dare I take credit?"

The female reporter smiled, shook her head and said.

She is still self-aware. After all, they are also provincial media, and the influence of newspapers is indeed inferior to that of TV stations.

In this era of advanced internet, fewer people watch TV, and even fewer read newspapers. The vast majority of newspapers can only survive by relying on financial allocations and forced subscription subscriptions.

"Sigh... don't tell me, I really rely on you today. We begged the provincial station for so long before they were willing to send someone to help shoot the news, but they actually sent an intern!"

Dean Liu sighed, walked quickly to a Toyota SUV, opened the door and let reporter Han get in, and then said: "The small court temple at the grassroots court cannot accommodate a big monk, so the provincial newspaper still thinks highly of us, so send Han Big journalists support our work.”

"I don't dare to bother Dean Liu..."

The Korean reporter quickly said a few polite words before getting in the car.

After Dean Liu also got on the bus, the convoy of seven or eight vehicles set off in a mighty manner.

Nie Cai's ears were so good that he heard all the conversations between Dean Liu and the reporter, and couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.

If he and Qin Dapeng came, maybe it would be different, right? The column team has indeed confirmed it, otherwise a cameraman and a reporter should have come together. It is indeed difficult to deal with only sending a "trainee reporter" like Nie Cai.

However, although he knew in his heart that this was the truth, the court's attitude still made Nie Cai a little unhappy.

"Damn, are trainee reporters not human anymore?"

After being pushed around by Deputy Director Qin, Nie Cai's status was directly reduced to that of a trainee reporter at the bottom of the list. He was not even welcome to see people from outside the unit. Nie Cai couldn't help but feel his teeth itching with hatred.

Holding his machine in his arms, Nie Cai simply pretended to be asleep in the car.

Nie Cai closed his eyes and fell asleep. The car drove for more than half an hour and finally stopped.


The driver reminded Nie Cai with a straight face.

Nie Cai opened his eyes and found that he was already in a high-end community.

The driver pointed to a unit building ahead: "The first stop is Ms. Guo's ex-husband's home. We have been here several times, but he has always closed the door. Let's see what happens this time."

Nie Cai noticed that Sister Guo in the back row was obviously nervous and hugged her little daughter tightly.

"Don't worry, Sister Guo, just believe in the law. The law will definitely give you justice."

With that said, Nie Cai opened the car door, got out of the car with the machine in his arms, and followed the large troops to gather downstairs in the unit building and began to prepare for work.

But at this moment, Nie Cai's ears moved and he seemed to hear a strange sound coming from the air.

When he looked up, Nie Cai was immediately shocked!