An Eye for News

Chapter 125: The money ran away


Witnessed by the media at the scene, Dean Liu personally handed over the calculated 247,500 yuan to Sister Guo and her daughter.

Faced with the violence at the scene, Sister Guo and her daughter were at a loss and accepted the cash in a plastic bag with a little embarrassment.

"Ms. Guo, you should say something..."

Dean Liu's smiling expression remained unchanged, he tilted his head and whispered in a low voice.

"Thank you to the Third People's Court of City n for allowing me to get back the money I was owed..."

Sister Guo woke up from a dream and said quickly.

"You're welcome, serve the people!"

Dean Liu smiled broadly and saluted solemnly.

Click... click... The flash kept flashing, recording this classic scene.

Naturally, everyone was happy as a result. Sister Guo got her money back. The court also increased its visibility due to media reports, and the media also captured the footage as they wished.

Only Zhang Fuqiang suffered the most. He was taken away by the court for violently resisting the law. He hung his head and did not dare to be photographed by the media, looking like he was half-dead.

Even though it took one million in cash to pay back more than 200,000, the money was seized by the court, and his people went into the detention center again. If they want to get out, I'm afraid they don't know how much money they will have to spend to maintain their relationship.

Just an execution fee is enough for him to drink a pot, not to mention that he has been humiliated by so many media today. This time he really lost his wife and lost his army!

Seeing that everything had settled, Nie Cai packed up his camera, squatted down, put the camera back into the equipment bag, and prepared to leave.

With so many people present, he had the most belongings, and it was the most difficult to pack them up.

But at this moment, a little girl ran over jumping.

She is Sister Guo's daughter. The little girl is only about four or five years old. She has red lips and white teeth. She is very cute. She is exactly the same as Sister Guo.

"Little girl, why don't you go find your mother?"

Nie Cai smiled and said to the little girl.

The little girl stood up on tiptoes, and when Nie Cai wasn't paying attention, she gave Nie Cai a kiss with a snap, and then said, "Mom said, let me thank you, thank you for helping us."

"The court has helped you. You should go and thank the uncles and aunts in the court."

Nie Cai was a little flattered and said with a smile.

"No, mom said that was a lie. We called the court people many times to no avail. Big brother, you caught the bad dad as soon as you came and found the money he hid. The real credit should belong to big brother. "

The little girl blinked and said seriously.

Nie Cai was slightly surprised. Although this little girl was young, she knew everything.

"Uncle, it's just a simple task. You and your mother must live a good life."

He touched the little girl's head and asked her to return to her mother's side.

Although getting the money will make her life a little easier in the future, Sister Guo has already suffered from a brain tumor. She doesn’t know when she will suddenly pass away. I hope this little girl will be strong by then...

After bidding farewell to Sister Guo and her daughter, Nie Cai got in the car and headed straight to the next destination.

The second person subject to execution was a shoe factory. The owner of the shoe factory was surnamed Wen. He owed more than 20 workers more than 500,000 yuan in wages. The workers took him to court. However, after the judgment was handed down, the boss Wen refused to Not executed.

To this end, the workers united and went to court to demand enforcement.

The representative chosen by the workers was named Zhou. He was an honest-looking man and was said to be the only one among the workers who had a high school education.

"This is it. I asked the workers just now. Boss Wen must be in his office now!"

At the gate of the shoe factory, Brother Zhou held up the motorcycle helmet on his head and said angrily.

"Brother Zhou, don't worry, our court will definitely help you get justice, get your hard-earned money back, and let you go home in peace and celebrate the New Year!"

Dean Liu nodded, patted his chest and said.

He didn't dare to vouch for Sister Guo just now, but for this case, he was full of confidence and dared to boast about Haikou.

It’s not without reason that Dean Liu invited so many media reporters to come together to arrest the “old scoundrel”.

Unlike the self-employed Zhang Fuqiang just now, a boss like this is a respectable person, and he will definitely lose his temper when he sees the camera.

They can't afford the shame of being exposed because they owe money!

Moreover, this boss Wen can run away, but the monk cannot run away from the temple. Even if he can avoid the court, there are so many machines in the leather shoe factory. The court can seize it and use it to offset the debt.

A group of people walked into the shoe factory in a mighty manner. When the security guards of the shoe factory saw so many people coming in, they quickly tried to stop them.

"Stop, what are you doing..."

But when he saw clearly that there were big caps in the crowd and reporters holding long guns and cannons, he immediately shut them up and huddled in the security room, not daring to stop them, and quietly dialed the phone.

Looking at the huge momentum, it was obvious that he was well prepared. How could a small security guard like him dare to stop him

Ignoring the security guard, Brother Zhou, a migrant worker, led people from the court straight to Boss Wen's office.

Bang bang... bang bang...

The bailiff banged the office door until it almost fell apart, but there was still no movement inside.

"Just knock the door open!"

Dean Liu frowned and ordered directly.

As the Chinese New Year approaches, the issue of unpaid wages for migrant workers has become more prominent. The authorities even issued a special document demanding that such matters be resolved.

The workers have been working hard for a year, and they are just counting on the boss to give them money to celebrate the New Year. Now that wages are still in arrears, do they still want to have a good New Year

"Who are you?"

At this moment, a gentle man with eyes walked out from the office next door and asked Dean Liu and the others.

Dean Liu looked him over, and then said: "We are from the Third Court of City N, and we are here to find you, Factory Director Wen, to get back the workers' hard-earned money!"

"I am Chen Gang, the deputy director of the factory. Our factory director is not here. You can call him." The gentle man wearing glasses said.

But before he finished speaking, Brother Zhou suddenly said angrily: "Not here? Someone just saw the bastard Director Wen entering the office with his little secretary in his arms. How could he not be in there!"

"Deputy Director Chen, I hope you can actively cooperate with the work of our court. After all, even if Director Wen is away, we still have the right to seize your machines and use them to pay off debts."

Dean Liu nodded and spoke sternly.

"Who did you hear that he was there? Just now I wanted to ask him to sign, but he really wasn't there!"

This Chen Gang shook his head, took out a bunch of keys from his waist, walked over and opened the door of the factory director's office.

Dean Liu was dubious, so he walked in and took a look, and sure enough he found that the huge factory director's office was quiet and there was no one there.

Seeing that there was no one in the factory director's office, Chen Gang continued: "Look, he is really not here... And let me tell you, the machines in the factory have been mortgaged to private lending companies. It's nine points for a donkey to roll." Li, the property rights are no longer with us, it’s useless if you seal it up.”

"It doesn't matter what you say, let's search!"

Dean Liu frowned and winked at the bailiff behind him.

Immediately, these bailiffs filed in and began to search the factory director's office.

But they soon became disappointed. The office was empty, there was no place to hide anyone, and the safe was simply unlocked. It was empty, not even a cockroach.

Another team of bailiffs sent to the finance room also came back, but they didn't bring back any good news.

The leather shoe factory's books were in the red, and a pitiful few thousand dollars in cash were found in its finances, making it extremely poor.

"Director Wen, that bastard, must have heard that people from the court were coming and took the money and ran away!"

Brother Zhou slapped his thigh bitterly and said through gritted teeth.

The group of workers behind him who were owed wages also had frustrated looks on their faces, and some even began to cry.

Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, and finally looking forward to the court to deliver justice. I didn't expect that Director Wen would be so bold and just take the money and run away.

I'm afraid... even going home for the New Year this year will be a problem!

The hope of returning home for the New Year was shattered, and these hard-working men finally shed tears...

Don’t blame them for being fragile. Men don’t shed tears easily because they haven’t reached the point of sadness!

"Director Wen, did he run away when he heard that our court was coming?"

Facing so many media reporters, Dean Liu couldn't help but show embarrassment on his face.

Just when he was frowning, suddenly, Brother Zhou made a plop and knelt down towards Dean Liu.

"Dean Liu, you must uphold justice for us. If we don't have money to go home for the New Year, we can only squat in front of the government..."

Brother Zhou cried and begged on his knees.

As if he was infected, the workers behind him also knelt down.

"This can't be done, it can't be done... Get up quickly!"

In front of so many media, Brother Zhou suddenly knelt down, which immediately made him break into a cold sweat. Wasn't this causing trouble for him

Even the county magistrate in ancient times had no reason to make so many people kneel down. This immediately frightened Dean Liu.

He quickly squatted down and helped Brother Zhou up.

But Brother Zhou was as stubborn as a cow, and Dean Liu couldn't pull him away at all.

Just now, he was in front of the camera, boasting to Brother Zhou, a migrant worker, about Haikou, saying that he would definitely help them go home for the New Year.

Now, I have gained nothing from this leather shoe factory. How can I let the migrant workers get their hard-earned money and go home to celebrate the New Year

If they had no choice but to squat in front of the provincial government, this would be considered a petition incident, and he, the president of the court, would not be able to escape his involvement.

When he was desperate, he suddenly saw Nie Cai squatting on the ground next to him to take a camera. He walked over in a few steps, as if he saw a life-saving straw, and looked at Nie Cai with pleading eyes.

"Reporter Nie, you just found Zhang Fuqiang. Why don't you use your keen news insight to see where Director Wen has escaped?"

Dean Liu was already suffering from an acute illness and went to the doctor indiscriminately. No matter what, he went to Nie Cai first. After all, Nie Cai's miraculous performance just now surprised him.

"Dean Liu... Do you really think of me as Sherlock Holmes? I don't dare to..."

Nie Cai smiled bitterly and quickly excused himself.

Dean Liu's move simply diverted the trouble away from the situation and put a hot potato into his own hands.

It is true that reporters have keen insights, but they cannot be used as Sherlock Holmes!

He had just used the thought-reading component to "read" the thoughts of Deputy Director Chen, and was sure that what he said was not a lie. Even he didn't know where Director Wen had gone.

I am just a reporter, and I don’t have the experience and tools to handle cases that criminal investigators often have. How can I find this