An Eye for News

Chapter 128: Column that is about to be cancelled


As the host, Tian Anni's voice is very penetrating. In addition, it was almost time to get off work and there were many people idle, so she quickly attracted the attention of many people.

Everyone looked at him eagerly, wanting to put their ears to the receiver of his phone.

Director Ling answered the phone with a grimace, but not long after, his expression suddenly changed, with a look of surprise on his face.

"What's wrong?"

Tian Anni suddenly felt something was wrong and asked.

"Dean Liu said that there should be many wonderful shots, and he was very satisfied with our work."

Director Ling looked strange and said: "The people from the court will treat us to dinner tomorrow and sign an agreement with us for priority interview rights..."

"What? Is this done?"

"Damn it, isn't that President Liu of the Third People's Court of City N a man who is incompetent? Why did he suddenly change his gender?"

Everyone exclaimed, and a reporter from "Case Tracking" next to him exclaimed, clapped his thighs and stood up, his face full of disbelief.

"Yes, Dean Liu agreed to let us access the case files and cooperate with the interview..."

Director Ling looked a little weird, and then said: "But the other party said that they only focused on Nie Cai, and other people would interview them."

Letting Nie Cai interview the court was just a helpless move after Qin Dapeng was injured. But he didn't expect that he would get the priority interview right that he had always dreamed of

This is really a deliberate attempt to plant flowers that fail to bloom, but an unintentional planting of willows and willows that create shade!

Tian Anni's face was gloomy, as dark as if it could drip water.

She had just said that people in the court were very dissatisfied with Nie Cai, but now it was better. President Liu of the court personally called and appointed Nie Cai to interview. This was simply shameful. A slap in the face naked.

"Director Ling, I still don't understand. What's going on with this priority interview right?"

Nie Cai asked, somewhat confused.

Dean Liu had mentioned this priority to him before, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

He has heard about priority interview rights in sports events. At that time, the famous Spanish F1 racing driver Fernando Alonso signed a contract with a Spanish TV station for priority interview rights. Today, in the European economic downturn, he even sold it for 6 million euros. The high price allows this TV station to be interviewed at the grid before the start of the F1 race. It can be said that words turn into gold.

There are many similar preferential interview rights for celebrities in the entertainment industry. Many celebrities will make arrangements to give priority interviews to media they are familiar with so that they can get first-hand information.

However, what is there to interview about the small Third People's Court of City N

Judging from everyone's reaction now, this priority interview right seems to be very naughty. I don't know what it is used for

"You're new here, so it's normal that you don't know."

Director Ling looked at Nie Cai, his face a little embarrassed, and explained patiently: "Our "Case Tracking" column mainly focuses on various major and important cases, but now that the public security is so good, how many major and important cases can there be, even... There are many cases where reporters are not allowed to cover..."

The journalist's right to interview is actually the journalist's right to discover news and conduct investigation and research on the news.

Generally speaking, this kind of power of journalists is the lofty responsibility and mission given to journalists by society, and it is a professional power that conforms to the basic norms of the law.

However, the actual situation is that our country has not promulgated a "Press Law" and lacks a clear definition of journalists' news gathering rights.

Want to interview in someone else’s unit? People may not photograph you for positive reports, let alone negative reports. A "superior rule" and "no comment" will directly push the reporter back.

The major cases that the "Case Tracking" column will be photographed are even more sensitive, and there are many obstacles to filming. Many times, reporters return in vain when they go to film, and a lot of manpower, machines, and time are invested, all of which can only be in vain. .

At this time, digging out cases from court files has become the most important way for the column team.

The case file records the details of the case. It can be said that a case file is almost a ready-made interview script for "Case Tracking". With the cooperation of the court, it is easy to produce a wonderful program.

However, the problem came again.

Only the lawyer of the litigant can inspect the case file. To access the case file, you must bring your "Lawyer's Practice Certificate" and other documents. According to the truth, reporters should not have the right to inspect it, unless they have a good relationship with the court and ask the court to open a back door. It is possible to obtain information from the case file.

"We used to cooperate with the First People's Court of City N, but the president was transferred to another place, and the line was broken... Later, we worked hard to get the cooperation with the Third People's Court of City N. line, if we can no longer connect to this line... our column will really be at the end of its rope."

Director Ling made a grimace and finally explained the matter.

"Case Tracking" used to be a daily program, but now because of the lack of material, it has been changed to two episodes a week in order to maintain the quality of the program. Even so, the program is still not enough.

For example, Nie Cai's "Catching the Lao Lai" filmed today is wonderful, but it actually has some overlap with other columns, but there is no way. The column has nothing to broadcast, so we can only use these things to make up the numbers.

The leaders of the station have already warned Director Ling. If this continues and there is no way to ensure the quality of the program, the "Case Tracking" column will really be cancelled.

"It turns out that this column is going to be cancelled. No wonder I was arranged to come here..."

Hearing this, Nie Cai couldn't help but curse secretly.

Director Qian was indeed good at figuring out what was going on. He threw Nie Cai into the half-dead column of "Case Tracking" without Deputy Director Qin's instructions.

Moreover, he still asked Nie Cai to be an intern, which was simply to throw himself into the abyss.

Maybe, before Nie Cai gets rid of the title of "intern" in front of the trainee reporter, the "Case Tracking" column team will be removed, and the personnel in the column will have to be rearranged.

With this excuse, Deputy Director Qin can punish himself however he wants? Maybe he could be kicked out directly under the pretext of downsizing staff!

"Work hard, Xiao Nie. You are capable. When you get results... I will make you a full-time employee despite the pressure."

Director Ling patted Nie Cai on the shoulder and said solemnly.

The court had taken notice of Nie Cai and sent others over to refuse. Therefore, Director Ling could only grasp Nie Cai's life-saving straw.

After all, the column does not have good material. If it is cancelled, he, the producer, will also suffer, and he may not be able to recover from it...

"Okay, Director Ling, I will listen to you anyway. I will take whatever you ask me to take next..."

Nie Cai nodded. It was rare that Director Ling dared to reuse him even though he knew that he and Deputy Director Qin were not going to deal with each other.

Looking at this alone, Director Ling is actually quite a good person.

Just... Looking at Director Ling's bitter face all day long, even Nie Cai felt a little bad.

But think about it, there are too many troubles in this "Case Tracking" column. Not only do you have to take good care of Tian Anni, Deputy Director Qin's lover, but you also have to take care of Qin Dapeng. In addition, the column team is under pressure to cancel. How can you be dissatisfied? It’s weird to have a sad face!

It's really hard for Director Ling. If I were in his position, I would have given up the responsibility long ago!

Director Ling's tone suddenly became very serious and said: "Well, some time ago, a case of underage students committing suicide by taking poison occurred in a primary school in city n. Eight primary school students died after taking rat poison. Have you heard about this case? Have you passed?"

A case of minors committing suicide collectively by taking poison

Nie Cai's heart was moved. He had really heard of this case, but all the media reports were vague and only said that there was such a thing.

As for why primary school students committed suicide by taking poison collectively? No one knows what's going on behind the scenes.

When he was watching the news at that time, he intuitively discovered this. All reports were superficial, parents were confused, and students avoided interviews...

There was no media to understand or report this case in depth.

These are eight fresh little lives. They left their parents and family forever like this. Isn't there a convincing reason behind it

Is there someone behind the scenes, or even some evil sect? No one knows the truth hidden behind the scenes.

"I know that reporting this news is difficult and has great resistance, but you also know the situation of our program. If we can't break the big news and reach the level of sensationalizing the whole country, I'm afraid our column will really be cancelled. !”

Director Ling smiled bitterly and looked at Nie Cai with a pleading look: "As long as you agree to shoot this news, I will definitely use all my manpower and material resources to cooperate with you. Even if you ask me to be your driver and run errands for you, I will accept it." Got it!"

Seeing that Director Ling was talking about this, Nie Cai couldn't help but smile bitterly.

It seems that even if I don't agree, I can't do it...

This news is so difficult that even with the help of people from the court, it will be difficult to do it, and it will most likely be in vain.

But if it is successful, the result will be different. This case is too sensitive and will definitely cause huge controversy and sensation in society. It is not an exaggeration to say that it will even shock the whole country.

The column team of "Case Tracking" has broadcast such a blockbuster news, will the station leaders still resist the pressure and remove the column

If there was no super news system, Nie Cai would definitely stay away from such a tough guy, but now, there was a faint feeling of expectation in Nie Cai's heart.

It seems... In my heart, there is a voice that keeps shouting -

Breaking through the fog, investigating facts, and searching for the truth may be the instinct in the blood of journalists!