An Eye for News

Chapter 132: let me


As soon as Mr. Lu and Mink Lao entered the box, they immediately called the driver and asked him to deliver two boxes of Wuliangye.

It seems that Mr. Lu is really addicted to alcohol as rumored, otherwise he would not have brought so much alcohol in the car.

The service in the restaurant was very good, and the dishes were served quickly. The main course was an Australian lobster weighing five to six pounds, steamed with garlic. The red lobster was fragrant and looked appetizing.

"It's fate that we meet each other. I guess everyone knows that I'm a good drinker. I'll offer you a glass of wine first. Gays are welcome, but lesbians are free to do so."

Lu Jiang didn't even move his chopsticks when he came up. He directly asked the old mink girl next to him to fill the cup with wine, picked up the cup and stood up.

Director Ling took care of Mr. Lu's drinking capacity and specially asked the waiter to bring him a large cup. Northeastern people drink generously, unlike the small shot glasses used by people in X province. This cup contains more than two taels.

Seeing Mr. Lu drinking, Nie Cai finally understood why Jiang Shao was afraid.

Mr. Lu really drinks wine as water when it comes to feelings.

The alcohol content of Wuliangye is 52 degrees. Nie Cai would not normally drink such a high alcohol content. He drank it in two parts before finishing the glass of wine with a grin on his face.

In contrast, even the mink-haired girl next to Mr. Lu remained calm and depressed. Her own drinking capacity was considered too much for the wine table.

At the beginning of the wine party, Li Wei and Director Ling didn't mention the advertisement, and just chatted all over the place with Mr. Lu.

Generally speaking, this kind of thing should be discussed at the banquet, that is, when you are full of food and wine, and a little drunk, it is easy to talk.

At the banquet, everyone was chatting enthusiastically. After a brief contact, Nie Cai got to know Mr. Lu a little bit.

This Lu Jiang is a typical Northeastern person. He speaks straightforwardly, says what he has to say, and does not beat around the bush.

While eating, Mr. Lu received a call. It seemed that a friend had a problem with his business and needed to borrow money for emergency relief, at least a few million dollars.

But Mr. Lu didn't even frown, and directly asked the friend to call their finance department, which was very generous.

Nie Cai nodded secretly. This kind of person is loyal and generous. He is indeed worth getting to know.

However, Mr. Lu was really good at drinking. Director Ling didn't have a good drinking capacity, so Jiang Shao was the only one to bear the burden. After drinking, Jiang Shao started to speak loudly.

Seeing that Jiang Shao was almost drunk, Director Ling suddenly picked up the wine glass and filled it up.

He stood up, took the initiative to toast to Mr. Lu, and said with a smile: "Mr. Lu, your naming contract for our column expired last month. You see, our cooperation is quite pleasant. Do you want to sign it again?" ?”

Nie Cai was a little drunk at first, but at this time he became energetic and seemed to be over it.

The topic is finally here.

Mr. Lu quickly stood up, picked up the wine glass on the table and drank it all in one gulp. He took a sip of alcohol and said, "It's a pleasure to work together. I've seen your column and it's always interesting. But I don't like to beat around the bush." To be honest, I'm a little dissatisfied with the publicity effect. I can't compete for the title of "Legal Frontline", so I have no choice but to go to CCTV to place advertisements."

"Mr. Lu, your business is concentrated in our province x, and it has inherent advantages to put it in our province and Taiwan."

Li Wei quickly persuaded him, thinking from his position as the deputy director of the legal channel, she also hoped that this business could be negotiated.

Mr. Lu smiled and just shook his head without saying anything. It seemed that he had already considered this issue.

"Mr. Lu, please see that our regular publication price is 7 million. You are an old customer and we have given you a 50% discount on your application in Taiwan. The subscription price is only 3.5 million, including the corner banner, column logo, and host. For oral broadcasts, promotional videos, etc., the conditions are already very favorable, and the price is already the lowest, almost at the level of commercial channels.”

Director Ling became anxious, took out the contract from the bag behind him, pointed to the advertising project content on it and said.

Lu Jiang picked up the contract and looked at it, and then said: "Well, the conditions are quite favorable, but to tell you the truth, I don't like to say perfunctory words. I still value the influence of the program more. I don't care about money. I was too concerned, so after all considerations, I decided not to renew the contract.”

Having said it this far, it was almost tantamount to rejection.

Li Wei and Director Ling both fell silent, their faces darkened...

It seems that it still failed.

Jiang Shao was already a little tipsy. He rolled his tongue and said, "Mr. Lu, why don't you think about it again? If you don't need money, you can place an advertisement on the provincial station and the CCTV to fully cover the target audience. !”

This is just talking nonsense when you are drunk. If you are not short of money, you cannot be so willful.

Director Ling quickly kicked him in the audience to signal him to stop talking nonsense.

"Brother Jiang is joking..."

Mr. Lu shook his head, suddenly looked at Jiang Shao, and said with a smile: "Brother Jiang, I think you have a good drinking capacity. You have drunk almost a pound now... Well, I, who travel all over the world, have always been special. I admire your ability to drink better than me. My alcohol capacity is about three and a half kilograms. If you can drink three and a half kilograms better than me, I will think about it again. What do you think?"

Mr. Lu has loved drinking since he was a child, and he has been involved in the business world. He has made countless fair-weather friends, each of whom is better drinker than the last.

But his drinking capacity is still top-notch among most people, and there is almost no one who can drink better than him. This is where he is most confident.

Hearing Mr. Lu's words, Jiang Shao was frightened and even sobered up.

A bottle of Wuliangye is 500 ml. Three and a half kilograms is almost four bottles. He couldn't drink so much even if he drank until he vomited.

Nie Cai has heard of a person called a professional sommelier of the State Council. It is said that he is a professional sommelier. He can drink three to four kilograms without frowning. There are sommeliers in the General Office of the State Council and the Great Hall of the People. Staff establishment, serious civil servant establishment

Nie Cai has seen old photos from those years and heard that French President Pompidou held talks with Premier Zhou. However, Premier Zhou suffered from hematuria and even had an intestinal tumor removed later. He could not drink alcohol, so he always drank alcohol. It was a national first-level sommelier who came on stage.

Nie Cai's father also mentioned that when he was demobilized, he once drank with a State Council bartender. It was said that the amount was six or seven kilograms of Moutai. He never took the initiative to toast, but he never refused others' toasts and drank them all. And just ask others to express it.

Anyway, there are not many people in China who can drink better than them, so it makes no sense to them to compete with each other.

Unless you are such a professional sommelier, who can drink three and a half kilograms of Wuliangye with a temperature of 52 degrees without changing a look when you are already almost drunk

Hearing Mr. Lu's words, Director Ling and Li Wei looked at Jiang Shao almost at the same time.

He has the best drinking ability at the TV station. Finally, Mr. Lu gave him a chance. At this time, he was the only one who could play.

"Jiang Shao, I beg you, come on."

Director Ling became anxious upon hearing this, and quickly winked at Jiang Shao and whispered.

Li Wei said nothing, but her eyes were encouraging, and her meaning was obvious.

They are all columns on the legal channel, so I can help if I can, not to mention that Jiang Shao used to be the cameraman of "Case Tracking".

"I... I can't do it."

How dare Jiang Shao go there? He even used words from the TV series. He really couldn't drink three and a half kilograms of wine.

If it was half a catty, he could grit his teeth and drink it, but this was three and a half catties!

Director Ling gritted his teeth, put his palms together and made a please gesture, meaning that he had to do it even if he couldn't do it.

Jiang Shao was so anxious that he almost cried. Even if he knew that Director Ling was fighting against the odds, there was nothing he could do to help him.

Three bottles of Wuliangye, even boiling water would take a long time, not to mention it is a 52-degree alcohol!

Suddenly, when the banquet was getting dull, Nie Cai stood up and said, "Mr. Lu, do you really mean what you said? Don't be joking with us..."

"Of course, our Northeast Bank is generous, and I like to deal with people who can drink!"

Lu Jiang glanced at Nie Cai, nodded, and said affirmatively.

"Then if one of us really drinks three and a half kilograms of wine, will you think about the advertising again?"

Before Nie Cai could finish speaking, Lu Jiang waved his hands in the affirmative and said: "I am a person who can do things happily, but it's just a matter of a few million, so just think that I have made a drinking buddy!"

Nie Cai smiled, picked up the bottle and filled Lu Jiang with wine, and said, "Mr. Lu, you keep saying it's fun, but I think you're not happy enough. This is three and a half kilograms of wine, but you are Just thinking about it... Where is the joy in this?"

Li Wei blinked, knowing that Nie Cai was deliberately provoking Mr. Lu to let him speak.

Sure enough, Mr. Lu frowned and said, "Yes, young man, you are right... Well, Director Ling has brought the contract anyway. If any of you can drink three and a half kilograms of wine, I will be on the wine table right then and there." How about signing this naming contract?"

"Mr. Lu is really courageous."

Li Wei gave a few words of praise at the right time, she knew that this kind of person is a good face!

This Lu Jiang is still very sober. Although he said it, he doesn't think that someone on the x provincial TV station can drink three and a half kilograms of wine.

The biggest drinker on the stage should be the big guy Jiang Shao, but this Jiang Shao is lying on the table now. It's amazing that he can drink half a catty. Three and a half catties is simply impossible.

"Get three more bottles of Wuliangye."

Lu Jiang looked at the bottle of Wuliangye on the table and said to the old white mink girl.

This white mink old girl was straightforward and placed three bottles of Wuliangye on the table without saying a word.

Director Ling and Li Wei set their sights on Jiang Shao. Nie Cai had already secured the best opportunity for Taili. As long as Jiang Shao spared his efforts, the naming contract would be obtained!

"Director Ling, Sister Wei, I... really can't drink. I was almost vomiting from drinking just now."

Jiang Shao now wants to die. He should not have dared to agree to help Director Ling.

"Okay, I'll do it then."

Director Ling gritted his teeth and stood up.

He also knew that this request was a bit difficult. After all, it was his own column, so it was unreasonable for Jiang Shao to work hard.

"Let me do it."

Li Wei frowned. She knew that Director Ling had liver problems and had to drink 120.

"Sister Wei, can you drink it?"

Nie Cai knew that Li Wei was a good drinker of foreign wine, but after all, this was three and a half kilograms of high-alcohol liquor!

"Definitely not, but for the legal channel, let's watch it."

Li Wei's face turned a little pale and she said.

Because she opened a shop, her drinking capacity was pretty good among women. She could drink a pound, but she was still not as good as Jiang Shao.

Just when she was about to pick up the wine on the table, Nie Cai suddenly snatched the wine away.

"let me."

Nie Cai took a deep breath, glanced at Li Wei, and said firmly.