An Eye for News

Chapter 133: Bacchus


Li Wei was startled and said, "How can this be done?"

She still remembered that when Nie Cai went to her cafe for the first time, he poured down a bottle of foreign wine. You can imagine how much he drank.

Drinking so much wine in one go would be weird if you don’t drink to death!

"It's okay, let me do it. I can't let you do it as a woman. Besides, as a subordinate, how can you let the leader get drunk?"

Nie Cai said with a smile: "Mr. Lu, in order to make you a friend today, I might as well risk everything."

"If you don't overestimate your capabilities, you are simply seeking death!"

Tian Anni had been drinking Coke and never drank alcohol. Now when she heard that Nie Cai actually came forward, she couldn't help but curse in a low voice.

"If you drink it down... who will be filming the student drug case tomorrow?"

Shen Lan looked at Nie Cai with some worry in his eyes.

"Nie Cai, don't try. If you can't get the sponsorship, forget it... You are more important than the sponsorship. If you drink it down... who will go to the court to shoot something tomorrow!"

Director Ling quickly stopped Nie Cai. He didn't expect that after he took the lead, Li Wei and Nie Cai started to rush for a drink.

Dean Liu of the court had told him that they would only allow Nie Cai to take photos, and they would not cooperate with anyone else.

If Nie Caihe was admitted to the hospital, he would have to push it back, which would delay things.

After all, soliciting sponsorship is just the icing on the cake, and producing good programs is the basis for changing the column!

"Reporter Nie, are you sure you want to try?"

Hearing Director Ling's words, Lu Jiang was slightly curious.

He could see that Director Ling really wanted this advertisement, but this Nie Cai seemed to be just a reporter. Why was it so important to Director Ling that he would rather give up the opportunity than let Nie Cai drink

Seeing that Nie Cai had only had a few drinks, his face was already red, so he probably wouldn't be any better after drinking

This is three and a half bottles of Wuliangye. Even if he were allowed to drink it by himself, he would be frightened.

"What if you don't give it a try?"

Nie Cai shook his head and put the wine in front of him.

Li Wei's expression changed, and she was about to stop Nie Cai, but Nie Cai waved his hand, telling him not to worry about her.

"Sister Wei, stop talking. I'd rather be here. I won't let you drink anything."

This sentence made Li Wei's heart feel slightly warm, but it soon turned into worry.

By now, she could already tell that Nie Cai was determined, and no one could persuade him.

She quietly moved to Nie Cai's side and was prepared so that she could hold him up if Nie Cai fell down while drinking.

"Don't force it. If it doesn't work, give up."

Director Ling's face also became very solemn and he said with concern.

This Nie Cai is really trying too hard. He can't even stand up to Jiang Shao. He doesn't think highly of Nie Cai.

"Mr. Lu, let's start. Let's start with half a bottle."

Nie Cai looked calm, picked up half a bottle of wine on the table and poured it into his mouth.

Nie Cai knew very well that he could only drink so much. If he drank for real, he wouldn't be able to hold on until he finished half the bottle.

But... the amount of alcohol is not the key. Nie Cai has a unique trick, and that is his super news system!

When Lu Jiang praised Haikou just now, he was already thinking about how he should use the advantages given to him to increase his drinking capacity.

The answer lies in the dimensional storage component. Using a hot water bottle to clean Qin Dapeng in the morning gave Nie Cai an inspiration.

Since the dimensional storage component has the function of moving items, wouldn't it be enough if you just need to move the wine in your mouth into the space

Gudu, Gudu...

In full view of everyone, Nie Cai sipped the drink, and his cheeks soon became swollen.

“Good drinker!”

Even Mr. Lu was surprised by Nie Cai's boldness and couldn't help but applaud.

After a few sips, Nie Cai's cheeks were bulging with alcohol, and he poured the remaining half of the bottle of wine into his mouth.

It was estimated that it was almost done, so Nie Cai immediately activated the dimensional storage component!

There was no movement. The wine in his mouth disappeared out of thin air and was moved to the dimensional space by Nie Cai.

The dimensional space is very spacious. Not to mention these few sips of wine, even if Nie Cai picked up the pure water bucket and drank it, there would be no problem!

"Damn, it's so hot!"

Nie Cai cursed in his heart, Wuliangye was very powerful, he almost choked just now.

Although there is a dimensional storage component, it has to be poured into the mouth first.

It would be rude if you coughed due to being choked and sprayed wine in the sponsor's face!

Wuliangye's wine bottle is transparent, but Nie Cai didn't dare to let the wine disappear directly in the bottle, otherwise the target would be too obvious.

Nie Cai still kept his bulging cheeks and pretended to swallow air, successfully hiding it from everyone present.

"Half the bottle is solved, come again!"

Nie Cai put on a show, slammed down the empty bottle of Wuliangye, and said proudly.

"Happy, this is drinking liquor as beer!"

Mr. Lu was slightly moved, but without his instructions, the white mink old girl soon opened the wine and handed it to Nie Cai's hand.

Nie Cai didn't even frown. He picked up the wine bottle and blew on it again.

Li Wei was a little worried and tugged on Nie Cai's clothes, but Nie Cai seemed to be unaware and continued drinking.

Gurgling... Nie Cai swallowed the entire bottle of Wuliangye in two or three mouthfuls without even gasping for air. He drank it even more happily than the previous bottle!


There was a gasp of air in the private room. Seeing Nie Cai's "bold" drinking method, Li Wei not only broke into a cold sweat for Nie Cai.

Is it okay to drink so quickly? Does this mean acute alcohol poisoning

But Nie Cai didn't stop. He picked up a bottle of Wuliangye again and started drinking it again.

Nie Cai drank the entire 500ml bottle of Wuliangye in just two sips.

This time... everyone was already numb and seemed to have not come back to their senses. The whole box was silent, and even the sound of a few drops of wine from the corner of Nie Cai's mouth falling on the table could be heard.

Mr. Lu's Wuliangye can't be filled with boiled water... Director Ling took an empty bottle and smelled it. It had a strong aroma of wine, and everything seemed normal.

"Mr. Lu, please take a good look at the last bottle."

Nie Cai laughed, held the wine bottle high, raised his head and opened his mouth to drink. The wine was not wasted at all, and all of it flowed into his mouth.

He has already gained experience in this trick, and he can move the drink away from his throat without filling his cheeks.

Gudong, Gudong...

The only sound in the entire box was the sound of Nie Cai swallowing wine. Under the stunned crowd, Nie Cai shook the empty wine bottle, drank the last few drops of wine into his mouth, threw the bottle away, and wiped it. He curled his lips and sighed heavily.


Until Nie Cai sat down, the private room was still silent.

Nie Cai was drinking so boldly just now. His posture was just like that of the Jungle Man on TV. He was so fierce!

This is Wuliangye with a temperature of 52 degrees, and it was all solved in just a short time, which is simply unbelievable.

Li Wei and Director Ling were stunned. Nie Cai actually finished drinking

This was three and a half kilograms of Wuliangye. Even if it was boiled water, his stomach would be full. But Nie Cai acted like a normal person and could still talk and laugh as if nothing had happened.

Is this *** still a human being


Lu Jiang shook his head and came to his senses. As if he couldn't believe it, he grabbed the empty bottle on the table and poured it over.

Yes, the bottle was empty and the drink was gone.

He seemed a little unbelievable. As a businessman who traveled far and wide, he thought he was well-informed.

He has seen people who can drink, but he has never seen someone who can drink like this. He drank three and a half kilograms of Wuliangye in a few minutes and still acted like a normal person... He had never even heard of such a god.

Those professional sommeliers have to drink one glass at a time, but Nie Cai is so good at it, he just drinks it in one bottle. This can no longer be described as massive.

This time, he was really restrained by Nie Cai!

Seeing that everyone at the banquet still hadn't come to their senses, Nie Cai felt something bad in his heart, as he seemed to have overdone his performance.

"Uh... this rescue... is quite powerful!"

His heart moved, and he quickly pretended to be too drunk, squinted his eyes, burped, and sat down unsteadily.

A pair of warm and soft hands caught him and helped him to the chair.

It was Li Wei. Li Wei asked with some concern: "Are you okay? Do you want some tea? I'll pour it for you..."

"No, no, no, I can't drink foreign wine... Baijiu is still okay. Have I finished all three and a half bottles of Wuliangye?"

Nie Cai said, pretending to be a little dazed, and quickly refused.

Li Wei was concerned but confused. It was too obvious how a director like her could serve tea and water to Nie Cai, a trainee reporter.

"Reporter Nie, you have a good drinking capacity!"

Suddenly, Lu Jiang slammed the table and shouted loudly: "What does it mean that there is a sky outside the sky, and there is someone outside the world? I, Old Lu, have seen a god today. There is still a lot of energy here. This is the God of Dionysus!"

Nie Cai grinned, and simply took advantage of his "drunk state" and said with bleary eyes: "Mr. Lu, on behalf of our column... I welcome Mr. Lu to sponsor the title. If you want to drink in the future, I will accompany you at any time."

"I'm willing to admit defeat, little girl... take out my official seal and pen, and we'll sign the contract here!"

After meeting Nie Cai, a "drinking hero", Mr. Lu seemed to be in a good mood and said with a big move.

Director Ling was overjoyed and hurriedly handed over the contract with both hands and wanted to explain the details of the contract to Mr. Lu.

But Mr. Lu waved his hand and said it was just a matter of millions. He didn't even bother to finalize the details of the contract. He just glanced at the amount of the advertising fee and signed it directly.

Anyway, if you have money, you can do whatever you want.

Director Ling's hands were trembling... Unexpectedly, the 3.5 million naming contract was obtained. This time "Case Tracking" was saved!

"Mr. Lu is really happy!"

Seeing Mr. Lu sign the contract, Nie Cai gave a thumbs up and praised it appropriately.

"Brother Nie, please be happy. I have learned a lot today... I will have a few good drinks with you when I have time, so that I can brag in front of my drinking buddies!"

Inadvertently, Mr. Lu even changed Nie Cai's title and patted his shoulders affectionately.

For him, being able to meet a "drinking hero" like Nie Cai was worth more than a mere few million in advertising fees.