An Eye for News

Chapter 134: drunk driving


Lu Jiang enjoyed the meal and drank it with great pleasure. He called Nie Cai to be his brother and they became good brothers almost instantly.

According to his words, when you meet a close friend, a thousand glasses of wine is too little, and a few words of speculation are enough. It is rare to meet a friend like Nie Cai, who has an amazing capacity for drinking. How can we not have a good chat

The banquet lasted until after ten o'clock in the evening. If Mr. Lu hadn't answered the phone and said that he had to rush back due to some matters in the factory, it would probably not have been a problem to drink until midnight.

"I'm done drinking... You worked hard on this advertisement tonight... I'll go to the advertising department tomorrow to ask you for a commission..."

Director Ling was also extremely drunk, curling his tongue and stumbling over his words.

After burping, he and Jiang Shao, two old men, supported each other and staggered back.

He and Jiang Shao both lived in the dormitory of Provincial Taiwan, so they happened to have someone to take care of them.

The two women, Tian Anni and Shen Lan, were still sober because Mr. Lu took care of them and did not let them drink. When they saw that the banquet was over, they hurriedly left and went home.

Staying up late is the enemy of women’s beauty!

"Mr. Lu... ask the driver to drive slowly... and drink something to sober up!"

After sending Mr. Lu out to the car, Nie Cai finally took a long breath and frowned smelling the smell of alcohol on his body.

Because of the dimensional storage component, he spilled more wine on his body than he drank. He probably needed to take a good shower after returning.

"How are you? You drank at least four pounds tonight. You'd better let me drive..."

Li Wei's face turned red and she said drunkenly.

After all, she was in a leadership position, and the other party toasted her frequently, sipping it in small sips, which accumulated a lot.

Although Li Wei didn't drink as much as Nie Cai, she didn't have Nie Cai's cheating tactics. She drank the real thing into her stomach. When the cold wind outside blew her, she immediately felt drunk.

"No, let me do it. Drunk driving is illegal now. It would be terrible if you were fired from office."

After hearing Li Wei's words, Nie Cai suddenly woke up from his drunkenness.

How could he really be drunk? He had been pretending to be drunk just now. After all, he drank more than four kilograms of wine. If he didn't pretend to be drunk, it would be too suspicious.

He was pretending to be drunk, but Li Wei was really drunk. He didn't dare to let Li Wei drive.

Since the implementation of the new traffic regulations, heavy fines have been imposed on drunk driving, and drivers can be detained for fifteen days to pursue criminal liability.

For public officials, being detained is even worse. The punishment is relatively light, and it is even possible to be directly dismissed from public office.

"Nonsense, I didn't even see the traffic police when I went out today..."

Li Wei wanted to speak, but Nie Cai pushed her into the passenger seat without any explanation.

"I'll take you back first."

Nie Cai helped her fasten her seat belt and then got into the driver's seat.

"Okay, I'll trouble you then..."

Li Wei was drunk and nodded confusedly. She seemed to think that the air conditioner in the car was too hot, so she threw her coat to the back, exposing her fair shoulders.

Being restrained by a safety belt, Li Wei was wearing a V-neck sweater that was very close-fitting, with a pair of round jade rabbits poking out of it.

"Be careful about the alternation of hot and cold, don't catch a cold!"

Nie Cai didn't dare to look anymore, turned on the navigation, reversed out of the parking lot, and drove towards Li Wei's cafe.

Nie Cai didn't notice in the night. When he drove away, a white BMW 1 Series car slowly lowered its window in the parking lot, and a woman's profile appeared...

It was Tian Anni. She got into the car earlier than Nie Cai, but she did not leave. Instead, she kept watching Nie Cai get into the car and disappear at the door of the hotel.

At this time, she took out her phone and dialed an unnamed number.

"Hey... dear, let me tell you something. The person you have always wanted to deal with is now driving Li Wei back... Yes, he drank more than four kilograms. Although his will is still clear, he is definitely driving under the influence. One after another, he will be caught. allow!"

After hanging up the phone, Tian Anni stared at the direction where Nie Cai disappeared, with a proud smile on her face...

In the car.

"Don't trust the navigation... You can get several kilometers closer by taking a small alley, and you don't have to worry about traffic jams..."

Li Wei pointed to a dimly lit alley and said.

Nie Cai reflexively wanted to turn in, but found that the alley was too small, only two meters wide at most. How could he turn in

"Sister Wei, I'm not driving your motorcycle, I'm driving a car... It's such a narrow alley, you think I'm doing stunts."

Nie Cai was speechless. Li Wei was so drunk that she couldn't even tell the difference between a car and a motorcycle.

While he was talking, suddenly, a police motorcycle with its lights on passed him. The policeman wearing white gloves on the back seat waved at Nie Cai, signaling him to stop.

"For the cars behind you, pull over!"

It was a traffic policeman. Nie Cai quickly stepped on the brakes and pulled over.

"It's the traffic police. Why would the traffic police come to this street so late?"

Li Wei woke up immediately from the wine and quickly put on her clothes. Her upper body was straightened, obviously very nervous.

"It's okay. The traffic police comrades are so dedicated and patrol late at night. This is almost the New Year, which fully reflects the spirit of serving the people."

Nie Cai smiled heartlessly, with no trace of nervousness at all.

During festivals, the traffic police will routinely patrol. On the one hand, it is to ensure traffic safety during the festival, and on the other hand, it is to complete the fine quota.

"You're still laughing! You drank three to four kilograms of Wuliangye with a concentration of 52 degrees. You smell of alcohol all over your body. The traffic police will definitely test your alcohol content!"

Li Wei showed a panicked look on her face and said quickly: "I'll change places with you now. I'm so drunk that I don't know if it counts as a drunk driver. I'm better than a drunk driver like you!"

She is a producer, and she understands the consequences of drunk driving.

Drunk driving is the most serious category. If Nie Cai was caught by the traffic police and detained for fifteen days at the critical moment when he became a regular reporter as a trainee reporter, all his efforts would be in vain.

Even if Nie Cai had just put out a big advertisement, Deputy Director Qin would probably be fired directly if he just said one word.

"What are you talking about? I'm just a little intern. If I'm punished, I'll start over from scratch. You're a deputy director. How can this be the same?"

Nie Cai shook his head and pressed her on the passenger seat, preventing her from changing positions.

"what to do?"

Seeing the traffic policeman in front of him getting out of the car and walking directly towards him, Li Wei finally panicked.

Tuk tuk…

The young traffic policeman in uniform knocked on Nie Cai's car window, saluted, and said politely: "Hello, comrade, please show me your driver's license."

"Thank you for your hard work. You are still patrolling so late at night."

Nie Cai took out his driver's license and handed it to the other party with a smile, along with a cigarette.

But the traffic policeman had a straight face, took the driver's license, and was not moved at all.

"You smell so strongly of alcohol, tell me honestly, have you been drinking?"

The traffic policeman frowned and said in a bad tone.

"I didn't drink. I drank kvass. As for the passengers in the car... you have nothing to do with their drinking."

Nie Cai smiled and said.

"Nonsense, I obviously smell the alcohol coming from you... Open the car door and get out of the car!"

The young traffic policeman spoke sternly and scolded Nie Cai.

"I really didn't drink. The smell of alcohol on my body is caused by wine spilled on it. I just wasted half a bottle of Wuliangye. I feel very sad."

Nie Cai sighed and got out of the car helplessly.

With a nervous look on her face, Li Wei also opened the door and walked out of the car. She saw another middle-aged traffic policeman opening the luggage compartment of his motorcycle and taking out a small aluminum alloy box.

Her expression suddenly changed. She recognized the thing in the box. It was a portable alcohol measuring device. As long as he took a breath, he could immediately measure the alcohol concentration in the driver's body.

When the value measured by this instrument is equal to or greater than 80mg/100ml, that is, when there are 80 mg of alcohol in 100 ml of blood, it can be regarded as drunk driving.

For a person of normal weight, 80mg/100ml is approximately equivalent to three ounces of liquor, or two bottles of beer. And Nie Cai just drank more than four kilograms of high-strength liquor. It is estimated that this portable alcohol meter can be used The value is blown to the upper limit.

"Don't talk nonsense. Everyone who drinks alcohol says that he is not drunk. It is a mule or a horse that comes out for a ride. You will know after taking a test."

The traffic policeman handed the portable alcohol measuring device in front of Nie Cai and said unceremoniously.

Nie Cai frowned and did not move.


The young traffic policeman sneered and said, "If you don't cooperate with us in blowing air, we will give you an additional obstacle to the performance of official duties, and then handcuff you to the hospital to draw blood, it doesn't matter whether you cooperate or not!"

Nie Cai shook his head and was not frightened by the policeman at all. Instead, he said helplessly: "Comrade police officers, haven't you read the regulations? To use this portable alcohol measuring device, you have to give me a disposable nozzle. Is other people's saliva disgusting, how can I blow it?"

When he was a reporter at S County TV station, he often went out with the county traffic police to catch drunk drivers, so he certainly knew a lot about this matter.

The young police officer was startled, and then a trace of anger appeared on his face.

But at this moment, the middle-aged traffic policeman grabbed him, took out a pack of disposable plastic nozzles from his pocket, and put it on the portable alcohol measuring instrument.

"Now you're satisfied, stop talking nonsense and brag to me." The middle-aged traffic policeman said with a serious face.

"That's pretty much it."

Nie Cai laughed, took the portable alcohol measuring device, and blew hard.

Didi didi...

No number appeared on the portable alcohol meter and the measurement was unsuccessful.

"Are you a pussy? Blow big and long, don't play any tricks!"

The middle-aged policeman sneered and scolded.

A general portable alcohol meter requires a sufficient amount of blowing to measure it. It is common for some female drivers to blow several times before the value can be measured due to insufficient lung capacity. However, this rarely happens to male drivers unless it is intentional. Uncooperative.

Nie Cai was a little depressed. He just watched other people blow it every time. He had never tried it before, so of course he didn't understand the rules.

As if out of anger, Nie Cai took a deep breath and blew for seven or eight seconds before returning the measuring instrument to the traffic policeman.