An Eye for News

Chapter 135: You are the one who is drunk


"Never exceed 80 mg..."

Seeing Nie Cai return the instrument to the traffic police, Li Wei's face suddenly became nervous, and she couldn't help but break into a cold sweat for Nie Cai!

"Let me see how drunk you are, at least 200 milligrams..."

The young traffic policeman snatched the portable alcohol meter and sneered.

Do you still need to look at it? This person smells of alcohol, so he is not a drunk driver!

But when he took a look at the value on the instrument, he was immediately dumbfounded.

"1.8 milligrams?" How is this possible! "

No wonder he was surprised. The value of 1.8mg/100ml measured by the measuring device was too low. Nie Cai, who smelled of alcohol and could smell it from a distance, could only have a value of less than 2mg

"Did you get the decimal point wrong? Let me see!"

The middle-aged traffic policeman had an expression of disbelief on his face and frowned as he grabbed the portable alcohol meter.

That's right, it's really 1.8mg of alcohol.

According to regulations, 20mg/100ml-80mg/100ml is considered drunk driving, and above 80mg/100ml is drunk driving. However, the value Nie Cai measured was only 1.5mg/100ml, which is far from the standard for drinking and driving. Not to mention drunk driving!

The middle-aged policeman didn't believe in evil, so he let Nie Cai take another breath and measured it again.

However, this time the alcohol content was even lower, only 1.6 milligrams.

What is the concept of 1.6 milligrams of alcohol? It was probably just a lick, not even enough for a glass of wine!

"Comrade police, can I go?"

Nie Cai's eyes widened and he said, "It's already past eleven o'clock. How long will it take to get home if we wait any longer?"

"Instructor, is the instrument malfunctioning? Do you want to take it back to draw blood..."

The young policeman frowned and asked quietly.

"Pull an egg. The check just now is still useful. Look, he is sober. He looks like he has been drinking?"

The middle-aged policeman sighed and returned the driver's license and driving license to Nie Cai: "Let's go, is it fun to pretend to be drunk? It's a waste of our time!"

"Thank you, comrade police. I'm not drunk. I promise not to spill wine on my clothes next time."

Nie Cai smiled slightly, took the certificate, stepped on the accelerator and disappeared, leaving behind two traffic policemen with helpless expressions.

"Instructor, didn't you say that when we come out to catch drunk drivers, we will catch them all? How come this guy drinks so much... Our quota for drunk drivers this year is not full yet!"

The young traffic policeman straightened his hat and said gloomily.

"I don't know either. The leader asked me to arrest people, so I got up and arrested them. I thought I could catch a drunk driver!"

The middle-aged policeman said helplessly.

At this moment, a white BMW One Series hatchback car drove over, and a woman got out of the car.

"Why did you let him go? He must have been driving drunk!"

Tian Anni held the Xiaokun bag and said angrily to the middle-aged policeman.

She followed behind and watched quietly. She thought that Nie Cai, who was driving drunk, would be taken away by the traffic police, but nothing happened.

"We didn't measure his alcohol level, he wasn't drinking at all."

The middle-aged policeman shook his head and said: "Please tell the leader that we must act in accordance with the rules. Since the other party has not drank, I cannot help... I'm sorry."

After saying this, he got into the car with the young policeman and left without leaving the furious Tian Anni...

"You... it must be someone named Nie who gave you a red envelope!"

Tian Anni shook Xiaokun's bag, stamped her foot fiercely, and said angrily.

Nie Cai's car.

Nie Cai was driving the car intently, while Li Wei turned sideways and stared at Nie Cai with drunken eyes, which made Nie Cai's heart tremble.

"What's wrong, are there flowers on my face?"

Nie Cai retracted his gaze from the navigation map and smiled.

"There are no flowers, but it's almost there. How did you do that just now?"

Li Wei frowned slightly and said curiously.

She saw with her own eyes that Nie Cai drank three to four kilograms of white wine. It was good that Nie Cai didn't get drunk on the spot, but after drinking so much wine, his body must be full of alcohol, right

When she was stopped by the traffic police just now, she was so anxious that she thought Nie Cai was really finished this time.

Unexpectedly, the traffic police tested him twice and found that the amount of alcohol in Nie Cai's body was so low that he could not even be considered a drunk driver.

It looks like he drank three or four kilograms of wine. Three or four drops of wine is almost enough!

"Uh... if I told you, I have a fast metabolism and all the alcohol has evaporated, would you believe it?"

Nie Cai raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

There was a slight drumming in his heart. It seemed that he was cheating now. He drank three or four kilograms of wine and nothing happened. This could be explained by his good drinking capacity.

However, the alcohol content in the body is almost zero, how does this make sense

"Don't bully me for not understanding!"

Li Wei crossed her hands on her chest and said somewhat unhappily: "Thank you for worrying me so much. I didn't expect anything to happen!"

This reason makes no sense at all. My metabolism is fast. Did I pee just after drinking it

"Okay, actually I know how to use the Six Meridians Divine Sword. You've seen it in Tian Long Ba Bu. Duan Yu and Qiao Feng fought for wine and used their internal energy to directly evaporate the wine. That's why I smell like wine all over my body."

Nie Cai laughed and said.

Li Wei curled her lips and snorted drunkenly.

This is pure nonsense, Six Meridians Divine Sword? I also have the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, you think this is filming a TV series!


Nie Cai's car was in the small courtyard of the cafe, and he happened to be back.

"Get out of the car. Let me tell you the truth. In fact, I secretly changed the wine to water while you were not paying attention..."

Before Nie Cai finished speaking, he saw Li Wei suddenly reach out from the passenger seat and grab Nie Cai's shoulders!

"Well… "

Nie Cai was immediately unable to speak the next words. He only felt a warm and soft lips blocking his words.

Li Wei raised her legs, knelt down on the passenger seat, pressed against Nie Cai's body, and kissed Nie Cai passionately, so passionately that it felt like she was about to suffocate!

Nie Cai was caught off guard and didn't react at all, but he soon became intoxicated by Li Wei's passionate kiss.

After a long time, the two reluctantly separated. Li Wei's eyes were already a little blurry, and she said with a smile: "Yes, there is indeed no smell of alcohol."

"You are really drunk, let me take you home!"

Nie Cai coughed dryly and said.

In the middle of the night, Li Wei, a beautiful woman, took the initiative to kiss him, and she also had the leadership status of a director. This was so tempting that Nie Cai almost couldn't hold it in anymore.

"No, I don't want to go home!"

Suddenly, Li Wei jumped upright and hit her head on the roof of the car with a bang.

But she didn't realize it, and said in a daze: "I no longer have a home. Every time I sleep, I dream about that night when the landslide and the earth shattered... My relatives... everything is gone."

Nie Cai was startled by Li Wei's actions and hugged her quickly to prevent her from messing around.

Feeling Nie Cai hugging her, Li Wei's body softened and she fell limply into Nie Cai's arms, whimpering softly.

"What's going on? You drank too much..."

Nie Cai's mouth was dry and he said quickly.

In her arms, the faint agarwood smell of Tomford perfume on Li Wei mixed with the smell of wine, going straight to her nose. This busty beauty director now completely sheds her usually strong face, she is so soft and weak. , lying unprotected in his arms, like a flower that you can pick.

"Damn it, I really drank too much this time!"

Nie Cai was speechless and quickly took her out of the car.

It was already this hour, and Li Wei's cafe had long been closed. Nie Cai took out the key from Li Wei's handbag and opened the door of the cafe.

It was pitch dark in the cafe. Fortunately, Nie Cai was familiar with the roads and found Li Wei's room on the third floor.

Nie Cai opened the door and gently placed Li Wei on the soft bed. He was about to cover her with a quilt, but at this moment, Li Wei's arms around Nie Cai suddenly tightened. Nie Cai There was no way to break free.

"Don't go, don't leave me... I'm so scared."

Li Wei started sobbing again, as if she was very frightened.

"Don't worry, no one can hurt you."

Nie Cai quickly comforted him and gently patted Li Wei on the shoulder.

This move seemed to be quite effective. Li Wei's eyes slowly closed, her breathing was even, and her towering chest rose and fell, as if she was asleep.

Seeing the look of fear on Li Wei's face gradually disappearing and her body relaxing, Nie Cai was a little curious. He didn't know what kind of painful past Li Wei had

Nie Cai resisted the idea of using his mind-reading skills to spy on Li Wei's heart, covered himself with a quilt, and turned to the bar downstairs to find sobering medicine.

Last time when Nie Cai was drunk, he remembered that sobriety medicine was placed on the bar. After all, customers often get drunk in the store, so these items are always available.

Things are really changing. Last time, Nie Cai was drunk and Li Wei took care of herself. This time, it was the other way around.

"Hold on a little longer, here comes the hangover medicine..."

Nie Cai opened the door in the room, holding a cup of warm water in his hand, carefully placed it on the bedside, and helped Li Wei up to prepare for the medicine.

But just when Nie Cai put his hand in, Nie Cai's hand suddenly stiffened.

Nie Cai understood instantly when he felt the warm and silky mass under the quilt, and then looked at the pile of clothes discarded on the floor of the room. A pair of high heels were crookedly lying on the floor.

Li Wei has no clothes on!

Probably feeling that she was back home, Li Wei relaxed in a daze. Just as Nie Cai went down, she had already kicked off her high heels, stripped off her clothes, and hid under the quilt to sleep. .

Nie Cai didn't realize it, but he wanted to help her up and give her medicine. He touched her right away and seemed to have touched a key part...

Damn... Nie Cai clung to the last bit of clarity in his mind, thinking awkwardly.

Should I be helped or not? Should I still take this medicine

"do not leave Me… "

Before Nie Cai could figure it out, at this moment, Li Wei turned over, said something vaguely, and pulled Nie Cai onto the bed with a hug.

It wasn't that she was too strong, but that Nie Cai didn't dare to move at all for fear of waking her up.

This embrace was good, Nie Cai's whole body rolled into the sheets, and he and Li Wei were pressed tightly together...

Feeling Li Wei's hot body, the last trace of clarity that Nie Cai kept in his mind finally disappeared.

Tonight... destined to be lingering!