An Eye for News

Chapter 143: The debate over topic selection


Nie Cai came out of the advertising department and went directly to the office area of the legal channel upstairs to find Director Ling.

Director Ling had previously said that he wanted to find an explanation for the commission given to Nie Cai from the leader. Now that the matters in the advertising department have been settled, it would save him the chance to fall out with the leader.

Nie Cai met Jiang Shao at the door of the legal channel office area. Seeing Nie Cai suddenly appear, he quickly whispered: "Nie Cai, it's almost nine o'clock, why did you get here?"

"I'm here. I was delayed in the advertising department downstairs for a while. Where is Director Ling? I have something to talk to him about."

Nie Cai took a look inside the office area and found it deserted, so he couldn't help but ask.

Originally, he got up early today and managed to avoid being late, but in the end, he was delayed by matters in the advertising department.

It's almost nine o'clock, why is the office area still so deserted

"Everyone is having a topic selection meeting in the conference room, and Director Ling is also there. It just happened that the topic selection meeting has just started. It's your first time to participate in the topic selection meeting today. You might as well go and listen... Anyway, today's topic selection meeting is Director Ling's. I’ll definitely mention you.”

Jiang Shao laughed and pulled Nie Cai to the small conference room of the legal channel without any explanation.

Generally speaking, those who participate in this kind of topic selection meeting are directors, editors, etc., but in order to avoid working behind closed doors and achieve the effect of broadening ideas, Director Liao of the Anyone can go to the meeting room to listen and put forward their opinions.

The small conference room of the Legal Channel is not big, only about twenty square meters at most. There are more than a dozen people in the small room and it is quite full.

Director Qian sat in the middle of the long table in the conference room, with Li Wei beside him, and the rest were the directors and editors of various columns.

As for the soy saucers like Jiang Shao and Nie Cai, they can only sit on the row of stools next to the conference room.

"Nie Cai, this way!"

At the water dispenser behind the door, Shen Lan waved to Nie Cai and gestured for Nie Cai to come over.

Nie Cai took a look and saw that several people from the "Case Tracking" column were sitting there. They were all familiar faces he met yesterday.

"We have finally found the organization. It turns out you are here."

Nie Cai smiled and sat down. When he sat down, Director Ling happened to be speaking.

"Deputy Director Li's speech just now on the topic of food safety was very exciting. Recently, the country has strictly enforced food safety management. I think we can continue to dig deeper into the sources of meat such as street barbecue stalls. If it weren't for our case tracking column itself Positioning, we all want to do this topic selection.”

"Old Ling, you have a treasure trove of special interview rights. You are extremely rich. Don't take it from us poor guys!"

Li Wei smiled and said.

She knew that Director Ling had obtained priority interview rights, which was equivalent to a green light from the court. Combined with the characteristics of the "Case Tracking" column, there would be a spurt of good news releases in the future.

Seeing the old column "Case Tracking" revived, she, the deputy director, was also happy!

Director Ling opened the notebook in his hand and said with a smile: "There are many old cases in the court. These things cannot escape if they are kept there, but there is a very time-sensitive piece of news, which is also the topic I want to submit today. That is the case of serial suicides of teenagers in Bancheng Town."


Shen Lan whispered to Nie Cai: "Director Ling has wanted to do this article for a long time, but the local town government is uncooperative and has great resistance. The reporter has no way to conduct interviews. Now with the help of the court, it should be smooth. too much."

"A case of a boy from Bancheng City taking drugs continuously?"

Nie Cai had heard about this news, but the news was unclear. There were only a few words introducing the situation, but there were no more specific reports.

It turns out... this news couldn't be done because the local government didn't cooperate and wouldn't allow reporters to cover it.

"Dear colleagues here, perhaps you have heard about the case of the Bancheng City teenagers who took drugs continuously. Six elementary school students from Xingguang Primary School in Bancheng City committed suicide by taking poison collectively. This caused great repercussions in the society. I heard that many reporters heard about it. They rushed there, but due to the obstruction of the local government and the lack of support from the parents themselves, they had no choice but to turn back and were unable to make in-depth reports. In the end, they only dealt with the leaders of the education department and the principal of Xingguang Primary School.”

Director Ling paused for a moment, and then said: "Six teenagers, their average age is only eleven or twelve years old. They are in the prime of their lives. How could they commit suicide collectively by taking poison? When we do news, we can't just look at the surface and deal with a few After the personnel has settled the matter, we must dig deeper for clues, so after getting the special interview rights from the Third People's Court of City n, I believe that the first thing to do is to conduct an in-depth report on the case of a teenager taking drugs in Bancheng Town. ."

"I agree with what Director Ling said. As a media in province

Li Wei nodded and said: "Is there any secret behind the serial suicides of these teenagers? Is the local government covering up the cover? The news value of this news is huge, and you need to dig it out seriously. If you can really do it, In the form of in-depth reporting, it should arouse huge topicality and even compete for the Golden Laurel Award next year."

Her opinions are consistent with Director Ling's. Discussions about this news are very lively online. It is one of the hot topics on Tencent News, and the call for finding out the truth is very high.

Seeing Li Wei nodding in agreement, Director Ling suddenly said excitedly: "I have already selected the candidates. Deputy Director Li will be in command. The cameraman and editor will be our column's new comrade Nie Cai, and the reporter Shen Lan, in order to ensure the effect. , I implore Deputy Director Li to give us an extra camera and a sound recordist, so that we can shoot with two cameras..."

"I object."

But at this moment, a voice interrupted Director Ling's talk.

Director Qian, who had been sitting upright in the chair, spoke and immediately poured cold water on Director Ling.

"Director Ling, the local government is not cooperating with the interview and is very resistant. Are you sure you can capture it with the people from the court?"

"Bancheng Town is more than 200 kilometers away from N City. It is also a mountainous area. It will definitely cost a lot of money to go there. You even asked for two cameras and a sound engineer. If the filming fails, the price will be too high. Taiwan’s funds cannot afford such a waste.”

"Furthermore, even if the local government agrees, if a reporter goes to interview someone's parents just a few days after the child's death, have you considered their feelings? It would be nice if they don't blow you away, and you can still accept your interview calmly?"

Director Qian gave several reasons in one breath and questioned Director Ling.

If this news is so easy to film, other media must have filmed it long ago. How come it hasn’t been filmed yet

Director Ling was speechless. After a while, he said reluctantly: "Director Qian, your analysis makes sense, but you have to consider the situation of our "Case Tracking". Now we are in urgent need of a shot in the arm to increase the ratings of our column and quickly gather Create a loyal audience..."

"You have your considerations, and I also have mine. You know, we are just a sub-channel, and our funding is definitely not comparable to that of satellite channels. As the leader, of course I have to save money."

Director Qian said firmly and did not let go at all.

Seeing this, Li Wei frowned. Director Qian's approach was too inhumane.

She coughed slightly and interjected: "Director Qian, this subject is too rare. News that happened in our province will be reported by other TV stations. Wouldn't it be embarrassing? What will the viewers of our TV station do? think?"

Director Qian's statement cannot be said to be unreasonable, but he did not consider other factors!

If the media from other provinces are the first to come out with in-depth reports, the viewers in province I won’t care if it’s difficult for you to shoot!

"You think you will definitely succeed. What if you fail? The town government, the children's parents, and even the local municipal party committee's Propaganda Department... have you considered these factors?"

Director Qian snorted coldly, glared at Li Wei, and said, "What if the filming fails and reporters and drivers No. 6 and 7 waste so much time and money, will you be responsible for it?"

"Funding? Director Ling just secured a 3.5 million naming contract last night to generate revenue for the station. Director Qian doesn't need to be so strict, right?"

Li Wei frowned and retorted.

"If you have money, you can't spend it arbitrarily. I'm the director and I have the final say here!"

Before Li Wei could finish speaking, Director Qian slammed the table and said with a strong voice.

"Director Qian, don't bully others too much!"

Li Wei was also very popular. Director Qian didn't pay attention to the previous topics. Why did he firmly oppose this topic as soon as it came up

Director Qian refused to give in. I'm afraid he wasn't really thinking about funding, but simply wanted to suppress Nie Cai!

If Nie Cai succeeds in filming this news and creating a public opinion topic, it will definitely be a great achievement. How can he, the director, suppress Nie Cai then

"Let's vote by a show of hands. If you agree with the plot of this topic, raise your left hand, and if you disagree, raise your right hand."

Li Wei took a deep breath and said.

However, few raised their hands.

Anyone who is not blind can see the smell of gunpowder now filling the conference room. No one is willing to raise their hands to support at this juncture and becomes silent.

This topic selection dispute was raised by Director Ling and has evolved into a battle between the chief and deputy directors of the Legal Channel.

One is a senior director who firmly holds the thigh of Deputy Director Qin, and the other is a young and beautiful deputy director with a bright future. It is uncertain who will outdo the other in the future. If you rashly support one side now, I am afraid it will be miserable when the liquidation comes. .

"Less than one-third of the votes cast is equivalent to abstention. Let's discuss the next topic."

When Director Qian saw that no one raised their hands, a sneer appeared on his face and he glanced at Li Wei proudly.

As long as you are the director for one day, why should you, a deputy director, fight with me

But at this moment, in the corner of the conference room, someone suddenly coughed, raised his left hand and stood up, especially conspicuous among the back rows.