An Eye for News

Chapter 144: Difficult topic selection


The person who stood up was Nie Cai. He raised his left hand high and stood out from the crowd in the back row.

The back row was full of minions from the column, who usually only listened in the conference room. As soon as Nie Cai stood up, he suddenly seemed out of place.

"You're crazy... How can it be our turn to speak when the leaders quarrel?"

Shen Lan quickly pulled him to ask him to sit down, but he missed the opportunity.

She really cared about Nie Cai. What happened to the little devil when the gods fought? Why did she, the most ordinary reporter, get involved

There was no nervous look on Nie Cai's face, but he said with a smile: "Director Qian, let's do this. Don't worry about the funds for now. I'll pay them in advance. If the shooting is successful, I will come back to the station to reimburse you." , if it doesn’t succeed, forget it.”

After Nie Cai finished speaking, the entire conference room exploded with a bang!

Not only did you spend your own money to shoot news for the public, but also offended the leader of the column, what kind of spirit is this

Should we say that Nie Cai is dedicated, or should we say that he is stupid

"Nie Cai, if we can't take the picture, we won't take it. Let's go take pictures of other subjects..."

Director Ling sighed and said.

Although he really wanted to film this Osaka Castle boy's serial drug abuse case, he didn't expect that he would encounter such great resistance during the topic selection meeting.

With the strong opposition from the top executive of the Legal Channel, this news topic selection may be difficult to pass.

Even if Nie Cai proposed to pay for it at his own expense, Director Qian still had other reasons to stop it and vetoed the topic.

"Even if you don't consider the issue of funding, I can't let you mess around and deploy personnel at will. You have to consider the overall situation. Your "Case Tracking" column is not the only one in the entire legal channel!"

Sure enough, Director Qian snorted coldly and scolded.

Nie Cai had some problems with him originally, and Nie Cai actually contradicted him in the meeting. Director Qian even said that he would not support Nie Cai at all.

Although Nie Cai's chances of success in filming were low, Director Qian would not let Nie Cai have any chance.

"Okay, we don't want the two cameras, and we don't want the sound recorder. Director Ling, can you just send two reporters to take pictures?"

Li Wei narrowed her eyes slightly and said: "There is no need to go through the topic selection meeting to discuss the deployment of two or less personnel. The column producer can make his own decision."

"Deputy Director Li, you are taking advantage of this loophole!"

Director Qian was startled and said angrily.

According to regulations, unless it is a major topic, it needs to be discussed and approved at the topic selection meeting, but if there are less than two people, the producer has the power to make the decision.

"The rules are the rules, and we don't need to interfere with the internal affairs of the column. We can discuss the next topic."

Li Wei choked Director Qian back and went directly to the next topic.

"Okay, even if you bypass the topic selection meeting, there are some things I want to make clear here!"

Although Director Qian was annoyed, he had nothing to do. He could only snort: "You can't bring the sound recordist and cameraman. Don't take the shoulder-mounted camera. Just take the small DV. Leave the big machine in the stage for backup. Who knows? How long does it take you to go there, don’t delay the use of the machine!”

At this point, he has no way to stop it, but at least he can get Nie Cai stuck on the equipment.

Lack of manpower and equipment, how can we capture news that the entire team of other media outlets cannot capture

The number of people is one of the key factors that determines the success rate of shooting, especially for news with extremely high complexity and great resistance. Without enough people to work as a team, it is difficult to perform.

Moreover, it would be even more troublesome to consider Shen Lan, a woman who could not carry it with her shoulders or lift it with her hands.

Director Qian didn't believe it. They were just two people, and they really thought they had three heads and six arms!

There were no twists and turns in the following topic selection meeting, and the next few topic selections were all passed easily.

Soon, the topic selection meeting ended, and the people who had dismissed the meeting returned to their posts.

Director Ling pulled Nie Cai with a worried look on his face: "Nie Cai, I know you just earned an advertising commission recently, but it's only a 5% commission. I'm too embarrassed to let you get 10%. It allows you to pay for the unit out of your own pocket!"

"Director Ling, I have discussed it with Director Zhong from the advertising department, and now the matter has been resolved."

Nie Cai smiled. Director Ling didn't know yet that he had secured a large order of 22 million. If he knew it, he probably wouldn't say that.

"However, the media have been refused interviews with those teenagers who have taken drugs, and the station does not provide enough equipment and manpower. I think you should not take the risk."

Director Ling smiled bitterly. Of course he wanted to shoot this news, but he couldn't sacrifice Nie Cai for himself.

"It's okay. Director Ling, just trust me. The news I shot before was not easy to chew on."

Nie Cai smiled nonchalantly and said confidently.

He wouldn't dare to boast about Haikou for other cases, but in this case he has an innate advantage.

A teenager committed suicide by taking poison and refused to tell others the reason after being rescued? For others, this problem may be very difficult.

But for Nie Cai, who has a mind-reading component, this doesn't matter. This is one of the reasons why he dared to boast about Haikou and made a bet with Director Qian that the filming would be successful.

Li Wei also passed by Nie Cai at this time. She didn't say anything, but just nodded to Nie Cai: "I believe you will be able to make this news... You are the person I chose, don't Embarrass me."

After saying this, she took the meeting materials and left without looking back.

"Isn't Li Wei still angry..."

Nie Cai frowned secretly. He could clearly feel that after last night, Li Wei seemed to be quite dissatisfied with him.

He could only smile bitterly in his heart. With Sun Ying as a threat, Nie Cai had no choice at all.

After simply collecting the equipment, Nie Cai and Shen Lan came to the Third People's Court of City N together.

Different from the cold treatment he received last time, this time Nie Cai received a warm welcome as soon as he arrived at the door of the court.

He had already contacted Dean Liu on the way and went straight to Dean Liu's office.

"Reporter Nie, welcome to our Third People's Court of City N."

Dean Liu said enthusiastically, stretched out his hand and shook it vigorously with Nie Cheng.

Nie Cai's performance when he arrested Lao Lai last time impressed him and made him have a good impression of Nie Cai.

"Dean Liu, I'm here to trouble you again. This is Shen Lan, the location host of our column..."

After some pleasantries, Nie Cai went straight to the topic: "Dean Liu, we are here to trouble you today. The drug-taking case in Bancheng Town is a case of the Third People's Court. You should have heard of it..."

Hearing the name Bancheng Town, Dean Liu's face stiffened slightly, and then he said: "Yes, I am handling this case. It is a very complicated case... Are you interested in this case?"

"Yes, this case has caused a sensation in the society recently. We want to dig deeper. If you know any clues, can you give them to us?"

Looking at Dean Liu's expression, Nie Cai suddenly felt something in his heart and asked.

Judging from Dean Liu's appearance, he seems a little reluctant to bring up this case? Is there something hidden in it

"This case had a great impact on society. In the end, the local education department criticized and demoted three people, and the principal of the school was also dismissed. However, only one illegal rat poison dealer was actually detained. He was sentenced to 11 years in prison. If you want the case file, I can show it to you, but you can only read it here, you can’t film it, you can’t take it away.”

Dean Liu pondered for a moment, and then said: "The rat poison dealer complained that he was unjust when he was sentenced. He appealed to our court, saying that he didn't know that the child he bought committed suicide, and felt that he was sentenced too much. It’s serious, but there’s nothing we can do about it. Public opinion is strong, and the parents of the teenager who died after taking poison are also very emotional. So when our review committee discussed it, we could only impose the heaviest sentence... Someone has to bear this responsibility!”

It's not that there's something hidden in the case, but I feel sympathy for the rat poison dealer.

The scope of the verdict in some cases must be discussed by the trial committee at this time. This rat poison dealer was also unlucky. Who allowed him to sell highly toxic rat poison in violation of regulations. It would be fine if nothing happened, but it would be terrible if something happened.

The case files were quickly pulled out, and Nie Cai took a rough look at them. He and Shen Lan looked at each other, and both could see the disappointment in the other's eyes.

"Excuse me, Dean Liu. It seems we can only go to Bancheng Town to conduct on-site interviews."

Nie Cai was slightly disappointed, but still said politely.

"Based on my professional sensitivity, this case is full of doubts, but our court has tried it for so long without any clues. In the end, it can only be classified as a mass suicide case. I guess you will only hit a wall even if you go to Bancheng City. Listen to me. I advise... you should change the subject."

Dean Liu sighed and said: "We still have a lot of valuable news in our case files, although they are not as good as this case.

"Thank you, Dean Liu, for your concern, but since we have decided to make it, there is no reason to give up halfway because of the difficulties." Nie Cai said.

As if he felt that he did not provide enough clues, Dean Liu was a little embarrassed and said: "If you go to Bancheng City, you can contact Dean Shi at Bancheng City Basic Court. I have a good relationship with him. Maybe he can say hello. Help you."

This was an unexpected gain. Nie Cai's eyes lit up. The local government departments did not cooperate with the interview, but with the help of Dean Shi, it should be much smoother.

Nie Cai chatted with Dean Liu for a few more words and said goodbye soon.

After leaving the court, Shen Lan said: "It seems that there are no more clues in the court's case files. This time we have lost the advantage of priority interview rights. If we go to Bancheng City for on-site interviews, we can only be on the same page as other media." We’re on the same starting line.”

"It's okay. I didn't think there was much hope at first. It's already good if Dean Liu can get people from the grassroots courts to cooperate with us."

Nie Cai smiled and said nonchalantly.

"But, the bet you made with Director Qian, what if this news doesn't come true..."

A worried look appeared on Shen Lan's face.

She listened clearly during the topic selection meeting and knew that Nie Cai made a bet with Director Qian that if the interview failed, Nie Cai would have to pay for the interview out of his own pocket.

She got off to a bad start in the court and didn't get any clues, which immediately made her a little pessimistic.

"How do you know if you don't give it a try? Then go to the scene and take a look. You may be able to find any new clues."

Even Shen Lan, who was traveling with him, was not optimistic about him, so Nie Cai could only say helplessly.

Shen Lan didn't know that even if everything went wrong, he still had the final trump card of the mind reading component.

If that didn't work, Nie Cai would use the stupidest method, using the mind reading component to scan through the young men who had committed suicide by poisoning and were rescued one by one. He didn't believe that he couldn't find any clues to the mass suicide!