An Eye for News

Chapter 149: Cliff crash


"Xiao Yi, how about it? According to our agreement, you have to keep your word."

Nie Cai smiled and stood up from kof97's chair.

"The old man punches infinitely... Damn, is this still a human being?"

Xiao Yi dropped the joystick and stopped playing at all, looking at Nie Cai with admiration.

He had given up the idea of using the remaining game coins to challenge Nie Cai, because he knew that no matter how many games he played, he would never have a chance to win against Nie Cai.

The gap in strength was too big. Nie's use of the question mark character to deal with him was like abusing him. The old man's legendary-level combos from behind completely shattered his confidence.

This completely falls into the category of non-human beings. It is not unfair to lose to Nie Cai. It can even be said to be a kind of bragging rights.

I died under the old man's infinite C combo. This was enough for him to boast about his awesomeness for a long time. Not everyone is qualified to die under such a combo!

"A true man, keep your word... I will just listen to you."

Xiao Yi suddenly raised his head, but suddenly remembered something and said: "Forget it, I'll tell you tomorrow. I've been sneaking out for so long. My parents should have discovered it. I can tell you tomorrow." Can't I go to school with you? I can answer whatever you want to ask."

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, Shen Lan's eyes suddenly lit up and she was ecstatic.

Although Xiao Yi's heart was not opened on the spot, at least he got Xiao Yi's commitment.

Interviewing in a school is much more lively and more effective than interviewing in a hotel.

There is finally something to play!

"Okay, Xiao Yi, let me take you home first. It's already late at night!"

Nie Cai looked at the time and saw that it was already past one o'clock, so he quickly sent Xiao Yi back.

It was getting late, and if Xiao Yi's parents found out, they would probably think of him as a child abductor.

After sending Xiao Yi back to his home, Nie Cai took a cautious look and found that the Santana was no longer here.

Xiao Yi got out of the car, quietly climbed back over the fence, waved to Nie Cai, and jumped back into the small courtyard like Cai Baojian in the kof.

He was very skilled in his movements. It was probably not the first time he had done something like this.

But not long after, Xiao Yi seemed to trip over something, and there was a clanging sound in the yard, which immediately alarmed the family.

"Little bastard, where did you go so late? I'm so sorry for what you did to me!"

Soon, the lights in the yard came on, and then Xiao Yi's mother's scolding rang out.

"This little brat... is simply a reflection of my past!"

Nie Cai smiled. Back then, he secretly climbed over the wall to play games online, for which he was often beaten by his parents.

The slippers, clothes hangers and the like were all considered light, and the metal mop poles were all discounted, which even made Nie Cai wonder if he was his biological child.

"Xiao Yi was discovered, can he still find us tomorrow?"

Shen Lan blinked her eyes. She had been a good girl since she was a child and she didn't understand the thoughts of Nie Cai, a little troubled child. She was more concerned about whether Xiao Yi could show up as promised tomorrow.

"I don't know... It's natural for parents to take care of their children. We can only leave it to fate."

Nie Cai sighed and said.

After finally opening Xiao Yi's heart, his mother found out.

Now it seems that we can only take one step at a time.

Shen Lan nodded worriedly and yawned: "There is no other way, let's go back first, it's already past one o'clock... Let's go back to the county seat and rest."

When she was at home, she would do facial masks and go to bed at nine o'clock every day. It was very rare that she stayed up until after one o'clock like today.

Nie Cai was also a little sleepy. He didn't sleep well last night. He had been driving for another day today and had to work hard to survive. Now that he relaxed, he immediately felt sleepy.

"Okay, let's go back to the county town..."

Nie Cai nodded, rubbed his eyes, cheered up and drove out of Bancheng Town.

There is only a mountain road connecting the county seat and Bancheng Town, which is about ten kilometers away. If you come quickly, it will take almost half an hour, which is not too long.

"Nie Cai, is it okay to drive when you are tired?"

Seeing Nie Cai looking drowsy and with his head drooping, Shen Lan said worriedly.

She wanted to persuade Nie Cai not to drive back to the county town, but to spend the night at the "Heaven and Earth Hotel".

However, thinking about the ambiguous big bed room, she was so shy that her face turned red, and she could not say these words.

"It's okay, it's only about ten kilometers. Let me tell you, I have a secret when driving. I open one eye and close one eye, and take turns to rest."

Nie Caike didn't know what Shen Lan was thinking, but said jokingly.

Although it was Nie Cai's joke to drive with one eye closed, Nie Cai was not talking nonsense. It was actually quite good to use it for playing computer games.

Relying on this method, Nie Cai took turns to rest his left and right eyes. His vision was 5.3 from junior high school to his junior year. Unfortunately, he was so obsessed with playing World of Warcraft in his last year of college that he could no longer continue, and his vision declined. Of course, after working, Nie Cai accidentally got the super news eye. This is a story for another day.

"Don't be like this. It's scary. It's like a zombie driving..."

Shen Lan was startled and said hurriedly.

The way Nie Cai turned a blind eye... was so zombie-like, he really looked like a living dead.

She was timid to begin with, and the car had already left Bancheng Town and entered the wilderness. The rugged mountain roads were pitch black, and the howling of night owls could be heard from time to time, which was terrifying.

In this bad situation, Nie Cai was still like a zombie, which immediately made Shen Lan panic, and his little heart was beating wildly.

"I'm kidding you. We're on the winding mountain road. I have to be very energetic."

Nie Cai laughed and no longer scared Shen Lan.

The road back to the county town from Bancheng City is a winding mountain road, which is the kind of mountain road where you can't see the top of the mountain or the valley.

Even experienced drivers dare not exceed the speed of 60 kilometers per hour during the day. They have to be even more careful when driving at night and can only drive slowly at 40 kilometers per hour.

"Let me chat with you so that you won't feel sleepy while talking."

Shen Lan didn't dare to look out of the car window and started talking to Nie Cai: "I heard that you were at N City TV station before, so why did you come to the provincial station to be an intern reporter?"

"I don't want to either. I originally applied for the provincial TV station and passed the interview. Unfortunately, because I offended Deputy Director Qin, he threw me directly into the n city TV station. I finally returned to the provincial TV station, but unfortunately I still had to Started as a trainee reporter.”

Nie Cai smiled and said, "What about you, you were originally a host, but now you have changed to the position of location host. How do you feel?"

"I can't help it. Maybe my professional level is too poor. If I practice for a while, things may change."

Shen Lan said a little sadly.

From being an anchor to being an on-location host, having to travel around every day is definitely not a good feeling for women.

Nie Cai sighed inwardly. He used the mind reading component to read Tian Anni's mind and vaguely knew some inside stories.

Shen Lan was originally the host of "Case Tracking" and had been hosting it for more than a year. Unfortunately, he was replaced by Tian Anni.

Tian Anni's hosting skills can only be considered average, and her appearance is not as good-looking as Shen Lan. Needless to say, Deputy Director Qin must have done something good out of it.

"Don't belittle yourself. This piece of news is successful and its influence will definitely be huge. The leaders of the station will also consider reassigning your position."

Nie Cai smiled slightly and said seriously: "People are doing it, and God is watching. As long as you work hard and achieve results, you will definitely be rewarded."

Shen Lan raised her head and looked at Nie Cai, somewhat surprised.

I didn't expect Nie Cai to say such words, which was in sharp contrast to Nie Cai's age.

She was about to say something, but at this moment, she heard Nie Cai suddenly shout.


Nie Cai's eyes instantly narrowed and he stepped on the brakes as hard as he could.

Click, click, click... bang!

The Jetta sedan slid crookedly on the rugged stone road for a distance, but still hit the rear of the Santana sedan.

This black Santana car was parked in the middle of the road, with no lights or reflective strips on, and it happened to be on a downhill turn on a mountain road. It was a standard example of committing suicide.

"If you don't turn on a night light in the middle of the night, you're looking for death!"

Nie Cai calmed down, stuck his head out, and roared loudly.

According to traffic regulations, you must turn on night driving lights when driving at night, especially on such winding mountain roads, you must be more careful.

If your car breaks down and stalls, you must place a triangular warning sign fifty meters behind the vehicle, otherwise the vehicle behind you will rear-end you and teach you how to behave.

Fortunately, Nie Cai had a slow-motion golden finger and good eyesight. Otherwise, another driver would have crashed this death-seeking car into the cliff on the side of the road.

"***I just turned off the engine too, the engine is broken!"

A middle-aged man in a black suit stuck his head out of the rear window and yelled.

"This person... seems familiar!"

When Nie Cai saw it, his heart suddenly moved. Isn't this the same group of people who were following him in front of Xiao Yi's house just now

The middle-aged man just opened the car door and wanted to get out of the car.

But at this moment, a crunching sound was heard, and the Santana car suddenly slipped down the slope!

"Mayor, the brake is broken too... Don't get out of the car. You are heavy and can brake... ah!"

Santana's driver suddenly screamed in terror, which was very harsh in the dark mountains.

He tried the handbrake and reverse gear, but to no avail.

The Santana car slid downhill slowly and inexorably, and was about to crash through the isolation belt and rush into the abyss at the bottom of the cliff!

"No... help!"

The middle-aged man in a black suit shouted, his voice desperate.

"No...just stay in the car and don't move!"

Nie Cai was suddenly startled, pulled the handbrake, opened the car door, jumped out, and chased Santana as he slid.

Although this group of people were tracking him, the crime was not worthy of death. These were two living lives. If he fell from the cliff of the winding mountain road, he would definitely die.

"Nie Cai, you are crazy!"

Shen Lan leaned out of the car window and roared loudly.

A car weighed at least several tons. How could Nie Cai be able to pull it alone