An Eye for News

Chapter 157: Too sensitive


On the way back from Bancheng City, Nie Cai and Shen Lan didn't say a word.

The teenagers committed suicide by taking poison collectively. The final truth was so depressing. No one expected that this collective suicide case would have such a result.

Nie Cai asked Principal Wu to call the police, then completed the remaining scenes and reporters, and the two people left in a hurry.

So far, only the TV station of the province of

Nie Cai drove the dilapidated Jetta very fast and rushed back to Provincial Taiwan at noon in the shortest possible time.

"Nie Cai, are you back?"

Director Ling saw Nie Cai, but he didn't expect Nie Cai to come back so soon.

Nie Cai just set out yesterday afternoon, and he was back after just one night's work, which was too fast.

"came back."

Nie Cai's voice sounded tired as he placed the camera on the computer table and prepared to start writing the manuscript as soon as possible.

"What's going on... did you take the photo?"

Director Ling looked at Nie Cai's expression and was slightly worried: "Why don't you go back and take a rest first? You can write again in the afternoon."

Nie Cai looks very bad now, not only because of his mood, but also because he went to bed too late last night.

His eyes now have dark circles and sunken sockets, his voice is hoarse when he speaks, and he looks very tired.

Nie Cai nodded, and before he could speak, Li Wei came out of the deputy director's room.

"Nie Cai, when you come back, hurry up and write the manuscript as quickly as possible."

Li Wei said a little unkindly: "As long as this news can be published, it will definitely be a big draft, and it must be broadcast as soon as today."

Director Ling also wanted to let Nie Cai take a rest while writing the manuscript, but Li Wei did not mention this at all. Instead, he just gave an order, asking Nie Cai to publish the manuscript as soon as possible.

"Okay, I'll publish it right now."

As Nie Cai said this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.

Is Li Wei's attitude towards herself too strict? How is it the same as that night when they were lingering

However, he understood that Li Wei was also doing it for his own good. What if he didn't hurry up and let others take the lead

With the help of the news writing assistance system, Nie Cai finished the manuscript quickly and called Director Shan Ling to review it.

Finally, Director Ling had seen how fast Nie Cai wrote manuscripts, so he was not too surprised and began to review the manuscripts.

"This manuscript..."

Director Ling didn't take it seriously at first, but when he saw this manuscript, his face became darker and darker.

His brows were furrowed, as if because he was too absorbed in it, the pencil he was holding in his hand broke with a click.

Director Ling once heard that Nie Cai is very good at filming rigid interviews, that is, the kind of news that is very confrontational.

The same goes for the beatings at the 4S store, and the AIDS demolition team. These are extremely confrontational news.

Strong confrontation means that the news is highly sensitive. Sometimes this kind of news is an important means of raising topics, but sometimes for the sake of harmony, some news that is too sensitive cannot be broadcast at all.

This was the case with Nie Cai's news. Although he had been mentally prepared, the sensitivity of the article Nie Cai brought back this time was too strong.

The legal channel has broadcast many major and important cases, which are considered to be of a relatively high standard. As an old producer, Director Ling has also seen a lot of "negative energy", but the news about Nie Cai refreshed his knowledge.

The local conquest hired hooligans to block the interview and intimidate the parties involved. The support teacher molested the children and had his private parts cut off. The teenagers collectively took poison. Finally, the support teacher criticized the system and committed suicide by jumping off a cliff.

For each of these cases, he had to think twice before deciding whether to broadcast the news. But the news about Nie Cai was good. So many sensitive factors were piled together. It was a sensation, but it was full of "negative energy". , Director Ling was completely afraid to take on the responsibility of reviewing, signing, and broadcasting.

"This manuscript... I can't review it. How about you ask Director Li to review it for you?"

Director Ling smiled bitterly and said.

He couldn't make his own decision, so he had to hand over the manuscript to the superior leader.

Nie Cai smiled and said nothing.

This answer did not surprise him. He thought about it countless times on the way back. He had filmed the news, but could it be broadcast

Even Nie Cai himself didn't know.

"You called me?"

Li Wei opened the door to the deputy director's room and took a look outside.

"That's right, Director Li, it's up to you to review Nie Cai's manuscript. I'm not sure."

Director Ling quickly changed hands on Nie Cai's manuscript. This manuscript was a hot potato and he wanted to throw it away immediately.

Hearing Director Ling's words, Li Wei also had a look of surprise on her face.

Before she came to the legal channel, Director Ling was already serving as a producer, and he should have a very good grasp of policies.

But even he didn't dare to revise it, so what did Nie Cai's manuscript look like

Thinking of this, she walked to the computer, sat down, and began to read Nie Cai's manuscript.

Soon, her expression also changed.

Li Wei pondered for a moment, seeming to be considering the words, and then said after a long while: "Nie Cai, your manuscript is clearly organized and interlocking. The twists are unexpected, reasonable, and very real. .”

"But... the problem is that your writing is too real."

Sighing, Li Wei stared at Nie Cai and said, "The essence of news is truth, but sometimes being too truthful is a good thing!"

"Some negative news can be exposed and attract people's attention, but some negative news cannot, because being too dark will cause huge repercussions and the 'negative energy' impact will be too great."

"This is a piece of news like yours. It's true. I can't fault it just from the news aspect, but it's too sensitive."

"I won't talk about the puppy love of underage students. Especially the words 'support teacher' in your manuscript must not appear on TV. Support teacher is a sacred profession. If you report Zhang Le's incident, it is tantamount to If it smeares the reputation of volunteer teachers, how many enthusiastic young people who are interested in volunteer teaching will be affected? How bad will it be in society?"

After Li Wei finished speaking, Nie Cai nodded repeatedly.

Standing high and seeing far, Li Wei naturally sees more and more clearly than Nie Cai from different angles. Nie Cai was enlightened by these words.

"Let me help you revise it. The reason for reporting the matter is to report it. Wherever it should be harmonious, it should be harmonious. After writing it, I will help you submit it to Director Liao for another review..."

Before Li Wei finished speaking, at this moment, footsteps suddenly came from the office.

"What are you muttering about here? Do you want to discuss something bad?"

Director Qian strode in from outside and headed straight for Nie Cai.

He heard someone report that Nie Cai had returned and quickly came over to take a look.

Nie Cai dared to contradict him during the topic selection meeting, and even said that he would shoot at his own expense. This was simply a challenge to his authority.

I don't give people or machines. Nie Cai only set out yesterday afternoon and came back this morning

Even if it’s a small news story, it’s not that fast, let alone a big news story like a mass suicide by poisoning!

I'm afraid... this Nie Cai didn't catch the news, so this group of people would get together and come up with some remedy, right

"Xiao Nie, it doesn't matter if you can't get the news. I'll apply with the leader to see if I can reimburse the travel expenses..."

Director Qian said hypocritically, but he felt secretly happy and looked at Nie Cai proudly.

Want to fight me? no way!

Also, it would be a shame for him, a great director, to be unable to suppress even a trainee reporter.

Nie Cai looked strange and said nothing.

On the contrary, Li Wei spoke first and said: "By the way, Nie Cai, you see Director Qian has spoken. Give him all the invoices for fuel, accommodation, etc. on your business trip. They have made a special trip!"

Director Qian was startled. He didn't expect that Li Wei would hit a snake with a stick and bring up this matter.

He coughed lightly, picked up the shelf, and said: "Well, I can't guarantee that I will be able to reimburse you. After all, your topic selection did not pass the topic selection meeting, and this news was not made. It doesn’t make sense…”

As Director Qian said, he suddenly noticed that Nie Cai and others looked at him very strangely.

This kind of gaze is like watching a monkey show.

"What, what did I say wrong?"

He was stunned for a moment, confused.

"It's not that Nie Cai and Shen Lan were not photographed, but they were photographed too much and too deeply."

With a strange smile on her face, Li Wei said, "Director Qian just happened to be here too, how about a trial together?"

What does it mean to shoot too much, to shoot too deeply

Director Qian didn't understand what Li Wei meant for a while, so he simply came over and took a look at Nie Cai's manuscript on the computer screen.

At this glance, he was immediately shocked!

Although he is from the advertising department and cannot compare with people like Director Ling and Li Wei in terms of business, he still has good vision.

Nie Cai not only captured this news, but also captured the truth hidden behind the scenes. Putting aside the sensitivity, the entire news story has twists and turns and is full of tension.

"How about it, Director Qian, you said at the topic selection meeting that day that if Nie Cai succeeds in filming, you will reimburse Nie Cai for the expenses. So many people here heard it, Director Qian will not go back on his promise, right? "

Li Wei said with a smile, with a touch of sarcasm in his tone.

"I... came up to look for the toilet. I'll tell you when I get back!"

Director Qian's face turned blue and red, and he quickly left.

He originally wanted to hear that Nie Cai was back, but he thought that the film would not be completed so soon, so he came over quickly and ridiculed Nie Cai for not overestimating his abilities. Unexpectedly, in the end, he got a big slap from Nie Cai. It was so embarrassing. How dare you stay here

Watching Director Qian leave, the smile on Li Wei's face gradually disappeared, and she said to Nie Cai: "I will help you revise one. The original version is very good. Although there is no way to publish it directly, it can be written as an internal reference. published.”

"Internal reference?"

Upon hearing this strange yet familiar word, Nie Cai was immediately startled.