An Eye for News

Chapter 166: Undercover visits to casinos


Seeing Li Wei's appearance, Nie Cai was startled and asked quickly: "Do you still want to take pictures? No, this is too crazy!"

Jiang Shao had just been caught secretly filming, so Li Wei wanted to break into this casino again? Isn’t that why we go to the tiger mountain knowing that there are tigers in the mountain

At this time, the casino would definitely be on heightened alert. It was simply too bold for Li Wei to secretly photograph the casino again.

"It's precisely because of the madness that the other party can't think of it."

Li Wei narrowed her eyes slightly and said coldly: "My people are in trouble, then I will ask them to get it back. If I don't dig deep into this casino and expose them, I can't swallow it!"

"You are crazy. At this juncture, no one on the stage will support your actions."

Nie Cai quickly dissuaded Li Wei and said.

Jiang Shao had just been injured and was hospitalized. In order to avoid accidents, Li Wei would definitely not be allowed to take risks again.

"I also know that the people in the stage are not as crazy as me, but I just can't bear this tone... If the people in the stage don't support me, I'll just go on my own. Anyway, I'm used to fighting alone."

Li Wei gritted her teeth and said.

She has the confidence to say this. From joining the legal channel to now, she has shot countless such extremely dangerous news.

There are many candid photography situations where the situation is the same if there are many people but few people. It is more flexible to take candid photos alone.

"I support you exposing them, but not now."

Nie Cai took a deep breath and said, "You go home tonight and wait and see tomorrow. If you dare to show up in this casino again, then I will go with you."

Li Wei's character was too insistent. Nie Cai knew that there was no way he could persuade Li Wei anyway, so he might as well count himself in it.

It's better to watch from the sidelines than to let Li Wei do it alone.

"It's too dangerous, I just want to go alone!"

Li Wei shook her head and said.

"It's precisely because of the danger that I won't let you go alone."

Nie Cai smiled and grabbed Li Wei's shoulders.

The hospital was quiet late at night, with no one around. Li Wei struggled a bit, but could not break free from Nie Cai's strong hands.

"Okay... I listen to you."

Li Wei's expression finally softened a little and she said.

After hearing this, Nie Cai finally felt a little relieved. He was really afraid that Li Wei would mess around by herself.

A woman breaks into a casino like a dragon's den and a tiger's den alone. If she is discovered... the consequences will be disastrous.

It was late at night, Jiang Shao's wife and family had also arrived, and soon the people from the x provincial TV station dispersed.

Nie Cai sent Li Wei back and parked the car in front of the cafe.

"Hey, why are the lights still on in the cafe so late?"

Li Wei got out of the car and found Xiao Xi still watching TV boredly in the store, which made her feel a little strange.

By this time, Xiao Xi usually goes home and is rarely still in the cafe.

"As long as you're not a thief, you can go home first and then talk about it."

Nie Cai thought for a while, but still didn't mention Xiao Xi's matter. After all, everyone has their own desires. It was up to Xiao Xi to decide whether to tell Li Wei or not.

the next day.

Nie Cai didn't have to go to work today, but he was woken up by Li Wei's call.

"Hello… "

Nie Cai answered the phone in a daze, but he heard Li Wei's voice coming from the phone: "Nie Cai, where are you now? Pack your things quickly, I'm going to the casino with you!"

"Isn't it tonight?"

Nie Cai was startled, stood up quickly, and asked.

"The informant called and said that the opening hours of the casino have changed today. It is probably that to avoid the limelight, it has been changed to daytime operations."

On the other end of the phone, Li Wei said in a deep voice: "Before ten o'clock, we will meet at the pier of Yongjiang Park... Dress like a dog. Don't let the casino think you have no money and drive you away."

Nie Cai quickly agreed, packed up as quickly as possible, and went to Yongjiang Park.

However, when passing by the bank, Nie Cai thought about it, stopped, and went to the bank to withdraw some money.

How can you go to a casino without getting some money? You need to have capital to pretend to be a gambler.

Nie Cai's first commission money has arrived. It is the sponsorship contract signed by Lu Jiang. It is exactly 350,000. If there is no large withdrawal appointment, he can only withdraw 50,000, but it is almost enough.

Anyway, Nie Cai didn't go to the casino to make a fortune, but to take secret photos, so he could do whatever he wanted.

N city is a riverside city, divided into two by the Yongjiang River. This Yongjiang River is considered a big river, and there are usually many cruise ships for various sightseeing and dining.

Now that the Spring Festival is approaching, many cruise ships are decorated with lights and the entire river is bustling.

Yongjiang Park is one of the largest parks in N City. The dock in the park is also the place where various cruise ships board. It was only noon and it was already very lively.

There are people fishing in the park, people walking their dogs, and many people are preparing to board boats for fun on the pier, which is a lively scene.

Nie Cai searched at the pier of the park and found no trace of Li Wei. He was about to call Li Wei, but at this moment, Nie Cai felt a gust of fragrant wind blowing towards his face, and a woman with heavy makeup kissed her affectionately. into his arms.

"Honey, what took you so long to come now?"

The woman with heavy makeup said coquettishly.

Nie Cai was startled for a moment, and it took him a while to vaguely see that it was Li Wei from the woman's brows.

Li Wei came prepared today. She transformed into a woman with heavy makeup, holding a golden clutch bag in her hand, and wearing a pair of waterproof stiletto heels. She looked like she belonged to a sugar daddy. Vixen look.

After all, she has appeared on the legal channel all year round, and many people can recognize her. If she is not easy to exaggerate, it will be a disaster for others to recognize her.

"There's a traffic jam on the road, please be slow."

Nie Cai immediately responded and smiled.

This was not the first time that he and Li Wei pretended to be a couple. They had already partnered once when they were at the Internet Addiction School, so they were quite familiar with it.

But even if they were pretending to be a couple, Li Wei's attitude was a little too affectionate... Nie Cai's heart suddenly moved. Could it be that Xiao Xi explained it to Li Wei last night

But it was not easy to discuss this in this situation. Nie Cai suppressed the doubts in his heart and asked in a low voice: "What should we do next?"

"The informant said that this Ruyi Casino never docks, but he will send out a small speedboat to pick up the guests at about 10:30. We can pretend to be gamblers and sneak in."

Li Wei pointed to a white cruise ship in the middle of the river and said.

The displacement of this ship is quite large, and it can be considered as one of the upper-middle-class yachts in the entire river. However, the hull is very low-key. Not to mention the decorations, there are only a few spray-painted logos.

"When you get on the boat, you can finish playing as you please. I'll call you when I need you to block your sight."

Li Wei pondered for a moment, took out a pair of sunglasses from the small bag and put them on Nie Cai, then took out the camera, made final adjustments, and then put it back.

She didn't pass by the station for the secret camera this time, so she didn't use the camera in the station. Instead, she used her own small camera.

"Hold the camera for me."

Nie Cai saw the secret camera in her hand and said in a tone that left no room for doubt.

The two of them had been disguised, and all the documents that could prove their identity as journalists were put away. The only thing that could prove that they were journalists was this secret camera.

It can be said that this secret camera is the most dangerous thing on the two of them. If it is discovered, it will be difficult to fly on the ship.

"I have more experience in candid photography than you, so I'll take the photos."

But Li Wei shook her head and insisted: "Besides, I did this secret filming on my own. Now I am very embarrassed to involve you. How can I dare to let you take the risk?"

"Stop being ridiculous, didn't I tell you before that I can do magic?"

Nie Cai said with a smile, trying to grab Li Wei's bag without any reason.

Li Wei hurriedly protected the bag with her hands to prevent Nie Cai from grabbing it.

It seemed that there was too much movement, and the tugging and tugging between the two aroused the attention of the people next to them. Some old fishing men even shook their heads and sighed in a low voice that people's hearts are not ancient.

Li Wei blushed a little and glared at Nie Cai fiercely.

However, Nie Cai smiled and suddenly stopped grabbing it. Instead, he said, "Okay, forget it if you don't give it. Let's get ready to get on the boat."

Seeing Nie Cai's sudden change of attitude, Li Wei's heart moved slightly, and she quickly opened her small bag, only to find that there was no trace of the camera inside.

"how did you do it!"

Li Wei said in surprise. She vaguely remembered that the same thing happened last time at Lantian Jiewang School. Nie Cai was searched by the school's security guards, but the secret camera was not discovered.

Could it be that Nie Cai was really able to do magic as he said

Before she could figure it out, a speedboat soon approached the dock.

This Ruyi Gambling House is very punctual, if it says half past ten, it means half past ten, every second.

According to the informant's description, this small speedboat was the only way to board the gambling boat.

"Come on, let's get on the boat."

Li Wei took a deep breath, stopped thinking about anything else, took Nie Cai's arm and boarded the ship.

There were three or four people boarding the ship with them, including men and women, probably the youngest.

"Are you here to make a fortune?"

There was a man wearing a red jacket on the boat. He turned his head and asked everyone.

"We were introduced here by our friends. We heard that Ruyi Casino is exciting, so we wanted to come over and give it a try."

Nie Cai said nonchalantly, these words were the words he had already agreed with Li Wei.

"Okay, since a few of them can find us, they are our guests, so I will bring a few of them on board, but I have to mention the rules first."

The man in red paused and said: "Unless there are special circumstances in our casino, you cannot disembark before the end of the game. Do you understand?"


Nie Cai looked impatient and nodded.

He had heard Li Wei say this strange rule, so he just followed it anyway.

The speedboat carried Nie Cai and Li Wei and soon arrived at the big ship in the center of the river.

Nie Cai and Li Wei boarded the deck, and as soon as they entered the cabin, they were greeted by two girls with voluptuous figures in running clothes.

"Welcome to Ruyi Casino... Could you two please cooperate and go through the security gate to prevent any scammers from sneaking in!"

The girl bowed gracefully, pointed to a metal door frame in front of her, and said, "Please put your mobile phone keys and other things in the tray. We want to check it."

Seeing this metal door frame, Li Wei's expression suddenly changed slightly!