An Eye for News

Chapter 167: Cross-examination and inspection


This kind of security gate is an X-ray detection instrument commonly used in airport stations. When combined with manual inspection, it can detect almost most suspicious items.

The last time she came here, there was no such security gate. She didn't expect that there would be such an extra thing today, which immediately disrupted her plan.

I don’t know how the people in the casino are so powerful and can even find such things.

Although the secret camera on Nie Cai was not big, it was invisible to X-rays. What if it was discovered

"What do you mean?"

Li Wei pretended to be angry and said.

"Yes, we are here to have fun, boss, what you are doing is unethical!"

A middle-aged fat man who was traveling with him also frowned and shouted.

Seeing people following him, several staff members in suits immediately came out of the casino.

But there was no fear on Li Wei's face. Instead, she said, "The visitors are guests. Is this how you treat your guests? We were introduced by Brother Ze!"

An informant told Li Wei that this Brother Ze was one of the high rollers in the casino, saying that as long as he reported his name, he could avoid a lot of trouble.

Sure enough, when they heard Brother Ze's name, the casino staff were stunned.

"Quiet guests, please calm down. Since they found me as a gambling house, they must have come here to have fun."

But at this moment, a magnetic man's voice sounded. Nie Cai looked around and saw a middle-aged man in a white suit walking over.

"Let me introduce myself. My surname is Ma. You can call me Manager Ma or Brother Xiao Ma. I will be in charge of this place today. Something happened in our casino recently. In order to allow our distinguished guests to play with peace of mind, These procedures are required.”

The middle-aged man showed a smile and said: "I added this security gate on the spur of the moment. I hope you won't be surprised. I will send you some chips later. This is my small apology to you."

Seeing this, Nie Cai's heart suddenly moved!

He had actually seen this man before. He was one of the people waiting for the boat at the pier just now, and he was not far from him when he was waiting for the boat.

Nie Cai originally thought that this man was a gambler, but he didn't expect that he was actually the manager of the casino.

I don’t know if he saw the scene of Nie Cai and Li Wei fighting for the secret camera when they were at the dock. It would be bad if he saw him and became suspicious.

"Since you two said they were introduced by Brother Ze, what is your relationship with Brother Ze? Do you know who Brother Ze is?"

Manager Ma walked over slowly, stared at Li Wei, and spoke word by word.


Li Wei's heart suddenly sank. She had never imagined that the manager of the casino was also on the pier and was very close to them.

Who knows if he heard or saw something just now. It would be terrible if he discovered his true identity.

Moreover, this Brother Ze was just a name that the informant mentioned to her casually. It was enough to mention this name if there was something going on. However, the informant did not mention Brother Ze’s real name or what he did. This made her feel uncomfortable. How could she answer that

Thinking of this, she glared at Nie Cai angrily.

If Nie Cai hadn't been flirting with her on the pier, trying to grab the camera, would Manager Ma have noticed it and become more vigilant

But Nie Cai seemed to have misunderstood what she meant. He stood up and said to Manager Ma: "Manager Ma, if we can tell you Brother Ze's identity information, will you be willing to believe us?"

"Of course, can I not give it to Brother Ze?"

Manager Ma nodded solemnly and said.

Hearing this, Li Wei became even more anxious and quietly pinched Nie Cai's waist.

Isn't Nie Cai just fooling around? Although the informant mentioned that Brother Ze had a lot of face, she didn't know any information about Brother Ze at all.

Seeing the casino staff gathering here, although Li Wei's face remained calm, she became increasingly anxious.

"Okay, since Manager Ma asked, I will answer."

Nie Cai didn't seem to feel that Li Wei was pinching him. Instead, he spread his hands and said, "Actually, I don't know what Brother Ze does for a living."

Hearing Nie Cai's answer, Li Wei's nose almost became angry. She thought that Nie Cai would randomly choose a more likely occupation, such as doing business, being an official or something, so that she could at least fool him.

But... Nie Cai actually replied that he didn't know. Isn't this asking for death

Her heartbeat was beating violently, her whole body was tense, and her grip on Nie Cai became tighter and tighter.

Unexpectedly, after listening to Nie Cai's words, the expression on Manager Ma's face actually relaxed a lot, and he said with a smile: "Yes, it seems that you are indeed an acquaintance of Brother Ze... Not many people know what Brother Ze does. , if you can really tell what he does, I won’t believe you anymore!”

Hearing this, Li Wei finally let go of the big stone hanging in her heart. She was too nervous just now. If she hadn't been mentally good, she might have collapsed right now.

However, before she could breathe a sigh of relief, Manager Ma spoke again.

"However, although no one knows what Brother Ze does, Brother Ze's mobile phone number has been sent out a lot. The two of them said they are friends of Brother Ze, so you must have his mobile phone, right?"

Depend on!

Li Wei's expression changed slightly, and she wanted to curse at Manager Ma.

Do you need to be so meticulous? You even have to give out your phone number.

If Brother Ze's profession can still be deceived, then there is no way to hide his phone number.

If you don’t know, you just don’t know. How can you just guess a number

"Manager Ma is so careful that he almost treats me as an undercover policeman for interrogation. If I answer correctly, you won't interrogate me again, will you?"

Feeling that Li Wei's legs seemed a little weak, Nie Cai hugged Li Wei tightly with a smile on his face to prevent her from showing any flaws.

"Of course not. Our casino is open for business, why would we drive people out!"

Manager Ma also knew that he was somewhat wrong and said.

"Okay, Manager Ma, I don't mind how much you treat me, but you can compensate me with more chips later!"

Nie Cai pretended to be angry and took out his cell phone from his pocket.

On the surface, he pretended to be searching the address book, but secretly, he used a mind-reader to take a picture and threw it on Manager Ma's head.

"Although these two people know Brother Ze, their behavior on the dock was too suspicious. I don't think they look like police officers, but more like reporters. I am on duty at the casino today. If something goes wrong, the big boss will definitely not let him go. I’d better be careful!”

"Brother Ze's phone number is 138xxxxxxxx, plus the area code and seven consecutive numbers. It's very easy to remember. As long as no one knows him, he can't remember this number. If they don't know this number, there must be something wrong."

Seeing this, Nie Cai suddenly sneered in his heart.

When Manager Ma asked Brother Ze about his career for the first time just now, he used his mind-reading skills to know that Brother Ze, a mysterious figure whose identity is unknown, always spends a lot of money and is very generous.

Manager Ma was suspicious enough. He didn't feel reassured after asking once, so he had to ask a second time. Although Nie Cai had mind-reading skills, he could only use the second-level mind-reading skills three times a day. Any more would exceed the limit.

Before he even entered the casino, he had already used his mind-reading skills twice. Nie Cai didn't want to hand over all his cards. It would be troublesome if something unexpected happened later and he needed to read his mind again.

That's why Nie Cai used words to stop Manager Ma from continuing the questioning.

"Tell me, why don't you tell me? Brother Ze's phone number is so easy to remember, you can find it without looking through the address book, right?"

Seeing that Nie Cai didn't answer for so long, the suspicion on Manager Ma's face became even stronger.

Brother Ze’s phone number is the area code plus seven consecutive numbers. It’s very easy to remember. You can recite it easily. Why do you need to save it in your address book

"I have a bad memory, can't I?"

Nie Cai said unceremoniously.

Feeling that Manager Ma was about to go crazy, Nie Cai sneered and finally said: "I found it, 138xxxxxxxxx, right? My memory is so bad that I couldn't even find such a good number!"

Seeing Nie Cai dilly-dallying and not reporting Brother Ze's number for so long, Manager Ma was about to call the casino thugs over, but when he heard Nie Cai reporting Brother Ze's number, he suddenly became confused. Stunned.

Actually know Brother Ze’s number? Could it be that my suspicion was wrong

His face turned green and red, but he was worthy of being a casino manager. He quickly changed his expression and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, these two distinguished guests are really friends of Brother Ze. I wrongly blamed them. Dear guests, please come and invite me. I will personally give you two 10,000 chips as an apology!"

"What about this security check?"

Li Wei said in a long voice with an unhappy face.

Although she didn't know how Nie Cai knew Brother Ze's information, she knew how to seize the situation.

This X-ray security gate has always been a sharp sword hanging over her head. If the other party insists on security inspection, then their so-called "Ze Ge's friend" will be exposed.

"No need, you are Brother Ze's friends, so you are naturally the VIPs of our casino. This status is enough!"

Manager Ma gritted his teeth and said.

Brother Ze is a VIP in their casino. Although there are many people gambling in this casino, Brother Ze is definitely one of the best!

If Brother Ze is neglected and angry because of his friends, the big boss behind the scenes will never let him go.

Competition is fierce now, and the casino business is not doing well. If Brother Ze runs to another casino because he is angry, how much less money will the casino make

Hearing Manager Ma relent, Li Wei's expression remained unchanged, but she let out a long sigh of relief.

Finally passed this level!

"Come on, my dear, let's have some fun today!"

She held her head up proudly, took Nie Cai's arm and walked towards the casino.

But when the two of them were just walking towards the casino, suddenly, the cabin door of the ship opened with a bang.

The speedboat driver wearing a red jacket walked over quickly, walked to Manager Ma, and said quickly: "Manager! Brother Ze is here, call Ayan out to pick up the guests. He has been particularly fond of this gambling girl recently, and named her. I want to find her!"

After hearing this person's words, Nie Cai and Li Wei's hearts sank at the same time, and they secretly screamed that something was wrong!