An Eye for News

Chapter 170: Got targeted


According to Nie Cai’s impression in Hong Kong movies, casinos usually have splendid decorations. Gamblers wear smart suits and spend a lot of money in the casino. There is even a legendary God of Gamblers who uses his miraculous gambling skills. Massacre in all directions.

However, in this cruise ship, Nie Cai could only see the bright yellow lights shining in the closed cabin. The gamblers were all red-eyed and yelling at the gambling table.

These gamblers are dressed in a low-key manner, they are men and women, old and young, but the only thing they have in common is that they all hold chips or cash in their hands and are walking through the casino.

There are very few domestic casinos that are big. This is almost the limit. If there are really big casinos like those in Hong Kong movies, they have either been cracked down a long time ago, or they are not accessible to the legal channels of X Province. level.

After all, according to the law, casinos are absolutely not allowed to exist, but secretly casinos are a big piece of meat that everyone wants to take a few bites of. If they open up too much, how will the annual "protection fees" be distributed? Others are jealous, even if you pay the protection fee, will you be able to cover it... Opening a casino is not easy. If one thing is not handled well, the huge investment will be lost.

This is the most real casino. Although the casinos in Hong Kong and Macau are several times more luxurious than this Ruyi Casino, the gambling money inside is even higher.

But the people who go to such casinos are either wealthy or corrupt officials. No matter how crazy the gambling is and the amount is astonishing, it will not have much impact on ordinary people.

Only this kind of hidden but real casino is the source of various family breakdowns, antagonism between husband and wife, and hatred between father and son.

Small gambling is pleasant, but big gambling is harmful to the body. For most people, this casino can be considered a level of physical harm.

Li Wei's informant used to be a moderate success in business, drove a BMW, lived in a villa, and had a prosperous family life, but since he came to this Ruyi Casino once, he never stopped.

The informant, who was obsessed with gambling, got deeper and deeper into the situation, even buying luxury cars and villas, but in the end he was unable to recover his money.

Nie Cai naively thought that the informant was a prodigal son who reported the casino before. However, according to Li Wei, the informant was purely greedy for money and had agreed with the "Legal Frontline" column team to charge a reporting fee. Willing to provide casino information.

As for what the revelation fee was for... the informant said at the time, of course it was to invest in the casino for the last chance to make a profit.

When he heard this, Nie Cai was really shocked by these crazy gamblers.

"Brother Ze, why don't you let Xiaoyan take you to the guest room to rest for a while?"

There were not all the people in the VIP room yet. Manager Ma saw that Brother Ze was a little bored and said quickly.

Zhang Ze glanced at Nie Cai, pondered for a while, nodded and left the main cabin of the gambling boat, which made Nie Cai look at him sideways.

This Zhang Ze is already over sixty years old, so he can't still be so aggressive. No wonder he has identified this Sister Xiaoyan.

"Honey, there are a lot of people at that table. Let's go and play at that table?"

Li Wei held Nie Cai's arm and pointed to a table not far away.

This is the most popular place in the entire casino. Thirty or forty people gathered around this gaming table, shouting and yelling, and some even shouted "big", "big", "big" slogans in unison.

Unfortunately, this warm atmosphere did not last long. When the dice came out, most people had a look of frustration on their faces.

"You've already fired seven or eight of them, why are you still young?"

"That's right. I don't believe in evil anymore, so I'll keep it small. If I don't believe it, it won't come out!"

"Forget it, I'll just bet on the points. Maybe there will be a miracle if I give it a try!"

Upon hearing this, Nie Cai already understood that the dice should be played on this table.

Dice is played in almost every casino, because according to probability, the banker will always have the advantage when it comes to dice. No matter how good your skills are, there is no way to increase the chance of winning.

Maybe one or two gamblers will get lucky and not see this advantage, but in the long run, the banker will definitely win.

Of course, some bookmakers now also use high-tech means, but the bigger the casino, the more it values credibility. As long as there are more people gambling, will they care about these petty profits

"Okay, let's go over there and take a look, but we have to exchange some chips first..."

Nie Cai nodded. He knew nothing about gambling. He just searched on the Internet last night and gained some knowledge about gambling.

Two pretty girls in cheongsam walked over, holding an exquisite tray in their hands.

"Hello, distinguished guests, Manager Ma asked me to bring you the chips. This is your first time here, so the manager asked us to accompany you."

One of the tall beauties said with a smile.

There are 10,000 yuan in chips on the tray. Manager Ma just said that he would compensate Nie Cai. If you don't send them here now, it will save Nie Cai the money to exchange them.

This casino has a mix of chips and cash, which are universal anyway.

"Thank you, but I don't like having people following me around, especially such a beautiful woman!"

Li Wei frowned and hugged Nie Cai's arm with an unwelcome look on her face.

She also wanted to take advantage of the fact that no one in the casino had any ideas, and then secretly take pictures. With these two trolls following her, how could she do it

There are not many people in the entire casino who are treated like gambling escorts. It is estimated that only those who can enter the VIP room, such as Brother Ze, have the same level.

Just thinking about it, you can tell that these two beauties followed Nie Cai not because of his wealth, but for the purpose of surveillance.

"Madam, if you don't like us, you can find a man."

The smile on the beauty's face remained unchanged and she spoke sweetly.

"Is this how your casino treats its guests? I like peace and quiet!"

Li Wei frowned and said angrily.

Seeing Li Wei getting angry, the beautiful woman was startled and looked at Manager Ma next to her.

She was just a gambling girl in a casino, and she couldn't afford it if a customer got angry.

"Don't get angry, you two."

Manager Ma smiled apologetically and said: "Because you look like internationally famous professional gamblers, we have no choice but to take this step. Of course, our people will never hinder you, they are just accompanying you... Of course, if you are not used to it, , then you can exchange the chips directly, and I will personally send you ashore!"

Nie Cai's heart was moved. Even though Manager Ma was so polite, in fact he still didn't trust Nie Cai and the other two.

He must have been targeted. Legend has it that some big casinos, when they see casino masters coming, will give them a sum of money and send them away politely, letting them go to make a fortune elsewhere. If the other party is not willing, If you leave, they will send people to closely monitor and keep a close eye on them to prevent the other party from getting a chance to cheat.

Manager Ma directly said that they were like professional gamblers. They had even figured out ways to make money and eliminate disasters by giving away chips to redeem them. What else could he do

Thinking of this, Nie Cai looked up and found that all the cameras on the wall were pointed at him. He was probably on the highest alert.

Li Wei's face changed slightly, and she pulled Nie Cai and said, "My dear, the attitude of this casino is too bad. I have never seen such a bad casino. Let's go!"

Originally, they came here to visit the casino secretly and secretly take videos. Now that they are being closely watched by the people in the casino, I am afraid things will not go so smoothly.

People are obviously doubting themselves. As soon as they take out the secret camera, they will definitely notice something.

At that time, not only will you not be able to capture any material, but you will also be in danger of exposing your identity, which is not worth the gain.

It was of no use to Li Wei to risk sneaking in but not being able to take a video. After all, she had already figured out the situation the last time she came with Jiang Shao, but Jiang Shao was discovered and beaten up. The camera was also smashed, and the precious video data captured were destroyed. Now she has no interior information about the casino at all.

Maybe it's enough for newspaper reporters, but it's far from enough for TV news. News without video lacks a sense of liveness, and the results are not good, at least Li Wei will definitely not be satisfied.

"Manager Ma is so conscientious. If I were the boss, I would definitely give you a raise."

But Nie Cai didn't seem to notice anything. He ignored Li Wei's hint and said with a smile.

Li Wei thought the problem was a little simpler. If he left now, Manager Ma would probably be even more suspicious.

Normal gamblers would be a little unhappy at most if they were targeted, and some would even feel complacent, but it would be suspicious to turn around and run away.

Only by continuing to pretend will it not arouse greater doubts.

"Manager Ma, I'm not afraid of your jokes. This is my first time entering a casino, just to experience it. If you insist on describing me as a gambling expert, I can't help it."

Nie Cai smiled and said: "But you want me to exchange my chips and leave? Manager Ma, aren't you slapping me in the face? Am I like this kind of person who is greedy for petty profits?"

Without waiting for Manager Ma to speak, Nie Cai waved his hand and continued: "I won't embarrass you. If you want to follow, just follow. Anyway, just don't hinder my gambling."

"Then I wish you both a good time."

Manager Ma smiled and said politely.

He had been staring at Nie Cai's reaction since just now, and he was a little confused when he saw that Nie Cai looked unconcerned.

Could it be that I was wrong in my suspicion

Regardless of Manager Ma's doubts, Nie Cai took Li Wei's hand and walked straight to the edge of the gaming table.

The two escort girls, one on the left and one on the right, followed Nie Cai every step of the way, faithfully executing the casino's orders.

Think you just need to keep an eye on yourself? Manager Ma thinks too simply.

A few days ago, Nie Cai was helpless and didn't dare to take out the camera. But fortunately, he had just exchanged the pupil camera assembly, so this was no longer a problem.

Manager Ma never would have imagined that there would be such a thing as a super news eye in this world.

"Start camera."

Nie Cai muttered something silently in his heart, and immediately... The viewfinder button in Nie Cai's field of vision moved, and the numbers below began to beat...