An Eye for News

Chapter 171: New and old grudges


A group of people gathered around the gambling table, surrounding the entire table tightly.

But the chairs next to the table were empty, and there were only a few people there.

"Only people who bet more than 10,000 per time or VIPs can sit on the chairs. Those who don't have enough money can only place bets on the outside."

Seeing Nie Cai's confusion, the gambling girl quickly explained: "But you are our honored guest and are not subject to this condition."

"That's it, what's your name?"

Nie Cai smiled and asked.

"Your distinguished guest can just call me Azi. If you have anything you don't understand, you can ask me."

The tall gambling escort girl said.

She seemed to have a higher status than the other gambling girl. The other gambling girl was a little reserved, and she seemed to be following her lead.

"Then it seems that your manager Ma is not generous enough."

Hearing this, Nie Cai couldn't help but think that Manager Ma was very generous. He gave him 10,000 chips. It turned out that he could just gamble once at the table.

This is just the outside of the casino. If you were in the VIP room, the winning or losing would be even greater. If you didn't happen to know Zhang Ze, I probably wouldn't be qualified to enter with the money I have.

Nie Cai nodded and sat on his seat. He was about to place a bet, but when he saw the colorful paintings covering all areas on the gambling table, he was suddenly dumbfounded.

"In addition to betting on the size of the dice, there are so many ways to play dice?"

The size and points are easy to understand, but what the three armies, the encirclement dice, and the full encirclement represent, and what they mean, he doesn't understand.

The gambling that Nie Cai had been exposed to since he was a child was playing cards, mahjong and the like. They were just played casually by relatives and friends during the holidays, and he had never been to a real casino at all.

"Is this your first time playing this game? Small means that the three dice add up to between 4 and 10 o'clock, large means that the three dice add up to between 11 and 17 o'clock, and the three dice refer to each dice. The number of points, the dice refers to the specific three points you bought, and the full range refers to the three dices with the same points, also commonly known as leopards; the points are easy to understand, it is the total number of points of the three dices. "

Ah Zi introduced with a smile, but her eyes looked at Nie Cai from time to time.

Manager Ma asked her to keep an eye on this man and told him clearly that he suspected Nie Cai was a con man or a reporter. As the foreman of escort girls in the casino, she was also the most experienced one. Her only task was to keep her on guard against Nie Cai. Out of curiosity or secretly photographed.

But... Looking at this man's face full of confusion, he doesn't even know the most basic knowledge about casinos. It doesn't look like he is pretending at all. It is obvious that he is a young man, and he doesn't look like a pian at all.

She always thought that she was very accurate in reading people. If this person was not a con man, there was a high possibility that he was a reporter.

After listening to the explanation from the gambling girl Azi, Nie Cai half understood, but still couldn't understand everything.

To avoid embarrassment, she simply threw a chip in the "big" position.

Anyway, it is always right to bet on big or small. From a probability perspective, this one has the highest odds.

Seeing Nie Cai surrounded by three beauties, I thought he was a wealthy man, but I didn't expect him to be so stingy in his move. He only placed one chip, which caused a lot of boos at the gambling table.

The 10,000 chips presented by Manager Ma total ten pieces, each piece is 1,000. These chips are nothing on the gambling table.

A fat man next to Nie Cai showed a dissatisfied look and said, "What's going on at Ruyi Casino? Can any cat or dog come here to gamble?"

He had been gambling since morning and lost more than a million. He was already in a bad mood. Seeing Nie Cai sitting at the table and placing such a small bet made him feel even more unhappy.

Seeing the fat man speaking out, Li Wei's expression suddenly changed slightly, and she suddenly tightened her grip on Nie Cai's hand.

Nie Cai was a little strange, but it was difficult for him to ask questions when he was being watched closely. Instead, he said to the fat man: "Can you control me?"

"The rules of the casino are that you only accept money. If you don't have money, no one will bet with you. How can cats and dogs have VIP status? Then I see what is the difference between this casino and those roadside gambling stalls in the wet market!"

The fat man seemed to have a bad temper because he lost money.

"The banker didn't say anything, what are you, a player, worrying about here

As he spoke, Nie Cai's eyes swept around the gaming table, using his pupil camera to record the live action in the casino.

He didn't come here to make a fortune, he just came here for unannounced visits. Even the chips were given by others. Winning or losing was nothing to him.

Nie Cai noticed that although the two gambling girls stayed by his side obediently, they kept watching Nie Cai's movements intently, for fear that he would make some small move.

Although the dice are operated by the dealer and it is too difficult to get a thousand, they still keep an eye on the talent conscientiously.

Just a "ding" sound was heard, the croupier pressed the bell, and the betting stopped.

Even the fat man who was about to quarrel with Nie Cai stopped talking and stared intently at the dice cup in the croupier's hand.

Under the gaze of everyone, the dice cup was slowly opened, and the three dices 2, 2, and 3 lay quietly.

"223, open the door!"

The croupier shouted in a routine, and suddenly a group of people next to the gaming table began to curse.

"Open again, this is already the seventh game, right?"

"Haha, I was smarter and got the better of me. I finally made my money back this time..."

"My bet just now was still big, and I lost again!"

"It was just a little bit close. I didn't bet on 8 just now. I just bet on 7. I almost won!"

"I don't want to gamble anymore. There are so many small hands in a row. How about I stop playing dice?"

The fat man next to Nie Cai slammed the table and left angrily.

After opening so many dice in a row, the gamblers were a little excited, and Nie Cai's first dice bet naturally ended in failure.

However, Nie Cai did not feel depressed at all. Instead, he patted Li Wei on the shoulder and said with a smile: "It seems that I am unlucky. Anyway, I know nothing about gambling. Why don't we go to the lounge to take a rest and wait for Ze Brother, please take us to see the VIP room."

Li Wei's face looked a little strange, which made Nie Cai a little worried.

Are you too nervous? Unlike her own super news system, Li Wei relied solely on her years of experience and courage, so it was normal to feel nervous.

"There are too many people here, why don't we go inside and have fun?"

Li Wei pointed to the gambling table next to her, then gently held Nie Cai's hand, and said.

"Okay, let's go over there."

Nie Cai nodded, but at this moment, his heart suddenly moved.

Li Wei held his hand, and through the cover of his clothes, Nie Cai could clearly feel Li Wei writing words in his hand.

Being closely watched and having trouble speaking, Li Wei could only communicate with Nie Cai in this way.

"That fat man found Jiang Shao holding a secret camera yesterday and reported him to the casino."

Feeling what Li Wei wrote in his palm, Nie Cai's expression suddenly changed slightly!