An Eye for News

Chapter 179: Li Wei's secret


As expected by Nie Cai, Li Wei did not return to her cafe, and the phone was not turned on.

Nie Cai searched several places but found nothing. He even searched the small riverside park where Li Wei used to roam the cat, but still couldn't find where Li Wei was.

This couldn't help but make him a little depressed, because the pleasure he got from making a lot of money suddenly disappeared.

"Where did Li Wei go?"

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Nie Cai returned to the provincial station unwillingly. He asked the security guard at the door with the hope of being safe, and actually got a piece of news that surprised him.

Li Wei was indeed in the unit. After hearing the news, Nie Cai was immediately overjoyed and hurried straight to the office area.

It’s almost the Chinese New Year, and even a hard-working unit like a TV station won’t let its employees work overtime too late. It’s less than ten o’clock, and the provincial station has become very deserted. The offices of the Legal Channel have turned off the lights and are dark. of a piece.

Nie Cai took a look at the legal channel and saw no one except the sweeping lady in the corridor.

"I just saw clearly downstairs that the lights were on in the legal channel office!"

Nie Cai frowned and thought to himself.

"Are you looking for Deputy Director Li?"

At this time, the sweeping lady raised her head, leaning on the broom and said, "I just saw her taking the elevator upstairs. I was thinking, no wonder our Deputy Director Li became a leader at such a young age. They work so hard, almost once or twice a week, they work overtime until late at night, and when they come out they are all haggard, which makes my eldest sister feel distressed just looking at her!"

Hearing what this aunt said, Nie Cai was immediately overjoyed. After thanking the sweeping lady hurriedly, Nie Cai immediately got on the elevator.

"Hey, I haven't finished speaking yet. I was busy sweeping the floor just now, but I don't know which floor I went to..."

Seeing Nie Cai enter the elevator in a hurry and like a gust of wind, the sweeping lady couldn't help but shout.

It's a pity that Nie Cai can't hear it anymore. He just needs to confirm that Li Wei has just entered the elevator.

Nie Cai narrowed his eyes slightly and immediately activated the time-lapse camera component.

Suddenly, Li Wei's figure appeared in front of Nie Cai. She entered the elevator, hesitated for a while, and then pressed the elevator button on the nineteenth floor.

It shouldn't have been five minutes since she entered the elevator, so Nie Cai's time-lapse camera component could still catch up with her.

The 19th floor is the top floor of the x provincial TV station. Inside is the studio of the x provincial TV station. Nie Cai went up there once when he was looking for someone. He only remembered that there was a small rooftop outside the studio, which was for ground satellite antennas. Platform for receiver maintenance.

There is a ladder on the small platform that leads directly to the roof. It is definitely a good place for jumping off the building.

"Li Wei won't forget to go to the rooftop, right?"

Nie Cai suddenly thought something was wrong and stared anxiously at the elevator indicator light.

With Li Wei's psychological quality, it shouldn't be this bad, right

But this late at night, Li Wei didn't go home but went to the rooftop. What could she do? There was no way she was still in the mood to work overtime right now, right

Even if you have to work overtime, you have to have the material to work overtime. Nie Cai used a pupil camera to shoot the casino scenes, but Li Wei didn't even know that Nie Cai had captured something. What material would he use to work overtime


As soon as the elevator opened the door, an impatient Nie Cai rushed out like a gust of wind.

The entire floor was dark, and the cold night wind blew in from the rooftop. The door of the small rooftop was open and empty, without anyone.

Nie Cai's heart suddenly sank, and he quickly walked over and glanced at the ground.

On the ground is the green belt of the X Provincial Radio, Film and Television Bureau. It is lush and green, and there is nothing unusual about it from above.

However, at this moment, Nie Cai's heart suddenly moved.

At the other end of the corridor, strange sounds came from the studio.

The studio door was closed tightly, and the sound insulation inside was good. With Nie Cai's extremely sharp hearing, he could only vaguely hear the movement inside.

"No, it's so late, there shouldn't be anyone in the studio."

Nie Cai's heart moved. There is no live broadcast program on the x province TV station. Moreover, this studio No. 3 is the news studio of the x province TV station. It is a small studio and is only used by people in the sub-channel, so it takes less time to use it. .

Even in normal times, there wouldn't be anyone in the studio at this time, let alone now when it's close to the Chinese New Year.

Thinking of this, Nie Cai quickly walked over and stood at the door of the studio, putting his ear against the door and listening to what was going on inside.

There were no shouts from the producers and cameramen in the studio, only gentle sobbing could be heard.

Hearing this familiar sobbing sound, Nie Cai's heart moved.

"It's Li Wei!"

Nie Cai's heart moved and he said in surprise: "Li Wei is indeed inside!"

He tried pushing the door, but found that it was only ajar and not locked.

Nie Cai was immediately overjoyed and quickly pushed the door open. As soon as he entered, he saw that the studio was brightly lit, with lights, cameras, and speakers all on.

"It's so late, what is Li Wei doing here?"

Nie Cai frowned, feeling a strange premonition in his heart, and quickly walked to the outside of the studio.

Through the small glass window of the studio, he could see Li Wei sitting in the middle of the studio with her head buried in the studio, seemingly crying.

"Sister Wei, it's me! Open the door!"

The door to the inner floor of the studio was locked, and Nie Cai could not open it. He could only shout loudly through the glass, but Li Wei in the studio showed no reaction.

In order to ensure the audio-visual effect, the studio is composed of two layers, the inner and outer. The middle is blocked by a special double-layer soundproof glass. Nie Cai knocked on the glass here, making a loud banging sound, but Li Wei inside did not hear any sound. .

However, the sounds from outside could not penetrate, but the sounds from inside could be heard. Due to the microphones installed in the studio, Li Wei's voice came out clearly through the recording system and through the monitor speakers.

"Nie Cai, you are such a big liar. I usually claim to be smart, but why have I become so stupid in front of you? You have deceived me over and over again!"

"Li Wei, Li Wei, you are no longer the little girl who just came out of school, why are you still so naive?"

Li Wei burst into tears. Under the spotlight, she lay on the table and cursed, which was completely inconsistent with her usual image of a strong female director.

She usually looks like a capable and strong woman on stage, but no one has ever seen such a weak look.

Nie Cai's face changed slightly. Everyone has their own way to vent their stress. Some go to a psychological counselor, some like to be bored in their hearts, and some like to talk to the tree hole about their inner feelings.

Li Wei's approach is similar to that of Tree Hole, she talks about her thoughts. It's better to speak out than to keep it in her heart.

It's just that this tree hole is a bit more advanced, it's actually an entire studio!

It is estimated that only Li Wei can think of this usage...

Seeing that there was no movement after knocking on the glass, Nie Cai simply turned back and grabbed the microphone of the monitoring system, and spoke into the room: "Li Wei, open the door quickly, you listen to my explanation!"

This is how producers usually communicate with the cameramen and hosts in the studio. Nie Cai followed suit and followed suit.

It's just that he roared several times, but Li Wei inside didn't react at all. It's probably that there was no sound coming out of the microphone at all, otherwise Li Wei should have reacted anyway.

"Damn it, how do you use this crappy microphone?"

Nie Cai lowered his head and looked at the mixer in front of him. There were dozens of buttons, but he had never used them. He didn't know which one was the switch that controlled the microphone.

Li Wei inside was facing the soundproof glass from the side. She couldn't see Nie Cai shouting outside at all, but squatted down.

She took out a pink remote control from the small bag on the ground and gently pressed the switch on it.

"Nie Cai, you big bad guy, I've obviously given up all thoughts, why do you bother to provoke me again..."

Immediately, Li Wei snorted, her face suddenly turned red, and she bit her lips tightly.

Her body was twisting constantly, her thighs wrapped in the A-line skirt were constantly rubbing together, and her face turned red.

"Hello, viewers... Welcome to tonight's "Legal Frontline" column... I am the host Li Wei... Tonight... Tonight's main content is... "

Li Wei stared closely at the big camera in the studio, her face turned red, she put her hands inside her white suit and rubbed it, and started to broadcast with a trembling voice.

It seems that because of this special environment, Li Wei's excitement came very quickly. Before she could say a few words during the oral broadcast, she soon became out of breath and could no longer speak any more.

Seeing this scene, Nie Cai's face suddenly turned red.

He once saw a weird video shot by foreigners on the Internet. It seemed to be called reading* or something. The girls were in the library with wireless vibrators underneath, enjoying the pleasure of reading while enjoying another pleasure.

Li Wei's gameplay is similar to this reading method, both of which use shame to increase pleasure.

"Damn, can't you?"

Nie Cai suddenly smiled bitterly in his heart. Could it be that he had special bonus skills that could stop others from doing bad things

It was the same thing last time in Zhang Xinyu's bathroom, where she happened to encounter Zhang Xinyu's embarrassing scene, and this time it was the same for Li Wei.

"Well... Sister Wei is already in her twenties and has no boyfriend. It's normal to do this kind of thing, cough cough."

Nie Caicai smiled dryly and comforted himself, but his eyes were involuntarily staring at the monitor screen, as if he was firmly attracted by a magnet.

The speakers in the studio are professional monitor speakers, and the sound effect is great. Nie Cai is almost immersed in the scene. As a person who can't distinguish between high-end headphones and street stall headphones, Nie Cai has never felt that the sound quality of the speakers is like this. important.

What particularly surprised Nie Cai was that when Li Wei was doing this, the camera was actually recording. When he saw the signal being recorded on the workstation in the studio, Nie Cai's face became stiff.

Everyone has normal physiological needs, and there is nothing wrong with solving them by yourself. The difference is that otakus just open a laptop and find a Japanese teacher to solve them. Li Wei actually came up with such an advanced gameplay.

Using such a professional studio and such professional equipment to shoot a professional "AV" for herself, Li Wei would definitely delete the video or cut it back for her own enjoyment, but it was still exciting enough.

This Li Wei really knows how to play...