An Eye for News

Chapter 182: sneak into


The night is already deep.

The white Land Rover was speeding on the deserted road. After driving for about half an hour, it finally approached a scenic spot.

This scenic spot is a 4a-level scenic spot in City N. The rafting project is very exciting, but because the weather is too cold, it is no longer open and there are no tourists at all.

At this time when the Chinese New Year is approaching and it is at night, there are even fewer people.

The entire scenic area was quiet except for the sound of a white Land Rover speeding by.

Assistant Wang was very careful. After driving for a while, he looked back to confirm that no one was following him, and then he continued to drive forward.

It was pitch black behind, and from his perspective, there was no one on the entire road.

"I was too careful... This road is so dark that you can see if there is anyone following you at a glance!"

Assistant Wang suddenly laughed and said nervously.

In such a dark wilderness, a normal person would never dare to drive without turning on the headlights, but as long as the headlights are turned on, he can see it within a radius of several kilometers, and it cannot be hidden from his eyes.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth again: "It's good to be the second generation of rich people. It's approaching the Chinese New Year and I have to go get the poison in the middle of the night to serve Tang Yin, the second generation of rich people. It's not a good thing for me. We are in trouble, so I can only I can now play online without any hassle!”

However, as he spoke, he felt a little relieved as he looked at the bottle of medicine in his hand.

Tang Yin doesn't even hide this kind of thing from him anymore, which proves that Tang Yin has regarded him as his confidant, and his future in the Tang Group will be unlimited.

As for the twin star g2... Assistant Wang felt a little unbearable, and sighed and said: "Who made us, Mr. Tang, fall in love with you? I have tried everything with coercion and inducement, and even offered millions, but still refuse to give in. , in the end you still have to rely on drugs..."

"Tang Yin seems to have felt that he has AIDS during this period, and his time is running out, so he has tried his best to harm women, including young models and female college students. Now even popular celebrities are suffering from AIDS at night, even if they are not sick. Will everyone die if they are exhausted?"

With emotion, Assistant Wang's car drove into a villa in the scenic area, and the dark mountains became silent again.

Until four or five minutes later, a yellow sports car with its headlights turned off and no engine roar drove over quietly, like a ghost in the night.

For most people, it is impossible to drive on a wild road without turning on the lights, but Nie Cai is an exception.

His eyesight is different from ordinary people, and he is not affected at all when driving in such a dark environment. In addition, Nie Cai's Tesla is an electric sports car, and there is no sound of the engine, which adds a lot of privacy.

In particular, Nie Cai was very careful and did not follow Assistant Wang's Land Rover Evoque. Instead, he used the time-shift camera component to delay catching up for three or four minutes.

If he could still find out like this, Assistant Wang would be better off pursuing a promising career like Agent 007. Don't waste your talents by becoming such a small assistant.

"It's almost time, just get off the car here!"

When preparing to drive to the villa, Nie Cai parked the car in a wasteland on the side of the road and hid it. After confirming that it could not be seen from the outside, he got out of the car and quietly ran towards the villa.

The villa in front is getting closer and closer. The lights in Nuo Da Villa are brightly lit, and it looks very luxurious from the outside.

From the outside, the villa is heavily guarded, with surveillance cameras everywhere and walls two to three meters high, making it look like a fortress.

Tang Yin's Tang Group's main business is real estate, and this scenic spot was developed by them. It is only with his background that he can secretly build such a high-standard villa in such a 4A-level scenic spot. Otherwise, in such a location It’s true that even if you have money, you can’t build a villa.

It is estimated that there will be no one within a few kilometers of here. If you do bad things here, no one will hear you even if you call Po Tian.

"This Tang Yin really hid g2 here... If he hadn't happened to meet me, I'm afraid he would have succeeded today!"

Nie Cai stared at the villa and snorted coldly.

Assistant Wang came to such a well-defended place in the middle of the night with a bottle of poison. Needless to say, he must have come to do bad things.

Fortunately, he happened to meet Hu Lili and overcame Assistant Wang's thoughts. Otherwise, g2 would have been really miserable.

He arrived in time, Tang Yin should not have had time to make a move, and the resistance of the two twin sisters g2 should be very fierce, otherwise Tang Yin would not have to resort to drugs.

But he had to hurry up, otherwise Tang Yin might succeed.

The gate of the fence was locked, and it should be a key surveillance area. Nie Cai thought about it and decided not to enter through this gate.

It would be best not to alert the enemy. This Tang Group should not be an ordinary businessman. If someone alerts the people in the villa, he will be in danger as long as a dozen or so armed bodyguards rush out.

Although Nie Cai is quite capable of shooting, that is based on the fact that the opponent does not have a gun. No matter how strong Nie Cai's super news eye is, he cannot slow down the speed of the bullet to a speed that can be caught by the naked eye.

“This location is good, it’s right in the blind spot of the camera!”

He walked around the wall and finally found a suitable location on a wall.

The walls of the villa are more than three meters high, but this does not bother Nie Cai.

Nie Cai took a deep breath, leaned against the wall quietly, and then took out a bundle of ropes from the dimensional storage space.

Nie Cai's dimensional storage unit contains a lot of things. There are iron hooks on the rope, which is perfect for climbing walls.

Hearing a slight sound, Nie Cai pulled the rope and found that the hook had caught something and could bear his weight.

"Let's break in before they notice!"

Grasping Zhengzi, Nie Cai climbed over the wall and jumped down silently.

But just as Nie Cai jumped over, his heart suddenly sank.

While others were still falling, they saw something on the ground, but it was already too late when they wanted to hide away.

Suddenly an alarm bell sounded in the villa. Nie Cai stood up and took a closer look. He actually saw faint red lines in the air with his right eye.

"Damn, no way, it's actually an infrared security system?"

Nie Cai was stunned and murmured

He had only seen this kind of thing in movies. With ordinary people's eyesight, it was impossible to see this kind of thing. That is to say, Nie Cai's extraordinary eyesight could only see the traces of infrared rays.

Did Tang Yin really build his villa in the shape of a fortress? Even if there are cameras everywhere, there are even infrared security systems.

No wonder this camera has a blind spot. It turns out that it was deliberately used for fishing. If an intruder thinks this is a suitable place to break in, he will be discovered by the infrared security system!