An Eye for News

Chapter 189: Bullet time


"What's going on? Did I shoot the wrong way?"

In a white Audi R8 at the front, a man finally spotted a large number of retrograde vehicles ahead and couldn't help shouting in surprise.

If Nie Cai could notice him, he would have recognized that this person was his acquaintance, the rich second-generation Ke Zhenyu from the Aoke 4S store.

Ke Zhenyu first met Li Wei through large-displacement motorcycles. As a racing enthusiast and Audi dealer, it is very normal to drive an Audi R8 supercar and race on the road.

He had just taken advantage of the opportunity to accelerate in a straight line and passed the modified Nissan GT-R in front of him that was equipped with nitrogen acceleration NOS. He was so proud that a large group of crazy people driving in the opposite direction actually appeared in front of him.

They were always the ones driving in the opposite direction, but this time it was the other way around, which immediately made him shocked and angry.

But... when he saw the bright yellow Tesla sports car at the front, he suddenly shuddered, and the anger he felt just now completely disappeared.

"Damn, why is it him?"

There is only one yellow Tesla in the entire n city, which is Nie Cai's car. Ke Zhenyu can't even remember it.

Nie Cai had taught him too many lessons, and now he was subconsciously afraid of Nie Cai.

Moreover, Nie Cai was driving at a speed of nearly two hundred meters. When he found out, he was only twenty or thirty meters away, and he was almost about to hit him.

The distance of twenty or thirty meters seems long, but at a speed of more than 400 kilometers, it is almost an instant.

Without any hesitation, Ke Zhenyu shouted and stepped on the brakes.

At the same time, his racing party also realized something was wrong at this time, and they all slowed down and made a harsh brake sound.

The scene was chaotic. Fortunately, the performance and technology of these people's cars were very good, and they had even been professionally modified. Otherwise, the car would have been out of control by now.

"It's now!"

Nie Cai saw the cars on the opposite side slowing down and took a deep breath.

Instead of slowing down, he gritted his teeth and rushed towards the group of racing gangs!


In an instant, Nie Cai narrowed his eyes slightly!

Under the influence of his super news eye, everything in his field of vision seemed to slow down, as if the "bullet time speedbreaker" was activated in Need for Speed

He gently turned the steering wheel, and the car shuddered and passed between the Audi R8 and a matte black Lamborghini.

Tesla is not actually a car with particularly good handling performance, but compared to Nie Cai's driving skills, it is barely adequate.

Didi didi—

The sapphire blue Nissan GT-R opposite honked its horn in fear and was about to hit it, but under Nie Cai's control, it narrowly missed it.

Nie Cai only felt the car body shaking violently. Thanks to the vehicle's traction control system, he avoided overturning.

However, the danger is not over yet.

The first three cars are the largest group of drag racing parties, and they are relatively small in number, but the pile of cars at the back are the most dangerous.

The road is only so wide. The more cars there are, the smaller the space for Nie Cai to display.

Seeing that there was no gap for the large group of sports cars in front of him to pass through, Nie Cai gritted his teeth, slowed down and turned the steering wheel to the right!

He repeated his old trick and crashed past the metal divider in the middle of the road.


Nie Cai's car suddenly rose into the air, drew a stretched parabola, and then landed heavily on the ground.

When we were facing the three cars in front, there was a cement isolation belt in the middle of the road, connected together, and a thin metal isolation belt at the back, which gave Nie Cai room to display his talents.

"It's hit, it's hit!"

The twin sisters in the car hugged each other and screamed regardless of the image.

The elder sister Guo Yao no longer dared to look, but the younger sister was bolder. She opened one eye and looked outside in horror.

"He's coming, can you please be quiet? It's affecting my driving too much!"

Nie Cai sighed and said to the twin sisters behind him.

It wasn't until now that the car became stable again that they finally came back to their senses and looked out the window in horror.

The car actually returned to the other lane and drove smoothly.

Everything returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

"We're safe from them!"

Guo Xuan said in surprise, hugged her sister and kissed her, with a sense of joy in her voice that she had survived the disaster.

Nie Cai smiled slightly and breathed a sigh of relief.

Despite his calm appearance, the others were extremely nervous just now!

Speaking of which, this was his first time racing in his life. He was so nervous that his hands on the steering wheel were sweating due to adrenaline.

At that speed, if he doesn't handle it well, it will definitely result in a car crash and death!

"Don't be too happy, there seems to be a car behind you..."

Guo Yao looked back and found that there were pursuers coming from behind. It seemed to be a Buick commercial vehicle.

This Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle seemed to have been chasing Nie Cai in this lane. It happened to avoid the group of racing gangs just now, and happened to catch up with Nie Cai at this time.

"It doesn't matter, it's just one, just get rid of it." Nie Cai said easily.

The four or five Mercedes-Benz chasing him just now couldn't catch up, let alone this lonely Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle.

The operation just now made Nie Cai feel that he had the potential to become a car god, and he couldn't help but feel a little elated.

Are you using this stupid, thick, seven-seater business car to compete with your own sports car? It's simply whimsical.

He was about to step on the accelerator and get rid of the car. Unexpectedly, at this time, the dashboard suddenly made a beeping sound!

Didi... A low battery prompt suddenly appeared on the instrument panel, indicating that the battery capacity was now only six kilowatts.

"Damn, the battery is out? Didn't I just recharge it before going out?"

Nie Cai was stunned for a moment, stepped on the accelerator, and found that the car that was so powerful just now seemed to have withered.

Just like the Wuling van driven by the S County TV station, the accelerator was soft and the car had no reaction at all when I stepped on it.

Electric sports cars like Tesla consume extremely fast at ultra-high speeds. With a range of more than 400 kilometers, it only takes ten or twenty minutes to run out of power at ultra-high speeds.

Nie Cai's rapid speed just now had almost drained the main power of the car body, leaving only a reserve power to support it. The output power of the motor was limited, and the speed could not be increased at all. It could only reach 70 or 80 kilometers. Just speed.

Seeing that the Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle behind him had caught up, walking side by side with Nie Cai.

The passenger window of the commercial vehicle rolled down, and a man in a black suit stretched out his pistol and pointed it at Nie Cai's window.

"Stop the car or I'll shoot!"

The man in a suit shouted loudly and said proudly.

This man in a suit was the one who ambushed Nie Cai in the underground garage. He originally thought that he would be unable to catch up with Nie Cai, but to his surprise, the blind cat encountered a dead mouse and caught Nie Cai.

"When I call you later, get down!"

Nie Cai's heart sank slightly and he gritted his teeth and said.

The twin sisters behind had not yet understood, but saw Nie Cai suddenly roared.

"Get down!"

The man in the suit was feeling triumphant when suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a black shadow approaching quickly in his direction.

He turned around and took a look, but he was suddenly frightened out of his wits!

The next moment, a huge metal road isolation belt flew out of thin air and hit the front of the Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle he was sitting in.


He only had time to subconsciously pull the trigger twice before he was hit by the metal isolation belt.

The metal isolation belt easily shattered the glass. He was undoubtedly hit while sitting in the front row. Even the driver was hit. The Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle lost control in an instant and hit the isolation belt with a clang. .

"so close!"

Nie Cai glanced through the rearview mirror and said with lingering fear.

There were two more round bullet holes in the car window next to him. If he hadn't lied down, he would have been shot.

"What just happened?"

The twin sisters raised their heads, looked at the bullet holes in front of them, and exclaimed.

"I don't know, they probably slipped accidentally..."

Nie Cai said casually that he didn't care whether the twin sisters believed them or not. Anyway, this was not the first time they had been fooled like this.

Without the pursuers, the speed of 70 to 80 kilometers per hour was not so unacceptable. After driving for a while, Nie Cai finally found that the road seemed to have reached the end.

It was at this time that Nie Cai's car finally ran out of power and even the backup power supply, and could only stop slowly.

"out of battery?"

Nie Cai's heart sank, and when he looked back, he found that there seemed to be pursuers behind him. Four or five black Mercedes-Benzes roared after him, getting closer and closer.

Nie Cai even heard the sound of gunfire. The people behind him couldn't wait and started shooting from a distance.


Nie Cai's heart sank. The car finally broke down.

The house leaked and it rained all night, and the pursuers appeared again, but the car happened to have no power. What should I do this time

Seeing that the car behind him was getting closer and closer, and had even formed a circle to surround him, Nie Cai had no idea what to do.

Could it be that... I am going to fall here today

"Come out!"

Seven or eight bodyguards in black suits got out of the car, pointed their guns at Nie Cai's car, and shouted loudly.

Nie Cai opened the car door, walked out slowly, and sighed helplessly.

The situation is stronger than the person, and there is nothing he can do unless he gets out of the car.

It's all because this car is not powerful. It would be better if I could hold on for a little longer!

"Haha, I can catch you this time!"

A tattered Hummer appeared, and Tang Zhenhua jumped out of the car, holding a mini submachine gun in his hand and saying like a madman.

He was very lucky just now, or the performance of the Hummer was too strong. The driver was seriously injured in the collision just now, but he only suffered moderate injuries and had some paint on his head.

"Tang Zhenhua, your son is asking for his own death if he behaves recklessly. Who are you to blame!"

Nie Cai gritted his teeth and said.

Tang Yin forcibly kidnapped people and wanted to use drugs to destroy their innocence. This was simply unconscionable. His act was considered a light one. If it had been anyone else, he might have taken his life directly.