An Eye for News

Chapter 191: Settled


"I said, if you two girls insist on sharing a room with me, aren't you afraid that my bestiality will come out?"

Nie Cai dragged his exhausted body to lie down on the bed in the room at the door and said helplessly.

The medical soldier had arrived just now and performed a simple treatment on Nie Cai's head. Fortunately, although Nie Cai's head looked scary, Nie Cai was careful at that time and dodged a little to remove most of the force. So it's not that serious.

"I'm not afraid. If you were that kind of person, you would have done that to us in the car. How could you do it now?"

My sister Guo Xuan said proudly: "How about you try to touch our room quietly at night? The bad guy didn't take advantage of us before..."

She had already put on the thin bathrobe in the guest house, and her slender body was dangling in front of Nie Cai under the bathrobe.

Nie Cai was a little dizzy. The decoration of the suite was ordinary, and the area was neither big nor small. It could be said that it was invisible without looking up. After all, this was a guest house within the army, and it was incomparable with the luxury hotels outside.

"Sister, don't talk nonsense!"

Guo Yao was not as bold as her sister, she blushed and spat.

"Just you? If I really take action, even if you two are burly men, I can only hold you down and obey you, let alone you two little girls!"

Being so provoked by Guo Xuan, Nie Cai couldn't help but feel a little unconvinced and said.

In fact, he was just saying it. He had been tossing with Li Wei in the first half of the night, and this time he really had no energy.

"Sister... Brother Nie's skills are not ordinary!"

Guo Yao blushed and said.

She had seen Nie Cai's kung fu and knew that it was easy for Nie Cai to knock down three or four burly men in an instant. There was no way she and she could be Nie Cai's opponent.

In fact, if Tang Yin hadn't wanted to have some fun and take all the sisters, they would have been killed long ago!

"So you like burly men. No wonder you were not moved when you saw our sisters in the car!"

Guo Xuan pouted and hummed.

As long as he is a normal man, who can hold his own under the attack of the two of them? It turns out... this Nie Cai doesn't like women

She has a carefree personality by nature. Even though she had just escaped from the fairyland after encountering that situation just now, she still takes the joke now.

Nie Cai immediately couldn't laugh or cry. He could still hold his own in that situation in the car. One reason was that he had already messed with Li Wei once and had gone too far. The more important reason was that in that situation, chasing The soldiers may arrive at any time, who is in the mood to think about this.

However, he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy when he thought about the drug-induced drug addiction of the two sisters in the car...

The twin sisters usually looked very innocent, but when they got to that point, they instantly turned into seductive little fairies. The contrast was so huge that he almost lost control.

And... these twin sisters have the nerve to say that they like men

While in the car, Nie Cai seemed to have heard someone say that he had never done anything with a man and only played with his sister all day long.

Thinking of this, Nie Cai couldn't help but want to use the mind-reading technique to spy on this secret.

"What are you thinking about? Your eyes are narrowed... There must be nothing good going on!"

Guo Xuan, who had been looking at Nie Cai, couldn't help but snorted and said.

"nothing… "

At this moment, Nie Cai's cell phone suddenly rang again.

He grabbed his phone and saw that it was Sun Ying.

"I almost forgot about her!"

Nie Cai struggled all night and finally settled down. He almost forgot to contact her.

"Hey, Sister Sun, it's me..."

Nie Cai quickly answered the phone and said.

"I owe you a favor for this matter today. Don't worry. You can go and do whatever you need to do tomorrow. I haven't noticed these little disturbances in City N yet. Everything will be normal starting from tomorrow. It should be dealt with. The people who should disappear disappear..."

Sun Ying's voice was still so graceful, even when talking about such things.


Nie Cai said in great surprise.

"When have I, Sun Ying, ever deceived anyone with my words?"

Sun Ying's voice was calm and she said in a deep voice.

After hearing Sun Ying's words, Nie Cai breathed a sigh of relief and felt reassured.

As expected of the group of people who stand at the top of China's power class, Sun Ying is indeed very capable, and she can easily settle such a big matter.

Nie Cai originally thought that the best outcome for her would be to leave City N to avoid the limelight. Unexpectedly, what she thought was a big deal was nothing in her eyes. She probably took advantage of her husband's connections.

I still don’t have enough vision, Nie Cai thought to himself.

Not long ago, he was just a temporary reporter for a county station, and his horizons and knowledge were far behind those of people like Sun Ying.

"By the way, what do you think I should do...then can I report this matter? I'm a reporter!"

Nie Cai suddenly remembered something and said: "Reporting this kind of news can play a gilding role for my qualifications. This will be of great benefit to me when I go to CCTV to find Zhang Xinyu, right?"

He still covets the value of this important event. What happened tonight has too much impact. If it can be reported on the news, it will definitely be explosive news. How many news points will it get

When such a big event happens, there must be internal reference. For Nie Cai, the more internal reference, the better.

You can get permissions if you have internal parameters. Permissions are worth more than news points. News points can be accumulated slowly, but permissions can only depend on luck.

Nie Cai has never seen C-level permissions before, and he doesn't know if he can get it this time.

According to the sensational nature of this incident, if internal reference is used, it is estimated that it will have an impact on C-level authority.

Being able to obtain C-level permissions, the phase invisibility component beckoned towards him. Nie Cai had been coveting this component for a long time.

It's just that no matter how bold the TV station in X Province is, they don't dare to stick to this kind of thing. Someone may post a sentence or two on the Internet saying that there was a gunfight in such and such a place, and someone was racing in such and such place, but it will soon be deleted by the Internet police. Lose.

After all, the impact of this kind of thing is too great, too many big people are involved, and no one dares to bear the consequences.

But... Sun Ying is an exception.

There is a saying that a strong dragon will not overwhelm local snakes, but that also depends on how strong the dragon is. Shouldn't a strong dragon of Sun Ying's level be able to overwhelm anyone he wants

Nie Cai connected this matter with Zhang Xinyu, and he was preparing to drag Sun Ying into trouble.

After all, it was because of Zhang Xinyu that Nie Cai made the deal with Sun Ying in the first place. This was what she cared about the most and she couldn't help but not consider it.

Sure enough, upon hearing Nie Cai's request, Sun Ying pondered for a moment and did not speak immediately, as if she was thinking about it.

After a long time, Sun Yingcai replied: "Yes, but it must be controlled within a certain range. You have met Wu Chao, he will tell you tomorrow."

Wu Chao is the senior colonel who brought Nie Cai in tonight, and his status in the Wu family is probably not low. After all, it is too difficult to reach the rank of general in peacetime, and the senior colonel is already very powerful.

After hearing Sun Ying's words, Nie Cai was immediately overjoyed.

As long as it can be reported, the scale is not non-negotiable. He doesn't want to become a public enemy of city n, so he can earn news points.

Nie Cai hung up the phone and smiled at the g2 twins.

While he was on the phone, the twins kept listening with open ears. After hanging up the phone, Nie Cai discovered it. His sister Guo Yao immediately blushed and turned away.

She was lying on the bed, pretending to look at the decorations in the room, her white legs dangling, as if she didn't have three hundred taels of silver in this place.

But Guo Xuan raised her head with arrogant teeth, stared at Nie Cai unwilling to be outdone, and said, "Speaking so respectfully, is the woman on the phone your girlfriend?"

Although Guo Yao did not dare to look at Nie Cai, she listened with her ears pricked up. She was also very concerned about this.

"Girlfriend...what are you thinking in your little minds? You just escaped from the tiger's mouth, can't you sleep peacefully?"

Nie Cai sighed helplessly and said, "It's your boss, Sister Sun. Don't you know Sister Sun's background? It's all thanks to her that we can hide here."

The thoughts of these two little girls were clear to him, but he did not tell them, but explained.

"Sister Sun?"

Guo Xuan exclaimed in surprise and said, "She has so much energy? I didn't know it yet!"

"Yeah, I guess Manager Hu doesn't know either, otherwise he would have borrowed her connections."

Guo Yao nodded in surprise and said.

As the person in charge of the X provincial branch of Jinsha Entertainment Company, Hu Lili doesn't even know Sun Ying's true background, so it is even more impossible for these two little girls to know.

"You really don't know what her background is?"

This time it was Nie Cai's turn to be surprised. Sun Ying's husband, Commander Wu, was at the top of the power class in the country. As long as Sun Ying was willing to use his power, there would be almost no resistance in business operations.

He didn't feel it before, but now that he had time to think about it, he felt more and more wrong.

Even a small Tang Group dares to find trouble with Sands Entertainment Company again and again. This is too wrong.

After knowing Sun Ying's background, the second-generation dandies like Tang Yin should have been so scared that they would have run away as far as they could. How could they dare to think too much about g2.

"I don't know. I just know that Sister Sun is very rich and elegant. There are fun and delicious things to do with her! I think I heard her say that her company in real estate is bigger than our entertainment company. …”

Guo Xuan shook her head like a rattle and said.

"I heard that Sister Sun said... her entertainment company is just to miss her past time in the music industry. She actually doesn't care much about the entertainment company and has barely appeared in the company a few times."

Guo Yao frowned and said after a while.

If Nie Cai had some enlightenment, this would make sense.

It turns out that for this Sands Entertainment Company, Sun Ying was just playing for fun, so this makes sense.

Anyway, it's just for fun and leave it to the people under your command to handle the matter. Why do you have to do everything yourself, or even rely on the energy of the officialdom.

There are a lot of paparazzi in the entertainment industry. If someone is dug out and exposed, it will be more of a loss than a gain.

I'm afraid that the Tang Group will never understand why this small performing arts company has so much energy until its death.

Could this be the legendary pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger? This is such an unjust death...