An Eye for News

Chapter 194: Each writes his own


"Little news?"

Nie Cai raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "See for yourself, what little news is this?"

The computer happened to be turned on, so he simply connected his mobile phone, picked a file, and played it on the computer.

"What the hell?"

Qin Dapeng frowned and looked at the picture on the computer screen.

The picture shows a distant view of a villa, and then the camera gradually zooms in, revealing a long staircase.

At the end of the stairs was an inconspicuous door. When the door was opened, loud music suddenly sounded. It was the dance hall that appeared in Qin Dapeng's picture just now.

The men and women in the ballroom were twisting and dancing, seemingly crazy. Suddenly, a few gunshots were heard, and the whole ballroom immediately felt like it was exploding. Screams were everywhere, and the scene was in chaos.

"This scene... seems to be the scene in Qin Dapeng's video just now."

Shen Lan blinked and said in surprise: "But your picture is much better than his, and the length is much longer!"

When Qin Dapeng played the picture just now, she also took a look, so she could recognize that the ballroom was the same as the one in Qin Dapeng's picture.

Although the picture quality on this screen is a bit blurry, the shooting technique and composition are very good, and the shooting time is longer. It is countless times better than Qin Dapeng's version with shaky footage.

"Yes, that's right there."

Nie Cai nodded and said with a smile.

This video was exported from the pupil camera last night. In order to avoid suspicion, Nie Cai also specially used the editing software on his mobile phone to cut it slightly, and then changed the image quality.

After all, it doesn't matter if someone can capture this kind of picture, but if Nie Cai suddenly takes out a high-quality picture that is comparable to a shoulder-mounted camera, and the whole process is recorded, nothing can be explained.

Everything has a degree, and anything beyond this point is too suspicious. Nie Cai’s edited version is just enough.

" did you take such a precious picture?"

Qin Dapeng opened his eyes wide, looked at this scene of Nie Cai, and shouted loudly.

It's really annoying to compare people with others, so he has to throw away the goods. He originally thought that his live footage was out of print, but he didn't expect that Nie Cai could actually come up with a better live footage, which completely killed the lens he paid for. .

Could it be that... the waiter sold him the lens and then sold another, better version to Nie Cai? Otherwise, how can we explain this

"This is a secret. The person who gave me the camera was unwilling to let others know for some reasons, so I have no comment."

Nie Cai smiled slightly and said: "Everyone has their own special channels. Anyway, I can get better lenses."

After hearing Nie Cai's words, Director Qian also had a surprised look on his face.

Some senior reporters will have their own network. When there is major news, they will use their network and do everything possible to collect information, and they will often get unexpected gains.

If it had been anyone else, he wouldn't have been so surprised, but how long had it been since Nie Caicai entered the provincial capital? Even if his time at N City TV station is included, Nie Cai is still a complete newcomer. Where did he find the connections to establish his own network

Ever since he entered N City TV Station, this Nie Cai has constantly surprised others and done many seemingly impossible things.

Oke 4S store is so awesome that even reporters from provincial newspapers dare to attack it, but Nie Cai happened to be the one who exposed the truth about the 4S store secretly selling refurbished cars.

The subject of the AIDS demolition team is dangerous, but Nie Cai followed his instructions and risked being infected with AIDS to report the true story of the matter.

As for the subsequent report about the arrest of the old man, let alone mention it. A small piece of news is that Nie Cai was able to take photos of flowers and get the special filming rights of the court, which is incredible.

What surprised Director Qian the most was that when Nie Cai went to Bancheng Town to film the case of teenagers committing suicide by taking poison, no one was optimistic about him. However, he happened to make big news that so many media outlets across the country could not do, which greatly shocked the province of x. The TV station has a long face and feels proud.

Fortunately, Director Qian didn't know that Nie Cai and Li Wei had secretly visited Ruyi Casino last night and captured all the internal footage of this secret casino. Otherwise, his jaw would have dropped to the ground.

Who is this? Why is it that big news always seems to be indispensable without him!

"How about it, Director Qian, this isn't a piece of news for me, right?"

Nie Cai smiled at Director Qian and said.

Nonsense, how could this news be a small news? Today’s headlines depend on it.

Compared with the scene played by Nie Cai, Qin Dapeng's scene was completely outclassed and suddenly became dispensable.

This is already obvious. Nie Cai's side is the most important task today. As for Qin Dapeng's side... why bother with a dispensable shot

"this… "

Director Qian was a little embarrassed. He thought for a long time and then said: "Although your footage is of good quality, Qin Dapeng has interviews in more formats than you, so he still has his advantages."

He had also seen Qin Dapeng's shots just now and knew that Qin Dapeng had no advantage at all in terms of lens quality.

However, Qin Dapeng met the client in the hospital, recorded the interview in the hospital, and recounted the situation at the time. This was Qin Dapeng's advantage.

You know, it is not only enough for a piece of news to have a sense of liveness, but also to be authentic. Interviews with the parties involved are undoubtedly a good thing to improve authenticity.

With the interviews of the parties involved, the whole news is much more vivid, and it can create a sense of reality for the audience.

"Yes, that's right, I still have interviews."

Qin Dapeng said quickly as if he had just woken up from a dream.

"Interview... What can a waiter know? The anonymous person who provided me with the video knows what happened."

Nie Cai frowned and said.

It is true that the pupil camera can capture the scene, but under the circumstances at that time, it was definitely unrealistic for Nie Cai to arrest someone for an interview.

Now that Qin Dapeng and Director Qian have seized on this interview to make a big fuss, there is really no way for me to refute them!

"It doesn't matter how much you know. If you have the skills, you can interview that anonymous person!"

Qin Dapeng took advantage of the fact that Nie Cai, the "anonymous person", did not dare to show his face and retorted.

He also knew that he was not as good as Nie Cai in terms of shooting live footage, but at least he still had interviews to discuss with Nie Cai.

Nie Cai and him are now engaged in a war without gunpowder. Whoever wins will get the position of the main manuscript. If he loses, he will only be reduced to a green leaf as a foil.

Therefore, Qin Dapeng must compete with Nie Cai to seize any advantage.

"It's impossible. They don't want to be interviewed. What can I do?"

Nie Cai refused and said: "Your interview is nothing, it's not the main task, it's just a waiter... Don't use it as an arrow!"

Of course it was impossible for Nie Cai to interview himself, otherwise everything would be revealed.

He could try to interview Tang Zhenhua or Tang Yin through Sun Ying's relationship, but Sun Ying seemed to have reached some kind of deal with them to let them escape overseas. Nie Cai probably couldn't find them this time.

"I have an interview, and my news is more complete than yours. Of course it must be the main article!"

Qin Dapeng folded his hands and retorted stiffly.

There seemed to be low boos coming from the crowd of spectators.

Qin Dapeng's behavior was completely unreasonable. The crowd's eyes were sharp and they could naturally see who had the advantage.

"Qin Dapeng, you are making trouble unreasonably!"

Shen Lan could no longer look down on him and said angrily to Qin Dapeng.

Now Nie Cai has all the advantages in terms of writing and pictures, but this Qin Dapeng only grasps the fact that he has interviews and refuses to let go. He is simply a stubborn duck!

If it were her, she would have been too shameless to compete for the main manuscript.

"If you have anything to say, let's talk it over. We are all colleagues, so why bother to quarrel!"

Seeing that the tension between Qin Dapeng and Nie Cai was getting stronger and stronger, Director Qian quickly smoothed things over and said.

He is obviously biased towards Qin Dapeng here. After all, he can tell lies with his eyes open and insist that Qin Dapeng's material is much better than Nie Cai.

Director Qian rolled his eyes, thought for a moment, and then said, "How about Nie Cai, or I think you can just do it together."

"Anyway, Director Zhang from the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee will come over to review the manuscript in the afternoon. You two will write the manuscript, and he will decide which one to choose."

As soon as he said these words, many onlookers nodded.

After all, this manuscript has to be reviewed by the Propaganda Minister in the end. Everyone writes based on their ability. Whoever writes well will be adopted by the leader. This is normal.

But... Nie Cai frowned secretly when he heard Director Qian's proposal.

Director Qian had been speaking for Qin Dapeng just now, but now he suddenly changed his mind. Nie Cai was the first to believe that there was no ghost inside.

He simply took a picture with a mind-reading skill. Immediately, Director Qian's thoughts were revealed to him and he could see clearly.

"Nie Cai, a young boy, must not have thought of this, right? Let the leaders choose based on their abilities. This suggestion seems to be the fairest, but how can things be so simple?"

"Director Zhang of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Director Qin have a very good relationship. They give countless gifts and play mahjong with them on weekdays. All they have to do is say hello. Isn't it easy to choose Qin Dapeng's manuscript?"

"As long as the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee sets the tone, Nie Cai will definitely have to cooperate obediently. When the time comes, won't Qin Dapeng be able to use his cameras and manuscripts as he pleases?"

A line of shining golden characters appeared on Director Qian's head, immediately revealing his thoughts.

"If this old fox is so insidious, he could actually come up with such a trick!"

Nie Cai took a deep breath, feeling helpless.

Sure enough, Director Qian, an old fox, had no good intentions. On the surface, it seemed fair, but having the Propaganda Minister make the decision was just a cover.

In this complicated society, how could Nie Cai defeat Deputy Director Qin, who had been in a high position for a long time and had connections throughout the city

Strictly speaking, this is no longer a conspiracy, but an outright conspiracy. Even if I want to refuse, I can't give any reason to refute him.