An Eye for News

Chapter 195: Odds of winning


"I disagree!"

Nie Cai took a deep breath and said firmly.

"Why don't you agree? Don't you even have this little confidence?"

Director Qian smiled and said provocatively: "In other words, if you think it is unfair for the minister to do the trial, can you change it to me or Director Qin?"

Nie Cai was suddenly speechless. Only now did he realize that he was really too weak.

Speaking of which, having the head of the Propaganda Department review it is really the best choice for me. If Director Qian or Deputy Director Qin were to review it, Nie Cai's manuscript would be 100% hopeless.

He can't say that Deputy Director Qin has a good relationship with the Director of the Propaganda Department. They have played mahjong countless times, right? Mind-reading is his trump card, and this must never be exposed.

No matter what he said, he was a party to this news, so how could the manuscript he wrote be bad? There was no problem in crushing Qin Dapeng's manuscript.

No matter how biased the propaganda minister is, he can't be so biased, right

"Okay, that's settled."

Thinking of this, Nie Cai pondered for a moment and finally agreed.

Seeing that Director Qian had already made up his mind and no one had any objections, Nie Cai understood that even if he objected, there was nothing he could do.

"Let's break up, let's break up. If there is work, work, if there is no work, go look for work. Don't disturb them in writing."

Director Qian said with a smile on his face.

The people who had just been watching suddenly dispersed and returned to their seats.

A big news story turned into a fight between two people. This kind of situation rarely happened. After everyone returned to their seats, they all started talking about it.

Although Nie Cai is the most popular newcomer recently, most people are still optimistic about Qin Dapeng. After all, his relationship with me lies there.

Nie Cai turned a deaf ear to these comments. Writing manuscripts was no problem for Nie Cai now. He opened the press release writing assistant system, clicked on the keyboard, and quickly wrote the manuscript.

With the help of the writing assistance system, writing can be said to be one of Nie Cai's strongest skills, and he doesn't scare anyone at all.

In particular, Nie Cai has one of the biggest advantages, that is, he is the core party involved in this matter. The manuscript he writes is full of liveness, almost having an immersive sense of being there, which directly affects the audience.

In the manuscript, Nie used the perspective of a third person to tell the ins and outs of what happened that night, but he concealed one of the most critical points, which was himself.

The press release did not mention that he was the one who forced his way into the villa that night. Otherwise, how could Nie Cai, a reporter, have such great ability to easily knock down a large group of armed bodyguards in the villa and then stage a scene on the highway? The drama of the fatal dash? It would be strange if others don't have doubts.

A reporter transformed into Rambo, forced his way into the mansion of a second-generation rich man to rescue a kidnapped female celebrity, and staged a late-night road racing shootout? This is too sensational, I really thought it was a movie!

Anyway, Sun Ying has already taken care of this matter from beginning to end. Even the surveillance video on the road has been deleted. Most people will not suspect Nie Cai at all.

"nailed it!"

Nie Cai took a deep breath, pushed the keyboard, stood up from the office chair, and stretched.

"Is this done?"

Looking at Qin Dapeng on the side, he was still biting his nails to come up with ideas. He didn't expect Nie Cai to finish it so quickly, which made him look sideways.

"It's too much to deal with. Such a big manuscript came out so quickly. You didn't write it carefully!"

Qin Dapeng said sourly that Nie Cai's speed put too much pressure on him.

"It's up to you. Is my writing just right for you?"

Nie Cai laughed. He printed out the manuscript, went to Li Wei's office, took a deep breath, and then knocked on the door.

Although Director Qian is the nominal leader, Li Wei handles business matters on weekdays, as well as revision and review of manuscripts.

The TV station in X Province has an online manuscript system. After writing the manuscript, you can just yell and ask the leader to help correct it. You don't have to print it out and ask the leader to review it.

But Nie Cai had other things to ask Li Wei, which happened to be together with the revision of the draft.

"Please come in."

Li Wei's pleasant voice came from behind the door.

Nie Cai pushed open the door and saw Li Wei immersed in writing a manuscript in front of the computer.

She also has a piece of big news about an unannounced visit to a gambling house. She just got the first-hand information last night and she is revising and improving the manuscript.

"Sister Wei..."

"Come in and close the door."

Before Nie Cai finished speaking, he saw Li Wei standing up and said coldly.

Seeing Li Wei's attitude, Nie Cai felt guilty and quickly closed the door and walked in.

He had just finished having sex with Li Wei last night, and then he ran to save two beauties. It seemed like he was holding up his pants and not recognizing anyone.

"Nie Cai!"

Unexpectedly, after closing the door, Li Wei seemed to be a different person, turning into a gust of fragrant wind and rushing into Nie Cai's arms.

"You didn't answer my call last night. I was so anxious that I thought something had happened to you!"

Li Wei's eyes were a little red, she raised her head and glared at Nie Cai.

"Fortunately, it's okay at last..."

Nie Cai said with some emotion.

He hid himself in the press release, but he knew that this matter would definitely not be hidden from Li Wei, so he told her what happened in detail.

However, he brushed off the dangers in the villa and the racing and gunfight. He only said that the defense inside was empty, and he easily let himself in, and then escaped with the help of Sun Ying.

Otherwise, Nie Cai, a reporter, could easily knock down a large group of armed bodyguards in the villa, and then stage a car-racing shootout on the highway. Then he would not be a reporter, but a terminator.

"It's too dangerous, don't be so impulsive next time!"

But even so, Li Wei couldn't help but exclaimed when she heard Nie Cai's story, with a look of surprise and worry on her face.

"Fortunately, Sun Ying came to help, otherwise I would have run away long ago."

Speaking of this, Nie Cai felt a little emotional.

No matter how good he is in fighting, he is still a weak person and cannot compare with the Tang Group.

Without Sun Ying's help, I'm afraid the best outcome for Nie Cai would be to be hunted down by the Tang Group, and he would be in constant fear from now on.

"I guess those twin celebrities must be very beautiful. Otherwise, how could you make such a big fuss and save them despite everything?"

Unexpectedly, Li Wei changed the topic at this time and said a little sourly.

Women's personalities are like this. There seems to be no woman in the world who is not jealous.

"No! I went to find them because of Sun Ying, and these things just happened to happen. What happens next is beyond my control."

Nie Cai was slightly embarrassed. He particularly emphasized the relationship between the twins Sun Ying and g2, and repeatedly stated that he only cares about Sun Ying's relationship.

"Your enemy named Sun Ying is really very powerful. Not only did he settle this matter, but he also issued a document this morning, specifying that the legal channel of our x provincial TV station should report it..."

At this point, Li Wei glanced at Nie Cai with some suspicion and said, "I even wonder if this is your enemy. He treats you so well and is forced to pursue such a rich young lady. If I were a man, I would be a man." I do."

In other people's eyes, only letting a low-star sub-channel like the Legal Channel report such big news is to minimize the impact, but Li Wei doesn't think so.

As soon as she saw the official document, she felt that it must be related to Nie Cai. Now that she cooperated with Nie Cai and confirmed it, she became even more sure.

"He is really an enemy. His son and I are almost mortal enemies!" Nie Cai explained quickly.

Even though Sun Ying was nice to him, don't forget that Wu Bin was one of his biggest enemies.

Wu Bin even wanted to kill himself when he was in the hospital. It can be said that it was a mortal enemy.

Now that Sun Ying is suppressing him, Wu Bin can't do anything to him for the time being. This period of time is relatively stable, but it will be hard to say in the future.

"Okay, let's not talk so much... You came to me to read the manuscript, right? Let's get down to the topic."

When talking about work, Li Wei finally returned to her serious state and said: "I'm not worried about the quality of your manuscript. I'll just take a look at it. And anyway, even if what you wrote is a piece of shit, the Propaganda Department will download it tonight." The death order must be broadcast."

As one of the leaders in the station, she also saw an unusual official document sent by the Propaganda Department, requesting that this matter be reported within a limited range, and she knew that this must be related to Nie Cai, the "enemy".

Otherwise, according to the approach of government departments, they usually just block the problem. Who would bother to do so when nothing happens

Compared with the "stability and unity" of society, the people's right to know has always been secondary.

"You can't say that. There is a situation I forgot to tell you. Qin Dapeng seemed to have photographed something last night. We started arguing about this matter today."

Nie Cai recounted the conflict he had with Qin Dapeng in the office in detail, and then said: "You have to revise it carefully for me. What if the writing is not good and Qin Dapeng seizes this opportunity?"

"Is Minister Zhang finalizing the municipal party committee's propaganda?"

Hearing this, Li Wei's expression suddenly changed.

She said anxiously: "You don't know that Director Zhang of the Propaganda Department and Deputy Director Qin are classmates. If you let him make the decision, wouldn't it be certain that Qin Dapeng will be chosen?"

"What, their relationship is actually so good?"

Nie Cai's expression also changed slightly and he said.

He originally thought that the Propaganda Minister and Deputy Director Qin had an ordinary official relationship at best and were relatively close.

In order to maintain "friendship" in the officialdom, we have a few meals together and play a few games of mahjong. This kind of relationship is very normal in the officialdom. It is not too close, but it is not too alienated.

If the quality of his manuscripts and footage can surpass Qin Dapeng, logically speaking, the head of the Propaganda Department should not tell lies with his eyes open and help Qin Dapeng at all costs.

After all, he is the person involved. Even if there are not a few shabby synchronization paragraphs, the article he wrote will definitely have an advantage. There is at least a 70-80% chance of crushing Qin Dapeng and winning the opportunity to report this news.

However, after Li Wei reminded him, he didn't expect that they were actually classmates. In this case, what chance did he have of winning