An Eye for News

Chapter 197: It's you


Seeing that Nie Cai dared to come out, Director Ling suddenly felt anxious.

Why is this Nie Cai so good at making opinions and taking the initiative to provoke Minister Zhang

Everyone can see that Minister Zhang is obviously in a very bad mood today. He has already been in bad luck just now and was scolded so badly. Now that Nie Cai dares to mention this matter, isn't he looking for death

Qin Dapeng was also startled, with an expression of gloating on his face.

"You're really asking for trouble...

He whispered, looking at Nie Cai with a playful look.

Minister Zhang was kind to him just now because of his father. I didn't expect Nie Cai to be so courageous and dare to stand up. Isn't this just looking for trouble and committing suicide

"I said you don't need to read it if you don't want to, so who are you..."

As expected, Minister Zhang cursed, frowned, and glared at Nie Cai.

However, Nie Cai didn't show any signs of flinching. Instead, he smiled and said, "Let's take a look, Vice Mayor Zhang."

"Nie Cai! Don't go too far. Apologize to Minister Zhang quickly. Maybe Minister Zhang has a lot of experience and won't be as knowledgeable as a little reporter like you."

Seeing that Director Liao's expression also changed a little, Director Qian stood up quickly. He glared at Nie Cai fiercely, and then said with a flattering smile.

This time, even Director Qian couldn't stand it anymore. Nie Cai challenged Minister Zhang's patience again and again, and even called Minister Zhang by the wrong name. This is not Nie Cai's own business, but will affect the entire industry. Legal channel.

If Minister Zhang got completely angry and reported casually to the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, he, the director of the legal channel, would be in dire straits.

However, contrary to Director Qian's expectation, Minister Zhang did not get angry immediately, but had a look of astonishment on his face.

"Who are you… "

When Minister Zhang saw Nie Cai, he couldn't help but be startled.

His face that was about to get angry suddenly froze, and he was stunned for a long time without reacting.

"It turns out to be Vice Mayor Zhang."

Nie Cai smiled slightly and said.

"What are you talking about? Do you want to address the leader? This is Zhang Xinnong, the Propaganda Minister and Deputy Mayor of City N. Why don't you say hello to Minister Zhang?"

Director Qian couldn't help scolding Nie Cai when he saw that he was so rude.

The Propaganda Minister is a department-level position, while the deputy mayor is only a deputy department-level position. Therefore, the position of Propaganda Minister is generally placed first in formal occasions.

The general public didn't know this, so they just called Zhang Xinnong Vice Mayor Zhang. Nie Cai was a reporter after all, so how could he make such a mistake

"No, no, no, I don't like this nonsense, work is important, hello young man, what's your name!"

Minister Zhang's expression quickly returned to normal. He warmly extended his hand and shook Nie Cai's hand.

"Hello, Minister Zhang, my name is Nie Cai, a reporter from the Legal Channel."

Nie Cai stretched out his hand and introduced it in a neither condescending nor condescending manner.

Seeing Minister Zhang's reaction, he was finally completely sure that he had really seen this Minister Zhang.

Isn't it? That night outside the villa, Minister Zhang was naked and was kidnapped by Nie Cai, who used him as a cover to get through the siege of the Tang Group.

It's just that those people thought the mayor sounded nice and kept calling him Vice Mayor Zhang, which confused Nie Cai.

As soon as Minister Zhang walked in, Nie Cai felt that he looked familiar, but he didn't recognize him for a while.

When he took a closer look from behind, Nie Cai finally recognized him.

Minister Zhang, who is now wearing a suit and leather shoes, is completely opposite to the one who was shirtless and pale from the cold that night. No wonder Nie Cai couldn't recognize him.

But Qin Dapeng didn't know this. He was so surprised that his eyes almost fell off.

"What? How is this possible..."

Seeing Minister Zhang extending his hand to shake Nie Cai's hand, Qin Dapeng seemed unable to believe his eyes.

Just now, Nie Cai provoked Minister Zhang again and again. Even Qin Dapeng thought that Nie Cai was seeking death. However, he didn't expect that Minister Zhang, instead of being angry, even took the initiative to shake hands with Nie Cai. Seeing this affectionate appearance, he almost called him a brother. Yes, this was completely beyond his expectation.

what happened? Could it be that Minister Zhang has changed his gender

"Zhang... Minister Zhang, are you sure?"

Director Qian was also stunned and said in a hurry.

He knew the relationship between Minister Zhang and Deputy Director Qin. Could it be that Nie Cai had some other background that could be more effective than Deputy Director Qin's words

"Of course, this news is of great importance. As the designated representative of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, of course I have to review the manuscript carefully."

Minister Zhang said with a serious look on his face.


Director Qian suddenly cursed in his heart, "That's not what you said just now. Why did you change your statement in the blink of an eye?"

He had already spoken to Deputy Director Qin on the phone in the morning and confirmed that Deputy Director Qin had already greeted Minister Zhang. Therefore, he saw that Minister Zhang did not even read Nie Cai's manuscript and directly chose Qin Dapeng. There was no surprise. Feel.

But now Minister Zhang went back on his word, which suddenly made him feel bad and began to worry.

However, the official level is overwhelming. Minister Zhang has already spoken. What can he, a small director, say

"Young man, sit down and let me watch slowly!"

Minister Zhang put on his reading glasses, asked Nie Cai to sit down, and then started to read Nie Cai's manuscript.

As he watched, his expression became more and more serious.

Qin Dapeng scratched his head and scratched his head anxiously, not knowing what Minister Zhang meant!

In his heart, he hoped that Minister Zhang would just show up and choose his manuscript in the end.

But... soon, he became disappointed.

Suddenly, the serious smile on Minister Zhang's face finally relaxed.

"Yes, Reporter Nie, your manuscript has a strong sense of being on the scene. What's especially valuable is that you have a very good grasp of the scale."

A smile appeared on Minister Zhang's face and he said: "This article is very sensitive. The Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee means to control this degree. If I can only choose one of the two articles, then I think reporter Nie's article is better. A bargain."

He spoke very skillfully, even if he was biased towards Nie Cai, he still spoke in a very high-sounding way, worthy of being a propaganda cadre.

"Minister Zhang, don't worry. I know what should be written and what shouldn't be written."

Nie Cai glanced at Minister Zhang, showed a meaningful smile, and said.

Although this Minister Zhang is ridiculous, he still has basic professional skills after having been in this position for so long.

His comments were actually quite spot on, and what he said were the most outstanding aspects of Nie Cai's manuscript.

In fact, when he read Nie Cai's manuscript carefully just now, he mainly wanted to see if he would appear in the manuscript. Otherwise, he would not even read it and just decide on Nie Cai's manuscript.

That night, Nie Cai broke into the villa, destroyed the party scene, made him flee, and even held him hostage at gunpoint as a shield. Minister Zhang was originally filled with resentment towards Nie Cai.

However, when he learned what happened next, he was shocked by Nie Cai's energy behind the scenes.

The Tang Group was destroyed overnight, and the aftermath of what Nie Cai did last night was eliminated one by one. Without tremendous energy, this would not be possible.

This Tang Group has been operating in city n for so many years. It is intricately connected and has a dense network of connections. How many powerful people must be able to uproot them overnight

At his level, he could only vaguely understand that the people dealing with the Tang Group seemed to be from the capital. As for his background, that was not something he could know.

He himself was a slut, and had some involvement with the Tang Group, otherwise he would not have been sent by the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee to deal with this offending matter. He did not expect to meet Nie Cai at this time, if there were not so many people present. , I'm afraid he has already become brothers with Nie Cai.

And, the most important thing, after Nie Cai "used" him that night, he at least drove him out of the wilderness and gave him a blanket, avoiding his fate of freezing to death in the wild.

Speaking of which, Nie Cai actually helped him, otherwise he would have been miserable that night.

"Okay, since Minister Zhang has given the instructions, then we will do it according to Minister Zhang's words."

Director Liao on the side finally spoke and said.

He was choked by Minister Zhang with a dark face just now, and he was a little annoyed in his heart. He didn't say much, but at this time, as the leader of the x provincial TV station, he still had to express his position.

"No, my manuscript clearly has a contemporaneous sound..."

Qin Dapeng gritted his teeth, with a look of dissatisfaction on his face.

The cooked duck just flew away. The development of things was so unexpected.

He thought that his father had already said hello to Minister Zhang and everything would be over, but he didn't expect that the final result would be like this.

Nie Cai won the opportunity to report this news, but he could only leave in despair.

He couldn't beat him in basketball, couldn't win over women, couldn't even win over him for manuscripts. This Nie Cai seemed to be against him in every aspect, and he seemed to be defeated at every turn.

Could it be...that he was really his nemesis

Qin Dapeng was a little unconvinced and wanted to argue. He finally tried his best, but Director Qian secretly pulled the corner of his clothes and stopped him.

Director Qian is not good at business, but he knows more about people and world than Qin Dapeng.

The two highest-ranking leaders present have already made their decision. It is a certainty that Nie Cai's manuscript will be used for this news. Even if Qin Dapeng is not convinced, there is nothing he can do.

"Minister Zhang, after you have finished reviewing the manuscript, you still need to review the news into the film. It will probably take about an hour. Why don't you come and sit in my office?"

Director Qian observed the words and expressions and said quickly.

"Okay, I'll excuse you then. I'll help the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee. Of course, I will do my best and resolutely put an end to any behavior that ends in an anticlimax."

Minister Zhang nodded and spoke righteously.

That's what he had in mind. It would be best to review the finished news film together. After all, he was also involved in what happened that night. What if he was in the camera

Although Nie Cai's words just now gave him a hint that he should write what should be rewritten and should not write what shouldn't be written, he was probably the one he was talking about.

But he was still a little worried. If his camera accidentally appeared, it would be tragic. This was a major event related to his career in life, so he couldn't be careless!