An Eye for News

Chapter 202: Beat him into a dog


"Don't mess around. If you mess around again, I'll call the police!"

Zhuo Wei's expression changed, he hurriedly took out his mobile phone and said.

He has been a paparazzi for so long and has encountered many dangers, but nothing like this.

But just as he took out his phone, he saw the actor surnamed W's hand probe like lightning, and Zhuo Wei's iPhone 6 was immediately caught in his hand.

"I ask you again, give me the photo, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

The male star named W had a ferocious expression on his face and growled.

"Brother W, if you have something to say, let's not quarrel. It won't look good!"

Zhuo Wei still remained calm, but his voice was trembling.

I finally managed to capture some breaking news, but in this situation, even my own personal safety is not guaranteed, so it would be strange not to panic!

"You know what's going on!"

The actor surnamed W snorted coldly and his face became slightly better.

However, at this moment, Zhuo Wei suddenly moved, jumped into the car, and slammed the door!

What he just said was just to stabilize the other party, but the real purpose was to escape from here.

As long as he can leave here and send out the photos from the camera, the actor named W will probably be ruined from now on.

But there is a premise for this, that is, he has to leave here!

"Hurry up, don't care about the BMW in front of you, just drive him away and hit him!"

Zhuo Wei's voice was urgent and he yelled at the driver.

The road in the small street is very narrow, only one car can pass through, but if you squeeze in, you can still get out regardless of the scratches of the car.

At this time, Zhuo Wei couldn't care about the car anymore. Rushing out was Zhuo Wei's only way to survive.

Boom boom…

The driver also knew that the situation was urgent, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and the black off-road vehicle rushed out like an arrow from the string.

However, just when his car started, he heard a loud bang!

The actor surnamed W shouted loudly, jumped suddenly, and jumped onto the front of Zhuo Wei's car.

He was holding an iPhone 6 in his hand, with a ferocious expression on his face, and punched the windshield hard.


As expected of a martial arts star, this punch was so powerful that it smashed the hard car windshield into pieces.


The female assistant in the car screamed and fainted from fright.

"It's not that easy to leave!"

The actor surnamed W said ferociously, twisted his arm, and directly twisted off the car key.


After being forcibly stalled, the car immediately lost control and hit the curb hard, probably quite badly.

However, the actor surnamed W did a somersault lightly, rolled over from the car, and landed firmly on the ground.

"This time, let me see how you leave?"

The actor surnamed W snorted coldly and threw the twisted iPhone 6 to the ground.


The iPhone 6 was smashed on the windshield just now. It was already very twisted, but this time it was broken into two pieces.

"I tell you that you are awesome. Weren't you awesome just now? You are the king of paparazzi. I will beat you like a dog today. Kneel down and lick my toes!"

Looking at the people of Fengxing Studio staggering around in the car, the actor surnamed W showed a sneer on his face: "Haha... these people are not allowed to leave, catch them and give them a beating first!"

*A moment is worth a thousand dollars. Just now, he was interrupted by these paparazzi while the car was shaking*. This made him even more angry and wanted to teach the other party a lesson.

Following his order, the four or five bodyguards responded in unison and rushed over menacingly.

"He is not one of ours, he just happened to meet him... Every wrong has its owner, every debt has its owner. If you have the ability, come to me!"

Zhuo Wei walked out of the car with his head in his hands and said to the actor named W.

There was a trace of blood on his forehead and a piece of glass shards on his body, which must have been the injury he sustained when he broke the windshield just now.

This Zhuo Wei was quite moral. At least he could remember to say a word to Nie Cai without dragging him into trouble.

"Nonsense. I saw it just now. You guys were whispering there early in the morning. Do you think I would believe it?"

But the actor surnamed W didn't believe Zhuo Wei's words at all and retorted.

He had just seen Nei Cai and Zhuo Wei together in the BMW. At this late hour, there were almost no other people in the street. How could such a coincidence happen

"I'm sorry for causing trouble for you..."

Zhuo Wei smiled bitterly and said helplessly to Nie Cai.

He is now a Clay Bodhisattva and cannot save himself when crossing the river. The most he can do is help Nie Cai get here.

"It's okay, this is fate. Their fate is not good."

Nie Cai said with a strange expression.

He couldn't stand what this male star named W did, but now that he dared to do something to him, he finally couldn't help it anymore.

Originally, if the actor surnamed W had asked Nie Cai to leave long ago, he would not have cared about this matter, but this group of people regarded Nie Cai as someone from Fengxing Studio and did not let Nie Cai leave at all.

If they offend Nie Cai, they will be in trouble for eight lifetimes!

"You still dare to talk nonsense? I'm not afraid of the strong night wind blowing my tongue. Boy, you can stay here too!"

One of the bulky bodyguards sneered, opened his hands and suddenly grabbed Nie Cai, obviously thinking that Nie Cai was from Fengxing Studio.

"You are mistaken, they and I are just walking together, not a group!"

Nie Cai sighed helplessly and explained.

"Our boss said that you should be beaten first and then beaten into a dog. I don't care who you are!"

But the other party obviously wouldn't listen to Nie Cai's explanation, but still grabbed Nie Cai's shoulder.

For these bodyguards, the boss's words are orders, and he doesn't bother to care about Nie Cai's identity!

"court death!"

Nie Cai snorted and narrowed his eyes slightly.

This bodyguard's skills can only be described as mediocre and ordinary. He only relies on his brute strength and is not something to be feared at all.

He took a step forward, grabbed the bodyguard's forearm with one move, and slammed his shoulder into the other person's heart.


The bodyguard immediately lost his balance, screamed like a slaughtered pig, and fell hard to the ground.

When the other bodyguards saw their companions being knocked down, they immediately roared, changed their targets, and rushed towards Nie Cai.

"Come on, let's settle it together!"

Nie Cai snorted coldly and said.

It was just these three or four little guys, and he didn't take them seriously at all.

He wouldn't be afraid if dozens of people besieged Nie Cai, let alone just a few people here

His eyes narrowed slightly, and immediately, the movements of these people slowed down in Nie Cai's eyes, as if they were in slow motion and ridiculous.

He turned slightly to avoid the punch from the bodyguard at the front, and then hit him in the waist with an elbow.


The bodyguard groaned, twisted his waist and fell to the ground full of glass shards.

Nie Cai didn't stop and focused on the other bodyguard.

He lowered his head, dodged the bodyguard's leg sweep, raised his shoulder, knocked the bodyguard off his back, and hit the bodyguard behind him.

In just a few seconds, Nie Cai had already put all the bodyguards to the ground before even the actor surnamed W or Zhuo Wei could react.

"How can this be!"

Zhuo Wei's face was full of disbelief and he said in surprise.

He originally thought that Nie Cai was just a passerby, but he didn't expect that Nie Cai suddenly became violent and instantly knocked all the bodyguards to the ground.

Is that human being

Zhuo Wei is a little sober now. Fortunately, he has been talking to Nie Cai and did not offend Nie Cai. Otherwise, he doesn't know what the consequences will be.

"Good guy, I didn't expect that I actually misjudged you. You are also a practitioner?"

The actor surnamed w frowned slightly and snorted coldly.

To knock down three or four big men in an instant may seem amazing, but in the eyes of a true master, it is nothing.

He is an authentic lay disciple of the Shaolin Temple, and he is very good at practicing kung fu. It's just that the comedy movies he acted in were so popular that they obscured this fact.

If he really wants to fight, his kung fu is definitely one of the best among martial arts stars, much better than many flashy martial arts stars on the screen.

"I've seen your movie, but I didn't expect that I was mistaken. You are actually a scum!"

Nie Cai snorted coldly and said sarcastically.

He had seen the movie of the actor surnamed w, and he had a lot of fun with the silly performance in it, but when he really saw his realistic side, Nie Cai was very disappointed.

A star must not only have acting skills, but also artistic ethics. Only with both virtue and art can one be considered a successful artist.

Even if the actor surnamed W had an affair and was shaken in a car, after being photographed by people from Fengxing Studio, he still wanted to use violence against others. What is the difference between this and a gangster

"What did you say? Who are you? It's not my turn to teach you a lesson!"

The expression of the actor surnamed W suddenly changed, and he said viciously: "As I said just now, you paparazzi are the most hateful people. If I don't beat you like dogs tonight and kneel down to lick my feet, I won't be named W!"

Even though he pretends to be stupid on the screen and looks like a living treasure, in reality he is a very famous person and behaves very domineeringly.

Now Nie Cai actually dared to call him a scum in front of him, which immediately made him furious.

"Anyway, we are all practicing, so let's practice hard and see who is teaching whom?"

The actor surnamed W gave a low scold, stretched out his hand like lightning, pressed his thumb on his palm, clasped his wrist with four fingers, and grabbed Nie Cai's chest like an eagle's claws.

"Good skill!"

Nie Cai's expression changed slightly and he couldn't help but say.

He used his arm to take a step back, avoiding the sharp edge of his claw.

As soon as an expert takes action, he will know if there is any. This male star named W really has real skills.

Nie Cai has encountered so many enemies, and the one that he feels is the biggest threat so far is probably Xu Jinfeng, or Wu Bin, who is not injured, should also be considered one.

But the skill of this actor surnamed W is even better than that of Xu Jinfeng. This grabbing movement is so fast that Nie Cai's slow motion can hardly be seen clearly!


Nie Cai only felt a strong force coming from his arm. This force was extremely strong, as if he had been hit by a car. Nie Cai immediately groaned and took several steps back before stopping. Come down!