An Eye for News

Chapter 203: Apologize


"What a boy, you can actually block one of my moves!"

The actor surnamed W said with a slightly surprised look on his face.

He was still very confident in his own skills. Just now he thought he could take down Nie Cai with one move, but Nie Cai actually blocked it.

However, the actor surnamed W didn't take it seriously. In other words, with his skills, he could almost arrogantly surpass most people, and he was never afraid of anyone in a fight.

He moved his hands and feet and walked towards Nie Cai with a sneer.

But at this moment, he suddenly discovered that Zhuo Wei next to him was secretly holding up a camera, as if he was preparing to take pictures.

Nonsense, they have already broken their skins anyway. Actor surnamed W was found in Che Zhen and beat the paparazzi out of embarrassment. How could he let this kind of news go

"I'll take a photo of you. I hate you paparazzi the most!"

He suddenly became furious and kicked Zhuo Wei fiercely beside him.


There was a muffled sound, and the SLR camera in Zhuo Wei's hand was immediately kicked away, smashed to the ground, and shattered into pieces.

He was extremely skilled, and his kick was so hard that it could break even a stone, let alone a camera.

Fortunately, the actor surnamed W only kicked the camera. If he had kicked Zhuo Wei, he might have broken his wrist directly.

"Ah, my camera!"

Seeing tens of thousands of SLR cameras being kicked to pieces, Zhuo Wei's face turned green.

He doesn't care about his camera, he still cares about the photos in the camera. What if the photos in it are gone

Regardless of the cold ground, Zhuo Wei quickly lay down on the ground and searched everywhere for the camera memory card.

"Don't worry, it's just a camera, I can still afford it... including your medical expenses!"

The actor named w laughed and said nonchalantly.

Nie Cai became furious when he saw the camera being kicked to pieces by the actor surnamed W.

This camera was the only modern camera he had ever seen that shone like gold. He even planned to help Zhuo Wei and let him resell it to him, but it was too overbearing to just kick it to pieces.

Nie Cai narrowed his eyes slightly and rushed towards the man named W.

"court death!"

The actor surnamed W snorted coldly, clasped his claws and grabbed Nie Cai's shoulders.


Nie Cai's ears heard a sound of breaking through the air. His grasp was very fierce. If Nie Cai was caught firmly, this shoulder would probably be removed.

Nie Cai's shoulders sank, but his movements were still half a minute slower. The actor surnamed W caught him in his clothes, and a hole was immediately torn out.

"It's now!"

Nie Cai's heart moved, he ran into the arms of the male star named W, raised his shoulder and hit him hard in the heart!


The other party reacted very quickly, held up his hands, blocked the vital part of his heart, and took a step back with the help.

But at this time, he felt a pain in his hand.

He looked down and found that an extra piece of glass had appeared on his hand. The piece of glass had a sharp shape and penetrated deeply into his palm, dripping with blood.

"When... did you get the glass?"

The actor surnamed W looked surprised, took a few steps back, and said in great surprise.

He could see clearly just now that Nie Cai's hands were empty just now. Where could he be holding any glass

However, Nie Cai stabbed him, and the glass penetrated deeply into the palm of his left hand, piercing his palm in half, which immediately compromised his skill.

"Sword in the Palm, have you heard of it?"

Nie Cai casually made up some nonsense and said.

This actor surnamed W is extremely skilled. Nie Cai would never be able to defeat him using normal means.

But Nie Cai has the dimensional storage component as a big killer. When he lowered his head and shoulders just now, he used the dimensional storage component to collect a piece of glass from the ground. This piece of glass is the windshield of Zhuo Wei's car. It has a sharp shape. This time it came in handy.

If you calculate with intention but without intention, it would be strange if the opponent doesn't fall for the trick!

"Damn it, you actually dare to use dirty tricks?"

The actor surnamed W was so angry that he was shaking all over. He pulled out the glass from his left palm, and blood suddenly poured out of his palm.

He tore off a piece of fabric from his T-shirt, randomly wrapped it twice around his hand, and then slashed with his left hand towards Nie Caidang's chest.

Although his left hand was injured, it did not affect his performance at all, but instead inspired him to be more fierce.

Just now he was still cautious in his actions, but at this time he couldn't care about so much and took action without any reservation.

He used his mother's hard skills with this palm to hit Nie Cai's vitals. If Nie Cai was hit by this palm, he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die!

However, Nie Cai remained calm, with a sarcastic look on his face.

This actor surnamed W may have good skills, even better than Xu Jinfeng, but his actual combat experience is too poor.

Xu Jinfeng has developed his skills on the edge of life and death, and his moves are weird and changeable, but this actor surnamed W is all about hard and short fighting, and it is very easy to catch his routine.

To put it nicely, this kind of Kung Fu means that it is strong and powerful, but to put it badly, it means to fight blindly, like a bull, never looking back until it hits the wall.

Nie Cai's eyes narrowed slightly, and the action of the actor surnamed W immediately slowed down.

Nie Cai turned his hand over, and a sharp piece of glass instantly appeared in his hand and inserted into the opponent's palm with a sneer.

The actor surnamed W snorted, took a few steps back, looked up at the glass in his hand, a look of horror on his face.

He boasted that he was one of the best in the entertainment industry in martial arts, and that he could compete with ordinary people for fun. But what he didn't expect was that today he would fall into the hands of such an unknown person.

He made the same mistake twice, but he couldn't even see clearly how Nie Cai did it.

Nie Cai's hands were obviously empty, but the next moment, a sharp piece of glass appeared out of thin air and pierced his palms.

This is incredible!

"You actually used dirty tricks, you don't follow the rules of the world!"

The actor surnamed W covered his bloody hands and said in shock and anger.

Both hands were crippled, and he couldn't use half of his kung fu, let alone Nie Cai's opponent.

"The rules of the martial arts world? I'm not from your martial arts world, so why should I bother you about these things?"

Nie Cai sneered, he didn't bother to talk about the rules of the world.

Besides, when the male star with the surname W just called his bodyguards to rush over, did he ever talk about any rules in the world

Nie Cai moved, rushed over, and punched the opponent in the chest.

The actor surnamed W had his hands injured, and he was afraid that Nie Cai would continue to take out the glass and stab him, so he became timid.

As the saying goes, hands are two doors. Without these two doors, how can you block Nie Cai's attack

There was a bang, and Nie Cai's skillless punch hit him firmly in the chest, causing him to grunt and stumble back.

After all, Nie Cai has the bonus of slow motion. Even if there is no trick, the force of this punch is not light.

"Okay... you are cruel today, I will admit defeat today!"

The actor surnamed W covered his chest, his expression changed, and he said.

If you are not as skilled as others, you can only admit defeat. Is it embarrassing to stay here if you don’t leave at this time

But how could Nie Cai be willing to let him go? He pointed at Zhuo Wei's car and sneered: "You broke someone's car and smashed their phone. Do you just want to leave like this?"

Nie Cai got angry when he mentioned this. For him, this camera was a very rare thing, but he didn't expect that the other party would attack it so harshly and suddenly.

Before he could react, the camera was kicked to pieces and fell into pieces. It was too fast.

"I'll compensate, I'll compensate the head office..."

The actor surnamed W said with a sad face.

Anyway, his salary over the years has not been low, so he can still afford it.

"Who just said that you should beat the paparazzi into dogs? You celebrities, relying on your own big name, don't take other people's paparazzi seriously, and don't even have a trace of respect... Don't you think you should apologize to others?"

Nie Cai snorted coldly and said.

Zhuo Wei's performance just now impressed him. It was precisely because of him that Nie Cai gained a new understanding of the paparazzi industry.

Paparazzi also have dignity. After all, they are all colleagues. Nie Cai can't stand seeing his colleagues being insulted.


The actor named w was startled, as if he didn't expect Nie Cai to make such a request.

He has been a star for so long, and he doesn't care about these paparazzi. It would be good if he doesn't hit them. As for respect? It never occurred to him.

"Why, don't you want to?"

Nie Cai frowned slightly and said to him: "Brother Zhuo, you're welcome, shoot quickly!"

He was also helping Zhuo Wei, and Nie Cai was just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously. Anyway, the reputation of the actor named W was already bad, and the report about beating the paparazzi was nothing.

The W star actor had a late-night tryst on the street and was beaten by an entertainment reporter after being caught

It is estimated that after tonight's incident spreads out, this W star actor's stardom will be ruined!

"Okay...I'll do it, I'll do it."

The actor surnamed W made a bitter face and said to Zhuo Wei: "Mr. Zhuo, I was wrong about what happened tonight. Please forgive me. I will pay for the cost of the car and camera, absolutely every cent..."

He thought for a moment, sighed and said, "However, Mr. Zhuo, one person is responsible for one person's work. Please be kind to the woman in the car and let her go. After all, it's all my fault!"

Nie Cai was slightly startled. He didn't expect that the actor named W was actually a man, and he wanted to think about him at this time.

From this point of view, he at least has some redeeming qualities. He is ruthless without lifting his pants and is rotten to the core!

But Zhuo Wei thought about it, nodded, and said, "Okay, if you speak nicely, I'm not unkind... I promise you, I won't reveal this woman's name."

The woman in the car is also a small model, somewhat famous, and has been fooling around with the male star named W for a while. If it is revealed, it should make the news more explosive.

It's okay if the male star named W cheats on her and gets into a car accident. After all, he is a man and has a higher tolerance for such things. But for women, no matter if their stardom is ruined, their lives will also be ruined.

Zhuo Wei agreed not to reveal her name because of the other party's consideration. The paparazzi are not mercenary and inhumane.

When Zhuo Wei agreed, the actor surnamed W also breathed a sigh of relief. It is better to be unlucky by one person than by two people.