An Eye for News

Chapter 206: Pressure the formation


Nie Cai drove back to the city and was about to go back to catch up on his sleep. Unexpectedly, his cell phone rang.

"Shen Lan, what does she want from me?"

Nie Cai originally thought it was Li Wei, but he didn't expect it to be Shen Lan.

"Hello... Nie Cai? It's me, Shen Lan... I'm sorry to disturb you on the weekend. Are you busy now?"

Shen Lan's voice seemed a little hesitant, and his words were hesitant.

Nie Cai was a little strange and said, "I'm not busy. What can I do?"

"It's like this. I have a friend who had some kind of micro-plastic surgery done in a beauty salon. As a result, something happened now. Her face was swollen and thin at the same time. So I had to find this beauty salon. I wanted to expose it, but I don't have any experience in making secret visits. , I’m a little scared to go alone…”

Shen Lan said with some embarrassment: "So I just want to ask you for a favor. If you can come with me, at least I can feel safer."

She didn't have many friends on the provincial TV station, so when she encountered this incident, she immediately thought of Nie Cai.

Although Nie Cai is a newcomer to the x provincial TV station, he has much more interview experience than her. He can almost be said to have been through all the dragons and tigers' dens. With Nie Cai in charge, a small beauty salon should not be a problem.

"Okay, I always encourage you to break through yourself and try more news topics. This is a good thing!"

Nie Cai didn't hesitate and agreed immediately.

He is currently worried that he has no work and cannot earn news points. Why not take advantage of the opportunity that comes to his door

After redeeming the phase invisibility component, Nie Cai's news points became clean again, and he urgently needed to earn some more news points.

Nie Cai's current news points gap is too big, and many components are still waiting to be upgraded. It would be nice to earn more. Anyway, the more news points the better, so it won't hurt even if he doesn't need to save them.

"Thank you then, shall we meet on stage later?"

Shen Lan's voice was obviously full of surprise, as if he didn't expect Nie Cai to agree so simply, and he said quickly.

"It's okay, why don't I go pick you up directly."

Nie Cai asked for the address of Shen Lan's home. It happened that the community where Shen Lan lived was not far from his location, so he went directly to pick up Shen Lan.

Shen Lan lived in an ordinary community in City N. Nie Cai had arrived at the entrance of the community in less than ten minutes after driving.

"Xiao Shen, it's over here!"

Nie Cai's sharp eyes saw Shen Lan standing at the door. He quickly stopped the car and greeted her.

Shen Lan has a delicate face. She must have dressed up carefully before going out to look beautiful.

The weather is getting warmer. He wore a white dress today and carried a pink Diorlady bag on his shoulders. In addition to a full set of necklaces and rings, he also wore a Ferragamo colored diamond-encrusted watch. It looked like Very noble.

Shen Lan was originally a host, so she must have a good foundation, but after becoming a reporter, her makeup was mainly simple and elegant. This was the first time Nie Cai saw her like this, and he couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

"Nie Cai, have you changed cars again?"

Shen Lan looked at Nie Cai's silver-gray Porsche Panamera and said in surprise.

"My friend's car... has only been driven for a day or two."

Nie Cai smiled and said, "Your outfit is not bad at all. It's so shiny that it makes me dizzy."

"It turns out you are the rich man. You don't know that I got this outfit from several of my best friends. The fee threshold of that beauty salon is not low. If I were naked, people might not pay attention to me today..."

Shen Lan's eyes lit up, he opened the car door and got in.

There was another reason why she originally invited Nie Cai, and that was because the Tesla he drove was somewhat of a luxury car, so he would not be looked down upon when going to the beauty salon.

After all, the people who go to that beauty salon are women with money and leisure, and they won't bother to accommodate those who drive too bad cars.

Unexpectedly, Nie Cai drove a Porsche today, which was an unexpected surprise.

"We went to a place called Biyan Beauty Club today. My best friend got an injection of hyaluronic acid at his house last time. As a result, her face became crooked within a week. When I went to them, they didn't pay attention at all. They just kept talking. You have no choice but to find me. My friend bought me the latest foreign lipstick-type candid camera. All you need to do is cover me when you go there. I feel that I can feel more at ease with a companion... "

Shen Lan seized the time and introduced the target of today's unannounced visit in the car.

It turned out that Shen Lan had a best friend who was from a fairly good family. He couldn't stand the overwhelming advertisements for micro-plastic surgery in his circle of friends, so he was tricked into going to this "Biyan Beauty Club". Unexpectedly, he paid too much money and was almost disfigured after a week. Fortunately, I went to a regular hospital for timely surgery and cleaning, so my face was not completely disfigured, but at least I had to recover for a long time.

Her friend was so angry that she went to a beauty salon to argue. However, how could the other party admit that it was a personal physical problem? They refused to admit that there was something wrong with her beauty injections, so she thought of going to the reporter Shen Lan. , completely exposed this black-hearted beauty salon.

"Wait... I'm going with you, so what's my identity?"

Nie Cai suddenly remembered something and asked.

"The only one who can accompany me to the beauty salon is my boyfriend. I'll go in and have a look inside. I won't do any real beauty treatments. I'll be out soon!"

Shen Lan's face turned slightly red and he said.

Who would go to the beauty salon with me if I wasn't a boyfriend and girlfriend

Nie Cai smiled awkwardly, why did he ask this? Aren't you asking for embarrassment

The atmosphere in the car suddenly became a little awkward, and soon the beauty salon Shen Lan mentioned arrived.

Bi Yan Beauty Club.

This beauty salon is splendid and luxuriously decorated, and it seems that the consumption level inside is not low.

Nie Cai naturally helped Shen Lan carry her bag and entered the revolving door of the beauty club with her. A woman in uniform greeted her with a smile.

"Hello, welcome to our Biyan Beauty Club, how can I help you?"

This staff member seems to have been well trained, and his tone and body are very elegant, which makes people feel very comfortable.

"I heard from my friends that the micro plastic surgery done here is very good. I am a little dissatisfied with the shape of my face and want to give it a try here!"

Shen Lan rushed to say that she and Nie Cai had made an appointment, and she would do the talking in the beauty salon, and Nie Cai would just be a mute.

After all, as a male, Nie Cai was definitely not as knowledgeable about beauty as Shen Lan. Speaking rashly would reveal his flaws and make the other party suspicious.

"Ma'am, you are so discerning. Our micro-plastic surgery here uses Korean technology. No need to use a knife. You will scream once you get an injection. It only takes lunch time. It is called 'lunch beauty' by most female friends." , absolutely non-toxic and has no side effects... Come on, I'll take you in to find out more."

As if sensing that business was coming, the staff member suddenly became extremely enthusiastic and walked inside with Shen Lan.

The beauty who welcomed the guests memorized the introduction very smoothly and looked very professional. Coupled with the luxurious decoration of this beauty salon, it really looked very formal. No wonder Shen Lan's best friend was deceived by them and invested almost 100,000 yuan. When I entered, I almost ended up disfigured.

Nie Cai naturally wanted to follow Shen Lan in, but when Nie Cai reached the door of the corridor, a woman at the front desk stopped Nie Cai.

"Sorry, sir, men are not allowed here."

The woman at the front desk looked at Nie Cai with an unkind expression and said.

She pointed to a big sign on the wall, which indeed said "No entry for men."

"What, are you trying to engage in sex discrimination?"

Nie Cai frowned and asked.

Seeing that Shen Lan had entered the beauty salon with the greeter in front of him, Nie Cai couldn't help but feel anxious.

Shen Lan was in front. Hearing the conversation between Nie Cai and the people at the beauty salon, his body visibly stiffened.

"I'm a little scared. Can I go in with my boyfriend?"

She quickly turned back, grabbed Nie Cai's hand, and said nervously.

This was Shen Lan's first unannounced visit. Without Nie Cai's support, it would be strange for her not to be afraid.

But the woman at the front desk shook her head and said: "Sir, I'm sorry, there are many women doing body care projects in our club. For the sake of privacy, we prohibit men from entering. This is not gender discrimination." , you see, banning men from the women’s restroom can’t be said to be sexist, right?”

"Well, in that case, you should come with your best friend next time. I can't help you."

Seeing the other party's resolute attitude, Nie Cai had no choice but to sigh, look at Shen Lan helplessly, and hint.

If the other party won't let you in, there's no use coming here, so don't take any chances.

After all, this was Shen Lan's first time to conduct a secret visit and take photos. It would be terrible if he got nervous and made a mistake and was discovered by the other party.

"Forget it, I'd better go alone!"

However, to Nie Cai's expectation, Shen Lan seemed to think for a while, gritted his teeth, and said.

"I rely on you for everything on weekdays. Don't you always say that I'm a little woman? I'm just a micro-surgery. What are you afraid of?"

Shen Lan gritted his teeth and said.

Since Nie Cai couldn't help, she should go alone. Just pretend that she didn't find Nie Cai and come alone to make an unannounced visit.

Being a reporter is a matter of overcoming oneself. If you rely on others for everything and rely on others for protection, then what kind of reporter do you still have

"don't want!"

Nie Cai's expression changed slightly, and he wanted to grab Shen Lan's hand to tell her not to take risks.

But Shen Lan shook Nie Cai's hand away with force, and smiled at Nie Cai, as if he was comforting Nie Cai, and also seemed to be comforting himself: "Don't worry, it's just a smile. Just plastic surgery? Nothing will happen, just listen to my call!"

After saying this, Shen Lan entered the beauty salon together with the receptionist lady just now.

Nie Cai frowned slightly, this Shen Lan was too willful!

There are so many news clues. Since this news can't be done, then we can find another way. For example, we can start from his purchase channel, why do we have to hang him from a tree

This Shen Lan still has too little experience and is too young!