An Eye for News

Chapter 210: Escape from the pile of powder


I don't know whether Nie Cai should be grateful or helpless. The timing of his arrival was too coincidental.

If it were a step later, the technician at Biyan Beauty Club would probably find something left by Shen Lan when he was cleaning the room.

But what makes Nie Cai helpless is that although the thing has not been discovered yet, it is probably about to be discovered soon.

"Shen Lan said that the quilts and pillowcases in the beauty salon need to be changed. I'm afraid she will find something under the pillow later!"

Nie Cai's heart moved and he said secretly.

The woman hasn't seen what's under the pillow yet, but she will definitely find it when she changes her pillowcase.

It would be strange if she didn't become suspicious after seeing these things!

A lipstick camera, a purchase order, and a beauty injection are absolutely unusual for this kind of thing to appear here.

Anyone with even a little bit of brain would report it to the foreman. If she calls someone and delays her departure, and is stuck in this beauty salon... then her reputation will be ruined!

A well-known reporter sneaked into a beauty salon and spied on women in the name of interviews? Nie Cai couldn't even think about this situation...

A man appears in the spa room of a beauty salon, surrounded by women without clothes. At this time, you say that you are here for an unannounced visit. Does this make sense? It would be strange not to be scratched by the nails of an angry woman.

Scholars can be killed, but not humiliated. Nie Cai would rather fall into the tiger's den in the dragon pond and fight his way out than fall into this den of makeup and be regarded as a pervert sneaking in and peeping!


The woman changing the sheets shook, and suddenly, a piece of pink paper whirled down from the bed.

This was a pink piece of paper with the great leader's face printed on it. When this piece of paper appeared, it immediately attracted the woman's attention.

"Eh... Could it be that a guest left money here?"

She was holding the sheet in her hand, but her eyes were immediately attracted by the pink piece of paper, so much so that she didn't see the lipstick camera, purchase receipts, beauty injections and other gadgets on the bed at all.

In this world, there is no one who doesn't love money, not to mention that she is just a low-level technician in a beauty salon and can't make much money in a month. This hundred yuan is a complete windfall for her.

She quickly glanced at the door and found that no one was paying attention, so she stepped on the money, bent down and picked up the hundred-dollar bill on the ground.

This hundred yuan was naturally Nie Cai's masterpiece. Everyone in the beauty salon was naked, and their things were stored in boxes. There was no place to put money. Who could leave money on the bed

"Well done, money is best at this time!"

Nie Cai's eyes lit up and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that the technician was about to discover something on the bedside, he immediately used the most attractive thing on his body to attract the other person's attention.

Facts have proved that Nie Cai was right. The lipstick camera, purchase receipts and beauty injections on the bedside were very obvious, but the technician turned a blind eye, as if he only had the pink piece of paper in his eyes.

"She didn't see it. Now..."

Nie Cai's heart moved, and he stretched out his hand towards the bed to grab it, and immediately activated the dimensional storage component.

The lipstick camera, purchase receipts and beauty injections placed on the bed disappeared out of thin air and were quietly put into Nie Cai's dimensional storage space.

The dimensional storage component and the phase cloaking component are a perfect match. Nie Cai easily put the things in without causing any movement.

The cleaner stood up again at this time and quietly put the banknotes in the collar of his work clothes.

This Biyan Beauty Club didn’t have a single pocket in the work clothes, and there was no place to put the money, so it had to be stuffed in the ditch.

"Finally got the thing!"

Nie Cai took a long breath and said.

With the most critical thing in his hand, his tense nerves finally relaxed a little.

But before he had to wait too long, he glanced at the numbers in his field of vision. He was immediately startled and felt nervous again!

“19… 18… 17… ”

The countdown of the phase cloaking component beat slowly but firmly, like a reminder.

In order to attract the attention of the technician just now and get the things, Nie Cai wasted a lot of time and completely failed to notice the countdown of the phase cloaking component.

When he saw the phase cloaking component again, he found that there was only a dozen seconds left.

If he doesn't hurry up and leave, when the phase invisibility time is over, he really won't be able to get out.

Nie Cai took a deep breath and quickly ran towards the door of the room.

Ten seconds is not a long time, but it is not a short time. If you don't hurry up, you may not be able to catch up.

It took Nie Cai about ten seconds to come in just now. If he goes out now, it should take a little faster.

The woman in the room was still putting money in her pocket and didn't notice anything strange happening in the room. Nie Cai quietly left the room and walked towards the spa room outside.

The spa room was still the same, with a group of beauties walking around topless, constantly trying out the treatments.

Nie Cai had no time to watch anymore at this time. The countdown of the phase cloaking component was running out, and it would be dangerous if he delayed any longer.

"ah… "

But at this moment, a scream suddenly came from the spa room, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

A staff member in uniform was pushing a cart of bottles and cans, which seemed to be essential oils, fragrances and the like. But for some reason, he suddenly slipped and fell to the ground.

This fall was good, and the small tin cart also fell down. A large number of bottles and cans fell to the ground with a clang, and colorful liquids immediately spilled all over the floor, making the ground a mess.

"What happened? You were so careless. What if you spilled it on your guests?"

Immediately, a woman who looked like a foreman came over, pointed at her and scolded her unceremoniously.

Although this basin of essential oil is mixed with water, it is not cheap even so. This staff member's slippage will probably have to deduct a lot of salary, and his face suddenly wrinkled like a bitter melon.

"Sorry, foreman, my foot sprained just now..."

The staff member lay on the ground in pain and said.

"Damn... you can't, right?"

When Nie Cai saw this, his heart suddenly sank.

This pot of essential oil was so immortal that it happened to be sprinkled at the door of the corridor, on the only way Nie Cai could leave this place!

Bottles and jars full of broken glass and various colorful essential oils blocked the entrance to the corridor. If Nie Cai rushed past, not only would it be easy to slip, but there would also be a lot of movement.

Although Nie Cai is invisible now, being invisible does not mean that Nie Cai can run around unscrupulously. After walking through this pile of colorful essential oils and spices, Nie Cai's soles will definitely be stained a lot.

Seeing a row of colorful footprints suddenly appear on the ground, it would be strange if the people at the beauty salon didn't notice it!

"Hurry up, clean it up, don't let the guests slip on it, especially the glass shards. If the guests scratch themselves, it will be on your head!"

The foreman was rude and pointed at the staff member with his hands on his hips and cursed.

After being reprimanded, the staff member pushing the trolley groaned, climbed up from the ground with difficulty, holding on to his waist, and limped to get the broom and mop.

After getting into such a big trouble, she didn't dare to refute, so she could only endure the pain and clean up the mess.

"What should I do? Could it be that this person knew I was coming out and deliberately stopped me..."

Nie Cai gritted his teeth and his heart suddenly sank.

This staff member was limping and moving very slowly.

But the countdown in Nie Cai's field of vision was still beating. The phase cloaking component only lasted for one minute in total. It had already taken a lot of time to get the things just now. Now if I delay for a while, the time will be even less.

"The phase cloaking component's time is too short, damn, if only it could be more than ten minutes!"

Nie Cai gritted his teeth and cursed secretly in his heart.

One minute is still too tight. Even if everything goes well, there won't be much time left to get everything, not to mention that Nie Cai has encountered so many accidents one after another.

Now Nie Cai can no longer afford it and can't leave. He is completely stuck here.

Not to mention that this staff member was limping and moving extremely slowly. Even if the staff member moved at the same speed as flying, there was no way to clear a path before Nie Cai's phase cloaking component lost its effect.

“12… 11… 10… 9… ”

Seeing that there were less than ten seconds left, Nie Cai became increasingly anxious.

The surrounding scenery gradually changed from blurry to clear, and the colors became colorful. This was a sign that the phase cloaking component was preparing to fail!

"No, we can't spend time here anymore... we have to leave quickly!"

Nie Cai glanced at the countdown and suddenly looked at a room next to him.

The door of the room next to it was half open, and there was no movement inside. It seemed to be an equipment room or something like that.

Seeing this equipment room, Nie Cai's heart moved and he immediately ran towards the equipment room!

"8… 7… 6… 5… 4… "

Seeing the countdown of the phase cloaking component gradually ending, Nie Cai's heart was beating faster and faster, almost almost jumping out of his chest.

"Hurry up!"

He was almost running with all his strength now, but he didn't dare to make too much noise in case anyone heard him.

Fortunately, the eyes of the people in the beauty salon were attracted by the essential oils and fragrances in that area, and they did not look carefully at other places. This undoubtedly gave Nie Cai a very precious opportunity.

"3... 2... 1!"

Nie Caidi jumped in as if running for his life!

"The phase invisibility is over and I am about to return to the main world..."

The powerful voice of the super news system sounded in Nie Cai's mind, and the countdown of the phase cloaking component finally jumped to 0.

At the same moment, Nie Cai felt that the scenery around him changed!

Things in the field of vision are no longer blurry, but become clear, and the colors are no longer dim, becoming normal.

The phase invisibility ended, and a figure gradually emerged from the air, reappearing in the world. It was the shocked Nie Cai.